import { parse, tokensToRegexp } from "next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp"; import { parse as parseURL } from "url"; import isError from "./is-error"; /** * If there is an error show our error link but still show original error or * a formatted one if we can */ function reportError({ route, parsedPath }, err) { let errMatches; if (isError(err) && (errMatches = err.message.match(/at (\d{0,})/))) { const position = parseInt(errMatches[1], 10); console.error(`\nError parsing \`${route}\` ` + `\n` + `Reason: ${err.message}\n\n` + ` ${parsedPath}\n` + ` ${new Array(position).fill(" ").join("")}^\n`); } else { console.error(`\nError parsing ${route}`, err); } } /** * Attempts to parse a given route with `path-to-regexp` and returns an object * with the result. Whenever an error happens on parse, it will print an error * attempting to find the error position and showing a link to the docs. When * `handleUrl` is set to `true` it will also attempt to parse the route * and use the resulting pathname to parse with `path-to-regexp`. */ export function tryToParsePath(route, options) { const result = { route, parsedPath: route }; try { if (options == null ? void 0 : options.handleUrl) { const parsed = parseURL(route, true); result.parsedPath = `${parsed.pathname}${parsed.hash || ""}`; } result.tokens = parse(result.parsedPath); result.regexStr = tokensToRegexp(result.tokens).source; } catch (err) { reportError(result, err); result.error = err; } return result; } //#