import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import * as Log from "../build/output/log"; import tar from "next/dist/compiled/tar"; const { fetch } = require("next/dist/compiled/undici"); const { WritableStream } = require("node:stream/web"); import { getRegistry } from "./helpers/get-registry"; import { getCacheDirectory } from "./helpers/get-cache-directory"; const MAX_VERSIONS_TO_CACHE = 8; async function extractBinary(outputDirectory, pkgName, tarFileName) { const cacheDirectory = getCacheDirectory("next-swc", process.env["NEXT_SWC_PATH"]); const extractFromTar = ()=>tar.x({ file: path.join(cacheDirectory, tarFileName), cwd: outputDirectory, strip: 1 }); if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(cacheDirectory, tarFileName))) {`Downloading swc package ${pkgName}...`); await fs.promises.mkdir(cacheDirectory, { recursive: true }); const tempFile = path.join(cacheDirectory, `${tarFileName}.temp-${}`); const registry = getRegistry(); const downloadUrl = `${registry}${pkgName}/-/${tarFileName}`; await fetch(downloadUrl).then((res)=>{ const { ok, body } = res; if (!ok || !body) { Log.error(`Failed to download swc package from ${downloadUrl}`); } if (!ok) { throw new Error(`request failed with status ${res.status}`); } if (!body) { throw new Error("request failed with empty body"); } const cacheWriteStream = fs.createWriteStream(tempFile); return body.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write (chunk) { cacheWriteStream.write(chunk); }, close () { cacheWriteStream.close(); } })); }); await fs.promises.rename(tempFile, path.join(cacheDirectory, tarFileName)); } await extractFromTar(); const cacheFiles = await fs.promises.readdir(cacheDirectory); if (cacheFiles.length > MAX_VERSIONS_TO_CACHE) { cacheFiles.sort((a, b)=>{ if (a.length < b.length) return -1; return a.localeCompare(b); }); // prune oldest versions in cache for(let i = 0; i++; i < cacheFiles.length - MAX_VERSIONS_TO_CACHE){ await fs.promises.unlink(path.join(cacheDirectory, cacheFiles[i])).catch(()=>{}); } } } export async function downloadNativeNextSwc(version, bindingsDirectory, triplesABI) { for (const triple of triplesABI){ const pkgName = `@next/swc-${triple}`; const tarFileName = `${pkgName.substring(6)}-${version}.tgz`; const outputDirectory = path.join(bindingsDirectory, pkgName); if (fs.existsSync(outputDirectory)) { // if the package is already downloaded a different // failure occurred than not being present return; } await fs.promises.mkdir(outputDirectory, { recursive: true }); await extractBinary(outputDirectory, pkgName, tarFileName); } } export async function downloadWasmSwc(version, wasmDirectory, variant = "nodejs") { const pkgName = `@next/swc-wasm-${variant}`; const tarFileName = `${pkgName.substring(6)}-${version}.tgz`; const outputDirectory = path.join(wasmDirectory, pkgName); if (fs.existsSync(outputDirectory)) { // if the package is already downloaded a different // failure occurred than not being present return; } await fs.promises.mkdir(outputDirectory, { recursive: true }); await extractBinary(outputDirectory, pkgName, tarFileName); } //#