export const NEXT_QUERY_PARAM_PREFIX = "nxtP"; export const PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_HEADER = "x-prerender-revalidate"; export const PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_ONLY_GENERATED_HEADER = "x-prerender-revalidate-if-generated"; export const NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER = "x-next-cache-tags"; export const NEXT_CACHE_SOFT_TAGS_HEADER = "x-next-cache-soft-tags"; export const NEXT_CACHE_REVALIDATED_TAGS_HEADER = "x-next-revalidated-tags"; export const NEXT_CACHE_REVALIDATE_TAG_TOKEN_HEADER = "x-next-revalidate-tag-token"; export const NEXT_CACHE_TAG_MAX_LENGTH = 256; export const NEXT_CACHE_SOFT_TAG_MAX_LENGTH = 1024; export const NEXT_CACHE_IMPLICIT_TAG_ID = "_N_T_"; // in seconds export const CACHE_ONE_YEAR = 31536000; // Patterns to detect middleware files export const MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME = "middleware"; export const MIDDLEWARE_LOCATION_REGEXP = `(?:src/)?${MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME}`; // Pattern to detect instrumentation hooks file export const INSTRUMENTATION_HOOK_FILENAME = "instrumentation"; // Because on Windows absolute paths in the generated code can break because of numbers, eg 1 in the path, // we have to use a private alias export const PAGES_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-pages"; export const DOT_NEXT_ALIAS = "private-dot-next"; export const ROOT_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-root-dir"; export const APP_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-app-dir"; export const RSC_MOD_REF_PROXY_ALIAS = "private-next-rsc-mod-ref-proxy"; export const RSC_ACTION_VALIDATE_ALIAS = "private-next-rsc-action-validate"; export const RSC_ACTION_PROXY_ALIAS = "private-next-rsc-action-proxy"; export const RSC_ACTION_CLIENT_WRAPPER_ALIAS = "private-next-rsc-action-client-wrapper"; export const PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT = `You can not have a '_next' folder inside of your public folder. This conflicts with the internal '/_next' route. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/public-next-folder-conflict`; export const SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT = `You can not use getInitialProps with getStaticProps. To use SSG, please remove your getInitialProps`; export const SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT = `You can not use getInitialProps with getServerSideProps. Please remove getInitialProps.`; export const SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT = `You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps`; export const STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR = `can not have getInitialProps/getServerSideProps, https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/404-get-initial-props`; export const SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR = `pages with \`getServerSideProps\` can not be exported. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/gssp-export`; export const GSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE = "Your `getStaticProps` function did not return an object. Did you forget to add a `return`?"; export const GSSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE = "Your `getServerSideProps` function did not return an object. Did you forget to add a `return`?"; export const UNSTABLE_REVALIDATE_RENAME_ERROR = "The `unstable_revalidate` property is available for general use.\n" + "Please use `revalidate` instead."; export const GSSP_COMPONENT_MEMBER_ERROR = `can not be attached to a page's component and must be exported from the page. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/gssp-component-member`; export const NON_STANDARD_NODE_ENV = `You are using a non-standard "NODE_ENV" value in your environment. This creates inconsistencies in the project and is strongly advised against. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/non-standard-node-env`; export const SSG_FALLBACK_EXPORT_ERROR = `Pages with \`fallback\` enabled in \`getStaticPaths\` can not be exported. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/ssg-fallback-true-export`; export const ESLINT_DEFAULT_DIRS = [ "app", "pages", "components", "lib", "src" ]; export const ESLINT_PROMPT_VALUES = [ { title: "Strict", recommended: true, config: { extends: "next/core-web-vitals" } }, { title: "Base", config: { extends: "next" } }, { title: "Cancel", config: null } ]; export const SERVER_RUNTIME = { edge: "edge", experimentalEdge: "experimental-edge", nodejs: "nodejs" }; /** * The names of the webpack layers. These layers are the primitives for the * webpack chunks. */ const WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES = { /** * The layer for the shared code between the client and server bundles. */ shared: "shared", /** * React Server Components layer (rsc). */ reactServerComponents: "rsc", /** * Server Side Rendering layer for app (ssr). */ serverSideRendering: "ssr", /** * The browser client bundle layer for actions. */ actionBrowser: "action-browser", /** * The layer for the API routes. */ api: "api", /** * The layer for the middleware code. */ middleware: "middleware", /** * The layer for assets on the edge. */ edgeAsset: "edge-asset", /** * The browser client bundle layer for App directory. */ appPagesBrowser: "app-pages-browser", /** * The server bundle layer for metadata routes. */ appMetadataRoute: "app-metadata-route", /** * The layer for the server bundle for App Route handlers. */ appRouteHandler: "app-route-handler" }; const WEBPACK_LAYERS = { ...WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES, GROUP: { server: [ WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.reactServerComponents, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.actionBrowser, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.appMetadataRoute, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.appRouteHandler ], nonClientServerTarget: [ // plus middleware and pages api WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.middleware, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.api ], app: [ WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.reactServerComponents, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.actionBrowser, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.appMetadataRoute, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.appRouteHandler, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.serverSideRendering, WEBPACK_LAYERS_NAMES.appPagesBrowser ] } }; const WEBPACK_RESOURCE_QUERIES = { edgeSSREntry: "__next_edge_ssr_entry__", metadata: "__next_metadata__", metadataRoute: "__next_metadata_route__", metadataImageMeta: "__next_metadata_image_meta__" }; export { WEBPACK_LAYERS, WEBPACK_RESOURCE_QUERIES }; //# sourceMappingURL=constants.js.map