import React from "react"; import { useRouter } from "./router"; const nextjsRouteAnnouncerStyles = { border: 0, clip: "rect(0 0 0 0)", height: "1px", margin: "-1px", overflow: "hidden", padding: 0, position: "absolute", top: 0, width: "1px", // whiteSpace: "nowrap", wordWrap: "normal" }; export const RouteAnnouncer = ()=>{ const { asPath } = useRouter(); const [routeAnnouncement, setRouteAnnouncement] = React.useState(""); // Only announce the path change, but not for the first load because screen // reader will do that automatically. const previouslyLoadedPath = React.useRef(asPath); // Every time the path changes, announce the new page’s title following this // priority: first the document title (from head), otherwise the first h1, or // if none of these exist, then the pathname from the URL. This methodology is // inspired by Marcy Sutton’s accessible client routing user testing. More // information can be found here: // React.useEffect(()=>{ // If the path hasn't change, we do nothing. if (previouslyLoadedPath.current === asPath) return; previouslyLoadedPath.current = asPath; if (document.title) { setRouteAnnouncement(document.title); } else { const pageHeader = document.querySelector("h1"); var _pageHeader_innerText; const content = (_pageHeader_innerText = pageHeader == null ? void 0 : pageHeader.innerText) != null ? _pageHeader_innerText : pageHeader == null ? void 0 : pageHeader.textContent; setRouteAnnouncement(content || asPath); } }, // TODO: switch to pathname + query object of dynamic route requirements [ asPath ]); return /*#__PURE__*/ React.createElement("p", { "aria-live": "assertive" // Make the announcement immediately. , id: "__next-route-announcer__", role: "alert", style: nextjsRouteAnnouncerStyles }, routeAnnouncement); }; export default RouteAnnouncer; //#