import { searchParamsToUrlQuery } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/querystring"; import { formatWithValidation } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/format-url"; import { omit } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/omit"; import { normalizeRepeatedSlashes } from "../shared/lib/utils"; import { normalizePathTrailingSlash } from "./normalize-trailing-slash"; import { isLocalURL } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/is-local-url"; import { isDynamicRoute } from "../shared/lib/router/utils"; import { interpolateAs } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/interpolate-as"; export function resolveHref(router, href, resolveAs) { // we use a dummy base url for relative urls let base; let urlAsString = typeof href === "string" ? href : formatWithValidation(href); // repeated slashes and backslashes in the URL are considered // invalid and will never match a Next.js page/file const urlProtoMatch = urlAsString.match(/^[a-zA-Z]{1,}:\/\//); const urlAsStringNoProto = urlProtoMatch ? urlAsString.slice(urlProtoMatch[0].length) : urlAsString; const urlParts = urlAsStringNoProto.split("?"); if ((urlParts[0] || "").match(/(\/\/|\\)/)) { console.error("Invalid href '" + urlAsString + "' passed to next/router in page: '" + router.pathname + "'. Repeated forward-slashes (//) or backslashes \\ are not valid in the href."); const normalizedUrl = normalizeRepeatedSlashes(urlAsStringNoProto); urlAsString = (urlProtoMatch ? urlProtoMatch[0] : "") + normalizedUrl; } // Return because it cannot be routed by the Next.js router if (!isLocalURL(urlAsString)) { return resolveAs ? [ urlAsString ] : urlAsString; } try { base = new URL(urlAsString.startsWith("#") ? router.asPath : router.pathname, "http://n"); } catch (_) { // fallback to / for invalid asPath values e.g. // base = new URL("/", "http://n"); } try { const finalUrl = new URL(urlAsString, base); finalUrl.pathname = normalizePathTrailingSlash(finalUrl.pathname); let interpolatedAs = ""; if (isDynamicRoute(finalUrl.pathname) && finalUrl.searchParams && resolveAs) { const query = searchParamsToUrlQuery(finalUrl.searchParams); const { result, params } = interpolateAs(finalUrl.pathname, finalUrl.pathname, query); if (result) { interpolatedAs = formatWithValidation({ pathname: result, hash: finalUrl.hash, query: omit(query, params) }); } } // if the origin didn't change, it means we received a relative href const resolvedHref = finalUrl.origin === base.origin ? finalUrl.href.slice(finalUrl.origin.length) : finalUrl.href; return resolveAs ? [ resolvedHref, interpolatedAs || resolvedHref ] : resolvedHref; } catch (_) { return resolveAs ? [ urlAsString ] : urlAsString; } } //#