import { addBasePath } from "./add-base-path"; import { interpolateAs } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/interpolate-as"; import getAssetPathFromRoute from "../shared/lib/router/utils/get-asset-path-from-route"; import { addLocale } from "./add-locale"; import { isDynamicRoute } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic"; import { parseRelativeUrl } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-relative-url"; import { removeTrailingSlash } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash"; import { createRouteLoader, getClientBuildManifest } from "./route-loader"; import { DEV_CLIENT_PAGES_MANIFEST, DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST } from "../shared/lib/constants"; class PageLoader { getPageList() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { return getClientBuildManifest().then((manifest)=>manifest.sortedPages); } else { if (window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST) { return window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST.pages; } else { this.promisedDevPagesManifest || (this.promisedDevPagesManifest = fetch(this.assetPrefix + "/_next/static/development/" + DEV_CLIENT_PAGES_MANIFEST).then((res)=>res.json()).then((manifest)=>{ window.__DEV_PAGES_MANIFEST = manifest; return manifest.pages; }).catch((err)=>{ console.log("Failed to fetch devPagesManifest:", err); throw new Error("Failed to fetch _devPagesManifest.json. Is something blocking that network request?\n" + "Read more:"); })); return this.promisedDevPagesManifest; } } } getMiddleware() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { const middlewareMatchers = process.env.__NEXT_MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS; window.__MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS = middlewareMatchers ? middlewareMatchers : undefined; return window.__MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS; } else { if (window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS) { return window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS; } else { if (!this.promisedMiddlewareMatchers) { // TODO: Decide what should happen when fetching fails instead of asserting // @ts-ignore this.promisedMiddlewareMatchers = fetch(this.assetPrefix + "/_next/static/" + this.buildId + "/" + DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST).then((res)=>res.json()).then((matchers)=>{ window.__DEV_MIDDLEWARE_MATCHERS = matchers; return matchers; }).catch((err)=>{ console.log("Failed to fetch _devMiddlewareManifest", err); }); } // TODO Remove this assertion as this could be undefined return this.promisedMiddlewareMatchers; } } } getDataHref(params) { const { asPath, href, locale } = params; const { pathname: hrefPathname, query, search } = parseRelativeUrl(href); const { pathname: asPathname } = parseRelativeUrl(asPath); const route = removeTrailingSlash(hrefPathname); if (route[0] !== "/") { throw new Error('Route name should start with a "/", got "' + route + '"'); } const getHrefForSlug = (path)=>{ const dataRoute = getAssetPathFromRoute(removeTrailingSlash(addLocale(path, locale)), ".json"); return addBasePath("/_next/data/" + this.buildId + dataRoute + search, true); }; return getHrefForSlug(params.skipInterpolation ? asPathname : isDynamicRoute(route) ? interpolateAs(hrefPathname, asPathname, query).result : route); } _isSsg(/** the route (file-system path) */ route) { return this.promisedSsgManifest.then((manifest)=>manifest.has(route)); } loadPage(route) { return this.routeLoader.loadRoute(route).then((res)=>{ if ("component" in res) { return { page: res.component, mod: res.exports, styleSheets:>({ href: o.href, text: o.content })) }; } throw res.error; }); } prefetch(route) { return this.routeLoader.prefetch(route); } constructor(buildId, assetPrefix){ this.routeLoader = createRouteLoader(assetPrefix); this.buildId = buildId; this.assetPrefix = assetPrefix; this.promisedSsgManifest = new Promise((resolve)=>{ if (window.__SSG_MANIFEST) { resolve(window.__SSG_MANIFEST); } else { window.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB = ()=>{ resolve(window.__SSG_MANIFEST); }; } }); } } export { PageLoader as default }; //#