import { removeTrailingSlash } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash"; import { parsePath } from "../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-path"; /** * Normalizes the trailing slash of a path according to the `trailingSlash` option * in `next.config.js`. */ export const normalizePathTrailingSlash = (path)=>{ if (!path.startsWith("/") || process.env.__NEXT_MANUAL_TRAILING_SLASH) { return path; } const { pathname, query, hash } = parsePath(path); if (process.env.__NEXT_TRAILING_SLASH) { if (/\.[^/]+\/?$/.test(pathname)) { return "" + removeTrailingSlash(pathname) + query + hash; } else if (pathname.endsWith("/")) { return "" + pathname + query + hash; } else { return pathname + "/" + query + hash; } } return "" + removeTrailingSlash(pathname) + query + hash; }; //#