/** * Before starting the Next.js runtime and requiring any module, we need to make * sure the following scripts are executed in the correct order: * - Polyfills * - next/script with `beforeInteractive` strategy */ const version = "13.5.6"; window.next = { version, appDir: true }; function loadScriptsInSequence(scripts, hydrate) { if (!scripts || !scripts.length) { return hydrate(); } return scripts.reduce((promise, param)=>{ let [src, props] = param; return promise.then(()=>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ const el = document.createElement("script"); if (props) { for(const key in props){ if (key !== "children") { el.setAttribute(key, props[key]); } } } if (src) { el.src = src; el.onload = ()=>resolve(); el.onerror = reject; } else if (props) { el.innerHTML = props.children; setTimeout(resolve); } document.head.appendChild(el); }); }); }, Promise.resolve()).catch((err)=>{ console.error(err); // Still try to hydrate even if there's an error. }).then(()=>{ hydrate(); }); } export function appBootstrap(callback) { loadScriptsInSequence(self.__next_s, ()=>{ callback(); }); } //# sourceMappingURL=app-bootstrap.js.map