/** * @license React * react-server-dom-turbopack-server.browser.development.js * * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { (function() { 'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); var ReactSharedInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; function error(format) { { { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } printWarning('error', format, args); } } } function printWarning(level, format, args) { // When changing this logic, you might want to also // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well. { var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum(); if (stack !== '') { format += '%s'; args = args.concat([stack]); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion var argsWithFormat = args.map(function (item) { return String(item); }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it // breaks IE9: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/13610 // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat); } } function scheduleWork(callback) { callback(); } var VIEW_SIZE = 512; var currentView = null; var writtenBytes = 0; function beginWriting(destination) { currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } function writeChunk(destination, chunk) { if (chunk.byteLength === 0) { return; } if (chunk.byteLength > VIEW_SIZE) { { if (precomputedChunkSet.has(chunk)) { error('A large precomputed chunk was passed to writeChunk without being copied.' + ' Large chunks get enqueued directly and are not copied. This is incompatible with precomputed chunks because you cannot enqueue the same precomputed chunk twice.' + ' Use "cloneChunk" to make a copy of this large precomputed chunk before writing it. This is a bug in React.'); } } // this chunk may overflow a single view which implies it was not // one that is cached by the streaming renderer. We will enqueu // it directly and expect it is not re-used if (writtenBytes > 0) { destination.enqueue(new Uint8Array(currentView.buffer, 0, writtenBytes)); currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } destination.enqueue(chunk); return; } var bytesToWrite = chunk; var allowableBytes = currentView.length - writtenBytes; if (allowableBytes < bytesToWrite.byteLength) { // this chunk would overflow the current view. We enqueue a full view // and start a new view with the remaining chunk if (allowableBytes === 0) { // the current view is already full, send it destination.enqueue(currentView); } else { // fill up the current view and apply the remaining chunk bytes // to a new view. currentView.set(bytesToWrite.subarray(0, allowableBytes), writtenBytes); // writtenBytes += allowableBytes; // this can be skipped because we are going to immediately reset the view destination.enqueue(currentView); bytesToWrite = bytesToWrite.subarray(allowableBytes); } currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } currentView.set(bytesToWrite, writtenBytes); writtenBytes += bytesToWrite.byteLength; } function writeChunkAndReturn(destination, chunk) { writeChunk(destination, chunk); // in web streams there is no backpressure so we can alwas write more return true; } function completeWriting(destination) { if (currentView && writtenBytes > 0) { destination.enqueue(new Uint8Array(currentView.buffer, 0, writtenBytes)); currentView = null; writtenBytes = 0; } } function close$1(destination) { destination.close(); } var textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); function stringToChunk(content) { return textEncoder.encode(content); } var precomputedChunkSet = new Set() ; function byteLengthOfChunk(chunk) { return chunk.byteLength; } function closeWithError(destination, error) { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] if (typeof destination.error === 'function') { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: This is an Error object or the destination accepts other types. destination.error(error); } else { // Earlier implementations doesn't support this method. In that environment you're // supposed to throw from a promise returned but we don't return a promise in our // approach. We could fork this implementation but this is environment is an edge // case to begin with. It's even less common to run this in an older environment. // Even then, this is not where errors are supposed to happen and they get reported // to a global callback in addition to this anyway. So it's fine just to close this. destination.close(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var CLIENT_REFERENCE_TAG = Symbol.for('react.client.reference'); var SERVER_REFERENCE_TAG = Symbol.for('react.server.reference'); function isClientReference(reference) { return reference.$$typeof === CLIENT_REFERENCE_TAG; } function isServerReference(reference) { return reference.$$typeof === SERVER_REFERENCE_TAG; } function registerClientReference(proxyImplementation, id, exportName) { return registerClientReferenceImpl(proxyImplementation, id + '#' + exportName, false); } function registerClientReferenceImpl(proxyImplementation, id, async) { return Object.defineProperties(proxyImplementation, { $$typeof: { value: CLIENT_REFERENCE_TAG }, $$id: { value: id }, $$async: { value: async } }); } // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] var FunctionBind = Function.prototype.bind; // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] var ArraySlice = Array.prototype.slice; function bind() { // $FlowFixMe[unsupported-syntax] var newFn = FunctionBind.apply(this, arguments); if (this.$$typeof === SERVER_REFERENCE_TAG) { var args = ArraySlice.call(arguments, 1); newFn.$$typeof = SERVER_REFERENCE_TAG; newFn.$$id = this.$$id; newFn.$$bound = this.$$bound ? this.$$bound.concat(args) : args; } return newFn; } function registerServerReference(reference, id, exportName) { return Object.defineProperties(reference, { $$typeof: { value: SERVER_REFERENCE_TAG }, $$id: { value: exportName === null ? id : id + '#' + exportName }, $$bound: { value: null }, bind: { value: bind } }); } var PROMISE_PROTOTYPE = Promise.prototype; var deepProxyHandlers = { get: function (target, name, receiver) { switch (name) { // These names are read by the Flight runtime if you end up using the exports object. case '$$typeof': // These names are a little too common. We should probably have a way to // have the Flight runtime extract the inner target instead. return target.$$typeof; case '$$id': return target.$$id; case '$$async': return target.$$async; case 'name': return target.name; case 'displayName': return undefined; // We need to special case this because createElement reads it if we pass this // reference. case 'defaultProps': return undefined; // Avoid this attempting to be serialized. case 'toJSON': return undefined; case Symbol.toPrimitive: // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] return Object.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive]; case 'Provider': throw new Error("Cannot render a Client Context Provider on the Server. " + "Instead, you can export a Client Component wrapper " + "that itself renders a Client Context Provider."); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion var expression = String(target.name) + '.' + String(name); throw new Error("Cannot access " + expression + " on the server. " + 'You cannot dot into a client module from a server component. ' + 'You can only pass the imported name through.'); }, set: function () { throw new Error('Cannot assign to a client module from a server module.'); } }; var proxyHandlers = { get: function (target, name, receiver) { switch (name) { // These names are read by the Flight runtime if you end up using the exports object. case '$$typeof': return target.$$typeof; case '$$id': return target.$$id; case '$$async': return target.$$async; case 'name': return target.name; // We need to special case this because createElement reads it if we pass this // reference. case 'defaultProps': return undefined; // Avoid this attempting to be serialized. case 'toJSON': return undefined; case Symbol.toPrimitive: // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] return Object.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive]; case '__esModule': // Something is conditionally checking which export to use. We'll pretend to be // an ESM compat module but then we'll check again on the client. var moduleId = target.$$id; target.default = registerClientReferenceImpl(function () { throw new Error("Attempted to call the default export of " + moduleId + " from the server " + "but it's on the client. It's not possible to invoke a client function from " + "the server, it can only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a " + "Client Component."); }, target.$$id + '#', target.$$async); return true; case 'then': if (target.then) { // Use a cached value return target.then; } if (!target.$$async) { // If this module is expected to return a Promise (such as an AsyncModule) then // we should resolve that with a client reference that unwraps the Promise on // the client. var clientReference = registerClientReferenceImpl({}, target.$$id, true); var proxy = new Proxy(clientReference, proxyHandlers); // Treat this as a resolved Promise for React's use() target.status = 'fulfilled'; target.value = proxy; var then = target.then = registerClientReferenceImpl(function then(resolve, reject) { // Expose to React. return Promise.resolve(resolve(proxy)); }, // If this is not used as a Promise but is treated as a reference to a `.then` // export then we should treat it as a reference to that name. target.$$id + '#then', false); return then; } else { // Since typeof .then === 'function' is a feature test we'd continue recursing // indefinitely if we return a function. Instead, we return an object reference // if we check further. return undefined; } } var cachedReference = target[name]; if (!cachedReference) { var reference = registerClientReferenceImpl(function () { throw new Error( // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion "Attempted to call " + String(name) + "() from the server but " + String(name) + " is on the client. " + "It's not possible to invoke a client function from the server, it can " + "only be rendered as a Component or passed to props of a Client Component."); }, target.$$id + '#' + name, target.$$async); Object.defineProperty(reference, 'name', { value: name }); cachedReference = target[name] = new Proxy(reference, deepProxyHandlers); } return cachedReference; }, getPrototypeOf: function (target) { // Pretend to be a Promise in case anyone asks. return PROMISE_PROTOTYPE; }, set: function () { throw new Error('Cannot assign to a client module from a server module.'); } }; function createClientModuleProxy(moduleId) { var clientReference = registerClientReferenceImpl({}, // Represents the whole Module object instead of a particular import. moduleId, false); return new Proxy(clientReference, proxyHandlers); } function getClientReferenceKey(reference) { return reference.$$async ? reference.$$id + '#async' : reference.$$id; } function resolveClientReferenceMetadata(config, clientReference) { var modulePath = clientReference.$$id; var name = ''; var resolvedModuleData = config[modulePath]; if (resolvedModuleData) { // The potentially aliased name. name = resolvedModuleData.name; } else { // We didn't find this specific export name but we might have the * export // which contains this name as well. // TODO: It's unfortunate that we now have to parse this string. We should // probably go back to encoding path and name separately on the client reference. var idx = modulePath.lastIndexOf('#'); if (idx !== -1) { name = modulePath.slice(idx + 1); resolvedModuleData = config[modulePath.slice(0, idx)]; } if (!resolvedModuleData) { throw new Error('Could not find the module "' + modulePath + '" in the React Client Manifest. ' + 'This is probably a bug in the React Server Components bundler.'); } } if (clientReference.$$async === true) { return [resolvedModuleData.id, resolvedModuleData.chunks, name, 1]; } else { return [resolvedModuleData.id, resolvedModuleData.chunks, name]; } } function getServerReferenceId(config, serverReference) { return serverReference.$$id; } function getServerReferenceBoundArguments(config, serverReference) { return serverReference.$$bound; } var ReactDOMSharedInternals = ReactDOM.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; var ReactDOMFlightServerDispatcher = { prefetchDNS: prefetchDNS, preconnect: preconnect, preload: preload, preloadModule: preloadModule$1, preinitStyle: preinitStyle, preinitScript: preinitScript, preinitModuleScript: preinitModuleScript }; function prefetchDNS(href) { { if (typeof href === 'string' && href) { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'D|' + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); emitHint(request, 'D', href); } } } } function preconnect(href, crossOrigin) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = "C|" + (crossOrigin == null ? 'null' : crossOrigin) + "|" + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); if (typeof crossOrigin === 'string') { emitHint(request, 'C', [href, crossOrigin]); } else { emitHint(request, 'C', href); } } } } } function preload(href, as, options) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'L'; if (as === 'image' && options) { key += getImagePreloadKey(href, options.imageSrcSet, options.imageSizes); } else { key += "[" + as + "]" + href; } if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); var trimmed = trimOptions(options); if (trimmed) { emitHint(request, 'L', [href, as, trimmed]); } else { emitHint(request, 'L', [href, as]); } } } } } function preloadModule$1(href, options) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'm|' + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); var trimmed = trimOptions(options); if (trimmed) { return emitHint(request, 'm', [href, trimmed]); } else { return emitHint(request, 'm', href); } } } } } function preinitStyle(href, precedence, options) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'S|' + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); var trimmed = trimOptions(options); if (trimmed) { return emitHint(request, 'S', [href, typeof precedence === 'string' ? precedence : 0, trimmed]); } else if (typeof precedence === 'string') { return emitHint(request, 'S', [href, precedence]); } else { return emitHint(request, 'S', href); } } } } } function preinitScript(href, options) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'X|' + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); var trimmed = trimOptions(options); if (trimmed) { return emitHint(request, 'X', [href, trimmed]); } else { return emitHint(request, 'X', href); } } } } } function preinitModuleScript(href, options) { { if (typeof href === 'string') { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { var hints = getHints(request); var key = 'M|' + href; if (hints.has(key)) { // duplicate hint return; } hints.add(key); var trimmed = trimOptions(options); if (trimmed) { return emitHint(request, 'M', [href, trimmed]); } else { return emitHint(request, 'M', href); } } } } } // Flight normally encodes undefined as a special character however for directive option // arguments we don't want to send unnecessary keys and bloat the payload so we create a // trimmed object which omits any keys with null or undefined values. // This is only typesafe because these option objects have entirely optional fields where // null and undefined represent the same thing as no property. function trimOptions(options) { if (options == null) return null; var hasProperties = false; var trimmed = {}; for (var key in options) { if (options[key] != null) { hasProperties = true; trimmed[key] = options[key]; } } return hasProperties ? trimmed : null; } function getImagePreloadKey(href, imageSrcSet, imageSizes) { var uniquePart = ''; if (typeof imageSrcSet === 'string' && imageSrcSet !== '') { uniquePart += '[' + imageSrcSet + ']'; if (typeof imageSizes === 'string') { uniquePart += '[' + imageSizes + ']'; } } else { uniquePart += '[][]' + href; } return "[image]" + uniquePart; } var ReactDOMCurrentDispatcher = ReactDOMSharedInternals.Dispatcher; function prepareHostDispatcher() { ReactDOMCurrentDispatcher.current = ReactDOMFlightServerDispatcher; } // Used to distinguish these contexts from ones used in other renderers. // small, smaller than how we encode undefined, and is unambiguous. We could use // a different tuple structure to encode this instead but this makes the runtime // cost cheaper by eliminating a type checks in more positions. // prettier-ignore function createHints() { return new Set(); } // ATTENTION // When adding new symbols to this file, // Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols' // The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types. var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element'); var REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment'); var REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider'); var REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.server_context'); var REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'); var REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense'); var REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list'); var REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo'); var REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy'); var REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_LOADED = Symbol.for('react.default_value'); var REACT_MEMO_CACHE_SENTINEL = Symbol.for('react.memo_cache_sentinel'); var MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator; var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator'; function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) { if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') { return null; } var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]; if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') { return maybeIterator; } return null; } var rendererSigil; { // Use this to detect multiple renderers using the same context rendererSigil = {}; } // Used to store the parent path of all context overrides in a shared linked list. // Forming a reverse tree. // The structure of a context snapshot is an implementation of this file. // Currently, it's implemented as tracking the current active node. var rootContextSnapshot = null; // We assume that this runtime owns the "current" field on all ReactContext instances. // This global (actually thread local) state represents what state all those "current", // fields are currently in. var currentActiveSnapshot = null; function popNode(prev) { { prev.context._currentValue = prev.parentValue; } } function pushNode(next) { { next.context._currentValue = next.value; } } function popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, next) { if (prev === next) ; else { popNode(prev); var parentPrev = prev.parent; var parentNext = next.parent; if (parentPrev === null) { if (parentNext !== null) { throw new Error('The stacks must reach the root at the same time. This is a bug in React.'); } } else { if (parentNext === null) { throw new Error('The stacks must reach the root at the same time. This is a bug in React.'); } popToNearestCommonAncestor(parentPrev, parentNext); // On the way back, we push the new ones that weren't common. pushNode(next); } } } function popAllPrevious(prev) { popNode(prev); var parentPrev = prev.parent; if (parentPrev !== null) { popAllPrevious(parentPrev); } } function pushAllNext(next) { var parentNext = next.parent; if (parentNext !== null) { pushAllNext(parentNext); } pushNode(next); } function popPreviousToCommonLevel(prev, next) { popNode(prev); var parentPrev = prev.parent; if (parentPrev === null) { throw new Error('The depth must equal at least at zero before reaching the root. This is a bug in React.'); } if (parentPrev.depth === next.depth) { // We found the same level. Now we just need to find a shared ancestor. popToNearestCommonAncestor(parentPrev, next); } else { // We must still be deeper. popPreviousToCommonLevel(parentPrev, next); } } function popNextToCommonLevel(prev, next) { var parentNext = next.parent; if (parentNext === null) { throw new Error('The depth must equal at least at zero before reaching the root. This is a bug in React.'); } if (prev.depth === parentNext.depth) { // We found the same level. Now we just need to find a shared ancestor. popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, parentNext); } else { // We must still be deeper. popNextToCommonLevel(prev, parentNext); } pushNode(next); } // Perform context switching to the new snapshot. // To make it cheap to read many contexts, while not suspending, we make the switch eagerly by // updating all the context's current values. That way reads, always just read the current value. // At the cost of updating contexts even if they're never read by this subtree. function switchContext(newSnapshot) { // The basic algorithm we need to do is to pop back any contexts that are no longer on the stack. // We also need to update any new contexts that are now on the stack with the deepest value. // The easiest way to update new contexts is to just reapply them in reverse order from the // perspective of the backpointers. To avoid allocating a lot when switching, we use the stack // for that. Therefore this algorithm is recursive. // 1) First we pop which ever snapshot tree was deepest. Popping old contexts as we go. // 2) Then we find the nearest common ancestor from there. Popping old contexts as we go. // 3) Then we reapply new contexts on the way back up the stack. var prev = currentActiveSnapshot; var next = newSnapshot; if (prev !== next) { if (prev === null) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: This has to be non-null since it's not equal to prev. pushAllNext(next); } else if (next === null) { popAllPrevious(prev); } else if (prev.depth === next.depth) { popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, next); } else if (prev.depth > next.depth) { popPreviousToCommonLevel(prev, next); } else { popNextToCommonLevel(prev, next); } currentActiveSnapshot = next; } } function pushProvider(context, nextValue) { var prevValue; { prevValue = context._currentValue; context._currentValue = nextValue; { if (context._currentRenderer !== undefined && context._currentRenderer !== null && context._currentRenderer !== rendererSigil) { error('Detected multiple renderers concurrently rendering the ' + 'same context provider. This is currently unsupported.'); } context._currentRenderer = rendererSigil; } } var prevNode = currentActiveSnapshot; var newNode = { parent: prevNode, depth: prevNode === null ? 0 : prevNode.depth + 1, context: context, parentValue: prevValue, value: nextValue }; currentActiveSnapshot = newNode; return newNode; } function popProvider() { var prevSnapshot = currentActiveSnapshot; if (prevSnapshot === null) { throw new Error('Tried to pop a Context at the root of the app. This is a bug in React.'); } { var value = prevSnapshot.parentValue; if (value === REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_LOADED) { prevSnapshot.context._currentValue = prevSnapshot.context._defaultValue; } else { prevSnapshot.context._currentValue = value; } } return currentActiveSnapshot = prevSnapshot.parent; } function getActiveContext() { return currentActiveSnapshot; } function readContext$1(context) { var value = context._currentValue ; return value; } // Corresponds to ReactFiberWakeable and ReactFizzWakeable modules. Generally, // changes to one module should be reflected in the others. // TODO: Rename this module and the corresponding Fiber one to "Thenable" // instead of "Wakeable". Or some other more appropriate name. // An error that is thrown (e.g. by `use`) to trigger Suspense. If we // detect this is caught by userspace, we'll log a warning in development. var SuspenseException = new Error("Suspense Exception: This is not a real error! It's an implementation " + 'detail of `use` to interrupt the current render. You must either ' + 'rethrow it immediately, or move the `use` call outside of the ' + '`try/catch` block. Capturing without rethrowing will lead to ' + 'unexpected behavior.\n\n' + 'To handle async errors, wrap your component in an error boundary, or ' + "call the promise's `.catch` method and pass the result to `use`"); function createThenableState() { // The ThenableState is created the first time a component suspends. If it // suspends again, we'll reuse the same state. return []; } function noop() {} function trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index) { var previous = thenableState[index]; if (previous === undefined) { thenableState.push(thenable); } else { if (previous !== thenable) { // Reuse the previous thenable, and drop the new one. We can assume // they represent the same value, because components are idempotent. // Avoid an unhandled rejection errors for the Promises that we'll // intentionally ignore. thenable.then(noop, noop); thenable = previous; } } // We use an expando to track the status and result of a thenable so that we // can synchronously unwrap the value. Think of this as an extension of the // Promise API, or a custom interface that is a superset of Thenable. // // If the thenable doesn't have a status, set it to "pending" and attach // a listener that will update its status and result when it resolves. switch (thenable.status) { case 'fulfilled': { var fulfilledValue = thenable.value; return fulfilledValue; } case 'rejected': { var rejectedError = thenable.reason; throw rejectedError; } default: { if (typeof thenable.status === 'string') ; else { var pendingThenable = thenable; pendingThenable.status = 'pending'; pendingThenable.then(function (fulfilledValue) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var fulfilledThenable = thenable; fulfilledThenable.status = 'fulfilled'; fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue; } }, function (error) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var rejectedThenable = thenable; rejectedThenable.status = 'rejected'; rejectedThenable.reason = error; } }); // Check one more time in case the thenable resolved synchronously switch (thenable.status) { case 'fulfilled': { var fulfilledThenable = thenable; return fulfilledThenable.value; } case 'rejected': { var rejectedThenable = thenable; throw rejectedThenable.reason; } } } // Suspend. // // Throwing here is an implementation detail that allows us to unwind the // call stack. But we shouldn't allow it to leak into userspace. Throw an // opaque placeholder value instead of the actual thenable. If it doesn't // get captured by the work loop, log a warning, because that means // something in userspace must have caught it. suspendedThenable = thenable; throw SuspenseException; } } } // This is used to track the actual thenable that suspended so it can be // passed to the rest of the Suspense implementation — which, for historical // reasons, expects to receive a thenable. var suspendedThenable = null; function getSuspendedThenable() { // This is called right after `use` suspends by throwing an exception. `use` // throws an opaque value instead of the thenable itself so that it can't be // caught in userspace. Then the work loop accesses the actual thenable using // this function. if (suspendedThenable === null) { throw new Error('Expected a suspended thenable. This is a bug in React. Please file ' + 'an issue.'); } var thenable = suspendedThenable; suspendedThenable = null; return thenable; } var currentRequest$1 = null; var thenableIndexCounter = 0; var thenableState = null; function prepareToUseHooksForRequest(request) { currentRequest$1 = request; } function resetHooksForRequest() { currentRequest$1 = null; } function prepareToUseHooksForComponent(prevThenableState) { thenableIndexCounter = 0; thenableState = prevThenableState; } function getThenableStateAfterSuspending() { var state = thenableState; thenableState = null; return state; } function readContext(context) { { if (context.$$typeof !== REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE) { if (isClientReference(context)) { error('Cannot read a Client Context from a Server Component.'); } else { error('Only createServerContext is supported in Server Components.'); } } if (currentRequest$1 === null) { error('Context can only be read while React is rendering. ' + 'In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. ' + 'In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not ' + 'inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().'); } } return readContext$1(context); } var HooksDispatcher = { useMemo: function (nextCreate) { return nextCreate(); }, useCallback: function (callback) { return callback; }, useDebugValue: function () {}, useDeferredValue: unsupportedHook, useTransition: unsupportedHook, readContext: readContext, useContext: readContext, useReducer: unsupportedHook, useRef: unsupportedHook, useState: unsupportedHook, useInsertionEffect: unsupportedHook, useLayoutEffect: unsupportedHook, useImperativeHandle: unsupportedHook, useEffect: unsupportedHook, useId: useId, useSyncExternalStore: unsupportedHook, useCacheRefresh: function () { return unsupportedRefresh; }, useMemoCache: function (size) { var data = new Array(size); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { data[i] = REACT_MEMO_CACHE_SENTINEL; } return data; }, use: use }; function unsupportedHook() { throw new Error('This Hook is not supported in Server Components.'); } function unsupportedRefresh() { throw new Error('Refreshing the cache is not supported in Server Components.'); } function useId() { if (currentRequest$1 === null) { throw new Error('useId can only be used while React is rendering'); } var id = currentRequest$1.identifierCount++; // use 'S' for Flight components to distinguish from 'R' and 'r' in Fizz/Client return ':' + currentRequest$1.identifierPrefix + 'S' + id.toString(32) + ':'; } function use(usable) { if (usable !== null && typeof usable === 'object' || typeof usable === 'function') { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] if (typeof usable.then === 'function') { // This is a thenable. var thenable = usable; // Track the position of the thenable within this fiber. var index = thenableIndexCounter; thenableIndexCounter += 1; if (thenableState === null) { thenableState = createThenableState(); } return trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index); } else if (usable.$$typeof === REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE) { var context = usable; return readContext(context); } } { if (isClientReference(usable)) { error('Cannot use() an already resolved Client Reference.'); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion throw new Error('An unsupported type was passed to use(): ' + String(usable)); } function createSignal() { return new AbortController().signal; } function resolveCache() { var request = resolveRequest(); if (request) { return getCache(request); } return new Map(); } var DefaultCacheDispatcher = { getCacheSignal: function () { var cache = resolveCache(); var entry = cache.get(createSignal); if (entry === undefined) { entry = createSignal(); cache.set(createSignal, entry); } return entry; }, getCacheForType: function (resourceType) { var cache = resolveCache(); var entry = cache.get(resourceType); if (entry === undefined) { entry = resourceType(); // TODO: Warn if undefined? cache.set(resourceType, entry); } return entry; } }; var isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare function isArray(a) { return isArrayImpl(a); } // in case they error. var jsxPropsParents = new WeakMap(); var jsxChildrenParents = new WeakMap(); function isObjectPrototype(object) { if (!object) { return false; } var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype; if (object === ObjectPrototype) { return true; } // It might be an object from a different Realm which is // still just a plain simple object. if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object)) { return false; } var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (!(names[i] in ObjectPrototype)) { return false; } } return true; } function isSimpleObject(object) { if (!isObjectPrototype(Object.getPrototypeOf(object))) { return false; } var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, names[i]); if (!descriptor) { return false; } if (!descriptor.enumerable) { if ((names[i] === 'key' || names[i] === 'ref') && typeof descriptor.get === 'function') { // React adds key and ref getters to props objects to issue warnings. // Those getters will not be transferred to the client, but that's ok, // so we'll special case them. continue; } return false; } } return true; } function objectName(object) { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] var name = Object.prototype.toString.call(object); return name.replace(/^\[object (.*)\]$/, function (m, p0) { return p0; }); } function describeKeyForErrorMessage(key) { var encodedKey = JSON.stringify(key); return '"' + key + '"' === encodedKey ? key : encodedKey; } function describeValueForErrorMessage(value) { switch (typeof value) { case 'string': { return JSON.stringify(value.length <= 10 ? value : value.slice(0, 10) + '...'); } case 'object': { if (isArray(value)) { return '[...]'; } var name = objectName(value); if (name === 'Object') { return '{...}'; } return name; } case 'function': return 'function'; default: // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion return String(value); } } function describeElementType(type) { if (typeof type === 'string') { return type; } switch (type) { case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE: return 'Suspense'; case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE: return 'SuspenseList'; } if (typeof type === 'object') { switch (type.$$typeof) { case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: return describeElementType(type.render); case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: return describeElementType(type.type); case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { var lazyComponent = type; var payload = lazyComponent._payload; var init = lazyComponent._init; try { // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it. return describeElementType(init(payload)); } catch (x) {} } } } return ''; } function describeObjectForErrorMessage(objectOrArray, expandedName) { var objKind = objectName(objectOrArray); if (objKind !== 'Object' && objKind !== 'Array') { return objKind; } var str = ''; var start = -1; var length = 0; if (isArray(objectOrArray)) { if (jsxChildrenParents.has(objectOrArray)) { // Print JSX Children var type = jsxChildrenParents.get(objectOrArray); str = '<' + describeElementType(type) + '>'; var array = objectOrArray; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var value = array[i]; var substr = void 0; if (typeof value === 'string') { substr = value; } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) { substr = '{' + describeObjectForErrorMessage(value) + '}'; } else { substr = '{' + describeValueForErrorMessage(value) + '}'; } if ('' + i === expandedName) { start = str.length; length = substr.length; str += substr; } else if (substr.length < 15 && str.length + substr.length < 40) { str += substr; } else { str += '{...}'; } } str += ''; } else { // Print Array str = '['; var _array = objectOrArray; for (var _i = 0; _i < _array.length; _i++) { if (_i > 0) { str += ', '; } var _value = _array[_i]; var _substr = void 0; if (typeof _value === 'object' && _value !== null) { _substr = describeObjectForErrorMessage(_value); } else { _substr = describeValueForErrorMessage(_value); } if ('' + _i === expandedName) { start = str.length; length = _substr.length; str += _substr; } else if (_substr.length < 10 && str.length + _substr.length < 40) { str += _substr; } else { str += '...'; } } str += ']'; } } else { if (objectOrArray.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { str = '<' + describeElementType(objectOrArray.type) + '/>'; } else if (jsxPropsParents.has(objectOrArray)) { // Print JSX var _type = jsxPropsParents.get(objectOrArray); str = '<' + (describeElementType(_type) || '...'); var object = objectOrArray; var names = Object.keys(object); for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < names.length; _i2++) { str += ' '; var name = names[_i2]; str += describeKeyForErrorMessage(name) + '='; var _value2 = object[name]; var _substr2 = void 0; if (name === expandedName && typeof _value2 === 'object' && _value2 !== null) { _substr2 = describeObjectForErrorMessage(_value2); } else { _substr2 = describeValueForErrorMessage(_value2); } if (typeof _value2 !== 'string') { _substr2 = '{' + _substr2 + '}'; } if (name === expandedName) { start = str.length; length = _substr2.length; str += _substr2; } else if (_substr2.length < 10 && str.length + _substr2.length < 40) { str += _substr2; } else { str += '...'; } } str += '>'; } else { // Print Object str = '{'; var _object = objectOrArray; var _names = Object.keys(_object); for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < _names.length; _i3++) { if (_i3 > 0) { str += ', '; } var _name = _names[_i3]; str += describeKeyForErrorMessage(_name) + ': '; var _value3 = _object[_name]; var _substr3 = void 0; if (typeof _value3 === 'object' && _value3 !== null) { _substr3 = describeObjectForErrorMessage(_value3); } else { _substr3 = describeValueForErrorMessage(_value3); } if (_name === expandedName) { start = str.length; length = _substr3.length; str += _substr3; } else if (_substr3.length < 10 && str.length + _substr3.length < 40) { str += _substr3; } else { str += '...'; } } str += '}'; } } if (expandedName === undefined) { return str; } if (start > -1 && length > 0) { var highlight = ' '.repeat(start) + '^'.repeat(length); return '\n ' + str + '\n ' + highlight; } return '\n ' + str; } var ContextRegistry = ReactSharedInternals.ContextRegistry; function getOrCreateServerContext(globalName) { if (!ContextRegistry[globalName]) { var context = { $$typeof: REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE, // As a workaround to support multiple concurrent renderers, we categorize // some renderers as primary and others as secondary. We only expect // there to be two concurrent renderers at most: React Native (primary) and // Fabric (secondary); React DOM (primary) and React ART (secondary). // Secondary renderers store their context values on separate fields. _currentValue: REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_LOADED, _currentValue2: REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_LOADED, _defaultValue: REACT_SERVER_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_LOADED, // Used to track how many concurrent renderers this context currently // supports within in a single renderer. Such as parallel server rendering. _threadCount: 0, // These are circular Provider: null, Consumer: null, _globalName: globalName }; context.Provider = { $$typeof: REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE, _context: context }; { var hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumer; context._currentRenderer = null; context._currentRenderer2 = null; Object.defineProperties(context, { Consumer: { get: function () { if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumer) { error('Consumer pattern is not supported by ReactServerContext'); hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumer = true; } return null; } } }); } ContextRegistry[globalName] = context; } return ContextRegistry[globalName]; } var stringify = JSON.stringify; // Serializable values // Thenable var PENDING$1 = 0; var COMPLETED = 1; var ABORTED = 3; var ERRORED$1 = 4; var ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher; var ReactCurrentCache = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentCache; function defaultErrorHandler(error) { console['error'](error); // Don't transform to our wrapper } function defaultPostponeHandler(reason) {// Noop } var OPEN = 0; var CLOSING = 1; var CLOSED = 2; function createRequest(model, bundlerConfig, onError, context, identifierPrefix, onPostpone) { if (ReactCurrentCache.current !== null && ReactCurrentCache.current !== DefaultCacheDispatcher) { throw new Error('Currently React only supports one RSC renderer at a time.'); } prepareHostDispatcher(); ReactCurrentCache.current = DefaultCacheDispatcher; var abortSet = new Set(); var pingedTasks = []; var hints = createHints(); var request = { status: OPEN, flushScheduled: false, fatalError: null, destination: null, bundlerConfig: bundlerConfig, cache: new Map(), nextChunkId: 0, pendingChunks: 0, hints: hints, abortableTasks: abortSet, pingedTasks: pingedTasks, completedImportChunks: [], completedHintChunks: [], completedRegularChunks: [], completedErrorChunks: [], writtenSymbols: new Map(), writtenClientReferences: new Map(), writtenServerReferences: new Map(), writtenProviders: new Map(), identifierPrefix: identifierPrefix || '', identifierCount: 1, onError: onError === undefined ? defaultErrorHandler : onError, onPostpone: onPostpone === undefined ? defaultPostponeHandler : onPostpone, // $FlowFixMe[missing-this-annot] toJSON: function (key, value) { return resolveModelToJSON(request, this, key, value); } }; request.pendingChunks++; var rootContext = createRootContext(context); var rootTask = createTask(request, model, rootContext, abortSet); pingedTasks.push(rootTask); return request; } var currentRequest = null; function resolveRequest() { if (currentRequest) return currentRequest; return null; } function createRootContext(reqContext) { return importServerContexts(reqContext); } var POP = {}; function serializeThenable(request, thenable) { request.pendingChunks++; var newTask = createTask(request, null, getActiveContext(), request.abortableTasks); switch (thenable.status) { case 'fulfilled': { // We have the resolved value, we can go ahead and schedule it for serialization. newTask.model = thenable.value; pingTask(request, newTask); return newTask.id; } case 'rejected': { var x = thenable.reason; { var digest = logRecoverableError(request, x); emitErrorChunk(request, newTask.id, digest, x); } return newTask.id; } default: { if (typeof thenable.status === 'string') { // Only instrument the thenable if the status if not defined. If // it's defined, but an unknown value, assume it's been instrumented by // some custom userspace implementation. We treat it as "pending". break; } var pendingThenable = thenable; pendingThenable.status = 'pending'; pendingThenable.then(function (fulfilledValue) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var fulfilledThenable = thenable; fulfilledThenable.status = 'fulfilled'; fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue; } }, function (error) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var rejectedThenable = thenable; rejectedThenable.status = 'rejected'; rejectedThenable.reason = error; } }); break; } } thenable.then(function (value) { newTask.model = value; pingTask(request, newTask); }, function (reason) { newTask.status = ERRORED$1; request.abortableTasks.delete(newTask); // TODO: We should ideally do this inside performWork so it's scheduled var digest = logRecoverableError(request, reason); emitErrorChunk(request, newTask.id, digest, reason); if (request.destination !== null) { flushCompletedChunks(request, request.destination); } }); return newTask.id; } function emitHint(request, code, model) { emitHintChunk(request, code, model); enqueueFlush(request); } function getHints(request) { return request.hints; } function getCache(request) { return request.cache; } function readThenable(thenable) { if (thenable.status === 'fulfilled') { return thenable.value; } else if (thenable.status === 'rejected') { throw thenable.reason; } throw thenable; } function createLazyWrapperAroundWakeable(wakeable) { // This is a temporary fork of the `use` implementation until we accept // promises everywhere. var thenable = wakeable; switch (thenable.status) { case 'fulfilled': case 'rejected': break; default: { if (typeof thenable.status === 'string') { // Only instrument the thenable if the status if not defined. If // it's defined, but an unknown value, assume it's been instrumented by // some custom userspace implementation. We treat it as "pending". break; } var pendingThenable = thenable; pendingThenable.status = 'pending'; pendingThenable.then(function (fulfilledValue) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var fulfilledThenable = thenable; fulfilledThenable.status = 'fulfilled'; fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue; } }, function (error) { if (thenable.status === 'pending') { var rejectedThenable = thenable; rejectedThenable.status = 'rejected'; rejectedThenable.reason = error; } }); break; } } var lazyType = { $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE, _payload: thenable, _init: readThenable }; return lazyType; } function attemptResolveElement(request, type, key, ref, props, prevThenableState) { if (ref !== null && ref !== undefined) { // When the ref moves to the regular props object this will implicitly // throw for functions. We could probably relax it to a DEV warning for other // cases. throw new Error('Refs cannot be used in Server Components, nor passed to Client Components.'); } { jsxPropsParents.set(props, type); if (typeof props.children === 'object' && props.children !== null) { jsxChildrenParents.set(props.children, type); } } if (typeof type === 'function') { if (isClientReference(type)) { // This is a reference to a Client Component. return [REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, type, key, props]; } // This is a server-side component. prepareToUseHooksForComponent(prevThenableState); var result = type(props); if (typeof result === 'object' && result !== null && typeof result.then === 'function') { // When the return value is in children position we can resolve it immediately, // to its value without a wrapper if it's synchronously available. var thenable = result; if (thenable.status === 'fulfilled') { return thenable.value; } // TODO: Once we accept Promises as children on the client, we can just return // the thenable here. return createLazyWrapperAroundWakeable(result); } return result; } else if (typeof type === 'string') { // This is a host element. E.g. HTML. return [REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, type, key, props]; } else if (typeof type === 'symbol') { if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) { // For key-less fragments, we add a small optimization to avoid serializing // it as a wrapper. // TODO: If a key is specified, we should propagate its key to any children. // Same as if a Server Component has a key. return props.children; } // This might be a built-in React component. We'll let the client decide. // Any built-in works as long as its props are serializable. return [REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, type, key, props]; } else if (type != null && typeof type === 'object') { if (isClientReference(type)) { // This is a reference to a Client Component. return [REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, type, key, props]; } switch (type.$$typeof) { case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { var payload = type._payload; var init = type._init; var wrappedType = init(payload); return attemptResolveElement(request, wrappedType, key, ref, props, prevThenableState); } case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE: { var render = type.render; prepareToUseHooksForComponent(prevThenableState); return render(props, undefined); } case REACT_MEMO_TYPE: { return attemptResolveElement(request, type.type, key, ref, props, prevThenableState); } case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE: { pushProvider(type._context, props.value); { var extraKeys = Object.keys(props).filter(function (value) { if (value === 'children' || value === 'value') { return false; } return true; }); if (extraKeys.length !== 0) { error('ServerContext can only have a value prop and children. Found: %s', JSON.stringify(extraKeys)); } } return [REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, type, key, // Rely on __popProvider being serialized last to pop the provider. { value: props.value, children: props.children, __pop: POP }]; } } } throw new Error("Unsupported Server Component type: " + describeValueForErrorMessage(type)); } function pingTask(request, task) { var pingedTasks = request.pingedTasks; pingedTasks.push(task); if (pingedTasks.length === 1) { request.flushScheduled = request.destination !== null; scheduleWork(function () { return performWork(request); }); } } function createTask(request, model, context, abortSet) { var id = request.nextChunkId++; var task = { id: id, status: PENDING$1, model: model, context: context, ping: function () { return pingTask(request, task); }, thenableState: null }; abortSet.add(task); return task; } function serializeByValueID(id) { return '$' + id.toString(16); } function serializeLazyID(id) { return '$L' + id.toString(16); } function serializePromiseID(id) { return '$@' + id.toString(16); } function serializeServerReferenceID(id) { return '$F' + id.toString(16); } function serializeSymbolReference(name) { return '$S' + name; } function serializeProviderReference(name) { return '$P' + name; } function serializeNumber(number) { if (Number.isFinite(number)) { if (number === 0 && 1 / number === -Infinity) { return '$-0'; } else { return number; } } else { if (number === Infinity) { return '$Infinity'; } else if (number === -Infinity) { return '$-Infinity'; } else { return '$NaN'; } } } function serializeUndefined() { return '$undefined'; } function serializeDateFromDateJSON(dateJSON) { // JSON.stringify automatically calls Date.prototype.toJSON which calls toISOString. // We need only tack on a $D prefix. return '$D' + dateJSON; } function serializeBigInt(n) { return '$n' + n.toString(10); } function serializeRowHeader(tag, id) { return id.toString(16) + ':' + tag; } function encodeReferenceChunk(request, id, reference) { var json = stringify(reference); var row = id.toString(16) + ':' + json + '\n'; return stringToChunk(row); } function serializeClientReference(request, parent, key, clientReference) { var clientReferenceKey = getClientReferenceKey(clientReference); var writtenClientReferences = request.writtenClientReferences; var existingId = writtenClientReferences.get(clientReferenceKey); if (existingId !== undefined) { if (parent[0] === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE && key === '1') { // If we're encoding the "type" of an element, we can refer // to that by a lazy reference instead of directly since React // knows how to deal with lazy values. This lets us suspend // on this component rather than its parent until the code has // loaded. return serializeLazyID(existingId); } return serializeByValueID(existingId); } try { var clientReferenceMetadata = resolveClientReferenceMetadata(request.bundlerConfig, clientReference); request.pendingChunks++; var importId = request.nextChunkId++; emitImportChunk(request, importId, clientReferenceMetadata); writtenClientReferences.set(clientReferenceKey, importId); if (parent[0] === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE && key === '1') { // If we're encoding the "type" of an element, we can refer // to that by a lazy reference instead of directly since React // knows how to deal with lazy values. This lets us suspend // on this component rather than its parent until the code has // loaded. return serializeLazyID(importId); } return serializeByValueID(importId); } catch (x) { request.pendingChunks++; var errorId = request.nextChunkId++; var digest = logRecoverableError(request, x); emitErrorChunk(request, errorId, digest, x); return serializeByValueID(errorId); } } function outlineModel(request, value) { request.pendingChunks++; var outlinedId = request.nextChunkId++; // We assume that this object doesn't suspend, but a child might. emitModelChunk(request, outlinedId, value); return outlinedId; } function serializeServerReference(request, parent, key, serverReference) { var writtenServerReferences = request.writtenServerReferences; var existingId = writtenServerReferences.get(serverReference); if (existingId !== undefined) { return serializeServerReferenceID(existingId); } var bound = getServerReferenceBoundArguments(request.bundlerConfig, serverReference); var serverReferenceMetadata = { id: getServerReferenceId(request.bundlerConfig, serverReference), bound: bound ? Promise.resolve(bound) : null }; var metadataId = outlineModel(request, serverReferenceMetadata); writtenServerReferences.set(serverReference, metadataId); return serializeServerReferenceID(metadataId); } function serializeLargeTextString(request, text) { request.pendingChunks += 2; var textId = request.nextChunkId++; var textChunk = stringToChunk(text); var binaryLength = byteLengthOfChunk(textChunk); var row = textId.toString(16) + ':T' + binaryLength.toString(16) + ','; var headerChunk = stringToChunk(row); request.completedRegularChunks.push(headerChunk, textChunk); return serializeByValueID(textId); } function serializeMap(request, map) { var id = outlineModel(request, Array.from(map)); return '$Q' + id.toString(16); } function serializeSet(request, set) { var id = outlineModel(request, Array.from(set)); return '$W' + id.toString(16); } function escapeStringValue(value) { if (value[0] === '$') { // We need to escape $ prefixed strings since we use those to encode // references to IDs and as special symbol values. return '$' + value; } else { return value; } } var insideContextProps = null; var isInsideContextValue = false; function resolveModelToJSON(request, parent, key, value) { // Make sure that `parent[key]` wasn't JSONified before `value` was passed to us { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-use] var originalValue = parent[key]; if (typeof originalValue === 'object' && originalValue !== value && !(originalValue instanceof Date)) { if (objectName(originalValue) !== 'Object') { var jsxParentType = jsxChildrenParents.get(parent); if (typeof jsxParentType === 'string') { error('%s objects cannot be rendered as text children. Try formatting it using toString().%s', objectName(originalValue), describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } else { error('Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components. ' + '%s objects are not supported.%s', objectName(originalValue), describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } } else { error('Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components. ' + 'Objects with toJSON methods are not supported. Convert it manually ' + 'to a simple value before passing it to props.%s', describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } } } // Special Symbols switch (value) { case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE: return '$'; } { if (parent[0] === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE && parent[1] && parent[1].$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE && key === '3') { insideContextProps = value; } else if (insideContextProps === parent && key === 'value') { isInsideContextValue = true; } else if (insideContextProps === parent && key === 'children') { isInsideContextValue = false; } } // Resolve Server Components. while (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && (value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE || value.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE)) { { if (isInsideContextValue) { error('React elements are not allowed in ServerContext'); } } try { switch (value.$$typeof) { case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE: { // TODO: Concatenate keys of parents onto children. var element = value; // Attempt to render the Server Component. value = attemptResolveElement(request, element.type, element.key, element.ref, element.props, null); break; } case REACT_LAZY_TYPE: { var payload = value._payload; var init = value._init; value = init(payload); break; } } } catch (thrownValue) { var x = thrownValue === SuspenseException ? // This is a special type of exception used for Suspense. For historical // reasons, the rest of the Suspense implementation expects the thrown // value to be a thenable, because before `use` existed that was the // (unstable) API for suspending. This implementation detail can change // later, once we deprecate the old API in favor of `use`. getSuspendedThenable() : thrownValue; if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] if (typeof x.then === 'function') { // Something suspended, we'll need to create a new task and resolve it later. request.pendingChunks++; var newTask = createTask(request, value, getActiveContext(), request.abortableTasks); var ping = newTask.ping; x.then(ping, ping); newTask.thenableState = getThenableStateAfterSuspending(); return serializeLazyID(newTask.id); } } // Something errored. We'll still send everything we have up until this point. // We'll replace this element with a lazy reference that throws on the client // once it gets rendered. request.pendingChunks++; var errorId = request.nextChunkId++; var digest = logRecoverableError(request, x); emitErrorChunk(request, errorId, digest, x); return serializeLazyID(errorId); } } if (value === null) { return null; } if (typeof value === 'object') { if (isClientReference(value)) { return serializeClientReference(request, parent, key, value); // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] } else if (typeof value.then === 'function') { // We assume that any object with a .then property is a "Thenable" type, // or a Promise type. Either of which can be represented by a Promise. var promiseId = serializeThenable(request, value); return serializePromiseID(promiseId); } else if (value.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE) { var providerKey = value._context._globalName; var writtenProviders = request.writtenProviders; var providerId = writtenProviders.get(key); if (providerId === undefined) { request.pendingChunks++; providerId = request.nextChunkId++; writtenProviders.set(providerKey, providerId); emitProviderChunk(request, providerId, providerKey); } return serializeByValueID(providerId); } else if (value === POP) { popProvider(); { insideContextProps = null; isInsideContextValue = false; } return undefined; } if (value instanceof Map) { return serializeMap(request, value); } if (value instanceof Set) { return serializeSet(request, value); } if (!isArray(value)) { var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(value); if (iteratorFn) { return Array.from(value); } } { if (value !== null && !isArray(value)) { // Verify that this is a simple plain object. if (objectName(value) !== 'Object') { error('Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components. ' + '%s objects are not supported.%s', objectName(value), describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } else if (!isSimpleObject(value)) { error('Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components. ' + 'Classes or other objects with methods are not supported.%s', describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value); if (symbols.length > 0) { error('Only plain objects can be passed to Client Components from Server Components. ' + 'Objects with symbol properties like %s are not supported.%s', symbols[0].description, describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } } } } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] return value; } if (typeof value === 'string') { // TODO: Maybe too clever. If we support URL there's no similar trick. if (value[value.length - 1] === 'Z') { // Possibly a Date, whose toJSON automatically calls toISOString // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-use] var _originalValue = parent[key]; if (_originalValue instanceof Date) { return serializeDateFromDateJSON(value); } } if (value.length >= 1024) { // For large strings, we encode them outside the JSON payload so that we // don't have to double encode and double parse the strings. This can also // be more compact in case the string has a lot of escaped characters. return serializeLargeTextString(request, value); } return escapeStringValue(value); } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return value; } if (typeof value === 'number') { return serializeNumber(value); } if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return serializeUndefined(); } if (typeof value === 'function') { if (isClientReference(value)) { return serializeClientReference(request, parent, key, value); } if (isServerReference(value)) { return serializeServerReference(request, parent, key, value); } if (/^on[A-Z]/.test(key)) { throw new Error('Event handlers cannot be passed to Client Component props.' + describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key) + '\nIf you need interactivity, consider converting part of this to a Client Component.'); } else { throw new Error('Functions cannot be passed directly to Client Components ' + 'unless you explicitly expose it by marking it with "use server".' + describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } } if (typeof value === 'symbol') { var writtenSymbols = request.writtenSymbols; var existingId = writtenSymbols.get(value); if (existingId !== undefined) { return serializeByValueID(existingId); } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] `description` might be undefined var name = value.description; if (Symbol.for(name) !== value) { throw new Error('Only global symbols received from Symbol.for(...) can be passed to Client Components. ' + ("The symbol Symbol.for(" + // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] `description` might be undefined value.description + ") cannot be found among global symbols.") + describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } request.pendingChunks++; var symbolId = request.nextChunkId++; emitSymbolChunk(request, symbolId, name); writtenSymbols.set(value, symbolId); return serializeByValueID(symbolId); } if (typeof value === 'bigint') { return serializeBigInt(value); } throw new Error("Type " + typeof value + " is not supported in Client Component props." + describeObjectForErrorMessage(parent, key)); } function logRecoverableError(request, error) { var onError = request.onError; var errorDigest = onError(error); if (errorDigest != null && typeof errorDigest !== 'string') { // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes throw new Error("onError returned something with a type other than \"string\". onError should return a string and may return null or undefined but must not return anything else. It received something of type \"" + typeof errorDigest + "\" instead"); } return errorDigest || ''; } function fatalError(request, error) { // This is called outside error handling code such as if an error happens in React internals. if (request.destination !== null) { request.status = CLOSED; closeWithError(request.destination, error); } else { request.status = CLOSING; request.fatalError = error; } } function emitErrorChunk(request, id, digest, error) { var errorInfo; { var message; var stack = ''; try { if (error instanceof Error) { // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion message = String(error.message); // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion stack = String(error.stack); } else { message = 'Error: ' + error; } } catch (x) { message = 'An error occurred but serializing the error message failed.'; } errorInfo = { digest: digest, message: message, stack: stack }; } var row = serializeRowHeader('E', id) + stringify(errorInfo) + '\n'; var processedChunk = stringToChunk(row); request.completedErrorChunks.push(processedChunk); } function emitImportChunk(request, id, clientReferenceMetadata) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] stringify can return null var json = stringify(clientReferenceMetadata); var row = serializeRowHeader('I', id) + json + '\n'; var processedChunk = stringToChunk(row); request.completedImportChunks.push(processedChunk); } function emitHintChunk(request, code, model) { var json = stringify(model); var id = request.nextChunkId++; var row = serializeRowHeader('H' + code, id) + json + '\n'; var processedChunk = stringToChunk(row); request.completedHintChunks.push(processedChunk); } function emitSymbolChunk(request, id, name) { var symbolReference = serializeSymbolReference(name); var processedChunk = encodeReferenceChunk(request, id, symbolReference); request.completedImportChunks.push(processedChunk); } function emitProviderChunk(request, id, contextName) { var contextReference = serializeProviderReference(contextName); var processedChunk = encodeReferenceChunk(request, id, contextReference); request.completedRegularChunks.push(processedChunk); } function emitModelChunk(request, id, model) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] stringify can return null var json = stringify(model, request.toJSON); var row = id.toString(16) + ':' + json + '\n'; var processedChunk = stringToChunk(row); request.completedRegularChunks.push(processedChunk); } function retryTask(request, task) { if (task.status !== PENDING$1) { // We completed this by other means before we had a chance to retry it. return; } switchContext(task.context); try { var value = task.model; if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { // TODO: Concatenate keys of parents onto children. var element = value; // When retrying a component, reuse the thenableState from the // previous attempt. var prevThenableState = task.thenableState; // Attempt to render the Server Component. // Doing this here lets us reuse this same task if the next component // also suspends. task.model = value; value = attemptResolveElement(request, element.type, element.key, element.ref, element.props, prevThenableState); // Successfully finished this component. We're going to keep rendering // using the same task, but we reset its thenable state before continuing. task.thenableState = null; // Keep rendering and reuse the same task. This inner loop is separate // from the render above because we don't need to reset the thenable state // until the next time something suspends and retries. while (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { // TODO: Concatenate keys of parents onto children. var nextElement = value; task.model = value; value = attemptResolveElement(request, nextElement.type, nextElement.key, nextElement.ref, nextElement.props, null); } } emitModelChunk(request, task.id, value); request.abortableTasks.delete(task); task.status = COMPLETED; } catch (thrownValue) { var x = thrownValue === SuspenseException ? // This is a special type of exception used for Suspense. For historical // reasons, the rest of the Suspense implementation expects the thrown // value to be a thenable, because before `use` existed that was the // (unstable) API for suspending. This implementation detail can change // later, once we deprecate the old API in favor of `use`. getSuspendedThenable() : thrownValue; if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] if (typeof x.then === 'function') { // Something suspended again, let's pick it back up later. var ping = task.ping; x.then(ping, ping); task.thenableState = getThenableStateAfterSuspending(); return; } } request.abortableTasks.delete(task); task.status = ERRORED$1; var digest = logRecoverableError(request, x); emitErrorChunk(request, task.id, digest, x); } } function performWork(request) { var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = HooksDispatcher; var prevRequest = currentRequest; currentRequest = request; prepareToUseHooksForRequest(request); try { var pingedTasks = request.pingedTasks; request.pingedTasks = []; for (var i = 0; i < pingedTasks.length; i++) { var task = pingedTasks[i]; retryTask(request, task); } if (request.destination !== null) { flushCompletedChunks(request, request.destination); } } catch (error) { logRecoverableError(request, error); fatalError(request, error); } finally { ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher; resetHooksForRequest(); currentRequest = prevRequest; } } function abortTask(task, request, errorId) { task.status = ABORTED; // Instead of emitting an error per task.id, we emit a model that only // has a single value referencing the error. var ref = serializeByValueID(errorId); var processedChunk = encodeReferenceChunk(request, task.id, ref); request.completedErrorChunks.push(processedChunk); } function flushCompletedChunks(request, destination) { beginWriting(); try { // We emit module chunks first in the stream so that // they can be preloaded as early as possible. var importsChunks = request.completedImportChunks; var i = 0; for (; i < importsChunks.length; i++) { request.pendingChunks--; var chunk = importsChunks[i]; var keepWriting = writeChunkAndReturn(destination, chunk); if (!keepWriting) { request.destination = null; i++; break; } } importsChunks.splice(0, i); // Next comes hints. var hintChunks = request.completedHintChunks; i = 0; for (; i < hintChunks.length; i++) { var _chunk = hintChunks[i]; var _keepWriting = writeChunkAndReturn(destination, _chunk); if (!_keepWriting) { request.destination = null; i++; break; } } hintChunks.splice(0, i); // Next comes model data. var regularChunks = request.completedRegularChunks; i = 0; for (; i < regularChunks.length; i++) { request.pendingChunks--; var _chunk2 = regularChunks[i]; var _keepWriting2 = writeChunkAndReturn(destination, _chunk2); if (!_keepWriting2) { request.destination = null; i++; break; } } regularChunks.splice(0, i); // Finally, errors are sent. The idea is that it's ok to delay // any error messages and prioritize display of other parts of // the page. var errorChunks = request.completedErrorChunks; i = 0; for (; i < errorChunks.length; i++) { request.pendingChunks--; var _chunk3 = errorChunks[i]; var _keepWriting3 = writeChunkAndReturn(destination, _chunk3); if (!_keepWriting3) { request.destination = null; i++; break; } } errorChunks.splice(0, i); } finally { request.flushScheduled = false; completeWriting(destination); } if (request.pendingChunks === 0) { // We're done. close$1(destination); } } function startWork(request) { request.flushScheduled = request.destination !== null; { scheduleWork(function () { return performWork(request); }); } } function enqueueFlush(request) { if (request.flushScheduled === false && // If there are pinged tasks we are going to flush anyway after work completes request.pingedTasks.length === 0 && // If there is no destination there is nothing we can flush to. A flush will // happen when we start flowing again request.destination !== null) { var destination = request.destination; request.flushScheduled = true; scheduleWork(function () { return flushCompletedChunks(request, destination); }); } } function startFlowing(request, destination) { if (request.status === CLOSING) { request.status = CLOSED; closeWithError(destination, request.fatalError); return; } if (request.status === CLOSED) { return; } if (request.destination !== null) { // We're already flowing. return; } request.destination = destination; try { flushCompletedChunks(request, destination); } catch (error) { logRecoverableError(request, error); fatalError(request, error); } } function abort(request, reason) { try { var abortableTasks = request.abortableTasks; if (abortableTasks.size > 0) { // We have tasks to abort. We'll emit one error row and then emit a reference // to that row from every row that's still remaining. var error = reason === undefined ? new Error('The render was aborted by the server without a reason.') : reason; var digest = logRecoverableError(request, error); request.pendingChunks++; var errorId = request.nextChunkId++; emitErrorChunk(request, errorId, digest, error); abortableTasks.forEach(function (task) { return abortTask(task, request, errorId); }); abortableTasks.clear(); } if (request.destination !== null) { flushCompletedChunks(request, request.destination); } } catch (error) { logRecoverableError(request, error); fatalError(request, error); } } function importServerContexts(contexts) { if (contexts) { var prevContext = getActiveContext(); switchContext(rootContextSnapshot); for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { var _contexts$i = contexts[i], name = _contexts$i[0], value = _contexts$i[1]; var context = getOrCreateServerContext(name); pushProvider(context, value); } var importedContext = getActiveContext(); switchContext(prevContext); return importedContext; } return rootContextSnapshot; } // This is the parsed shape of the wire format which is why it is // condensed to only the essentialy information var ID = 0; var CHUNKS = 1; var NAME = 2; // export const ASYNC = 3; // This logic is correct because currently only include the 4th tuple member // when the module is async. If that changes we will need to actually assert // the value is true. We don't index into the 4th slot because flow does not // like the potential out of bounds access function isAsyncImport(metadata) { return metadata.length === 4; } function resolveServerReference(bundlerConfig, id) { var name = ''; var resolvedModuleData = bundlerConfig[id]; if (resolvedModuleData) { // The potentially aliased name. name = resolvedModuleData.name; } else { // We didn't find this specific export name but we might have the * export // which contains this name as well. // TODO: It's unfortunate that we now have to parse this string. We should // probably go back to encoding path and name separately on the client reference. var idx = id.lastIndexOf('#'); if (idx !== -1) { name = id.slice(idx + 1); resolvedModuleData = bundlerConfig[id.slice(0, idx)]; } if (!resolvedModuleData) { throw new Error('Could not find the module "' + id + '" in the React Server Manifest. ' + 'This is probably a bug in the React Server Components bundler.'); } } // TODO: This needs to return async: true if it's an async module. return [resolvedModuleData.id, resolvedModuleData.chunks, name]; } // The chunk cache contains all the chunks we've preloaded so far. // If they're still pending they're a thenable. This map also exists // in Turbopack but unfortunately it's not exposed so we have to // replicate it in user space. null means that it has already loaded. var chunkCache = new Map(); function requireAsyncModule(id) { // We've already loaded all the chunks. We can require the module. var promise = __turbopack_require__(id); if (typeof promise.then !== 'function') { // This wasn't a promise after all. return null; } else if (promise.status === 'fulfilled') { // This module was already resolved earlier. return null; } else { // Instrument the Promise to stash the result. promise.then(function (value) { var fulfilledThenable = promise; fulfilledThenable.status = 'fulfilled'; fulfilledThenable.value = value; }, function (reason) { var rejectedThenable = promise; rejectedThenable.status = 'rejected'; rejectedThenable.reason = reason; }); return promise; } } function ignoreReject() {// We rely on rejected promises to be handled by another listener. } // Start preloading the modules since we might need them soon. // This function doesn't suspend. function preloadModule(metadata) { var chunks = metadata[CHUNKS]; var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunkFilename = chunks[i]; var entry = chunkCache.get(chunkFilename); if (entry === undefined) { var thenable = loadChunk(chunkFilename); promises.push(thenable); // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] var resolve = chunkCache.set.bind(chunkCache, chunkFilename, null); thenable.then(resolve, ignoreReject); chunkCache.set(chunkFilename, thenable); } else if (entry !== null) { promises.push(entry); } } if (isAsyncImport(metadata)) { if (promises.length === 0) { return requireAsyncModule(metadata[ID]); } else { return Promise.all(promises).then(function () { return requireAsyncModule(metadata[ID]); }); } } else if (promises.length > 0) { return Promise.all(promises); } else { return null; } } // Actually require the module or suspend if it's not yet ready. // Increase priority if necessary. function requireModule(metadata) { var moduleExports = __turbopack_require__(metadata[ID]); if (isAsyncImport(metadata)) { if (typeof moduleExports.then !== 'function') ; else if (moduleExports.status === 'fulfilled') { // This Promise should've been instrumented by preloadModule. moduleExports = moduleExports.value; } else { throw moduleExports.reason; } } if (metadata[NAME] === '*') { // This is a placeholder value that represents that the caller imported this // as a CommonJS module as is. return moduleExports; } if (metadata[NAME] === '') { // This is a placeholder value that represents that the caller accessed the // default property of this if it was an ESM interop module. return moduleExports.__esModule ? moduleExports.default : moduleExports; } return moduleExports[metadata[NAME]]; } function loadChunk(filename) { return __turbopack_load__(filename); } // The server acts as a Client of itself when resolving Server References. var PENDING = 'pending'; var BLOCKED = 'blocked'; var RESOLVED_MODEL = 'resolved_model'; var INITIALIZED = 'fulfilled'; var ERRORED = 'rejected'; // $FlowFixMe[missing-this-annot] function Chunk(status, value, reason, response) { this.status = status; this.value = value; this.reason = reason; this._response = response; } // We subclass Promise.prototype so that we get other methods like .catch Chunk.prototype = Object.create(Promise.prototype); // TODO: This doesn't return a new Promise chain unlike the real .then Chunk.prototype.then = function (resolve, reject) { var chunk = this; // If we have resolved content, we try to initialize it first which // might put us back into one of the other states. switch (chunk.status) { case RESOLVED_MODEL: initializeModelChunk(chunk); break; } // The status might have changed after initialization. switch (chunk.status) { case INITIALIZED: resolve(chunk.value); break; case PENDING: case BLOCKED: if (resolve) { if (chunk.value === null) { chunk.value = []; } chunk.value.push(resolve); } if (reject) { if (chunk.reason === null) { chunk.reason = []; } chunk.reason.push(reject); } break; default: reject(chunk.reason); break; } }; function getRoot(response) { var chunk = getChunk(response, 0); return chunk; } function createPendingChunk(response) { // $FlowFixMe[invalid-constructor] Flow doesn't support functions as constructors return new Chunk(PENDING, null, null, response); } function wakeChunk(listeners, value) { for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { var listener = listeners[i]; listener(value); } } function triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error) { if (chunk.status !== PENDING && chunk.status !== BLOCKED) { // We already resolved. We didn't expect to see this. return; } var listeners = chunk.reason; var erroredChunk = chunk; erroredChunk.status = ERRORED; erroredChunk.reason = error; if (listeners !== null) { wakeChunk(listeners, error); } } function createResolvedModelChunk(response, value) { // $FlowFixMe[invalid-constructor] Flow doesn't support functions as constructors return new Chunk(RESOLVED_MODEL, value, null, response); } function bindArgs$1(fn, args) { return fn.bind.apply(fn, [null].concat(args)); } function loadServerReference$1(response, id, bound, parentChunk, parentObject, key) { var serverReference = resolveServerReference(response._bundlerConfig, id); // We expect most servers to not really need this because you'd just have all // the relevant modules already loaded but it allows for lazy loading of code // if needed. var preloadPromise = preloadModule(serverReference); var promise; if (bound) { promise = Promise.all([bound, preloadPromise]).then(function (_ref) { var args = _ref[0]; return bindArgs$1(requireModule(serverReference), args); }); } else { if (preloadPromise) { promise = Promise.resolve(preloadPromise).then(function () { return requireModule(serverReference); }); } else { // Synchronously available return requireModule(serverReference); } } promise.then(createModelResolver(parentChunk, parentObject, key), createModelReject(parentChunk)); // We need a placeholder value that will be replaced later. return null; } var initializingChunk = null; var initializingChunkBlockedModel = null; function initializeModelChunk(chunk) { var prevChunk = initializingChunk; var prevBlocked = initializingChunkBlockedModel; initializingChunk = chunk; initializingChunkBlockedModel = null; try { var value = JSON.parse(chunk.value, chunk._response._fromJSON); if (initializingChunkBlockedModel !== null && initializingChunkBlockedModel.deps > 0) { initializingChunkBlockedModel.value = value; // We discovered new dependencies on modules that are not yet resolved. // We have to go the BLOCKED state until they're resolved. var blockedChunk = chunk; blockedChunk.status = BLOCKED; blockedChunk.value = null; blockedChunk.reason = null; } else { var initializedChunk = chunk; initializedChunk.status = INITIALIZED; initializedChunk.value = value; } } catch (error) { var erroredChunk = chunk; erroredChunk.status = ERRORED; erroredChunk.reason = error; } finally { initializingChunk = prevChunk; initializingChunkBlockedModel = prevBlocked; } } // Report that any missing chunks in the model is now going to throw this // error upon read. Also notify any pending promises. function reportGlobalError(response, error) { response._chunks.forEach(function (chunk) { // If this chunk was already resolved or errored, it won't // trigger an error but if it wasn't then we need to // because we won't be getting any new data to resolve it. if (chunk.status === PENDING) { triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error); } }); } function getChunk(response, id) { var chunks = response._chunks; var chunk = chunks.get(id); if (!chunk) { var prefix = response._prefix; var key = prefix + id; // Check if we have this field in the backing store already. var backingEntry = response._formData.get(key); if (backingEntry != null) { // We assume that this is a string entry for now. chunk = createResolvedModelChunk(response, backingEntry); } else { // We're still waiting on this entry to stream in. chunk = createPendingChunk(response); } chunks.set(id, chunk); } return chunk; } function createModelResolver(chunk, parentObject, key) { var blocked; if (initializingChunkBlockedModel) { blocked = initializingChunkBlockedModel; blocked.deps++; } else { blocked = initializingChunkBlockedModel = { deps: 1, value: null }; } return function (value) { parentObject[key] = value; blocked.deps--; if (blocked.deps === 0) { if (chunk.status !== BLOCKED) { return; } var resolveListeners = chunk.value; var initializedChunk = chunk; initializedChunk.status = INITIALIZED; initializedChunk.value = blocked.value; if (resolveListeners !== null) { wakeChunk(resolveListeners, blocked.value); } } }; } function createModelReject(chunk) { return function (error) { return triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error); }; } function getOutlinedModel(response, id) { var chunk = getChunk(response, id); if (chunk.status === RESOLVED_MODEL) { initializeModelChunk(chunk); } if (chunk.status !== INITIALIZED) { // We know that this is emitted earlier so otherwise it's an error. throw chunk.reason; } return chunk.value; } function parseModelString(response, parentObject, key, value) { if (value[0] === '$') { switch (value[1]) { case '$': { // This was an escaped string value. return value.slice(1); } case '@': { // Promise var id = parseInt(value.slice(2), 16); var chunk = getChunk(response, id); return chunk; } case 'S': { // Symbol return Symbol.for(value.slice(2)); } case 'F': { // Server Reference var _id = parseInt(value.slice(2), 16); // TODO: Just encode this in the reference inline instead of as a model. var metaData = getOutlinedModel(response, _id); return loadServerReference$1(response, metaData.id, metaData.bound, initializingChunk, parentObject, key); } case 'Q': { // Map var _id2 = parseInt(value.slice(2), 16); var data = getOutlinedModel(response, _id2); return new Map(data); } case 'W': { // Set var _id3 = parseInt(value.slice(2), 16); var _data = getOutlinedModel(response, _id3); return new Set(_data); } case 'K': { // FormData var stringId = value.slice(2); var formPrefix = response._prefix + stringId + '_'; var _data2 = new FormData(); var backingFormData = response._formData; // We assume that the reference to FormData always comes after each // entry that it references so we can assume they all exist in the // backing store already. // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] FormData has forEach on it. backingFormData.forEach(function (entry, entryKey) { if (entryKey.startsWith(formPrefix)) { _data2.append(entryKey.slice(formPrefix.length), entry); } }); return _data2; } case 'I': { // $Infinity return Infinity; } case '-': { // $-0 or $-Infinity if (value === '$-0') { return -0; } else { return -Infinity; } } case 'N': { // $NaN return NaN; } case 'u': { // matches "$undefined" // Special encoding for `undefined` which can't be serialized as JSON otherwise. return undefined; } case 'D': { // Date return new Date(Date.parse(value.slice(2))); } case 'n': { // BigInt return BigInt(value.slice(2)); } default: { // We assume that anything else is a reference ID. var _id4 = parseInt(value.slice(1), 16); var _chunk = getChunk(response, _id4); switch (_chunk.status) { case RESOLVED_MODEL: initializeModelChunk(_chunk); break; } // The status might have changed after initialization. switch (_chunk.status) { case INITIALIZED: return _chunk.value; case PENDING: case BLOCKED: var parentChunk = initializingChunk; _chunk.then(createModelResolver(parentChunk, parentObject, key), createModelReject(parentChunk)); return null; default: throw _chunk.reason; } } } } return value; } function createResponse(bundlerConfig, formFieldPrefix) { var backingFormData = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : new FormData(); var chunks = new Map(); var response = { _bundlerConfig: bundlerConfig, _prefix: formFieldPrefix, _formData: backingFormData, _chunks: chunks, _fromJSON: function (key, value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { // We can't use .bind here because we need the "this" value. return parseModelString(response, this, key, value); } return value; } }; return response; } function close(response) { // In case there are any remaining unresolved chunks, they won't // be resolved now. So we need to issue an error to those. // Ideally we should be able to early bail out if we kept a // ref count of pending chunks. reportGlobalError(response, new Error('Connection closed.')); } function bindArgs(fn, args) { return fn.bind.apply(fn, [null].concat(args)); } function loadServerReference(bundlerConfig, id, bound) { var serverReference = resolveServerReference(bundlerConfig, id); // We expect most servers to not really need this because you'd just have all // the relevant modules already loaded but it allows for lazy loading of code // if needed. var preloadPromise = preloadModule(serverReference); if (bound) { return Promise.all([bound, preloadPromise]).then(function (_ref) { var args = _ref[0]; return bindArgs(requireModule(serverReference), args); }); } else if (preloadPromise) { return Promise.resolve(preloadPromise).then(function () { return requireModule(serverReference); }); } else { // Synchronously available return Promise.resolve(requireModule(serverReference)); } } function decodeBoundActionMetaData(body, serverManifest, formFieldPrefix) { // The data for this reference is encoded in multiple fields under this prefix. var actionResponse = createResponse(serverManifest, formFieldPrefix, body); close(actionResponse); var refPromise = getRoot(actionResponse); // Force it to initialize // $FlowFixMe refPromise.then(function () {}); if (refPromise.status !== 'fulfilled') { // $FlowFixMe throw refPromise.reason; } return refPromise.value; } function decodeAction(body, serverManifest) { // We're going to create a new formData object that holds all the fields except // the implementation details of the action data. var formData = new FormData(); var action = null; // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] body.forEach(function (value, key) { if (!key.startsWith('$ACTION_')) { formData.append(key, value); return; } // Later actions may override earlier actions if a button is used to override the default // form action. if (key.startsWith('$ACTION_REF_')) { var formFieldPrefix = '$ACTION_' + key.slice(12) + ':'; var metaData = decodeBoundActionMetaData(body, serverManifest, formFieldPrefix); action = loadServerReference(serverManifest, metaData.id, metaData.bound); return; } if (key.startsWith('$ACTION_ID_')) { var id = key.slice(11); action = loadServerReference(serverManifest, id, null); return; } }); if (action === null) { return null; } // Return the action with the remaining FormData bound to the first argument. return action.then(function (fn) { return fn.bind(null, formData); }); } function renderToReadableStream(model, turbopackMap, options) { var request = createRequest(model, turbopackMap, options ? options.onError : undefined, options ? options.context : undefined, options ? options.identifierPrefix : undefined, options ? options.onPostpone : undefined); if (options && options.signal) { var signal = options.signal; if (signal.aborted) { abort(request, signal.reason); } else { var listener = function () { abort(request, signal.reason); signal.removeEventListener('abort', listener); }; signal.addEventListener('abort', listener); } } var stream = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', start: function (controller) { startWork(request); }, pull: function (controller) { startFlowing(request, controller); }, cancel: function (reason) {} }, // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] size() methods are not allowed on byte streams. { highWaterMark: 0 }); return stream; } function decodeReply(body, turbopackMap) { if (typeof body === 'string') { var form = new FormData(); form.append('0', body); body = form; } var response = createResponse(turbopackMap, '', body); close(response); return getRoot(response); } exports.createClientModuleProxy = createClientModuleProxy; exports.decodeAction = decodeAction; exports.decodeReply = decodeReply; exports.registerClientReference = registerClientReference; exports.registerServerReference = registerServerReference; exports.renderToReadableStream = renderToReadableStream; })(); }