/** * @license React * react-dom-server.edge.development.js * * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { (function() { 'use strict'; var React = require("next/dist/compiled/react-experimental"); var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); var ReactVersion = '18.3.0-experimental-3cfcbc5bc-20231018'; var ReactSharedInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; // by calls to these methods by a Babel plugin. // // In PROD (or in packages without access to React internals), // they are left as they are instead. function warn(format) { { { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } printWarning('warn', format, args); } } } function error(format) { { { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } printWarning('error', format, args); } } } function printWarning(level, format, args) { // When changing this logic, you might want to also // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well. { var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum(); if (stack !== '') { format += '%s'; args = args.concat([stack]); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion var argsWithFormat = args.map(function (item) { return String(item); }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it // breaks IE9: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/13610 // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging Function.prototype.apply.call(console[level], console, argsWithFormat); } } // A pure JS implementation of a string hashing function. We do not use it for // security or obfuscation purposes, only to create compact hashes. So we // prioritize speed over collision avoidance. For example, we use this to hash // the component key path used by useFormState for MPA-style submissions. // // In environments where built-in hashing functions are available, we prefer // those instead. Like Node's crypto module, or Bun.hash. Unfortunately this // does not include the web standard crypto API because those methods are all // async. For our purposes, we need it to be sync because the cost of context // switching is too high to be worth it. // // The most popular hashing algorithm that meets these requirements in the JS // ecosystem is MurmurHash3, and almost all implementations I could find used // some version of the implementation by Gary Court inlined below. function createFastHashJS(key) { return murmurhash3_32_gc(key, 0); } /* eslint-disable prefer-const, no-fallthrough */ /** * @license * * JS Implementation of MurmurHash3 (r136) (as of May 20, 2011) * * Copyright (c) 2011 Gary Court * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ function murmurhash3_32_gc(key, seed) { var remainder, bytes, h1, h1b, c1, c2, k1, i; remainder = key.length & 3; // key.length % 4 bytes = key.length - remainder; h1 = seed; c1 = 0xcc9e2d51; c2 = 0x1b873593; i = 0; while (i < bytes) { k1 = key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff | (key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8 | (key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16 | (key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24; ++i; k1 = (k1 & 0xffff) * c1 + (((k1 >>> 16) * c1 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; k1 = k1 << 15 | k1 >>> 17; k1 = (k1 & 0xffff) * c2 + (((k1 >>> 16) * c2 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; h1 = h1 << 13 | h1 >>> 19; h1b = (h1 & 0xffff) * 5 + (((h1 >>> 16) * 5 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; h1 = (h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64 + (((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654 & 0xffff) << 16); } k1 = 0; switch (remainder) { case 3: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16; case 2: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8; case 1: k1 ^= key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; k1 = (k1 & 0xffff) * c1 + (((k1 >>> 16) * c1 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; k1 = k1 << 15 | k1 >>> 17; k1 = (k1 & 0xffff) * c2 + (((k1 >>> 16) * c2 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; } h1 ^= key.length; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; h1 = (h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b + (((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 13; h1 = (h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35 + (((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35 & 0xffff) << 16) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; return h1 >>> 0; } function scheduleWork(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); } var VIEW_SIZE = 512; var currentView = null; var writtenBytes = 0; function beginWriting(destination) { currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } function writeChunk(destination, chunk) { if (chunk.byteLength === 0) { return; } if (chunk.byteLength > VIEW_SIZE) { { if (precomputedChunkSet.has(chunk)) { error('A large precomputed chunk was passed to writeChunk without being copied.' + ' Large chunks get enqueued directly and are not copied. This is incompatible with precomputed chunks because you cannot enqueue the same precomputed chunk twice.' + ' Use "cloneChunk" to make a copy of this large precomputed chunk before writing it. This is a bug in React.'); } } // this chunk may overflow a single view which implies it was not // one that is cached by the streaming renderer. We will enqueu // it directly and expect it is not re-used if (writtenBytes > 0) { destination.enqueue(new Uint8Array(currentView.buffer, 0, writtenBytes)); currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } destination.enqueue(chunk); return; } var bytesToWrite = chunk; var allowableBytes = currentView.length - writtenBytes; if (allowableBytes < bytesToWrite.byteLength) { // this chunk would overflow the current view. We enqueue a full view // and start a new view with the remaining chunk if (allowableBytes === 0) { // the current view is already full, send it destination.enqueue(currentView); } else { // fill up the current view and apply the remaining chunk bytes // to a new view. currentView.set(bytesToWrite.subarray(0, allowableBytes), writtenBytes); // writtenBytes += allowableBytes; // this can be skipped because we are going to immediately reset the view destination.enqueue(currentView); bytesToWrite = bytesToWrite.subarray(allowableBytes); } currentView = new Uint8Array(VIEW_SIZE); writtenBytes = 0; } currentView.set(bytesToWrite, writtenBytes); writtenBytes += bytesToWrite.byteLength; } function writeChunkAndReturn(destination, chunk) { writeChunk(destination, chunk); // in web streams there is no backpressure so we can alwas write more return true; } function completeWriting(destination) { if (currentView && writtenBytes > 0) { destination.enqueue(new Uint8Array(currentView.buffer, 0, writtenBytes)); currentView = null; writtenBytes = 0; } } function close(destination) { destination.close(); } var textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); function stringToChunk(content) { return textEncoder.encode(content); } var precomputedChunkSet = new Set() ; function stringToPrecomputedChunk(content) { var precomputedChunk = textEncoder.encode(content); { precomputedChunkSet.add(precomputedChunk); } return precomputedChunk; } function clonePrecomputedChunk(precomputedChunk) { return precomputedChunk.byteLength > VIEW_SIZE ? precomputedChunk.slice() : precomputedChunk; } function closeWithError(destination, error) { // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] if (typeof destination.error === 'function') { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call]: This is an Error object or the destination accepts other types. destination.error(error); } else { // Earlier implementations doesn't support this method. In that environment you're // supposed to throw from a promise returned but we don't return a promise in our // approach. We could fork this implementation but this is environment is an edge // case to begin with. It's even less common to run this in an older environment. // Even then, this is not where errors are supposed to happen and they get reported // to a global callback in addition to this anyway. So it's fine just to close this. destination.close(); } } var assign = Object.assign; /* * The `'' + value` pattern (used in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol * and Temporal.* types. See https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/22064. * * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand, * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation * of the `value` object). */ // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] only called in DEV, so void return is not possible. function typeName(value) { { // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag; var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || value.constructor.name || 'Object'; // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] return type; } } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] only called in DEV, so void return is not possible. function willCoercionThrow(value) { { try { testStringCoercion(value); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } } } function testStringCoercion(value) { // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key, // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown. // // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.) // // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`. // // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console. // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc. // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its // ancestor components where the exception happened. // // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion return '' + value; } function checkAttributeStringCoercion(value, attributeName) { { if (willCoercionThrow(value)) { error('The provided `%s` attribute is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', attributeName, typeName(value)); return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments) } } } function checkCSSPropertyStringCoercion(value, propName) { { if (willCoercionThrow(value)) { error('The provided `%s` CSS property is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', propName, typeName(value)); return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments) } } } function checkHtmlStringCoercion(value) { { if (willCoercionThrow(value)) { error('The provided HTML markup uses a value of unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value)); return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments) } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var enableFloat = true; // Enables unstable_useMemoCache hook, intended as a compilation target for // $FlowFixMe[method-unbinding] var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /* eslint-disable max-len */ var ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR = ":A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD"; /* eslint-enable max-len */ var ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + "\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040"; var VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX = new RegExp('^[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + '][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$'); var illegalAttributeNameCache = {}; var validatedAttributeNameCache = {}; function isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(validatedAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) { return true; } if (hasOwnProperty.call(illegalAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) { return false; } if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName)) { validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true; return true; } illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true; { error('Invalid attribute name: `%s`', attributeName); } return false; } /** * CSS properties which accept numbers but are not in units of "px". */ var unitlessNumbers = new Set(['animationIterationCount', 'aspectRatio', 'borderImageOutset', 'borderImageSlice', 'borderImageWidth', 'boxFlex', 'boxFlexGroup', 'boxOrdinalGroup', 'columnCount', 'columns', 'flex', 'flexGrow', 'flexPositive', 'flexShrink', 'flexNegative', 'flexOrder', 'gridArea', 'gridRow', 'gridRowEnd', 'gridRowSpan', 'gridRowStart', 'gridColumn', 'gridColumnEnd', 'gridColumnSpan', 'gridColumnStart', 'fontWeight', 'lineClamp', 'lineHeight', 'opacity', 'order', 'orphans', 'scale', 'tabSize', 'widows', 'zIndex', 'zoom', 'fillOpacity', // SVG-related properties 'floodOpacity', 'stopOpacity', 'strokeDasharray', 'strokeDashoffset', 'strokeMiterlimit', 'strokeOpacity', 'strokeWidth', 'MozAnimationIterationCount', // Known Prefixed Properties 'MozBoxFlex', // TODO: Remove these since they shouldn't be used in modern code 'MozBoxFlexGroup', 'MozLineClamp', 'msAnimationIterationCount', 'msFlex', 'msZoom', 'msFlexGrow', 'msFlexNegative', 'msFlexOrder', 'msFlexPositive', 'msFlexShrink', 'msGridColumn', 'msGridColumnSpan', 'msGridRow', 'msGridRowSpan', 'WebkitAnimationIterationCount', 'WebkitBoxFlex', 'WebKitBoxFlexGroup', 'WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup', 'WebkitColumnCount', 'WebkitColumns', 'WebkitFlex', 'WebkitFlexGrow', 'WebkitFlexPositive', 'WebkitFlexShrink', 'WebkitLineClamp']); function isUnitlessNumber (name) { return unitlessNumbers.has(name); } var aliases = new Map([['acceptCharset', 'accept-charset'], ['htmlFor', 'for'], ['httpEquiv', 'http-equiv'], // HTML and SVG attributes, but the SVG attribute is case sensitive.], ['crossOrigin', 'crossorigin'], // This is a list of all SVG attributes that need special casing. // Regular attributes that just accept strings.], ['accentHeight', 'accent-height'], ['alignmentBaseline', 'alignment-baseline'], ['arabicForm', 'arabic-form'], ['baselineShift', 'baseline-shift'], ['capHeight', 'cap-height'], ['clipPath', 'clip-path'], ['clipRule', 'clip-rule'], ['colorInterpolation', 'color-interpolation'], ['colorInterpolationFilters', 'color-interpolation-filters'], ['colorProfile', 'color-profile'], ['colorRendering', 'color-rendering'], ['dominantBaseline', 'dominant-baseline'], ['enableBackground', 'enable-background'], ['fillOpacity', 'fill-opacity'], ['fillRule', 'fill-rule'], ['floodColor', 'flood-color'], ['floodOpacity', 'flood-opacity'], ['fontFamily', 'font-family'], ['fontSize', 'font-size'], ['fontSizeAdjust', 'font-size-adjust'], ['fontStretch', 'font-stretch'], ['fontStyle', 'font-style'], ['fontVariant', 'font-variant'], ['fontWeight', 'font-weight'], ['glyphName', 'glyph-name'], ['glyphOrientationHorizontal', 'glyph-orientation-horizontal'], ['glyphOrientationVertical', 'glyph-orientation-vertical'], ['horizAdvX', 'horiz-adv-x'], ['horizOriginX', 'horiz-origin-x'], ['imageRendering', 'image-rendering'], ['letterSpacing', 'letter-spacing'], ['lightingColor', 'lighting-color'], ['markerEnd', 'marker-end'], ['markerMid', 'marker-mid'], ['markerStart', 'marker-start'], ['overlinePosition', 'overline-position'], ['overlineThickness', 'overline-thickness'], ['paintOrder', 'paint-order'], ['panose-1', 'panose-1'], ['pointerEvents', 'pointer-events'], ['renderingIntent', 'rendering-intent'], ['shapeRendering', 'shape-rendering'], ['stopColor', 'stop-color'], ['stopOpacity', 'stop-opacity'], ['strikethroughPosition', 'strikethrough-position'], ['strikethroughThickness', 'strikethrough-thickness'], ['strokeDasharray', 'stroke-dasharray'], ['strokeDashoffset', 'stroke-dashoffset'], ['strokeLinecap', 'stroke-linecap'], ['strokeLinejoin', 'stroke-linejoin'], ['strokeMiterlimit', 'stroke-miterlimit'], ['strokeOpacity', 'stroke-opacity'], ['strokeWidth', 'stroke-width'], ['textAnchor', 'text-anchor'], ['textDecoration', 'text-decoration'], ['textRendering', 'text-rendering'], ['transformOrigin', 'transform-origin'], ['underlinePosition', 'underline-position'], ['underlineThickness', 'underline-thickness'], ['unicodeBidi', 'unicode-bidi'], ['unicodeRange', 'unicode-range'], ['unitsPerEm', 'units-per-em'], ['vAlphabetic', 'v-alphabetic'], ['vHanging', 'v-hanging'], ['vIdeographic', 'v-ideographic'], ['vMathematical', 'v-mathematical'], ['vectorEffect', 'vector-effect'], ['vertAdvY', 'vert-adv-y'], ['vertOriginX', 'vert-origin-x'], ['vertOriginY', 'vert-origin-y'], ['wordSpacing', 'word-spacing'], ['writingMode', 'writing-mode'], ['xmlnsXlink', 'xmlns:xlink'], ['xHeight', 'x-height']]); function getAttributeAlias (name) { return aliases.get(name) || name; } var hasReadOnlyValue = { button: true, checkbox: true, image: true, hidden: true, radio: true, reset: true, submit: true }; function checkControlledValueProps(tagName, props) { { if (!(hasReadOnlyValue[props.type] || props.onChange || props.onInput || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.value == null)) { error('You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.'); } if (!(props.onChange || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.checked == null)) { error('You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.'); } } } var ariaProperties = { 'aria-current': 0, // state 'aria-description': 0, 'aria-details': 0, 'aria-disabled': 0, // state 'aria-hidden': 0, // state 'aria-invalid': 0, // state 'aria-keyshortcuts': 0, 'aria-label': 0, 'aria-roledescription': 0, // Widget Attributes 'aria-autocomplete': 0, 'aria-checked': 0, 'aria-expanded': 0, 'aria-haspopup': 0, 'aria-level': 0, 'aria-modal': 0, 'aria-multiline': 0, 'aria-multiselectable': 0, 'aria-orientation': 0, 'aria-placeholder': 0, 'aria-pressed': 0, 'aria-readonly': 0, 'aria-required': 0, 'aria-selected': 0, 'aria-sort': 0, 'aria-valuemax': 0, 'aria-valuemin': 0, 'aria-valuenow': 0, 'aria-valuetext': 0, // Live Region Attributes 'aria-atomic': 0, 'aria-busy': 0, 'aria-live': 0, 'aria-relevant': 0, // Drag-and-Drop Attributes 'aria-dropeffect': 0, 'aria-grabbed': 0, // Relationship Attributes 'aria-activedescendant': 0, 'aria-colcount': 0, 'aria-colindex': 0, 'aria-colspan': 0, 'aria-controls': 0, 'aria-describedby': 0, 'aria-errormessage': 0, 'aria-flowto': 0, 'aria-labelledby': 0, 'aria-owns': 0, 'aria-posinset': 0, 'aria-rowcount': 0, 'aria-rowindex': 0, 'aria-rowspan': 0, 'aria-setsize': 0 }; var warnedProperties$1 = {}; var rARIA$1 = new RegExp('^(aria)-[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$'); var rARIACamel$1 = new RegExp('^(aria)[A-Z][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$'); function validateProperty$1(tagName, name) { { if (hasOwnProperty.call(warnedProperties$1, name) && warnedProperties$1[name]) { return true; } if (rARIACamel$1.test(name)) { var ariaName = 'aria-' + name.slice(4).toLowerCase(); var correctName = ariaProperties.hasOwnProperty(ariaName) ? ariaName : null; // If this is an aria-* attribute, but is not listed in the known DOM // DOM properties, then it is an invalid aria-* attribute. if (correctName == null) { error('Invalid ARIA attribute `%s`. ARIA attributes follow the pattern aria-* and must be lowercase.', name); warnedProperties$1[name] = true; return true; } // aria-* attributes should be lowercase; suggest the lowercase version. if (name !== correctName) { error('Invalid ARIA attribute `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, correctName); warnedProperties$1[name] = true; return true; } } if (rARIA$1.test(name)) { var lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase(); var standardName = ariaProperties.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName) ? lowerCasedName : null; // If this is an aria-* attribute, but is not listed in the known DOM // DOM properties, then it is an invalid aria-* attribute. if (standardName == null) { warnedProperties$1[name] = true; return false; } // aria-* attributes should be lowercase; suggest the lowercase version. if (name !== standardName) { error('Unknown ARIA attribute `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, standardName); warnedProperties$1[name] = true; return true; } } } return true; } function validateProperties$2(type, props) { { var invalidProps = []; for (var key in props) { var isValid = validateProperty$1(type, key); if (!isValid) { invalidProps.push(key); } } var unknownPropString = invalidProps.map(function (prop) { return '`' + prop + '`'; }).join(', '); if (invalidProps.length === 1) { error('Invalid aria prop %s on <%s> tag. ' + 'For details, see https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-aria-props', unknownPropString, type); } else if (invalidProps.length > 1) { error('Invalid aria props %s on <%s> tag. ' + 'For details, see https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-aria-props', unknownPropString, type); } } } var didWarnValueNull = false; function validateProperties$1(type, props) { { if (type !== 'input' && type !== 'textarea' && type !== 'select') { return; } if (props != null && props.value === null && !didWarnValueNull) { didWarnValueNull = true; if (type === 'select' && props.multiple) { error('`value` prop on `%s` should not be null. ' + 'Consider using an empty array when `multiple` is set to `true` ' + 'to clear the component or `undefined` for uncontrolled components.', type); } else { error('`value` prop on `%s` should not be null. ' + 'Consider using an empty string to clear the component or `undefined` ' + 'for uncontrolled components.', type); } } } } function isCustomElement(tagName, props) { if (tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) { return false; } switch (tagName) { // These are reserved SVG and MathML elements. // We don't mind this list too much because we expect it to never grow. // The alternative is to track the namespace in a few places which is convoluted. // https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/#custom-elements-core-concepts case 'annotation-xml': case 'color-profile': case 'font-face': case 'font-face-src': case 'font-face-uri': case 'font-face-format': case 'font-face-name': case 'missing-glyph': return false; default: return true; } } // When adding attributes to the HTML or SVG allowed attribute list, be sure to // also add them to this module to ensure casing and incorrect name // warnings. var possibleStandardNames = { // HTML accept: 'accept', acceptcharset: 'acceptCharset', 'accept-charset': 'acceptCharset', accesskey: 'accessKey', action: 'action', allowfullscreen: 'allowFullScreen', alt: 'alt', as: 'as', async: 'async', autocapitalize: 'autoCapitalize', autocomplete: 'autoComplete', autocorrect: 'autoCorrect', autofocus: 'autoFocus', autoplay: 'autoPlay', autosave: 'autoSave', capture: 'capture', cellpadding: 'cellPadding', cellspacing: 'cellSpacing', challenge: 'challenge', charset: 'charSet', checked: 'checked', children: 'children', cite: 'cite', class: 'className', classid: 'classID', classname: 'className', cols: 'cols', colspan: 'colSpan', content: 'content', contenteditable: 'contentEditable', contextmenu: 'contextMenu', controls: 'controls', controlslist: 'controlsList', coords: 'coords', crossorigin: 'crossOrigin', dangerouslysetinnerhtml: 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML', data: 'data', datetime: 'dateTime', default: 'default', defaultchecked: 'defaultChecked', defaultvalue: 'defaultValue', defer: 'defer', dir: 'dir', disabled: 'disabled', disablepictureinpicture: 'disablePictureInPicture', disableremoteplayback: 'disableRemotePlayback', download: 'download', draggable: 'draggable', enctype: 'encType', enterkeyhint: 'enterKeyHint', fetchpriority: 'fetchPriority', for: 'htmlFor', form: 'form', formmethod: 'formMethod', formaction: 'formAction', formenctype: 'formEncType', formnovalidate: 'formNoValidate', formtarget: 'formTarget', frameborder: 'frameBorder', headers: 'headers', height: 'height', hidden: 'hidden', high: 'high', href: 'href', hreflang: 'hrefLang', htmlfor: 'htmlFor', httpequiv: 'httpEquiv', 'http-equiv': 'httpEquiv', icon: 'icon', id: 'id', imagesizes: 'imageSizes', imagesrcset: 'imageSrcSet', innerhtml: 'innerHTML', inputmode: 'inputMode', integrity: 'integrity', is: 'is', itemid: 'itemID', itemprop: 'itemProp', itemref: 'itemRef', itemscope: 'itemScope', itemtype: 'itemType', keyparams: 'keyParams', keytype: 'keyType', kind: 'kind', label: 'label', lang: 'lang', list: 'list', loop: 'loop', low: 'low', manifest: 'manifest', marginwidth: 'marginWidth', marginheight: 'marginHeight', max: 'max', maxlength: 'maxLength', media: 'media', mediagroup: 'mediaGroup', method: 'method', min: 'min', minlength: 'minLength', multiple: 'multiple', muted: 'muted', name: 'name', nomodule: 'noModule', nonce: 'nonce', novalidate: 'noValidate', open: 'open', optimum: 'optimum', pattern: 'pattern', placeholder: 'placeholder', playsinline: 'playsInline', poster: 'poster', preload: 'preload', profile: 'profile', radiogroup: 'radioGroup', readonly: 'readOnly', referrerpolicy: 'referrerPolicy', rel: 'rel', required: 'required', reversed: 'reversed', role: 'role', rows: 'rows', rowspan: 'rowSpan', sandbox: 'sandbox', scope: 'scope', scoped: 'scoped', scrolling: 'scrolling', seamless: 'seamless', selected: 'selected', shape: 'shape', size: 'size', sizes: 'sizes', span: 'span', spellcheck: 'spellCheck', src: 'src', srcdoc: 'srcDoc', srclang: 'srcLang', srcset: 'srcSet', start: 'start', step: 'step', style: 'style', summary: 'summary', tabindex: 'tabIndex', target: 'target', title: 'title', type: 'type', usemap: 'useMap', value: 'value', width: 'width', wmode: 'wmode', wrap: 'wrap', // SVG about: 'about', accentheight: 'accentHeight', 'accent-height': 'accentHeight', accumulate: 'accumulate', additive: 'additive', alignmentbaseline: 'alignmentBaseline', 'alignment-baseline': 'alignmentBaseline', allowreorder: 'allowReorder', alphabetic: 'alphabetic', amplitude: 'amplitude', arabicform: 'arabicForm', 'arabic-form': 'arabicForm', ascent: 'ascent', attributename: 'attributeName', attributetype: 'attributeType', autoreverse: 'autoReverse', azimuth: 'azimuth', basefrequency: 'baseFrequency', baselineshift: 'baselineShift', 'baseline-shift': 'baselineShift', baseprofile: 'baseProfile', bbox: 'bbox', begin: 'begin', bias: 'bias', by: 'by', calcmode: 'calcMode', capheight: 'capHeight', 'cap-height': 'capHeight', clip: 'clip', clippath: 'clipPath', 'clip-path': 'clipPath', clippathunits: 'clipPathUnits', cliprule: 'clipRule', 'clip-rule': 'clipRule', color: 'color', colorinterpolation: 'colorInterpolation', 'color-interpolation': 'colorInterpolation', colorinterpolationfilters: 'colorInterpolationFilters', 'color-interpolation-filters': 'colorInterpolationFilters', colorprofile: 'colorProfile', 'color-profile': 'colorProfile', colorrendering: 'colorRendering', 'color-rendering': 'colorRendering', contentscripttype: 'contentScriptType', contentstyletype: 'contentStyleType', cursor: 'cursor', cx: 'cx', cy: 'cy', d: 'd', datatype: 'datatype', decelerate: 'decelerate', descent: 'descent', diffuseconstant: 'diffuseConstant', direction: 'direction', display: 'display', divisor: 'divisor', dominantbaseline: 'dominantBaseline', 'dominant-baseline': 'dominantBaseline', dur: 'dur', dx: 'dx', dy: 'dy', edgemode: 'edgeMode', elevation: 'elevation', enablebackground: 'enableBackground', 'enable-background': 'enableBackground', end: 'end', exponent: 'exponent', externalresourcesrequired: 'externalResourcesRequired', fill: 'fill', fillopacity: 'fillOpacity', 'fill-opacity': 'fillOpacity', fillrule: 'fillRule', 'fill-rule': 'fillRule', filter: 'filter', filterres: 'filterRes', filterunits: 'filterUnits', floodopacity: 'floodOpacity', 'flood-opacity': 'floodOpacity', floodcolor: 'floodColor', 'flood-color': 'floodColor', focusable: 'focusable', fontfamily: 'fontFamily', 'font-family': 'fontFamily', fontsize: 'fontSize', 'font-size': 'fontSize', fontsizeadjust: 'fontSizeAdjust', 'font-size-adjust': 'fontSizeAdjust', fontstretch: 'fontStretch', 'font-stretch': 'fontStretch', fontstyle: 'fontStyle', 'font-style': 'fontStyle', fontvariant: 'fontVariant', 'font-variant': 'fontVariant', fontweight: 'fontWeight', 'font-weight': 'fontWeight', format: 'format', from: 'from', fx: 'fx', fy: 'fy', g1: 'g1', g2: 'g2', glyphname: 'glyphName', 'glyph-name': 'glyphName', glyphorientationhorizontal: 'glyphOrientationHorizontal', 'glyph-orientation-horizontal': 'glyphOrientationHorizontal', glyphorientationvertical: 'glyphOrientationVertical', 'glyph-orientation-vertical': 'glyphOrientationVertical', glyphref: 'glyphRef', gradienttransform: 'gradientTransform', gradientunits: 'gradientUnits', hanging: 'hanging', horizadvx: 'horizAdvX', 'horiz-adv-x': 'horizAdvX', horizoriginx: 'horizOriginX', 'horiz-origin-x': 'horizOriginX', ideographic: 'ideographic', imagerendering: 'imageRendering', 'image-rendering': 'imageRendering', in2: 'in2', in: 'in', inlist: 'inlist', intercept: 'intercept', k1: 'k1', k2: 'k2', k3: 'k3', k4: 'k4', k: 'k', kernelmatrix: 'kernelMatrix', kernelunitlength: 'kernelUnitLength', kerning: 'kerning', keypoints: 'keyPoints', keysplines: 'keySplines', keytimes: 'keyTimes', lengthadjust: 'lengthAdjust', letterspacing: 'letterSpacing', 'letter-spacing': 'letterSpacing', lightingcolor: 'lightingColor', 'lighting-color': 'lightingColor', limitingconeangle: 'limitingConeAngle', local: 'local', markerend: 'markerEnd', 'marker-end': 'markerEnd', markerheight: 'markerHeight', markermid: 'markerMid', 'marker-mid': 'markerMid', markerstart: 'markerStart', 'marker-start': 'markerStart', markerunits: 'markerUnits', markerwidth: 'markerWidth', mask: 'mask', maskcontentunits: 'maskContentUnits', maskunits: 'maskUnits', mathematical: 'mathematical', mode: 'mode', numoctaves: 'numOctaves', offset: 'offset', opacity: 'opacity', operator: 'operator', order: 'order', orient: 'orient', orientation: 'orientation', origin: 'origin', overflow: 'overflow', overlineposition: 'overlinePosition', 'overline-position': 'overlinePosition', overlinethickness: 'overlineThickness', 'overline-thickness': 'overlineThickness', paintorder: 'paintOrder', 'paint-order': 'paintOrder', panose1: 'panose1', 'panose-1': 'panose1', pathlength: 'pathLength', patterncontentunits: 'patternContentUnits', patterntransform: 'patternTransform', patternunits: 'patternUnits', pointerevents: 'pointerEvents', 'pointer-events': 'pointerEvents', points: 'points', pointsatx: 'pointsAtX', pointsaty: 'pointsAtY', pointsatz: 'pointsAtZ', prefix: 'prefix', preservealpha: 'preserveAlpha', preserveaspectratio: 'preserveAspectRatio', primitiveunits: 'primitiveUnits', property: 'property', r: 'r', radius: 'radius', refx: 'refX', refy: 'refY', renderingintent: 'renderingIntent', 'rendering-intent': 'renderingIntent', repeatcount: 'repeatCount', repeatdur: 'repeatDur', requiredextensions: 'requiredExtensions', requiredfeatures: 'requiredFeatures', resource: 'resource', restart: 'restart', result: 'result', results: 'results', rotate: 'rotate', rx: 'rx', ry: 'ry', scale: 'scale', security: 'security', seed: 'seed', shaperendering: 'shapeRendering', 'shape-rendering': 'shapeRendering', slope: 'slope', spacing: 'spacing', specularconstant: 'specularConstant', specularexponent: 'specularExponent', speed: 'speed', spreadmethod: 'spreadMethod', startoffset: 'startOffset', stddeviation: 'stdDeviation', stemh: 'stemh', stemv: 'stemv', stitchtiles: 'stitchTiles', stopcolor: 'stopColor', 'stop-color': 'stopColor', stopopacity: 'stopOpacity', 'stop-opacity': 'stopOpacity', strikethroughposition: 'strikethroughPosition', 'strikethrough-position': 'strikethroughPosition', strikethroughthickness: 'strikethroughThickness', 'strikethrough-thickness': 'strikethroughThickness', string: 'string', stroke: 'stroke', strokedasharray: 'strokeDasharray', 'stroke-dasharray': 'strokeDasharray', strokedashoffset: 'strokeDashoffset', 'stroke-dashoffset': 'strokeDashoffset', strokelinecap: 'strokeLinecap', 'stroke-linecap': 'strokeLinecap', strokelinejoin: 'strokeLinejoin', 'stroke-linejoin': 'strokeLinejoin', strokemiterlimit: 'strokeMiterlimit', 'stroke-miterlimit': 'strokeMiterlimit', strokewidth: 'strokeWidth', 'stroke-width': 'strokeWidth', strokeopacity: 'strokeOpacity', 'stroke-opacity': 'strokeOpacity', suppresscontenteditablewarning: 'suppressContentEditableWarning', suppresshydrationwarning: 'suppressHydrationWarning', surfacescale: 'surfaceScale', systemlanguage: 'systemLanguage', tablevalues: 'tableValues', targetx: 'targetX', targety: 'targetY', textanchor: 'textAnchor', 'text-anchor': 'textAnchor', textdecoration: 'textDecoration', 'text-decoration': 'textDecoration', textlength: 'textLength', textrendering: 'textRendering', 'text-rendering': 'textRendering', to: 'to', transform: 'transform', transformorigin: 'transformOrigin', 'transform-origin': 'transformOrigin', typeof: 'typeof', u1: 'u1', u2: 'u2', underlineposition: 'underlinePosition', 'underline-position': 'underlinePosition', underlinethickness: 'underlineThickness', 'underline-thickness': 'underlineThickness', unicode: 'unicode', unicodebidi: 'unicodeBidi', 'unicode-bidi': 'unicodeBidi', unicoderange: 'unicodeRange', 'unicode-range': 'unicodeRange', unitsperem: 'unitsPerEm', 'units-per-em': 'unitsPerEm', unselectable: 'unselectable', valphabetic: 'vAlphabetic', 'v-alphabetic': 'vAlphabetic', values: 'values', vectoreffect: 'vectorEffect', 'vector-effect': 'vectorEffect', version: 'version', vertadvy: 'vertAdvY', 'vert-adv-y': 'vertAdvY', vertoriginx: 'vertOriginX', 'vert-origin-x': 'vertOriginX', vertoriginy: 'vertOriginY', 'vert-origin-y': 'vertOriginY', vhanging: 'vHanging', 'v-hanging': 'vHanging', videographic: 'vIdeographic', 'v-ideographic': 'vIdeographic', viewbox: 'viewBox', viewtarget: 'viewTarget', visibility: 'visibility', vmathematical: 'vMathematical', 'v-mathematical': 'vMathematical', vocab: 'vocab', widths: 'widths', wordspacing: 'wordSpacing', 'word-spacing': 'wordSpacing', writingmode: 'writingMode', 'writing-mode': 'writingMode', x1: 'x1', x2: 'x2', x: 'x', xchannelselector: 'xChannelSelector', xheight: 'xHeight', 'x-height': 'xHeight', xlinkactuate: 'xlinkActuate', 'xlink:actuate': 'xlinkActuate', xlinkarcrole: 'xlinkArcrole', 'xlink:arcrole': 'xlinkArcrole', xlinkhref: 'xlinkHref', 'xlink:href': 'xlinkHref', xlinkrole: 'xlinkRole', 'xlink:role': 'xlinkRole', xlinkshow: 'xlinkShow', 'xlink:show': 'xlinkShow', xlinktitle: 'xlinkTitle', 'xlink:title': 'xlinkTitle', xlinktype: 'xlinkType', 'xlink:type': 'xlinkType', xmlbase: 'xmlBase', 'xml:base': 'xmlBase', xmllang: 'xmlLang', 'xml:lang': 'xmlLang', xmlns: 'xmlns', 'xml:space': 'xmlSpace', xmlnsxlink: 'xmlnsXlink', 'xmlns:xlink': 'xmlnsXlink', xmlspace: 'xmlSpace', y1: 'y1', y2: 'y2', y: 'y', ychannelselector: 'yChannelSelector', z: 'z', zoomandpan: 'zoomAndPan' }; var warnedProperties = {}; var EVENT_NAME_REGEX = /^on./; var INVALID_EVENT_NAME_REGEX = /^on[^A-Z]/; var rARIA = new RegExp('^(aria)-[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$') ; var rARIACamel = new RegExp('^(aria)[A-Z][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$') ; function validateProperty(tagName, name, value, eventRegistry) { { if (hasOwnProperty.call(warnedProperties, name) && warnedProperties[name]) { return true; } var lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCasedName === 'onfocusin' || lowerCasedName === 'onfocusout') { error('React uses onFocus and onBlur instead of onFocusIn and onFocusOut. ' + 'All React events are normalized to bubble, so onFocusIn and onFocusOut ' + 'are not needed/supported by React.'); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } { // Actions are special because unlike events they can have other value types. if (typeof value === 'function') { if (tagName === 'form' && name === 'action') { return true; } if (tagName === 'input' && name === 'formAction') { return true; } if (tagName === 'button' && name === 'formAction') { return true; } } } // We can't rely on the event system being injected on the server. if (eventRegistry != null) { var registrationNameDependencies = eventRegistry.registrationNameDependencies, possibleRegistrationNames = eventRegistry.possibleRegistrationNames; if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return true; } var registrationName = possibleRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName) ? possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] : null; if (registrationName != null) { error('Invalid event handler property `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, registrationName); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } if (EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) { error('Unknown event handler property `%s`. It will be ignored.', name); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } } else if (EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) { // If no event plugins have been injected, we are in a server environment. // So we can't tell if the event name is correct for sure, but we can filter // out known bad ones like `onclick`. We can't suggest a specific replacement though. if (INVALID_EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) { error('Invalid event handler property `%s`. ' + 'React events use the camelCase naming convention, for example `onClick`.', name); } warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } // Let the ARIA attribute hook validate ARIA attributes if (rARIA.test(name) || rARIACamel.test(name)) { return true; } if (lowerCasedName === 'innerhtml') { error('Directly setting property `innerHTML` is not permitted. ' + 'For more information, lookup documentation on `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.'); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } if (lowerCasedName === 'aria') { error('The `aria` attribute is reserved for future use in React. ' + 'Pass individual `aria-` attributes instead.'); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } if (lowerCasedName === 'is' && value !== null && value !== undefined && typeof value !== 'string') { error('Received a `%s` for a string attribute `is`. If this is expected, cast ' + 'the value to a string.', typeof value); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value)) { error('Received NaN for the `%s` attribute. If this is expected, cast ' + 'the value to a string.', name); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } // Known attributes should match the casing specified in the property config. if (possibleStandardNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName)) { var standardName = possibleStandardNames[lowerCasedName]; if (standardName !== name) { error('Invalid DOM property `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, standardName); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } } else if (name !== lowerCasedName) { // Unknown attributes should have lowercase casing since that's how they // will be cased anyway with server rendering. error('React does not recognize the `%s` prop on a DOM element. If you ' + 'intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom ' + 'attribute, spell it as lowercase `%s` instead. ' + 'If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove ' + 'it from the DOM element.', name, lowerCasedName); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } // Now that we've validated casing, do not validate // data types for reserved props switch (name) { case 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML': case 'children': case 'style': case 'suppressContentEditableWarning': case 'suppressHydrationWarning': case 'defaultValue': // Reserved case 'defaultChecked': case 'innerHTML': { return true; } case 'innerText': // Properties case 'textContent': { return true; } } switch (typeof value) { case 'boolean': { switch (name) { case 'autoFocus': case 'checked': case 'multiple': case 'muted': case 'selected': case 'contentEditable': case 'spellCheck': case 'draggable': case 'value': case 'autoReverse': case 'externalResourcesRequired': case 'focusable': case 'preserveAlpha': case 'allowFullScreen': case 'async': case 'autoPlay': case 'controls': case 'default': case 'defer': case 'disabled': case 'disablePictureInPicture': case 'disableRemotePlayback': case 'formNoValidate': case 'hidden': case 'loop': case 'noModule': case 'noValidate': case 'open': case 'playsInline': case 'readOnly': case 'required': case 'reversed': case 'scoped': case 'seamless': case 'itemScope': case 'capture': case 'download': { // Boolean properties can accept boolean values return true; } default: { var prefix = name.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5); if (prefix === 'data-' || prefix === 'aria-') { return true; } if (value) { error('Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\n\n' + 'If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: ' + '%s="%s" or %s={value.toString()}.', value, name, name, value, name); } else { error('Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\n\n' + 'If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: ' + '%s="%s" or %s={value.toString()}.\n\n' + 'If you used to conditionally omit it with %s={condition && value}, ' + 'pass %s={condition ? value : undefined} instead.', value, name, name, value, name, name, name); } warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } } } case 'function': case 'symbol': // eslint-disable-line // Warn when a known attribute is a bad type warnedProperties[name] = true; return false; case 'string': { // Warn when passing the strings 'false' or 'true' into a boolean prop if (value === 'false' || value === 'true') { switch (name) { case 'checked': case 'selected': case 'multiple': case 'muted': case 'allowFullScreen': case 'async': case 'autoPlay': case 'controls': case 'default': case 'defer': case 'disabled': case 'disablePictureInPicture': case 'disableRemotePlayback': case 'formNoValidate': case 'hidden': case 'loop': case 'noModule': case 'noValidate': case 'open': case 'playsInline': case 'readOnly': case 'required': case 'reversed': case 'scoped': case 'seamless': case 'itemScope': { break; } default: { return true; } } error('Received the string `%s` for the boolean attribute `%s`. ' + '%s ' + 'Did you mean %s={%s}?', value, name, value === 'false' ? 'The browser will interpret it as a truthy value.' : 'Although this works, it will not work as expected if you pass the string "false".', name, value); warnedProperties[name] = true; return true; } } } return true; } } function warnUnknownProperties(type, props, eventRegistry) { { var unknownProps = []; for (var key in props) { var isValid = validateProperty(type, key, props[key], eventRegistry); if (!isValid) { unknownProps.push(key); } } var unknownPropString = unknownProps.map(function (prop) { return '`' + prop + '`'; }).join(', '); if (unknownProps.length === 1) { error('Invalid value for prop %s on <%s> tag. Either remove it from the element, ' + 'or pass a string or number value to keep it in the DOM. ' + 'For details, see https://reactjs.org/link/attribute-behavior ', unknownPropString, type); } else if (unknownProps.length > 1) { error('Invalid values for props %s on <%s> tag. Either remove them from the element, ' + 'or pass a string or number value to keep them in the DOM. ' + 'For details, see https://reactjs.org/link/attribute-behavior ', unknownPropString, type); } } } function validateProperties(type, props, eventRegistry) { if (isCustomElement(type) || typeof props.is === 'string') { return; } warnUnknownProperties(type, props, eventRegistry); } // 'msTransform' is correct, but the other prefixes should be capitalized var badVendoredStyleNamePattern = /^(?:webkit|moz|o)[A-Z]/; var msPattern$1 = /^-ms-/; var hyphenPattern = /-(.)/g; // style values shouldn't contain a semicolon var badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern = /;\s*$/; var warnedStyleNames = {}; var warnedStyleValues = {}; var warnedForNaNValue = false; var warnedForInfinityValue = false; function camelize(string) { return string.replace(hyphenPattern, function (_, character) { return character.toUpperCase(); }); } function warnHyphenatedStyleName(name) { { if (warnedStyleNames.hasOwnProperty(name) && warnedStyleNames[name]) { return; } warnedStyleNames[name] = true; error('Unsupported style property %s. Did you mean %s?', name, // As Andi Smith suggests // (http://www.andismith.com/blog/2012/02/modernizr-prefixed/), an `-ms` prefix // is converted to lowercase `ms`. camelize(name.replace(msPattern$1, 'ms-'))); } } function warnBadVendoredStyleName(name) { { if (warnedStyleNames.hasOwnProperty(name) && warnedStyleNames[name]) { return; } warnedStyleNames[name] = true; error('Unsupported vendor-prefixed style property %s. Did you mean %s?', name, name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)); } } function warnStyleValueWithSemicolon(name, value) { { if (warnedStyleValues.hasOwnProperty(value) && warnedStyleValues[value]) { return; } warnedStyleValues[value] = true; error("Style property values shouldn't contain a semicolon. " + 'Try "%s: %s" instead.', name, value.replace(badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern, '')); } } function warnStyleValueIsNaN(name, value) { { if (warnedForNaNValue) { return; } warnedForNaNValue = true; error('`NaN` is an invalid value for the `%s` css style property.', name); } } function warnStyleValueIsInfinity(name, value) { { if (warnedForInfinityValue) { return; } warnedForInfinityValue = true; error('`Infinity` is an invalid value for the `%s` css style property.', name); } } function warnValidStyle(name, value) { { if (name.indexOf('-') > -1) { warnHyphenatedStyleName(name); } else if (badVendoredStyleNamePattern.test(name)) { warnBadVendoredStyleName(name); } else if (badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern.test(value)) { warnStyleValueWithSemicolon(name, value); } if (typeof value === 'number') { if (isNaN(value)) { warnStyleValueIsNaN(name); } else if (!isFinite(value)) { warnStyleValueIsInfinity(name); } } } } // code copied and modified from escape-html var matchHtmlRegExp = /["'&<>]/; /** * Escapes special characters and HTML entities in a given html string. * * @param {string} string HTML string to escape for later insertion * @return {string} * @public */ function escapeHtml(string) { { checkHtmlStringCoercion(string); } var str = '' + string; var match = matchHtmlRegExp.exec(str); if (!match) { return str; } var escape; var html = ''; var index; var lastIndex = 0; for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) { switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) { case 34: // " escape = '"'; break; case 38: // & escape = '&'; break; case 39: // ' escape = '''; // modified from escape-html; used to be ''' break; case 60: // < escape = '<'; break; case 62: // > escape = '>'; break; default: continue; } if (lastIndex !== index) { html += str.slice(lastIndex, index); } lastIndex = index + 1; html += escape; } return lastIndex !== index ? html + str.slice(lastIndex, index) : html; } // end code copied and modified from escape-html /** * Escapes text to prevent scripting attacks. * * @param {*} text Text value to escape. * @return {string} An escaped string. */ function escapeTextForBrowser(text) { if (typeof text === 'boolean' || typeof text === 'number') { // this shortcircuit helps perf for types that we know will never have // special characters, especially given that this function is used often // for numeric dom ids. return '' + text; } return escapeHtml(text); } var uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g; var msPattern = /^ms-/; /** * Hyphenates a camelcased CSS property name, for example: * * > hyphenateStyleName('backgroundColor') * < "background-color" * > hyphenateStyleName('MozTransition') * < "-moz-transition" * > hyphenateStyleName('msTransition') * < "-ms-transition" * * As Modernizr suggests (http://modernizr.com/docs/#prefixed), an `ms` prefix * is converted to `-ms-`. */ function hyphenateStyleName(name) { return name.replace(uppercasePattern, '-$1').toLowerCase().replace(msPattern, '-ms-'); } // and any newline or tab are filtered out as if they're not part of the URL. // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-parsing // Tab or newline are defined as \r\n\t: // https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#ascii-tab-or-newline // A C0 control is a code point in the range \u0000 NULL to \u001F // INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE, inclusive: // https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#c0-control-or-space /* eslint-disable max-len */ var isJavaScriptProtocol = /^[\u0000-\u001F ]*j[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*v[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*s[\r\n\t]*c[\r\n\t]*r[\r\n\t]*i[\r\n\t]*p[\r\n\t]*t[\r\n\t]*\:/i; var didWarn = false; function sanitizeURL(url) { // We should never have symbols here because they get filtered out elsewhere. // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion var stringifiedURL = '' + url; { if (!didWarn && isJavaScriptProtocol.test(stringifiedURL)) { didWarn = true; error('A future version of React will block javascript: URLs as a security precaution. ' + 'Use event handlers instead if you can. If you need to generate unsafe HTML try ' + 'using dangerouslySetInnerHTML instead. React was passed %s.', JSON.stringify(stringifiedURL)); } } return url; } var isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare function isArray(a) { return isArrayImpl(a); } // The build script is at scripts/rollup/generate-inline-fizz-runtime.js. // Run `yarn generate-inline-fizz-runtime` to generate. var clientRenderBoundary = '$RX=function(b,c,d,e){var a=document.getElementById(b);a&&(b=a.previousSibling,b.data="$!",a=a.dataset,c&&(a.dgst=c),d&&(a.msg=d),e&&(a.stck=e),b._reactRetry&&b._reactRetry())};'; var completeBoundary = '$RC=function(b,c,e){c=document.getElementById(c);c.parentNode.removeChild(c);var a=document.getElementById(b);if(a){b=a.previousSibling;if(e)b.data="$!",a.setAttribute("data-dgst",e);else{e=b.parentNode;a=b.nextSibling;var f=0;do{if(a&&8===a.nodeType){var d=a.data;if("/$"===d)if(0===f)break;else f--;else"$"!==d&&"$?"!==d&&"$!"!==d||f++}d=a.nextSibling;e.removeChild(a);a=d}while(a);for(;c.firstChild;)e.insertBefore(c.firstChild,a);b.data="$"}b._reactRetry&&b._reactRetry()}};'; var completeBoundaryWithStyles = '$RM=new Map;\n$RR=function(r,t,w){for(var u=$RC,n=$RM,p=new Map,q=document,g,b,h=q.querySelectorAll("link[data-precedence],style[data-precedence]"),v=[],k=0;b=h[k++];)"not all"===b.getAttribute("media")?v.push(b):("LINK"===b.tagName&&n.set(b.getAttribute("href"),b),p.set(b.dataset.precedence,g=b));b=0;h=[];var l,a;for(k=!0;;){if(k){var f=w[b++];if(!f){k=!1;b=0;continue}var c=!1,m=0;var d=f[m++];if(a=n.get(d)){var e=a._p;c=!0}else{a=q.createElement("link");a.href=d;a.rel="stylesheet";for(a.dataset.precedence=\nl=f[m++];e=f[m++];)a.setAttribute(e,f[m++]);e=a._p=new Promise(function(x,y){a.onload=x;a.onerror=y});n.set(d,a)}d=a.getAttribute("media");!e||"l"===e.s||d&&!matchMedia(d).matches||h.push(e);if(c)continue}else{a=v[b++];if(!a)break;l=a.getAttribute("data-precedence");a.removeAttribute("media")}c=p.get(l)||g;c===g&&(g=a);p.set(l,a);c?c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c.nextSibling):(c=q.head,c.insertBefore(a,c.firstChild))}Promise.all(h).then(u.bind(null,r,t,""),u.bind(null,r,t,"Resource failed to load"))};'; var completeSegment = '$RS=function(a,b){a=document.getElementById(a);b=document.getElementById(b);for(a.parentNode.removeChild(a);a.firstChild;)b.parentNode.insertBefore(a.firstChild,b);b.parentNode.removeChild(b)};'; var formReplaying = 'addEventListener("submit",function(a){if(!a.defaultPrevented){var c=a.target,d=a.submitter,e=c.action,b=d;if(d){var f=d.getAttribute("formAction");null!=f&&(e=f,b=null)}"javascript:throw new Error(\'A React form was unexpectedly submitted.\')"===e&&(a.preventDefault(),b?(a=document.createElement("input"),a.name=b.name,a.value=b.value,b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b),b=new FormData(c),a.parentNode.removeChild(a)):b=new FormData(c),a=c.getRootNode(),(a.$$reactFormReplay=a.$$reactFormReplay||[]).push(c,\nd,b))}});'; function getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(thing) { return thing === null ? '`null`' : thing === undefined ? '`undefined`' : thing === '' ? 'an empty string' : "something with type \"" + typeof thing + "\""; } // same object across all transitions. var sharedNotPendingObject = { pending: false, data: null, method: null, action: null }; var NotPending = Object.freeze(sharedNotPendingObject) ; var ReactDOMSharedInternals = ReactDOM.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; var ReactDOMCurrentDispatcher = ReactDOMSharedInternals.Dispatcher; var ReactDOMServerDispatcher = { prefetchDNS: prefetchDNS, preconnect: preconnect, preload: preload, preloadModule: preloadModule, preinitStyle: preinitStyle, preinitScript: preinitScript, preinitModuleScript: preinitModuleScript }; function prepareHostDispatcher() { ReactDOMCurrentDispatcher.current = ReactDOMServerDispatcher; } // Used to distinguish these contexts from ones used in other renderers. var ScriptStreamingFormat = 0; var DataStreamingFormat = 1; var NothingSent /* */ = 0; var SentCompleteSegmentFunction /* */ = 1; var SentCompleteBoundaryFunction /* */ = 2; var SentClientRenderFunction /* */ = 4; var SentStyleInsertionFunction /* */ = 8; var SentFormReplayingRuntime /* */ = 16; // Per request, global state that is not contextual to the rendering subtree. // This cannot be resumed and therefore should only contain things that are // temporary working state or are never used in the prerender pass. // Credentials here are things that affect whether a browser will make a request // as well as things that affect which connection the browser will use for that request. // We want these to be aligned across preloads and resources because otherwise the preload // will be wasted. // We investigated whether referrerPolicy should be included here but from experimentation // it seems that browsers do not treat this as part of the http cache key and does not affect // which connection is used. var EXISTS = null; // This constant is to mark preloads that have no unique credentials // to convey. It should never be checked by identity and we should not // assume Preload values in ResumableState equal this value because they // will have come from some parsed input. var PRELOAD_NO_CREDS = []; { Object.freeze(PRELOAD_NO_CREDS); } // Per response, global state that is not contextual to the rendering subtree. // This is resumable and therefore should be serializable. var dataElementQuotedEnd = stringToPrecomputedChunk('">'); var startInlineScript = stringToPrecomputedChunk(''); var startScriptSrc = stringToPrecomputedChunk(''); /** * This escaping function is designed to work with bootstrapScriptContent and importMap only. * because we know we are escaping the entire script. We can avoid for instance * escaping html comment string sequences that are valid javascript as well because * if there are no sebsequent '); // Allows us to keep track of what we've already written so we can refer back to it. // if passed externalRuntimeConfig and the enableFizzExternalRuntime feature flag // is set, the server will send instructions via data attributes (instead of inline scripts) function createRenderState(resumableState, nonce, bootstrapScriptContent, bootstrapScripts, bootstrapModules, externalRuntimeConfig, importMap) { var inlineScriptWithNonce = nonce === undefined ? startInlineScript : stringToPrecomputedChunk(''); var completeSegmentData1 = stringToPrecomputedChunk('