"use client"; "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return _default; } }); const _interop_require_default = require("@swc/helpers/_/_interop_require_default"); const _react = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default._(require("react")); const _resolvehref = require("./resolve-href"); const _islocalurl = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/is-local-url"); const _formaturl = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/format-url"); const _utils = require("../shared/lib/utils"); const _addlocale = require("./add-locale"); const _routercontextsharedruntime = require("../shared/lib/router-context.shared-runtime"); const _approutercontextsharedruntime = require("../shared/lib/app-router-context.shared-runtime"); const _useintersection = require("./use-intersection"); const _getdomainlocale = require("./get-domain-locale"); const _addbasepath = require("./add-base-path"); const _routerreducertypes = require("./components/router-reducer/router-reducer-types"); const prefetched = new Set(); function prefetch(router, href, as, options, appOptions, isAppRouter) { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return; } // app-router supports external urls out of the box so it shouldn't short-circuit here as support for e.g. `replace` is added in the app-router. if (!isAppRouter && !(0, _islocalurl.isLocalURL)(href)) { return; } // We should only dedupe requests when experimental.optimisticClientCache is // disabled. if (!options.bypassPrefetchedCheck) { const locale = // Let the link's locale prop override the default router locale. typeof options.locale !== "undefined" ? options.locale : "locale" in router ? router.locale : undefined; const prefetchedKey = href + "%" + as + "%" + locale; // If we've already fetched the key, then don't prefetch it again! if (prefetched.has(prefetchedKey)) { return; } // Mark this URL as prefetched. prefetched.add(prefetchedKey); } const prefetchPromise = isAppRouter ? router.prefetch(href, appOptions) : router.prefetch(href, as, options); // Prefetch the JSON page if asked (only in the client) // We need to handle a prefetch error here since we may be // loading with priority which can reject but we don't // want to force navigation since this is only a prefetch Promise.resolve(prefetchPromise).catch((err)=>{ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // rethrow to show invalid URL errors throw err; } }); } function isModifiedEvent(event) { const eventTarget = event.currentTarget; const target = eventTarget.getAttribute("target"); return target && target !== "_self" || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || // triggers resource download event.nativeEvent && event.nativeEvent.which === 2; } function linkClicked(e, router, href, as, replace, shallow, scroll, locale, isAppRouter, prefetchEnabled) { const { nodeName } = e.currentTarget; // anchors inside an svg have a lowercase nodeName const isAnchorNodeName = nodeName.toUpperCase() === "A"; if (isAnchorNodeName && (isModifiedEvent(e) || // app-router supports external urls out of the box so it shouldn't short-circuit here as support for e.g. `replace` is added in the app-router. !isAppRouter && !(0, _islocalurl.isLocalURL)(href))) { // ignore click for browser’s default behavior return; } e.preventDefault(); const navigate = ()=>{ // If the router is an NextRouter instance it will have `beforePopState` const routerScroll = scroll != null ? scroll : true; if ("beforePopState" in router) { router[replace ? "replace" : "push"](href, as, { shallow, locale, scroll: routerScroll }); } else { router[replace ? "replace" : "push"](as || href, { forceOptimisticNavigation: !prefetchEnabled, scroll: routerScroll }); } }; if (isAppRouter) { _react.default.startTransition(navigate); } else { navigate(); } } function formatStringOrUrl(urlObjOrString) { if (typeof urlObjOrString === "string") { return urlObjOrString; } return (0, _formaturl.formatUrl)(urlObjOrString); } /** * React Component that enables client-side transitions between routes. */ const Link = /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.forwardRef(function LinkComponent(props, forwardedRef) { let children; const { href: hrefProp, as: asProp, children: childrenProp, prefetch: prefetchProp = null, passHref, replace, shallow, scroll, locale, onClick, onMouseEnter: onMouseEnterProp, onTouchStart: onTouchStartProp, legacyBehavior = false, ...restProps } = props; children = childrenProp; if (legacyBehavior && (typeof children === "string" || typeof children === "number")) { children = /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement("a", null, children); } const pagesRouter = _react.default.useContext(_routercontextsharedruntime.RouterContext); const appRouter = _react.default.useContext(_approutercontextsharedruntime.AppRouterContext); const router = pagesRouter != null ? pagesRouter : appRouter; // We're in the app directory if there is no pages router. const isAppRouter = !pagesRouter; const prefetchEnabled = prefetchProp !== false; /** * The possible states for prefetch are: * - null: this is the default "auto" mode, where we will prefetch partially if the link is in the viewport * - true: we will prefetch if the link is visible and prefetch the full page, not just partially * - false: we will not prefetch if in the viewport at all */ const appPrefetchKind = prefetchProp === null ? _routerreducertypes.PrefetchKind.AUTO : _routerreducertypes.PrefetchKind.FULL; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { function createPropError(args) { return new Error("Failed prop type: The prop `" + args.key + "` expects a " + args.expected + " in ``, but got `" + args.actual + "` instead." + (typeof window !== "undefined" ? "\nOpen your browser's console to view the Component stack trace." : "")); } // TypeScript trick for type-guarding: const requiredPropsGuard = { href: true }; const requiredProps = Object.keys(requiredPropsGuard); requiredProps.forEach((key)=>{ if (key === "href") { if (props[key] == null || typeof props[key] !== "string" && typeof props[key] !== "object") { throw createPropError({ key, expected: "`string` or `object`", actual: props[key] === null ? "null" : typeof props[key] }); } } else { // TypeScript trick for type-guarding: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const _ = key; } }); // TypeScript trick for type-guarding: const optionalPropsGuard = { as: true, replace: true, scroll: true, shallow: true, passHref: true, prefetch: true, locale: true, onClick: true, onMouseEnter: true, onTouchStart: true, legacyBehavior: true }; const optionalProps = Object.keys(optionalPropsGuard); optionalProps.forEach((key)=>{ const valType = typeof props[key]; if (key === "as") { if (props[key] && valType !== "string" && valType !== "object") { throw createPropError({ key, expected: "`string` or `object`", actual: valType }); } } else if (key === "locale") { if (props[key] && valType !== "string") { throw createPropError({ key, expected: "`string`", actual: valType }); } } else if (key === "onClick" || key === "onMouseEnter" || key === "onTouchStart") { if (props[key] && valType !== "function") { throw createPropError({ key, expected: "`function`", actual: valType }); } } else if (key === "replace" || key === "scroll" || key === "shallow" || key === "passHref" || key === "prefetch" || key === "legacyBehavior") { if (props[key] != null && valType !== "boolean") { throw createPropError({ key, expected: "`boolean`", actual: valType }); } } else { // TypeScript trick for type-guarding: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const _ = key; } }); // This hook is in a conditional but that is ok because `process.env.NODE_ENV` never changes // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const hasWarned = _react.default.useRef(false); if (props.prefetch && !hasWarned.current && !isAppRouter) { hasWarned.current = true; console.warn("Next.js auto-prefetches automatically based on viewport. The prefetch attribute is no longer needed. More: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/prefetch-true-deprecated"); } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (isAppRouter && !asProp) { let href; if (typeof hrefProp === "string") { href = hrefProp; } else if (typeof hrefProp === "object" && typeof hrefProp.pathname === "string") { href = hrefProp.pathname; } if (href) { const hasDynamicSegment = href.split("/").some((segment)=>segment.startsWith("[") && segment.endsWith("]")); if (hasDynamicSegment) { throw new Error("Dynamic href `" + href + "` found in while using the `/app` router, this is not supported. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/app-dir-dynamic-href"); } } } } const { href, as } = _react.default.useMemo(()=>{ if (!pagesRouter) { const resolvedHref = formatStringOrUrl(hrefProp); return { href: resolvedHref, as: asProp ? formatStringOrUrl(asProp) : resolvedHref }; } const [resolvedHref, resolvedAs] = (0, _resolvehref.resolveHref)(pagesRouter, hrefProp, true); return { href: resolvedHref, as: asProp ? (0, _resolvehref.resolveHref)(pagesRouter, asProp) : resolvedAs || resolvedHref }; }, [ pagesRouter, hrefProp, asProp ]); const previousHref = _react.default.useRef(href); const previousAs = _react.default.useRef(as); // This will return the first child, if multiple are provided it will throw an error let child; if (legacyBehavior) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { if (onClick) { console.warn('"onClick" was passed to with `href` of `' + hrefProp + '` but "legacyBehavior" was set. The legacy behavior requires onClick be set on the child of next/link'); } if (onMouseEnterProp) { console.warn('"onMouseEnter" was passed to with `href` of `' + hrefProp + '` but "legacyBehavior" was set. The legacy behavior requires onMouseEnter be set on the child of next/link'); } try { child = _react.default.Children.only(children); } catch (err) { if (!children) { throw new Error("No children were passed to with `href` of `" + hrefProp + "` but one child is required https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/link-no-children"); } throw new Error("Multiple children were passed to with `href` of `" + hrefProp + "` but only one child is supported https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/link-multiple-children" + (typeof window !== "undefined" ? " \nOpen your browser's console to view the Component stack trace." : "")); } } else { child = _react.default.Children.only(children); } } else { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { if ((children == null ? void 0 : children.type) === "a") { throw new Error("Invalid with child. Please remove or use .\nLearn more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/invalid-new-link-with-extra-anchor"); } } } const childRef = legacyBehavior ? child && typeof child === "object" && child.ref : forwardedRef; const [setIntersectionRef, isVisible, resetVisible] = (0, _useintersection.useIntersection)({ rootMargin: "200px" }); const setRef = _react.default.useCallback((el)=>{ // Before the link getting observed, check if visible state need to be reset if (previousAs.current !== as || previousHref.current !== href) { resetVisible(); previousAs.current = as; previousHref.current = href; } setIntersectionRef(el); if (childRef) { if (typeof childRef === "function") childRef(el); else if (typeof childRef === "object") { childRef.current = el; } } }, [ as, childRef, href, resetVisible, setIntersectionRef ]); // Prefetch the URL if we haven't already and it's visible. _react.default.useEffect(()=>{ // in dev, we only prefetch on hover to avoid wasting resources as the prefetch will trigger compiling the page. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { return; } if (!router) { return; } // If we don't need to prefetch the URL, don't do prefetch. if (!isVisible || !prefetchEnabled) { return; } // Prefetch the URL. prefetch(router, href, as, { locale }, { kind: appPrefetchKind }, isAppRouter); }, [ as, href, isVisible, locale, prefetchEnabled, pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.locale, router, isAppRouter, appPrefetchKind ]); const childProps = { ref: setRef, onClick (e) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (!e) { throw new Error('Component rendered inside next/link has to pass click event to "onClick" prop.'); } } if (!legacyBehavior && typeof onClick === "function") { onClick(e); } if (legacyBehavior && child.props && typeof child.props.onClick === "function") { child.props.onClick(e); } if (!router) { return; } if (e.defaultPrevented) { return; } linkClicked(e, router, href, as, replace, shallow, scroll, locale, isAppRouter, prefetchEnabled); }, onMouseEnter (e) { if (!legacyBehavior && typeof onMouseEnterProp === "function") { onMouseEnterProp(e); } if (legacyBehavior && child.props && typeof child.props.onMouseEnter === "function") { child.props.onMouseEnter(e); } if (!router) { return; } if ((!prefetchEnabled || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") && isAppRouter) { return; } prefetch(router, href, as, { locale, priority: true, // @see {https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/40268?sort=top#discussioncomment-3572642} bypassPrefetchedCheck: true }, { kind: appPrefetchKind }, isAppRouter); }, onTouchStart (e) { if (!legacyBehavior && typeof onTouchStartProp === "function") { onTouchStartProp(e); } if (legacyBehavior && child.props && typeof child.props.onTouchStart === "function") { child.props.onTouchStart(e); } if (!router) { return; } if (!prefetchEnabled && isAppRouter) { return; } prefetch(router, href, as, { locale, priority: true, // @see {https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/40268?sort=top#discussioncomment-3572642} bypassPrefetchedCheck: true }, { kind: appPrefetchKind }, isAppRouter); } }; // If child is an tag and doesn't have a href attribute, or if the 'passHref' property is // defined, we specify the current 'href', so that repetition is not needed by the user. // If the url is absolute, we can bypass the logic to prepend the domain and locale. if ((0, _utils.isAbsoluteUrl)(as)) { childProps.href = as; } else if (!legacyBehavior || passHref || child.type === "a" && !("href" in child.props)) { const curLocale = typeof locale !== "undefined" ? locale : pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.locale; // we only render domain locales if we are currently on a domain locale // so that locale links are still visitable in development/preview envs const localeDomain = (pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.isLocaleDomain) && (0, _getdomainlocale.getDomainLocale)(as, curLocale, pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.locales, pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.domainLocales); childProps.href = localeDomain || (0, _addbasepath.addBasePath)((0, _addlocale.addLocale)(as, curLocale, pagesRouter == null ? void 0 : pagesRouter.defaultLocale)); } return legacyBehavior ? /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.cloneElement(child, childProps) : /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement("a", { ...restProps, ...childProps }, children); }); const _default = Link; if ((typeof exports.default === 'function' || (typeof exports.default === 'object' && exports.default !== null)) && typeof exports.default.__esModule === 'undefined') { Object.defineProperty(exports.default, '__esModule', { value: true }); Object.assign(exports.default, exports); module.exports = exports.default; } //# sourceMappingURL=link.js.map