"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); 0 && (module.exports = { TRACE_IGNORES: null, getFilesMapFromReasons: null, TraceEntryPointsPlugin: null }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { TRACE_IGNORES: function() { return TRACE_IGNORES; }, getFilesMapFromReasons: function() { return getFilesMapFromReasons; }, TraceEntryPointsPlugin: function() { return TraceEntryPointsPlugin; } }); const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("path")); const _profilingplugin = require("./profiling-plugin"); const _iserror = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../../../lib/is-error")); const _nft = require("next/dist/compiled/@vercel/nft"); const _constants = require("../../../shared/lib/constants"); const _webpack = require("next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack"); const _webpackconfig = require("../../webpack-config"); const _swc = require("../../swc"); const _micromatch = require("next/dist/compiled/micromatch"); const _getmodulebuildinfo = require("../loaders/get-module-build-info"); const _entries = require("../../entries"); const _handleexternals = require("../../handle-externals"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const PLUGIN_NAME = "TraceEntryPointsPlugin"; const TRACE_IGNORES = [ "**/*/next/dist/server/next.js", "**/*/next/dist/bin/next" ]; const NOT_TRACEABLE = [ ".wasm", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".webp", ".avif", ".ico", ".bmp", ".svg" ]; function getModuleFromDependency(compilation, dep) { return compilation.moduleGraph.getModule(dep); } function getFilesMapFromReasons(fileList, reasons, ignoreFn) { // this uses the reasons tree to collect files specific to a // certain parent allowing us to not have to trace each parent // separately const parentFilesMap = new Map(); function propagateToParents(parents, file, seen = new Set()) { for (const parent of parents || []){ if (!seen.has(parent)) { seen.add(parent); let parentFiles = parentFilesMap.get(parent); if (!parentFiles) { parentFiles = new Set(); parentFilesMap.set(parent, parentFiles); } if (!(ignoreFn == null ? void 0 : ignoreFn(file, parent))) { parentFiles.add(file); } const parentReason = reasons.get(parent); if (parentReason == null ? void 0 : parentReason.parents) { propagateToParents(parentReason.parents, file, seen); } } } } for (const file of fileList){ const reason = reasons.get(file); const isInitial = (reason == null ? void 0 : reason.type.length) === 1 && reason.type.includes("initial"); if (!reason || !reason.parents || isInitial && reason.parents.size === 0) { continue; } propagateToParents(reason.parents, file); } return parentFilesMap; } class TraceEntryPointsPlugin { constructor({ rootDir, appDir, pagesDir, appDirEnabled, traceIgnores, esmExternals, outputFileTracingRoot, turbotrace }){ this.buildTraceContext = {}; this.rootDir = rootDir; this.appDir = appDir; this.pagesDir = pagesDir; this.entryTraces = new Map(); this.esmExternals = esmExternals; this.appDirEnabled = appDirEnabled; this.traceIgnores = traceIgnores || []; this.tracingRoot = outputFileTracingRoot || rootDir; this.turbotrace = turbotrace; } // Here we output all traced assets and webpack chunks to a // ${page}.js.nft.json file async createTraceAssets(compilation, assets, span) { const outputPath = compilation.outputOptions.path; await span.traceChild("create-trace-assets").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var _this_turbotrace, _this_turbotrace1, _this_turbotrace2, _this_turbotrace3; const entryFilesMap = new Map(); const chunksToTrace = new Set(); const entryNameFilesMap = new Map(); const isTraceable = (file)=>!NOT_TRACEABLE.some((suffix)=>{ return file.endsWith(suffix); }); for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()){ const entryFiles = new Set(); for (const chunk of entrypoint.getEntrypointChunk().getAllReferencedChunks()){ for (const file of chunk.files){ if (isTraceable(file)) { const filePath = _path.default.join(outputPath, file); chunksToTrace.add(filePath); entryFiles.add(filePath); } } for (const file of chunk.auxiliaryFiles){ if (isTraceable(file)) { const filePath = _path.default.join(outputPath, file); chunksToTrace.add(filePath); entryFiles.add(filePath); } } } entryFilesMap.set(entrypoint, entryFiles); entryNameFilesMap.set(entrypoint.name, [ ...entryFiles ]); } // startTrace existed and callable this.buildTraceContext.chunksTrace = { action: { action: "annotate", input: [ ...chunksToTrace ], contextDirectory: ((_this_turbotrace = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace.contextDirectory) ?? this.tracingRoot, processCwd: ((_this_turbotrace1 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace1.processCwd) ?? this.rootDir, showAll: (_this_turbotrace2 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace2.logAll, logLevel: (_this_turbotrace3 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace3.logLevel }, outputPath, entryNameFilesMap: Object.fromEntries(entryNameFilesMap) }; for (const [entrypoint, entryFiles] of entryFilesMap){ const traceOutputName = `../${entrypoint.name}.js.nft.json`; const traceOutputPath = _path.default.dirname(_path.default.join(outputPath, traceOutputName)); // don't include the entry itself in the trace entryFiles.delete(_path.default.join(outputPath, `../${entrypoint.name}.js`)); if (entrypoint.name.startsWith("app/")) { // include the client reference manifest const clientManifestsForPage = entrypoint.name.endsWith("/page") || entrypoint.name === "app/not-found" || entrypoint.name === "app/_not-found" ? _path.default.join(outputPath, "..", entrypoint.name.replace(/%5F/g, "_") + "_" + _constants.CLIENT_REFERENCE_MANIFEST + ".js") : null; if (clientManifestsForPage !== null) { entryFiles.add(clientManifestsForPage); } } const finalFiles = []; for (const file of new Set([ ...entryFiles, ...this.entryTraces.get(entrypoint.name) || [] ])){ if (file) { finalFiles.push(_path.default.relative(traceOutputPath, file).replace(/\\/g, "/")); } } assets[traceOutputName] = new _webpack.sources.RawSource(JSON.stringify({ version: _constants.TRACE_OUTPUT_VERSION, files: finalFiles })); } }); } tapfinishModules(compilation, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan, doResolve, readlink, stat) { compilation.hooks.finishModules.tapAsync(PLUGIN_NAME, async (_stats, callback)=>{ const finishModulesSpan = traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceChild("finish-modules"); await finishModulesSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var _this_turbotrace, _this_turbotrace1, _this_turbotrace2, _this_turbotrace3; // we create entry -> module maps so that we can // look them up faster instead of having to iterate // over the compilation modules list const entryNameMap = new Map(); const entryModMap = new Map(); const additionalEntries = new Map(); const depModMap = new Map(); finishModulesSpan.traceChild("get-entries").traceFn(()=>{ compilation.entries.forEach((entry, name)=>{ const normalizedName = name == null ? void 0 : name.replace(/\\/g, "/"); const isPage = normalizedName.startsWith("pages/"); const isApp = this.appDirEnabled && normalizedName.startsWith("app/"); if (isApp || isPage) { for (const dep of entry.dependencies){ if (!dep) continue; const entryMod = getModuleFromDependency(compilation, dep); // Handle case where entry is a loader coming from Next.js. // For example edge-loader or app-loader. if (entryMod && entryMod.resource === "") { const moduleBuildInfo = (0, _getmodulebuildinfo.getModuleBuildInfo)(entryMod); // All loaders that are used to create entries have a `route` property on the buildInfo. if (moduleBuildInfo.route) { const absolutePath = (0, _entries.getPageFilePath)({ absolutePagePath: moduleBuildInfo.route.absolutePagePath, rootDir: this.rootDir, appDir: this.appDir, pagesDir: this.pagesDir }); // Ensures we don't handle non-pages. if (this.pagesDir && absolutePath.startsWith(this.pagesDir) || this.appDir && absolutePath.startsWith(this.appDir)) { entryModMap.set(absolutePath, entryMod); entryNameMap.set(absolutePath, name); } } // If there was no `route` property, we can assume that it was something custom instead. // In order to trace these we add them to the additionalEntries map. if (entryMod.request) { let curMap = additionalEntries.get(name); if (!curMap) { curMap = new Map(); additionalEntries.set(name, curMap); } depModMap.set(entryMod.request, entryMod); curMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod); } } if (entryMod && entryMod.resource) { entryNameMap.set(entryMod.resource, name); entryModMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod); let curMap = additionalEntries.get(name); if (!curMap) { curMap = new Map(); additionalEntries.set(name, curMap); } depModMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod); curMap.set(entryMod.resource, entryMod); } } } }); }); const readFile = async (path)=>{ var _mod_originalSource; const mod = depModMap.get(path) || entryModMap.get(path); // map the transpiled source when available to avoid // parse errors in node-file-trace const source = mod == null ? void 0 : (_mod_originalSource = mod.originalSource) == null ? void 0 : _mod_originalSource.call(mod); if (source) { return source.buffer(); } // we don't want to analyze non-transpiled // files here, that is done against webpack output return ""; }; const entryPaths = Array.from(entryModMap.keys()); const collectDependencies = (mod)=>{ if (!mod || !mod.dependencies) return; for (const dep of mod.dependencies){ const depMod = getModuleFromDependency(compilation, dep); if ((depMod == null ? void 0 : depMod.resource) && !depModMap.get(depMod.resource)) { depModMap.set(depMod.resource, depMod); collectDependencies(depMod); } } }; const entriesToTrace = [ ...entryPaths ]; entryPaths.forEach((entry)=>{ collectDependencies(entryModMap.get(entry)); const entryName = entryNameMap.get(entry); const curExtraEntries = additionalEntries.get(entryName); if (curExtraEntries) { entriesToTrace.push(...curExtraEntries.keys()); } }); const contextDirectory = ((_this_turbotrace = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace.contextDirectory) ?? this.tracingRoot; const chunks = [ ...entriesToTrace ]; this.buildTraceContext.entriesTrace = { action: { action: "print", input: chunks, contextDirectory, processCwd: ((_this_turbotrace1 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace1.processCwd) ?? this.rootDir, logLevel: (_this_turbotrace2 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace2.logLevel, showAll: (_this_turbotrace3 = this.turbotrace) == null ? void 0 : _this_turbotrace3.logAll }, appDir: this.rootDir, depModArray: Array.from(depModMap.keys()), entryNameMap: Object.fromEntries(entryNameMap), outputPath: compilation.outputOptions.path }; // if we're using turbotrace we can skip tracing // loader contents as it should be able to capture // fs usage in final chunks instead if (this.turbotrace) { let binding = await (0, _swc.loadBindings)(); if (!(binding == null ? void 0 : binding.isWasm) && typeof binding.turbo.startTrace === "function") { return; } } let fileList; let reasons; const ignores = [ ...TRACE_IGNORES, ...this.traceIgnores, "**/node_modules/**" ]; const ignoreFn = (path)=>{ return (0, _micromatch.isMatch)(path, ignores, { contains: true, dot: true }); }; await finishModulesSpan.traceChild("node-file-trace-plugin", { traceEntryCount: entriesToTrace.length + "" }).traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const result = await (0, _nft.nodeFileTrace)(entriesToTrace, { base: this.tracingRoot, processCwd: this.rootDir, readFile, readlink, stat, resolve: doResolve ? async (id, parent, job, isCjs)=>{ return doResolve(id, parent, job, !isCjs); } : undefined, ignore: ignoreFn, mixedModules: true }); // @ts-ignore fileList = result.fileList; result.esmFileList.forEach((file)=>fileList.add(file)); reasons = result.reasons; }); await finishModulesSpan.traceChild("collect-traced-files").traceAsyncFn(()=>{ const parentFilesMap = getFilesMapFromReasons(fileList, reasons, (file)=>{ var _reasons_get; // if a file was imported and a loader handled it // we don't include it in the trace e.g. // static image imports, CSS imports file = _path.default.join(this.tracingRoot, file); const depMod = depModMap.get(file); const isAsset = (_reasons_get = reasons.get(_path.default.relative(this.tracingRoot, file))) == null ? void 0 : _reasons_get.type.includes("asset"); return !isAsset && Array.isArray(depMod == null ? void 0 : depMod.loaders) && depMod.loaders.length > 0; }); entryPaths.forEach((entry)=>{ var _parentFilesMap_get; const entryName = entryNameMap.get(entry); const normalizedEntry = _path.default.relative(this.tracingRoot, entry); const curExtraEntries = additionalEntries.get(entryName); const finalDeps = new Set(); (_parentFilesMap_get = parentFilesMap.get(normalizedEntry)) == null ? void 0 : _parentFilesMap_get.forEach((dep)=>{ finalDeps.add(_path.default.join(this.tracingRoot, dep)); }); if (curExtraEntries) { for (const extraEntry of curExtraEntries.keys()){ var _parentFilesMap_get1; const normalizedExtraEntry = _path.default.relative(this.tracingRoot, extraEntry); finalDeps.add(extraEntry); (_parentFilesMap_get1 = parentFilesMap.get(normalizedExtraEntry)) == null ? void 0 : _parentFilesMap_get1.forEach((dep)=>{ finalDeps.add(_path.default.join(this.tracingRoot, dep)); }); } } this.entryTraces.set(entryName, finalDeps); }); }); }).then(()=>callback(), (err)=>callback(err)); }); } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation)=>{ const readlink = async (path)=>{ try { return await new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ compilation.inputFileSystem.readlink(path, (err, link)=>{ if (err) return reject(err); resolve(link); }); }); } catch (e) { if ((0, _iserror.default)(e) && (e.code === "EINVAL" || e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "UNKNOWN")) { return null; } throw e; } }; const stat = async (path)=>{ try { return await new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ compilation.inputFileSystem.stat(path, (err, stats)=>{ if (err) return reject(err); resolve(stats); }); }); } catch (e) { if ((0, _iserror.default)(e) && (e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "ENOTDIR")) { return null; } throw e; } }; const compilationSpan = _profilingplugin.spans.get(compilation) || _profilingplugin.spans.get(compiler); const traceEntrypointsPluginSpan = compilationSpan.traceChild("next-trace-entrypoint-plugin"); traceEntrypointsPluginSpan.traceFn(()=>{ compilation.hooks.processAssets.tapAsync({ name: PLUGIN_NAME, stage: _webpack.webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE }, (assets, callback)=>{ this.createTraceAssets(compilation, assets, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan).then(()=>callback()).catch((err)=>callback(err)); }); let resolver = compilation.resolverFactory.get("normal"); function getPkgName(name) { const segments = name.split("/"); if (name[0] === "@" && segments.length > 1) return segments.length > 1 ? segments.slice(0, 2).join("/") : null; return segments.length ? segments[0] : null; } const getResolve = (options)=>{ const curResolver = resolver.withOptions(options); return (parent, request, job)=>new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ const context = _path.default.dirname(parent); curResolver.resolve({}, context, request, { fileDependencies: compilation.fileDependencies, missingDependencies: compilation.missingDependencies, contextDependencies: compilation.contextDependencies }, async (err, result, resContext)=>{ if (err) return reject(err); if (!result) { return reject(new Error("module not found")); } // webpack resolver doesn't strip loader query info // from the result so use path instead if (result.includes("?") || result.includes("!")) { result = (resContext == null ? void 0 : resContext.path) || result; } try { // we need to collect all parent package.json's used // as webpack's resolve doesn't expose this and parent // package.json could be needed for resolving e.g. stylis // stylis/package.json -> stylis/dist/umd/package.json if (result.includes("node_modules")) { let requestPath = result.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\0/g, ""); if (!_path.default.isAbsolute(request) && request.includes("/") && (resContext == null ? void 0 : resContext.descriptionFileRoot)) { var _getPkgName; requestPath = (resContext.descriptionFileRoot + request.slice(((_getPkgName = getPkgName(request)) == null ? void 0 : _getPkgName.length) || 0) + _path.default.sep + "package.json").replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\0/g, ""); } const rootSeparatorIndex = requestPath.indexOf("/"); let separatorIndex; while((separatorIndex = requestPath.lastIndexOf("/")) > rootSeparatorIndex){ requestPath = requestPath.slice(0, separatorIndex); const curPackageJsonPath = `${requestPath}/package.json`; if (await job.isFile(curPackageJsonPath)) { await job.emitFile(await job.realpath(curPackageJsonPath), "resolve", parent); } } } } catch (_err) { // we failed to resolve the package.json boundary, // we don't block emitting the initial asset from this } resolve([ result, options.dependencyType === "esm" ]); }); }); }; const CJS_RESOLVE_OPTIONS = { ..._webpackconfig.NODE_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, fullySpecified: undefined, modules: undefined, extensions: undefined }; const BASE_CJS_RESOLVE_OPTIONS = { ...CJS_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, alias: false }; const ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS = { ..._webpackconfig.NODE_ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, fullySpecified: undefined, modules: undefined, extensions: undefined }; const BASE_ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS = { ...ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, alias: false }; const doResolve = async (request, parent, job, isEsmRequested)=>{ const context = _path.default.dirname(parent); // When in esm externals mode, and using import, we resolve with // ESM resolving options. const { res } = await (0, _handleexternals.resolveExternal)(this.rootDir, this.esmExternals, context, request, isEsmRequested, !!this.appDirEnabled, (options)=>(_, resRequest)=>{ return getResolve(options)(parent, resRequest, job); }, undefined, undefined, ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, CJS_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, BASE_ESM_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, BASE_CJS_RESOLVE_OPTIONS); if (!res) { throw new Error(`failed to resolve ${request} from ${parent}`); } return res.replace(/\0/g, ""); }; this.tapfinishModules(compilation, traceEntrypointsPluginSpan, doResolve, readlink, stat); }); }); } } //# sourceMappingURL=next-trace-entrypoints-plugin.js.map