"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NextFontManifestPlugin", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return NextFontManifestPlugin; } }); const _webpack = require("next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack"); const _getroutefromentrypoint = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../../../server/get-route-from-entrypoint")); const _constants = require("../../../shared/lib/constants"); const _utils = require("../utils"); const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("path")); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const PLUGIN_NAME = "NextFontManifestPlugin"; /** * When calling font functions with next/font, you can specify if you'd like the font to be preloaded (true by default). * e.g.: const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'], preload: true }) * * In that case, next-font-loader will emit the font file as [name].p.[ext] instead of [name].[ext] * This function returns those files from an array that can include both preloaded and non-preloaded files. */ function getPreloadedFontFiles(fontFiles) { return fontFiles.filter((file)=>/\.p\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/.test(file)); } /** * Similarly to getPreloadedFontFiles, but returns true if some of the files includes -s in the name. * This means that a font is using size adjust in its fallback font. * This was added to enable adding data-size-adjust="true" to the dom, used by the Google Aurora team to collect statistics. */ function getPageIsUsingSizeAdjust(fontFiles) { return fontFiles.some((file)=>file.includes("-s")); } class NextFontManifestPlugin { constructor(options){ this.appDir = options.appDir; } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.make.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation)=>{ // In this stage the font files are emitted and we can collect all files emitted by each chunkGroup (entry). compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap({ name: PLUGIN_NAME, stage: _webpack.webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS }, (assets)=>{ const nextFontManifest = { pages: {}, app: {}, appUsingSizeAdjust: false, pagesUsingSizeAdjust: false }; if (this.appDir) { const appDirBase = _path.default.dirname(this.appDir) + _path.default.sep; // After all modules are created, we collect the modules that was created by next-font-loader. (0, _utils.traverseModules)(compilation, (mod, _chunk, chunkGroup)=>{ var _mod_request; if (mod == null ? void 0 : (_mod_request = mod.request) == null ? void 0 : _mod_request.includes("/next-font-loader/index.js?")) { var _mod_buildInfo; if (!((_mod_buildInfo = mod.buildInfo) == null ? void 0 : _mod_buildInfo.assets)) return; const chunkEntryName = (appDirBase + chunkGroup.name).replace(/[\\/]/g, _path.default.sep); const modAssets = Object.keys(mod.buildInfo.assets); const fontFiles = modAssets.filter((file)=>/\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/.test(file)); // Look if size-adjust fallback font is being used if (!nextFontManifest.appUsingSizeAdjust) { nextFontManifest.appUsingSizeAdjust = getPageIsUsingSizeAdjust(fontFiles); } const preloadedFontFiles = getPreloadedFontFiles(fontFiles); // Add an entry of the module's font files in the manifest. // We'll add an entry even if no files should preload. // When an entry is present but empty, instead of preloading the font files, a preconnect tag is added. if (fontFiles.length > 0) { if (!nextFontManifest.app[chunkEntryName]) { nextFontManifest.app[chunkEntryName] = []; } nextFontManifest.app[chunkEntryName].push(...preloadedFontFiles); } } }, (chunkGroup)=>{ var _chunkGroup_name; // Only loop through entrypoints that are under app/. return !!((_chunkGroup_name = chunkGroup.name) == null ? void 0 : _chunkGroup_name.startsWith("app/")); }); } // Look at all the entrypoints created for pages/. for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()){ const pagePath = (0, _getroutefromentrypoint.default)(entrypoint.name); if (!pagePath) { continue; } // Get font files from the chunks included in the entrypoint. const fontFiles = entrypoint.chunks.flatMap((chunk)=>[ ...chunk.auxiliaryFiles ]).filter((file)=>/\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/.test(file)); // Look if size-adjust fallback font is being used if (!nextFontManifest.pagesUsingSizeAdjust) { nextFontManifest.pagesUsingSizeAdjust = getPageIsUsingSizeAdjust(fontFiles); } const preloadedFontFiles = getPreloadedFontFiles(fontFiles); // Add an entry of the route's font files in the manifest. // We'll add an entry even if no files should preload. // When an entry is present but empty, instead of preloading the font files, a preconnect tag is added. if (fontFiles.length > 0) { nextFontManifest.pages[pagePath] = preloadedFontFiles; } } const manifest = JSON.stringify(nextFontManifest, null); // Create manifest for edge assets[`server/${_constants.NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.js`] = new _webpack.sources.RawSource(`self.__NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST=${JSON.stringify(manifest)}`); // Create manifest for server assets[`server/${_constants.NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.json`] = new _webpack.sources.RawSource(manifest); }); }); return; } } //# sourceMappingURL=next-font-manifest-plugin.js.map