"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return transformSource; } }); const _getpagestaticinfo = require("../../analysis/get-page-static-info"); const _getmodulebuildinfo = require("./get-module-build-info"); function transformSource(source, sourceMap) { // Avoid buffer to be consumed if (typeof source !== "string") { throw new Error("Expected source to have been transformed to a string."); } // Assign the RSC meta information to buildInfo. const buildInfo = (0, _getmodulebuildinfo.getModuleBuildInfo)(this._module); buildInfo.rsc = (0, _getpagestaticinfo.getRSCModuleInformation)(source, false); // This is a server action entry module in the client layer. We need to attach // noop exports of `callServer` wrappers for each action. if (buildInfo.rsc.actions) { source = ` import { callServer } from 'next/dist/client/app-call-server' function __build_action__(action, args) { return callServer(action.$$id, args) } ${source} `; } return this.callback(null, source, sourceMap); } //# sourceMappingURL=next-flight-client-module-loader.js.map