"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.MP4Parser = void 0; const debug_1 = require("debug"); const Token = require("token-types"); const BasicParser_1 = require("../common/BasicParser"); const ID3v1Parser_1 = require("../id3v1/ID3v1Parser"); const type_1 = require("../type"); const Atom_1 = require("./Atom"); const AtomToken = require("./AtomToken"); const debug = (0, debug_1.default)('music-metadata:parser:MP4'); const tagFormat = 'iTunes'; const encoderDict = { raw: { lossy: false, format: 'raw' }, MAC3: { lossy: true, format: 'MACE 3:1' }, MAC6: { lossy: true, format: 'MACE 6:1' }, ima4: { lossy: true, format: 'IMA 4:1' }, ulaw: { lossy: true, format: 'uLaw 2:1' }, alaw: { lossy: true, format: 'uLaw 2:1' }, Qclp: { lossy: true, format: 'QUALCOMM PureVoice' }, '.mp3': { lossy: true, format: 'MPEG-1 layer 3' }, alac: { lossy: false, format: 'ALAC' }, 'ac-3': { lossy: true, format: 'AC-3' }, mp4a: { lossy: true, format: 'MPEG-4/AAC' }, mp4s: { lossy: true, format: 'MP4S' }, // Closed Captioning Media, https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/qtff3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH205-SW87 c608: { lossy: true, format: 'CEA-608' }, c708: { lossy: true, format: 'CEA-708' } }; function distinct(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; } /* * Parser for the MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) container format * Standard: ISO/IEC 14496-14 * supporting: * - QuickTime container * - MP4 File Format * - 3GPP file format * - 3GPP2 file format * * MPEG-4 Audio / Part 3 (.m4a)& MPEG 4 Video (m4v, mp4) extension. * Support for Apple iTunes tags as found in a M4A/M4V files. * Ref: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_base_media_file_format * https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html * http://atomicparsley.sourceforge.net/mpeg-4files.html * https://github.com/sergiomb2/libmp4v2/wiki/iTunesMetadata * https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/QuickTime_container */ class MP4Parser extends BasicParser_1.BasicParser { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.atomParsers = { /** * Parse movie header (mvhd) atom * Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap2/qtff2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-56313 */ mvhd: async (len) => { const mvhd = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.MvhdAtom(len)); this.metadata.setFormat('creationTime', mvhd.creationTime); this.metadata.setFormat('modificationTime', mvhd.modificationTime); }, /** * Parse media header (mdhd) atom * Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap2/qtff2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-25615 */ mdhd: async (len) => { const mdhd_data = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.MdhdAtom(len)); // this.parse_mxhd(mdhd_data, this.currentTrack); const td = this.getTrackDescription(); td.creationTime = mdhd_data.creationTime; td.modificationTime = mdhd_data.modificationTime; td.timeScale = mdhd_data.timeScale; td.duration = mdhd_data.duration; }, chap: async (len) => { const td = this.getTrackDescription(); const trackIds = []; while (len >= Token.UINT32_BE.len) { trackIds.push(await this.tokenizer.readNumber(Token.UINT32_BE)); len -= Token.UINT32_BE.len; } td.chapterList = trackIds; }, tkhd: async (len) => { const track = (await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.TrackHeaderAtom(len))); this.tracks.push(track); }, /** * Parse mdat atom. * Will scan for chapters */ mdat: async (len) => { this.audioLengthInBytes = len; this.calculateBitRate(); if (this.options.includeChapters) { const trackWithChapters = this.tracks.filter(track => track.chapterList); if (trackWithChapters.length === 1) { const chapterTrackIds = trackWithChapters[0].chapterList; const chapterTracks = this.tracks.filter(track => chapterTrackIds.indexOf(track.trackId) !== -1); if (chapterTracks.length === 1) { return this.parseChapterTrack(chapterTracks[0], trackWithChapters[0], len); } } } await this.tokenizer.ignore(len); }, ftyp: async (len) => { const types = []; while (len > 0) { const ftype = await this.tokenizer.readToken(AtomToken.ftyp); len -= AtomToken.ftyp.len; const value = ftype.type.replace(/\W/g, ''); if (value.length > 0) { types.push(value); // unshift for backward compatibility } } debug(`ftyp: ${types.join('/')}`); const x = types.filter(distinct).join('/'); this.metadata.setFormat('container', x); }, /** * Parse sample description atom */ stsd: async (len) => { const stsd = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.StsdAtom(len)); const trackDescription = this.getTrackDescription(); trackDescription.soundSampleDescription = stsd.table.map(dfEntry => this.parseSoundSampleDescription(dfEntry)); }, /** * sample-to-Chunk Atoms */ stsc: async (len) => { const stsc = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.StscAtom(len)); this.getTrackDescription().sampleToChunkTable = stsc.entries; }, /** * time to sample */ stts: async (len) => { const stts = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.SttsAtom(len)); this.getTrackDescription().timeToSampleTable = stts.entries; }, /** * Parse sample-sizes atom ('stsz') */ stsz: async (len) => { const stsz = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.StszAtom(len)); const td = this.getTrackDescription(); td.sampleSize = stsz.sampleSize; td.sampleSizeTable = stsz.entries; }, /** * Parse chunk-offset atom ('stco') */ stco: async (len) => { const stco = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.StcoAtom(len)); this.getTrackDescription().chunkOffsetTable = stco.entries; // remember chunk offsets }, date: async (len) => { const date = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new Token.StringType(len, 'utf-8')); this.addTag('date', date); } }; } static read_BE_Integer(array, signed) { const integerType = (signed ? 'INT' : 'UINT') + array.length * 8 + (array.length > 1 ? '_BE' : ''); const token = Token[integerType]; if (!token) { throw new Error('Token for integer type not found: "' + integerType + '"'); } return Number(token.get(array, 0)); } async parse() { this.tracks = []; let remainingFileSize = this.tokenizer.fileInfo.size; while (!this.tokenizer.fileInfo.size || remainingFileSize > 0) { try { const token = await this.tokenizer.peekToken(AtomToken.Header); if (token.name === '\0\0\0\0') { const errMsg = `Error at offset=${this.tokenizer.position}: box.id=0`; debug(errMsg); this.addWarning(errMsg); break; } } catch (error) { const errMsg = `Error at offset=${this.tokenizer.position}: ${error.message}`; debug(errMsg); this.addWarning(errMsg); break; } const rootAtom = await Atom_1.Atom.readAtom(this.tokenizer, (atom, remaining) => this.handleAtom(atom, remaining), null, remainingFileSize); remainingFileSize -= rootAtom.header.length === BigInt(0) ? remainingFileSize : Number(rootAtom.header.length); } // Post process metadata const formatList = []; this.tracks.forEach(track => { const trackFormats = []; track.soundSampleDescription.forEach(ssd => { const streamInfo = {}; const encoderInfo = encoderDict[ssd.dataFormat]; if (encoderInfo) { trackFormats.push(encoderInfo.format); streamInfo.codecName = encoderInfo.format; } else { streamInfo.codecName = `<${ssd.dataFormat}>`; } if (ssd.description) { const { description } = ssd; if (description.sampleRate > 0) { streamInfo.type = type_1.TrackType.audio; streamInfo.audio = { samplingFrequency: description.sampleRate, bitDepth: description.sampleSize, channels: description.numAudioChannels }; } } this.metadata.addStreamInfo(streamInfo); }); if (trackFormats.length >= 1) { formatList.push(trackFormats.join('/')); } }); if (formatList.length > 0) { this.metadata.setFormat('codec', formatList.filter(distinct).join('+')); } const audioTracks = this.tracks.filter(track => { return track.soundSampleDescription.length >= 1 && track.soundSampleDescription[0].description && track.soundSampleDescription[0].description.numAudioChannels > 0; }); if (audioTracks.length >= 1) { const audioTrack = audioTracks[0]; const duration = audioTrack.duration / audioTrack.timeScale; this.metadata.setFormat('duration', duration); // calculate duration in seconds const ssd = audioTrack.soundSampleDescription[0]; if (ssd.description) { this.metadata.setFormat('sampleRate', ssd.description.sampleRate); this.metadata.setFormat('bitsPerSample', ssd.description.sampleSize); this.metadata.setFormat('numberOfChannels', ssd.description.numAudioChannels); } const encoderInfo = encoderDict[ssd.dataFormat]; if (encoderInfo) { this.metadata.setFormat('lossless', !encoderInfo.lossy); } this.calculateBitRate(); } } async handleAtom(atom, remaining) { if (atom.parent) { switch (atom.parent.header.name) { case 'ilst': case '': return this.parseMetadataItemData(atom); } } // const payloadLength = atom.getPayloadLength(remaining); if (this.atomParsers[atom.header.name]) { return this.atomParsers[atom.header.name](remaining); } else { debug(`No parser for atom path=${atom.atomPath}, payload-len=${remaining}, ignoring atom`); await this.tokenizer.ignore(remaining); } } getTrackDescription() { return this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1]; } calculateBitRate() { if (this.audioLengthInBytes && this.metadata.format.duration) { this.metadata.setFormat('bitrate', 8 * this.audioLengthInBytes / this.metadata.format.duration); } } addTag(id, value) { this.metadata.addTag(tagFormat, id, value); } addWarning(message) { debug('Warning: ' + message); this.metadata.addWarning(message); } /** * Parse data of Meta-item-list-atom (item of 'ilst' atom) * @param metaAtom * Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH1-SW8 */ parseMetadataItemData(metaAtom) { let tagKey = metaAtom.header.name; return metaAtom.readAtoms(this.tokenizer, async (child, remaining) => { const payLoadLength = child.getPayloadLength(remaining); switch (child.header.name) { case 'data': // value atom return this.parseValueAtom(tagKey, child); case 'name': // name atom (optional) const name = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.NameAtom(payLoadLength)); tagKey += ':' + name.name; break; case 'mean': // name atom (optional) const mean = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.NameAtom(payLoadLength)); // console.log(" %s[%s] = %s", tagKey, header.name, mean.name); tagKey += ':' + mean.name; break; default: const dataAtom = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new Token.BufferType(payLoadLength)); this.addWarning('Unsupported meta-item: ' + tagKey + '[' + child.header.name + '] => value=' + dataAtom.toString('hex') + ' ascii=' + dataAtom.toString('ascii')); } }, metaAtom.getPayloadLength(0)); } async parseValueAtom(tagKey, metaAtom) { const dataAtom = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.DataAtom(Number(metaAtom.header.length) - AtomToken.Header.len)); if (dataAtom.type.set !== 0) { throw new Error('Unsupported type-set != 0: ' + dataAtom.type.set); } // Use well-known-type table // Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/Metadata/Metadata.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH1-SW35 switch (dataAtom.type.type) { case 0: // reserved: Reserved for use where no type needs to be indicated switch (tagKey) { case 'trkn': case 'disk': const num = Token.UINT8.get(dataAtom.value, 3); const of = Token.UINT8.get(dataAtom.value, 5); // console.log(" %s[data] = %s/%s", tagKey, num, of); this.addTag(tagKey, num + '/' + of); break; case 'gnre': const genreInt = Token.UINT8.get(dataAtom.value, 1); const genreStr = ID3v1Parser_1.Genres[genreInt - 1]; // console.log(" %s[data] = %s", tagKey, genreStr); this.addTag(tagKey, genreStr); break; default: // console.log(" reserved-data: name=%s, len=%s, set=%s, type=%s, locale=%s, value{ hex=%s, ascii=%s }", // header.name, header.length, dataAtom.type.set, dataAtom.type.type, dataAtom.locale, dataAtom.value.toString('hex'), dataAtom.value.toString('ascii')); } break; case 1: // UTF-8: Without any count or NULL terminator case 18: // Unknown: Found in m4b in combination with a '©gen' tag this.addTag(tagKey, dataAtom.value.toString('utf-8')); break; case 13: // JPEG if (this.options.skipCovers) break; this.addTag(tagKey, { format: 'image/jpeg', data: Buffer.from(dataAtom.value) }); break; case 14: // PNG if (this.options.skipCovers) break; this.addTag(tagKey, { format: 'image/png', data: Buffer.from(dataAtom.value) }); break; case 21: // BE Signed Integer this.addTag(tagKey, MP4Parser.read_BE_Integer(dataAtom.value, true)); break; case 22: // BE Unsigned Integer this.addTag(tagKey, MP4Parser.read_BE_Integer(dataAtom.value, false)); break; case 65: // An 8-bit signed integer this.addTag(tagKey, dataAtom.value.readInt8(0)); break; case 66: // A big-endian 16-bit signed integer this.addTag(tagKey, dataAtom.value.readInt16BE(0)); break; case 67: // A big-endian 32-bit signed integer this.addTag(tagKey, dataAtom.value.readInt32BE(0)); break; default: this.addWarning(`atom key=${tagKey}, has unknown well-known-type (data-type): ${dataAtom.type.type}`); } } /** * @param sampleDescription * Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap3/qtff3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH205-128916 */ parseSoundSampleDescription(sampleDescription) { const ssd = { dataFormat: sampleDescription.dataFormat, dataReferenceIndex: sampleDescription.dataReferenceIndex }; let offset = 0; const version = AtomToken.SoundSampleDescriptionVersion.get(sampleDescription.description, offset); offset += AtomToken.SoundSampleDescriptionVersion.len; if (version.version === 0 || version.version === 1) { // Sound Sample Description (Version 0) ssd.description = AtomToken.SoundSampleDescriptionV0.get(sampleDescription.description, offset); } else { debug(`Warning: sound-sample-description ${version} not implemented`); } return ssd; } async parseChapterTrack(chapterTrack, track, len) { if (!chapterTrack.sampleSize) { if (chapterTrack.chunkOffsetTable.length !== chapterTrack.sampleSizeTable.length) throw new Error('Expected equal chunk-offset-table & sample-size-table length.'); } const chapters = []; for (let i = 0; i < chapterTrack.chunkOffsetTable.length && len > 0; ++i) { const chunkOffset = chapterTrack.chunkOffsetTable[i]; const nextChunkLen = chunkOffset - this.tokenizer.position; const sampleSize = chapterTrack.sampleSize > 0 ? chapterTrack.sampleSize : chapterTrack.sampleSizeTable[i]; len -= nextChunkLen + sampleSize; if (len < 0) throw new Error('Chapter chunk exceeding token length'); await this.tokenizer.ignore(nextChunkLen); const title = await this.tokenizer.readToken(new AtomToken.ChapterText(sampleSize)); debug(`Chapter ${i + 1}: ${title}`); const chapter = { title, sampleOffset: this.findSampleOffset(track, this.tokenizer.position) }; debug(`Chapter title=${chapter.title}, offset=${chapter.sampleOffset}/${this.tracks[0].duration}`); chapters.push(chapter); } this.metadata.setFormat('chapters', chapters); await this.tokenizer.ignore(len); } findSampleOffset(track, chapterOffset) { let totalDuration = 0; track.timeToSampleTable.forEach(e => { totalDuration += e.count * e.duration; }); debug(`Total duration=${totalDuration}`); let chunkIndex = 0; while (chunkIndex < track.chunkOffsetTable.length && track.chunkOffsetTable[chunkIndex] < chapterOffset) { ++chunkIndex; } return this.getChunkDuration(chunkIndex + 1, track); } getChunkDuration(chunkId, track) { let ttsi = 0; let ttsc = track.timeToSampleTable[ttsi].count; let ttsd = track.timeToSampleTable[ttsi].duration; let curChunkId = 1; let samplesPerChunk = this.getSamplesPerChunk(curChunkId, track.sampleToChunkTable); let totalDuration = 0; while (curChunkId < chunkId) { const nrOfSamples = Math.min(ttsc, samplesPerChunk); totalDuration += nrOfSamples * ttsd; ttsc -= nrOfSamples; samplesPerChunk -= nrOfSamples; if (samplesPerChunk === 0) { ++curChunkId; samplesPerChunk = this.getSamplesPerChunk(curChunkId, track.sampleToChunkTable); } else { ++ttsi; ttsc = track.timeToSampleTable[ttsi].count; ttsd = track.timeToSampleTable[ttsi].duration; } } return totalDuration; } getSamplesPerChunk(chunkId, stcTable) { for (let i = 0; i < stcTable.length - 1; ++i) { if (chunkId >= stcTable[i].firstChunk && chunkId < stcTable[i + 1].firstChunk) { return stcTable[i].samplesPerChunk; } } return stcTable[stcTable.length - 1].samplesPerChunk; } } exports.MP4Parser = MP4Parser;