# isomorphic-git `isomorphic-git` is a pure JavaScript reimplementation of git that works in both Node.js and browser JavaScript environments. It can read and write to git repositories, fetch from and push to git remotes (such as GitHub), all without any native C++ module dependencies. ## Goals Isomorphic-git aims for 100% interoperability with the canonical git implementation. This means it does all its operations by modifying files in a ".git" directory just like the git you are used to. The included `isogit` CLI can operate on git repositories on your desktop or server. This library aims to be a complete solution with no assembly required. The API has been designed with modern tools like Rollup and Webpack in mind. By providing functionality as individual functions, code bundlers can produce smaller bundles by including only the functions your application uses. The project includes type definitions so you can enjoy static type-checking and intelligent code completion in editors like VS Code and [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io). ## Project status The original author of the project ([Billie Hilton](https://github.com/wmhilton)) left the project, but the project is still maintained by two volunteers: * [@jcubic](https://github.com/jcubic) (most active) * [@mojavelinux](https://github.com/mojavelinux) But they don't write much code, mainly do code review and try to answer to issues and on Gitter, they just don't want the project to die. So you can say that this project is community driven (as jcubic always reply to issues). Which means that if you want a feature to be implemented you need to do this yourself or find someone that is willing to write the code for you. The project have some money on [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/isomorphic-git) and we can spend it on some development, if you find somoene that is willing to code in exchange to some bucks (it may be you), but we don't have a lot so don't expect to have full sallary. If you want to help this project you're more than welcome to do so. ## Supported Environments The following environments are tested in CI and will continue to be supported until the next breaking version:
Node 10 |
Chrome 79 |
Edge 79 |
Firefox 72 |
Safari 13 |
Android 10 |
iOS 13 |