import { createGeneratorEasing } from '../../easing/utils/create-generator-easing.mjs'; import { resolveElements } from '../../render/dom/utils/resolve-element.mjs'; import { defaultOffset } from '../../utils/offsets/default.mjs'; import { fillOffset } from '../../utils/offsets/fill.mjs'; import { progress } from '../../utils/progress.mjs'; import { secondsToMilliseconds } from '../../utils/time-conversion.mjs'; import { isMotionValue } from '../../value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs'; import { calcNextTime } from './utils/calc-time.mjs'; import { addKeyframes } from './utils/edit.mjs'; import { compareByTime } from './utils/sort.mjs'; const defaultSegmentEasing = "easeInOut"; function createAnimationsFromSequence(sequence, { defaultTransition = {}, ...sequenceTransition } = {}, scope) { const defaultDuration = defaultTransition.duration || 0.3; const animationDefinitions = new Map(); const sequences = new Map(); const elementCache = {}; const timeLabels = new Map(); let prevTime = 0; let currentTime = 0; let totalDuration = 0; /** * Build the timeline by mapping over the sequence array and converting * the definitions into keyframes and offsets with absolute time values. * These will later get converted into relative offsets in a second pass. */ for (let i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { const segment = sequence[i]; /** * If this is a timeline label, mark it and skip the rest of this iteration. */ if (typeof segment === "string") { timeLabels.set(segment, currentTime); continue; } else if (!Array.isArray(segment)) { timeLabels.set(, calcNextTime(currentTime,, prevTime, timeLabels)); continue; } let [subject, keyframes, transition = {}] = segment; /** * If a relative or absolute time value has been specified we need to resolve * it in relation to the currentTime. */ if ( !== undefined) { currentTime = calcNextTime(currentTime,, prevTime, timeLabels); } /** * Keep track of the maximum duration in this definition. This will be * applied to currentTime once the definition has been parsed. */ let maxDuration = 0; const resolveValueSequence = (valueKeyframes, valueTransition, valueSequence, elementIndex = 0, numElements = 0) => { const valueKeyframesAsList = keyframesAsList(valueKeyframes); const { delay = 0, times = defaultOffset(valueKeyframesAsList), type = "keyframes", ...remainingTransition } = valueTransition; let { ease = defaultTransition.ease || "easeOut", duration } = valueTransition; /** * Resolve stagger() if defined. */ const calculatedDelay = typeof delay === "function" ? delay(elementIndex, numElements) : delay; /** * If this animation should and can use a spring, generate a spring easing function. */ const numKeyframes = valueKeyframesAsList.length; if (numKeyframes <= 2 && type === "spring") { /** * As we're creating an easing function from a spring, * ideally we want to generate it using the real distance * between the two keyframes. However this isn't always * possible - in these situations we use 0-100. */ let absoluteDelta = 100; if (numKeyframes === 2 && isNumberKeyframesArray(valueKeyframesAsList)) { const delta = valueKeyframesAsList[1] - valueKeyframesAsList[0]; absoluteDelta = Math.abs(delta); } const springTransition = { ...remainingTransition }; if (duration !== undefined) { springTransition.duration = secondsToMilliseconds(duration); } const springEasing = createGeneratorEasing(springTransition, absoluteDelta); ease = springEasing.ease; duration = springEasing.duration; } duration !== null && duration !== void 0 ? duration : (duration = defaultDuration); const startTime = currentTime + calculatedDelay; const targetTime = startTime + duration; /** * If there's only one time offset of 0, fill in a second with length 1 */ if (times.length === 1 && times[0] === 0) { times[1] = 1; } /** * Fill out if offset if fewer offsets than keyframes */ const remainder = times.length - valueKeyframesAsList.length; remainder > 0 && fillOffset(times, remainder); /** * If only one value has been set, ie [1], push a null to the start of * the keyframe array. This will let us mark a keyframe at this point * that will later be hydrated with the previous value. */ valueKeyframesAsList.length === 1 && valueKeyframesAsList.unshift(null); /** * Add keyframes, mapping offsets to absolute time. */ addKeyframes(valueSequence, valueKeyframesAsList, ease, times, startTime, targetTime); maxDuration = Math.max(calculatedDelay + duration, maxDuration); totalDuration = Math.max(targetTime, totalDuration); }; if (isMotionValue(subject)) { const subjectSequence = getSubjectSequence(subject, sequences); resolveValueSequence(keyframes, transition, getValueSequence("default", subjectSequence)); } else { /** * Find all the elements specified in the definition and parse value * keyframes from their timeline definitions. */ const elements = resolveElements(subject, scope, elementCache); const numElements = elements.length; /** * For every element in this segment, process the defined values. */ for (let elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++) { /** * Cast necessary, but we know these are of this type */ keyframes = keyframes; transition = transition; const element = elements[elementIndex]; const subjectSequence = getSubjectSequence(element, sequences); for (const key in keyframes) { resolveValueSequence(keyframes[key], getValueTransition(transition, key), getValueSequence(key, subjectSequence), elementIndex, numElements); } } } prevTime = currentTime; currentTime += maxDuration; } /** * For every element and value combination create a new animation. */ sequences.forEach((valueSequences, element) => { for (const key in valueSequences) { const valueSequence = valueSequences[key]; /** * Arrange all the keyframes in ascending time order. */ valueSequence.sort(compareByTime); const keyframes = []; const valueOffset = []; const valueEasing = []; /** * For each keyframe, translate absolute times into * relative offsets based on the total duration of the timeline. */ for (let i = 0; i < valueSequence.length; i++) { const { at, value, easing } = valueSequence[i]; keyframes.push(value); valueOffset.push(progress(0, totalDuration, at)); valueEasing.push(easing || "easeOut"); } /** * If the first keyframe doesn't land on offset: 0 * provide one by duplicating the initial keyframe. This ensures * it snaps to the first keyframe when the animation starts. */ if (valueOffset[0] !== 0) { valueOffset.unshift(0); keyframes.unshift(keyframes[0]); valueEasing.unshift(defaultSegmentEasing); } /** * If the last keyframe doesn't land on offset: 1 * provide one with a null wildcard value. This will ensure it * stays static until the end of the animation. */ if (valueOffset[valueOffset.length - 1] !== 1) { valueOffset.push(1); keyframes.push(null); } if (!animationDefinitions.has(element)) { animationDefinitions.set(element, { keyframes: {}, transition: {}, }); } const definition = animationDefinitions.get(element); definition.keyframes[key] = keyframes; definition.transition[key] = { ...defaultTransition, duration: totalDuration, ease: valueEasing, times: valueOffset, ...sequenceTransition, }; } }); return animationDefinitions; } function getSubjectSequence(subject, sequences) { !sequences.has(subject) && sequences.set(subject, {}); return sequences.get(subject); } function getValueSequence(name, sequences) { if (!sequences[name]) sequences[name] = []; return sequences[name]; } function keyframesAsList(keyframes) { return Array.isArray(keyframes) ? keyframes : [keyframes]; } function getValueTransition(transition, key) { return transition[key] ? { ...transition, ...transition[key] } : { ...transition }; } const isNumber = (keyframe) => typeof keyframe === "number"; const isNumberKeyframesArray = (keyframes) => keyframes.every(isNumber); export { createAnimationsFromSequence, getValueTransition };