import type * as IBrowserFS from "browserfs"; import type IIsoFS from "browserfs/dist/node/backend/IsoFS"; import type IZipFS from "browserfs/dist/node/backend/ZipFS"; import type { ApiError } from "browserfs/dist/node/core/api_error"; import type { BFSCallback, FileSystem, } from "browserfs/dist/node/core/file_system"; import type { FSModule } from "browserfs/dist/node/core/FS"; import useTransferDialog from "components/system/Dialogs/Transfer/useTransferDialog"; import { getMimeType } from "components/system/Files/FileEntry/functions"; import type { InputChangeEvent } from "components/system/Files/FileManager/functions"; import { handleFileInputEvent, iterateFileName, removeInvalidFilenameCharacters, } from "components/system/Files/FileManager/functions"; import { addFileSystemHandle, getFileSystemHandles, removeFileSystemHandle, } from "contexts/fileSystem/functions"; import type { AsyncFS, RootFileSystem } from "contexts/fileSystem/useAsyncFs"; import useAsyncFs from "contexts/fileSystem/useAsyncFs"; import { useProcesses } from "contexts/process"; import type { UpdateFiles } from "contexts/session/types"; import { basename, dirname, extname, isAbsolute, join } from "path"; import * as BrowserFS from "public/System/BrowserFS/browserfs.min.js"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { CLIPBOARD_FILE_EXTENSIONS, DEFAULT_MAPPED_NAME, PROCESS_DELIMITER, TRANSITIONS_IN_MILLISECONDS, } from "utils/constants"; import { bufferToBlob } from "utils/functions"; type FilePasteOperations = Record; type FileSystemWatchers = Record; type IFileSystemAccess = { FileSystem: { FileSystemAccess: { Create: ( opts: { handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle }, cb: BFSCallback ) => void; }; }; }; type FileSystemContextState = AsyncFS & { addFile: ( directory: string, callback: (name: string, buffer?: Buffer) => Promise, accept?: string, multiple?: boolean ) => void; addFsWatcher: (folder: string, updateFiles: UpdateFiles) => void; copyEntries: (entries: string[]) => void; createPath: ( name: string, directory: string, buffer?: Buffer ) => Promise; deletePath: (path: string) => Promise; fs?: FSModule; mapFs: ( directory: string, existingHandle?: FileSystemDirectoryHandle ) => Promise; mkdirRecursive: (path: string) => Promise; mountFs: (url: string) => Promise; moveEntries: (entries: string[]) => void; pasteList: FilePasteOperations; removeFsWatcher: (folder: string, updateFiles: UpdateFiles) => void; rootFs?: RootFileSystem; unMapFs: (directory: string) => void; unMountFs: (url: string) => void; updateFolder: (folder: string, newFile?: string, oldFile?: string) => void; }; const SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES = new Set(["/OPFS"]); const { FileSystem: { FileSystemAccess, IsoFS, ZipFS }, } = BrowserFS as IFileSystemAccess & typeof IBrowserFS; const useFileSystemContextState = (): FileSystemContextState => { const asyncFs = useAsyncFs(); const { exists, mkdir, readdir, readFile, rename, rmdir, rootFs, unlink, writeFile, } = asyncFs; const { closeWithTransition } = useProcesses(); const fsWatchersRef = useRef( Object.create(null) as FileSystemWatchers ); const [pasteList, setPasteList] = useState( Object.create(null) as FilePasteOperations ); const updatePasteEntries = useCallback( (entries: string[], operation: "copy" | "move"): void => setPasteList( Object.fromEntries( => [entry, operation])) ), [] ); const copyToClipboard = useCallback( (entry: string) => { if (!CLIPBOARD_FILE_EXTENSIONS.has(extname(entry))) return; let type = getMimeType(entry); if (!type) return; // Bypass "Type image/jpeg not supported on write." if (type === "image/jpeg") type = "image/png"; try { navigator.clipboard?.write?.([ new ClipboardItem({ [type]: readFile(entry).then((buffer) => bufferToBlob(buffer, type) ), }), ]); } catch { // Ignore failure to copy image to clipboard } }, [readFile] ); const copyEntries = useCallback( (entries: string[]): void => { if (entries.length === 1) copyToClipboard(entries[0]); updatePasteEntries(entries, "copy"); }, [copyToClipboard, updatePasteEntries] ); const moveEntries = useCallback( (entries: string[]): void => updatePasteEntries(entries, "move"), [updatePasteEntries] ); const addFsWatcher = useCallback( (folder: string, updateFiles: UpdateFiles): void => { fsWatchersRef.current[folder] = [ ...(fsWatchersRef.current[folder] || []), updateFiles, ]; }, [] ); const unusedMountsCleanupTimerRef = useRef(0); const cleanupUnusedMounts = useCallback( (secondCheck?: boolean) => { if (rootFs) { const mountedPaths = Object.keys(rootFs.mntMap || {}).filter( (mountedPath) => mountedPath !== "/" ); if (mountedPaths.length === 0) return; const watchedPaths = Object.keys(fsWatchersRef.current).filter( (watchedPath) => fsWatchersRef.current[watchedPath].length > 0 ); mountedPaths.forEach((mountedPath) => { if ( !watchedPaths.some((watchedPath) => watchedPath.startsWith(mountedPath) ) && rootFs.mntMap[mountedPath]?.getName() !== "FileSystemAccess" ) { if (secondCheck) { rootFs.umount?.(mountedPath); } else { unusedMountsCleanupTimerRef.current = window.setTimeout( () => cleanupUnusedMounts(true), TRANSITIONS_IN_MILLISECONDS.WINDOW ); } } }); } }, [rootFs] ); const removeFsWatcher = useCallback( (folder: string, updateFiles: UpdateFiles): void => { fsWatchersRef.current[folder] = ( fsWatchersRef.current[folder] || [] ).filter((updateFilesInstance) => updateFilesInstance !== updateFiles); if (unusedMountsCleanupTimerRef.current) { window.clearTimeout(unusedMountsCleanupTimerRef.current); } unusedMountsCleanupTimerRef.current = window.setTimeout( cleanupUnusedMounts, TRANSITIONS_IN_MILLISECONDS.WINDOW ); }, [cleanupUnusedMounts] ); const updateFolder = useCallback( (folder: string, newFile?: string, oldFile?: string): void => fsWatchersRef.current[folder]?.forEach((updateFiles) => updateFiles(newFile, oldFile) ), [] ); const mapFs = useCallback( async ( directory: string, existingHandle?: FileSystemDirectoryHandle ): Promise => { let handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle; try { handle = existingHandle ?? (await window.showDirectoryPicker({ id: "MapDirectoryPicker", mode: "readwrite", startIn: "desktop", })); } catch { // Ignore cancelling the dialog } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (handle instanceof FileSystemDirectoryHandle) { FileSystemAccess?.Create({ handle }, (error, newFs) => { if (error || !newFs) { reject(); return; } const systemDirectory = SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES.has(directory); const mappedName = removeInvalidFilenameCharacters( || (systemDirectory ? "" : DEFAULT_MAPPED_NAME); rootFs?.mount?.(join(directory, mappedName), newFs); resolve(systemDirectory ? directory : mappedName); addFileSystemHandle(directory, handle, mappedName); }); } else { reject(); } }); }, [rootFs] ); const mountFs = useCallback( async (url: string): Promise => { const fileData = await readFile(url); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const createFs: BFSCallback = (createError, newFs) => { if (createError) reject(); else if (newFs) { rootFs?.mount?.(url, newFs); resolve(); } }; if (extname(url).toLowerCase() === ".iso") { IsoFS?.Create({ data: fileData }, createFs); } else { ZipFS?.Create({ zipData: fileData }, createFs); } }); }, [readFile, rootFs] ); const unMountFs = useCallback( (url: string): void => rootFs?.umount?.(url), [rootFs] ); const unMapFs = useCallback( (directory: string): void => { unMountFs(directory); removeFileSystemHandle(directory); updateFolder(dirname(directory), undefined, directory); }, [unMountFs, updateFolder] ); const { openTransferDialog } = useTransferDialog(); const addFile = useCallback( ( directory: string, callback: (name: string, buffer?: Buffer) => Promise ): void => { const fileInput = document.createElement("input"); fileInput.type = "file"; fileInput.multiple = true; fileInput.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); fileInput.addEventListener( "change", (event) => { handleFileInputEvent( event as InputChangeEvent, callback, directory, openTransferDialog ); fileInput.remove(); }, { once: true } ); document.body.append(fileInput);; }, [openTransferDialog] ); const mkdirRecursive = useCallback( async (path: string): Promise => { const pathParts = path.split("/").filter(Boolean); const recursePath = async (position = 1, retry = 0): Promise => { const makePath = join("/", pathParts.slice(0, position).join("/")); let created: boolean; try { created = (await exists(makePath)) || (await mkdir(makePath)); } catch { created = false; } if (created) { if (position !== pathParts.length) { await recursePath(position + 1); } } else if (retry < 3) { await recursePath(position, retry + 1); } }; await recursePath(); }, [exists, mkdir] ); const deletePath = useCallback( async (path: string): Promise => { try { await unlink(path); } catch (error) { if ((error as ApiError).code === "EISDIR") { const dirContents = await readdir(path); await Promise.all( => deletePath(join(path, entry))) ); await rmdir(path); } } if (Object.keys(fsWatchersRef.current || {}).includes(path)) { closeWithTransition(`FileExplorer${PROCESS_DELIMITER}${path}`); } }, [closeWithTransition, readdir, rmdir, unlink] ); const createPath = useCallback( async ( name: string, directory: string, buffer?: Buffer, iteration = 0 ): Promise => { const isInternal = !buffer && isAbsolute(name); const baseName = isInternal ? basename(name) : name; const uniqueName = iteration ? iterateFileName(baseName, iteration) : baseName; const fullNewPath = join(directory, uniqueName); if (isInternal) { if ( name !== fullNewPath && directory !== name && !directory.startsWith(`${name}/`) && !rootFs?.mntMap[name] ) { if (await exists(fullNewPath)) { return createPath(name, directory, buffer, iteration + 1); } if (await rename(name, fullNewPath)) { updateFolder(dirname(name), "", name); } return uniqueName; } } else { const maybeMakePath = async (makePath: string): Promise => { try { if (!(await exists(makePath))) { await mkdir(makePath); updateFolder(dirname(makePath), basename(makePath)); } } catch (error) { if ((error as ApiError).code === "ENOENT") { await maybeMakePath(dirname(makePath)); await maybeMakePath(makePath); } } }; await maybeMakePath(dirname(fullNewPath)); try { if ( buffer ? await writeFile(fullNewPath, buffer) : await mkdir(fullNewPath) ) { return uniqueName; } } catch (error) { if ((error as ApiError)?.code === "EEXIST") { return createPath(name, directory, buffer, iteration + 1); } } } return ""; }, [exists, mkdir, rename, rootFs?.mntMap, updateFolder, writeFile] ); const restoredFsHandles = useRef(false); useEffect(() => { if (!restoredFsHandles.current && rootFs) { const restoreFsHandles = async (): Promise => { restoredFsHandles.current = true; Object.entries(await getFileSystemHandles()).forEach( async ([handleDirectory, handle]) => { if (!(await exists(handleDirectory))) { try { mapFs( SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES.has(handleDirectory) ? handleDirectory : dirname(handleDirectory), handle ); } catch { // Ignore failure } } } ); }; restoreFsHandles(); } }, [exists, mapFs, rootFs]); return { addFile, addFsWatcher, copyEntries, createPath, deletePath, mapFs, mkdirRecursive, mountFs, moveEntries, pasteList, removeFsWatcher, unMapFs, unMountFs, updateFolder, ...asyncFs, }; }; export default useFileSystemContextState;