import type HTTPRequest from "browserfs/dist/node/backend/HTTPRequest"; import type IndexedDBFileSystem from "browserfs/dist/node/backend/IndexedDB"; import type OverlayFS from "browserfs/dist/node/backend/OverlayFS"; import type { RootFileSystem } from "contexts/fileSystem/useAsyncFs"; import { openDB } from "idb"; import { join } from "path"; import index from "public/.index/fs.9p.json"; import { FS_HANDLES, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT } from "utils/constants"; type BFSFS = { [key: string]: BFSFS | null }; type FS9PV3 = [ string, number, number, number, number, number, FS9PV3[] | string ]; type FS9PV4 = [string, number, number, FS9PV4[] | string | undefined]; type FS9P = { fsroot: FS9PV3[]; size: number; version: 3; }; type FileSystemHandles = Record; const KEYVAL_STORE_NAME = "keyval"; const KEYVAL_DB = `${KEYVAL_STORE_NAME}-store`; const KNOWN_IDB_DBS = [ "/classicube", "/data/saves", "ejs-bios", "ejs-roms", "ejs-romsdata", "ejs-states", "ejs-system", "js-dos-cache (emulators-ui-saves)", "keyval-store", ]; const IDX_MTIME = 2; const IDX_TARGET = 3; const IDX_FILE_MODE = 33206; const IDX_DIR_MODE = 16822; const IDX_UID = 0; const IDX_GID = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-null const FILE_ENTRY = null; const fsroot = index.fsroot as FS9PV4[]; export const get9pModifiedTime = (path: string): number => { let fsPath = fsroot; let mTime = 0; path .split("/") .filter(Boolean) .forEach((pathPart) => { const pathBranch = fsPath.find(([name]) => name === pathPart); if (pathBranch) { const isBranch = Array.isArray(pathBranch[IDX_TARGET]); if (!isBranch) mTime = pathBranch[IDX_MTIME]; fsPath = isBranch ? (pathBranch[IDX_TARGET] as FS9PV4[]) : []; } }); return mTime; }; const mapReduce9pArray = ( array: FS9PV4[], mapper: (entry: FS9PV4) => BFSFS // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference ): BFSFS =>, b) => Object.assign(a, b), {}); // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-unreadable-array-destructuring const parse9pEntry = ([name, , , pathOrArray]: FS9PV4): BFSFS => ({ [name]: Array.isArray(pathOrArray) ? mapReduce9pArray(pathOrArray, parse9pEntry) : FILE_ENTRY, }); export const fs9pToBfs = (): BFSFS => mapReduce9pArray(fsroot, parse9pEntry); const parse9pV4ToV3 = (fs9p: FS9PV4[], path = "/"): FS9PV3[] =>[name, mtime, size, target]) => { const targetPath = join(path, name); const isDirectory = Array.isArray(target); const newTarget = isDirectory ? parse9pV4ToV3(target, targetPath) : target || targetPath; return [ name, mtime, size, isDirectory ? IDX_DIR_MODE : IDX_FILE_MODE, IDX_UID, IDX_GID, newTarget, ] as FS9PV3; }); export const fs9pV4ToV3 = (): FS9P => index.version === 4 ? { fsroot: parse9pV4ToV3(fsroot), size: index.size, version: 3, } : (index as FS9P); export const supportsIndexedDB = (): Promise => new Promise((resolve) => { const db ="browserfs"); db.addEventListener("error", () => resolve(false), ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT); db.addEventListener( "success", ({ target }) => { resolve(true); try { db.result.close(); } catch { // Ignore errors to close database } const { objectStoreNames } = (target as IDBOpenDBRequest)?.result || {}; if (objectStoreNames?.length === 0) { try { window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase("browserfs"); } catch { // Ignore errors to delete database } } }, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); }); const getKeyValStore = (): ReturnType => openDB(KEYVAL_DB, 1, { upgrade: (db) => db.createObjectStore(KEYVAL_STORE_NAME), }); export const getFileSystemHandles = async (): Promise => { if (!(await supportsIndexedDB())) { return Object.create(null) as FileSystemHandles; } const db = await getKeyValStore(); return ( (await (>( db.get(KEYVAL_STORE_NAME, FS_HANDLES) ))) || (Object.create(null) as FileSystemHandles) ); }; export const addFileSystemHandle = async ( directory: string, handle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle, mappedName: string ): Promise => { if (!(await supportsIndexedDB())) return; const db = await getKeyValStore(); try { db.put( KEYVAL_STORE_NAME, { ...(await getFileSystemHandles()), [join(directory, mappedName)]: handle, }, FS_HANDLES ); } catch { // Ignore errors storing handle } }; export const removeFileSystemHandle = async ( directory: string ): Promise => { if (!(await supportsIndexedDB())) return; const { [directory]: _removedHandle, ...handles } = await getFileSystemHandles(); const db = await getKeyValStore(); await db.put(KEYVAL_STORE_NAME, handles, FS_HANDLES); }; export const requestPermission = async ( url: string ): Promise => { const fsHandles = await getFileSystemHandles(); const handle = fsHandles[url]; if (handle) { const currentPermissions = await handle.queryPermission(); if (currentPermissions === "prompt") { await handle.requestPermission(); } else if (currentPermissions === "granted") { throw new Error("Permission already granted"); } return handle.queryPermission(); } return false; }; export const resetStorage = (rootFs?: RootFileSystem): Promise => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(reject, 750); window.localStorage.clear(); window.sessionStorage.clear(); const clearFs = (): void => { const overlayFs = rootFs?._getFs("/")?.fs as OverlayFS; const overlayedFileSystems = overlayFs?.getOverlayedFileSystems(); const readable = overlayedFileSystems?.readable as HTTPRequest; const writable = overlayedFileSystems?.writable as IndexedDBFileSystem; readable?.empty(); if (writable?.getName() === "InMemory" || !writable?.empty) { resolve(); } else { writable.empty((apiError) => (apiError ? reject(apiError) : resolve())); } }; import("idb").then(({ deleteDB }) => { if (window.indexedDB.databases) { window.indexedDB .databases() .then((databases) => databases .filter(({ name }) => name && name !== "browserfs") .forEach(({ name }) => deleteDB(name as string)) ) .then(clearFs) .catch(clearFs); } else { KNOWN_IDB_DBS.forEach((name) => deleteDB(name)); clearFs(); } }); });