import { HIGH_PRIORITY_REQUEST, IPFS_GATEWAY_URLS, MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT, } from "utils/constants"; let IPFS_GATEWAY_URL = ""; const isIpfsGatewayAvailable = (gatewayUrl: string): Promise => new Promise((resolve) => { const timeoutId = window.setTimeout( () => resolve(false), MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND ); const img = new Image(); img.addEventListener( "load", () => { window.clearTimeout(timeoutId); resolve(true); }, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); img.addEventListener( "error", () => { window.clearTimeout(timeoutId); resolve(false); }, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); img.src = `${gatewayUrl.replace( "", // "bafybeibwzifw52ttrkqlikfzext5akxu7lz4xiwjgwzmqcpdzmp3n5vnbe" )}?now=${}&filename=1x1.png#x-ipfs-companion-no-redirect`; }); export const getIpfsGatewayUrl = async ( ipfsUrl: string, notCurrent?: boolean ): Promise => { if (!IPFS_GATEWAY_URL || notCurrent) { const urlList = notCurrent ? IPFS_GATEWAY_URLS.filter((url) => url !== IPFS_GATEWAY_URL) : IPFS_GATEWAY_URLS; for (const url of urlList) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop if (await isIpfsGatewayAvailable(url)) { IPFS_GATEWAY_URL = url; break; } } if (!IPFS_GATEWAY_URL) return ""; } const { pathname, protocol, search } = new URL(ipfsUrl); if (protocol !== "ipfs:") return ""; const [cid = "", ...path] = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean); const { CID } = await import("multiformats"); return `${IPFS_GATEWAY_URL.replace( "", CID.parse(cid).toV1().toString() )}${path.join("/")}${search}`; }; export const getIpfsFileName = async ( ipfsUrl: string, ipfsData: Buffer ): Promise => { const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(ipfsUrl); const fileName = searchParams.get("filename"); if (fileName) return fileName; const { fileTypeFromBuffer } = await import("file-type"); const { ext = "" } = (await fileTypeFromBuffer(ipfsData)) || {}; return `${pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).join("_")}${ ext ? `.${ext}` : "" }`; }; export const getIpfsResource = async (ipfsUrl: string): Promise => { let response: Response | undefined; const requestOptions = { ...HIGH_PRIORITY_REQUEST, cache: "no-cache", credentials: "omit", keepalive: false, mode: "cors", referrerPolicy: "no-referrer", // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-null window: null, } as RequestInit; try { response = await fetch(await getIpfsGatewayUrl(ipfsUrl), requestOptions); } catch (error) { if ((error as Error).message === "Failed to fetch") { response = await fetch( await getIpfsGatewayUrl(ipfsUrl, true), requestOptions ); } } return response instanceof Response ? Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer()) : Buffer.from(""); };