# Winamp Equalizer Preset Parser Winamp allows you to save your equalizser settings to `.eqf` file. This package allows you to parse these files. ## Installation npm install --save winamp-eqf ## Ussage import {parser, creator} from 'winamp-eqf'; // ... Get your .eqf or .q1 file as an ArrayBuffer const eqf = parser(eqfArrayBuffer); const eqfArrayBuffer = creator(eqf); ## API ### `parser(ArrayBuffer)` #### Return value ```JavaScript { "presets": [ { "name": "Entry1", "preamp": 33, // 1-64 "hz60": 64, // 1-64 "hz170": 64, // ... "hz310": 64, "hz600": 64, "hz1000": 64, "hz3000": 64, "hz6000": 64, "hz12000": 64, "hz14000": 64, "hz16000": 64, }, // Some files, such as winamp.q1, may contain multiple preset objects. ], "type": "Winamp EQ library file v1.1", } ``` ### `creator(eqfObject)` #### Return Value: `ArrayBuffer` `eqfObject` is an object with the same shape as that returned by `parser()`. ## Source Material Starting with this spec found here: : > I've taken a look at some EQF files that I made for the purpose. The format is apparently very simple: > The file is 299 bytes long. > > It starts with a text header, which in my case, is 37 bytes long. It is, in double-quotish notation — note the control-Z character: > > Winamp EQ library file v1.1\cZ!--Entry1 > > Next is a block of null bytes ("\0") up till the next, final part. > The real data is stored in the last 11 bytes of the file: the last byte is for the general volume, the 10 bytes before that are for each of the 10 EQ controls, in ascending order: the first of these 10 for the deepest bass, the last one (right in front of the volume byte) is for the highest treble. > The values are 0x20 in neutral position, and are reversed in value: 0x00 is maximum, 0x3F is minimum. So there are 31 positions below, and 31 32 levels above neutral. Additionally, I got some info from [Darren Owen](https://twitter.com/The_DoctorO) via Twitter: > Not that i'm aware off as sadly documentation of things was never great. Looking at the link vs files in a hex editor it seems mostly right. > The current 1.1 format should be fine as I don't believe the format has changed for a very long time :) And then via direct message: > Will do it here as I can type a bit more, but the only obvious thing wrong with the link is the signature assumption as it's not guaranteed to be 'entry1' As you can have multiple eq blocks in a file. > If you've looked at winamp.q1 you should see multiple presets in that file which follow one after each other so the file signature (winamp.q1 or a specific *.eqf file) is "Winamp EQ library file v1.1\x1A!--" (pulled that out from the disassembler) it's then a 257 byte buffer (256 + null character to terminate correctly) then the 10 byte block relating to the eq sliders (need to double-check the range base) followed by the 1 byte for the preamp slider then if there's more presets in the file, they follow on immediately after with the name block looking at the preamp slider, -12dB = 0x3F, 0dB = 0x1F, 12dB = 0 (so a 0-63 range) that seems to be the same for the other sliders (and matches 1:1 with the sdk details) and I think that's it :) in the winamp.q1 file, the 'default' entry is either a flat preset or what's been saved after customisation (in-case you're wanting to mirror the native behaviour via the preset -> save -> default action)