# WebAssembly Feature Detection A small library to detect which features of WebAssembly are supported. - ✅ Runs in browsers, Node and Deno - ✅ Tree-shakable (only bundle the detectors you use) - ✅ Provided as an ES6, CommonJS and UMD module. - ✅ CSP compatible - ✅ All detectors add up to only ~670B gzipped ## Installation ``` npm install -g wasm-feature-detect ``` ## Usage ```html ``` ### Hotlinking from Unpkg ```html ``` If required, there’s also a UMD version ```html ``` ## Detectors All detectors return a `Promise`. | Function | Proposal | | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `bigInt()` | [BigInt integration](https://github.com/WebAssembly/JS-BigInt-integration) | | `bulkMemory()` | [Bulk memory operations](https://github.com/webassembly/bulk-memory-operations) | | `exceptions()` | [Exception handling](https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling) | | `extendedConst()` | [Extented Const Expressesions](https://github.com/WebAssembly/extended-const) | | `gc()` | [Garbage Collection](https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc) | | `memory64()` | [Memory64](https://github.com/WebAssembly/memory64) | | `multiValue()` | [Multi-value](https://github.com/WebAssembly/multi-value) | | `mutableGlobals()` | [Importable/Exportable mutable globals]() | | `referenceTypes()` | [Reference Types](https://github.com/WebAssembly/reference-types) | | `relaxedSimd()` | [Relaxed SIMD](https://github.com/webassembly/relaxed-simd) | | `saturatedFloatToInt()` | [Non-trapping float-to-int conversions](https://github.com/WebAssembly/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions) | | `signExtensions()` | [Sign-extension operators](https://github.com/WebAssembly/sign-extension-ops) | | `simd()` | [Fixed-Width SIMD](https://github.com/webassembly/simd) | | `streamingCompilation()` | [Streaming Compilation](https://webassembly.github.io/spec/web-api/index.html#streaming-modules) | | `tailCall()` | [Tail call](https://github.com/webassembly/tail-call) | | `threads()` | [Threads](https://github.com/webassembly/threads) | ## Why are all the tests async? The _technical_ reason is that some tests might have to be augmented to be asynchronous in the future. For example, Firefox is planning to [make a change][ff coop] that would require a `postMessage` call to detect SABs, which are required for threads. The _other_ reason is that you _should_ be using `WebAssembly.compile`, `WebAssembly.instantiate`, or their streaming versions `WebAssembly.compileStreaming` and `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming`, which are all asynchronous. You should already be prepared for asynchronous code when using WebAssembly! ## Contributing If you want to contribute a new feature test, all you need to do is create a new folder in `src/detectors` and it will be automatically picked up. The folder may contain a `module.wat` file, which will be compiled using [`wabt.js`](https://github.com/AssemblyScript/wabt.js). ```wat ;; Name: ;; Proposal: ;; Features: (module ;; More WAT code here ) ``` The folder can also contain an optional `index.js` file, whose default export must be an async function. This function can do additional testing in JavaScript and must return a boolean. See the “threads” detector as an example. It must contain at least one of `module.wat` or `index.js`. [ff coop]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mozilla.dev.platform/IHkBZlHETpA/dwsMNchWEQAJ [wat2wasm]: https://github.com/webassembly/wabt --- License Apache-2.0