var check = require('./util/check') var extend = require('./util/extend') var values = require('./util/values') var GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER = 35632 var GL_VERTEX_SHADER = 35633 var GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS = 0x8B86 var GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x8B89 module.exports = function wrapShaderState (gl, stringStore, stats, config) { // =================================================== // glsl compilation and linking // =================================================== var fragShaders = {} var vertShaders = {} function ActiveInfo (name, id, location, info) { = name = id this.location = location = info } function insertActiveInfo (list, info) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i].id === { list[i].location = info.location return } } list.push(info) } function getShader (type, id, command) { var cache = type === GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER ? fragShaders : vertShaders var shader = cache[id] if (!shader) { var source = stringStore.str(id) shader = gl.createShader(type) gl.shaderSource(shader, source) gl.compileShader(shader) check.shaderError(gl, shader, source, type, command) cache[id] = shader } return shader } // =================================================== // program linking // =================================================== var programCache = {} var programList = [] var PROGRAM_COUNTER = 0 function REGLProgram (fragId, vertId) { = PROGRAM_COUNTER++ this.fragId = fragId this.vertId = vertId this.program = null this.uniforms = [] this.attributes = [] this.refCount = 1 if (config.profile) { this.stats = { uniformsCount: 0, attributesCount: 0 } } } function linkProgram (desc, command, attributeLocations) { var i, info // ------------------------------- // compile & link // ------------------------------- var fragShader = getShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, desc.fragId) var vertShader = getShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, desc.vertId) var program = desc.program = gl.createProgram() gl.attachShader(program, fragShader) gl.attachShader(program, vertShader) if (attributeLocations) { for (i = 0; i < attributeLocations.length; ++i) { var binding = attributeLocations[i] gl.bindAttribLocation(program, binding[0], binding[1]) } } gl.linkProgram(program) check.linkError( gl, program, stringStore.str(desc.fragId), stringStore.str(desc.vertId), command) // ------------------------------- // grab uniforms // ------------------------------- var numUniforms = gl.getProgramParameter(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS) if (config.profile) { desc.stats.uniformsCount = numUniforms } var uniforms = desc.uniforms for (i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) { info = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i) if (info) { if (info.size > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < info.size; ++j) { var name ='[0]', '[' + j + ']') insertActiveInfo(uniforms, new ActiveInfo( name,, gl.getUniformLocation(program, name), info)) } } var uniName = if (info.size > 1) { uniName = uniName.replace('[0]', '') } insertActiveInfo(uniforms, new ActiveInfo( uniName,, gl.getUniformLocation(program, uniName), info)) } } // ------------------------------- // grab attributes // ------------------------------- var numAttributes = gl.getProgramParameter(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES) if (config.profile) { desc.stats.attributesCount = numAttributes } var attributes = desc.attributes for (i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { info = gl.getActiveAttrib(program, i) if (info) { insertActiveInfo(attributes, new ActiveInfo(,, gl.getAttribLocation(program,, info)) } } } if (config.profile) { stats.getMaxUniformsCount = function () { var m = 0 programList.forEach(function (desc) { if (desc.stats.uniformsCount > m) { m = desc.stats.uniformsCount } }) return m } stats.getMaxAttributesCount = function () { var m = 0 programList.forEach(function (desc) { if (desc.stats.attributesCount > m) { m = desc.stats.attributesCount } }) return m } } function restoreShaders () { fragShaders = {} vertShaders = {} for (var i = 0; i < programList.length; ++i) { linkProgram(programList[i], null, programList[i] (info) { return [info.location,] })) } } return { clear: function () { var deleteShader = gl.deleteShader.bind(gl) values(fragShaders).forEach(deleteShader) fragShaders = {} values(vertShaders).forEach(deleteShader) vertShaders = {} programList.forEach(function (desc) { gl.deleteProgram(desc.program) }) programList.length = 0 programCache = {} stats.shaderCount = 0 }, program: function (vertId, fragId, command, attribLocations) { check.command(vertId >= 0, 'missing vertex shader', command) check.command(fragId >= 0, 'missing fragment shader', command) var cache = programCache[fragId] if (!cache) { cache = programCache[fragId] = {} } var prevProgram = cache[vertId] if (prevProgram) { prevProgram.refCount++ if (!attribLocations) { return prevProgram } } var program = new REGLProgram(fragId, vertId) stats.shaderCount++ linkProgram(program, command, attribLocations) if (!prevProgram) { cache[vertId] = program } programList.push(program) return extend(program, { destroy: function () { program.refCount-- if (program.refCount <= 0) { gl.deleteProgram(program.program) var idx = programList.indexOf(program) programList.splice(idx, 1) stats.shaderCount-- } // no program is linked to this vert anymore if (cache[program.vertId].refCount <= 0) { gl.deleteShader(vertShaders[program.vertId]) delete vertShaders[program.vertId] delete programCache[program.fragId][program.vertId] } // no program is linked to this frag anymore if (!Object.keys(programCache[program.fragId]).length) { gl.deleteShader(fragShaders[program.fragId]) delete fragShaders[program.fragId] delete programCache[program.fragId] } } }) }, restore: restoreShaders, shader: getShader, frag: -1, vert: -1 } }