"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ensureInstrumentationRegistered", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return ensureInstrumentationRegistered; } }); async function registerInstrumentation() { if ("_ENTRIES" in globalThis && _ENTRIES.middleware_instrumentation && _ENTRIES.middleware_instrumentation.register) { try { await _ENTRIES.middleware_instrumentation.register(); } catch (err) { err.message = `An error occurred while loading instrumentation hook: ${err.message}`; throw err; } } } let registerInstrumentationPromise = null; function ensureInstrumentationRegistered() { if (!registerInstrumentationPromise) { registerInstrumentationPromise = registerInstrumentation(); } return registerInstrumentationPromise; } function getUnsupportedModuleErrorMessage(module) { // warning: if you change these messages, you must adjust how react-dev-overlay's middleware detects modules not found return `The edge runtime does not support Node.js '${module}' module. Learn More: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/node-module-in-edge-runtime`; } function __import_unsupported(moduleName) { const proxy = new Proxy(function() {}, { get (_obj, prop) { if (prop === "then") { return {}; } throw new Error(getUnsupportedModuleErrorMessage(moduleName)); }, construct () { throw new Error(getUnsupportedModuleErrorMessage(moduleName)); }, apply (_target, _this, args) { if (typeof args[0] === "function") { return args[0](proxy); } throw new Error(getUnsupportedModuleErrorMessage(moduleName)); } }); return new Proxy({}, { get: ()=>proxy }); } function enhanceGlobals() { // The condition is true when the "process" module is provided if (process !== global.process) { // prefer local process but global.process has correct "env" process.env = global.process.env; global.process = process; } // to allow building code that import but does not use node.js modules, // webpack will expect this function to exist in global scope Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "__import_unsupported", { value: __import_unsupported, enumerable: false, configurable: false }); // Eagerly fire instrumentation hook to make the startup faster. void ensureInstrumentationRegistered(); } enhanceGlobals(); //# sourceMappingURL=globals.js.map