"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); 0 && (module.exports = { NoFallbackError: null, WrappedBuildError: null, default: null }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { NoFallbackError: function() { return NoFallbackError; }, WrappedBuildError: function() { return WrappedBuildError; }, default: function() { return Server; } }); const _utils = require("../shared/lib/utils"); const _url = require("url"); const _formathostname = require("./lib/format-hostname"); const _redirectstatus = require("../lib/redirect-status"); const _isedgeruntime = require("../lib/is-edge-runtime"); const _constants = require("../shared/lib/constants"); const _utils1 = require("../shared/lib/router/utils"); const _apiutils = require("./api-utils"); const _runtimeconfigexternal = require("../shared/lib/runtime-config.external"); const _revalidateheaders = require("./send-payload/revalidate-headers"); const _utils2 = require("./utils"); const _isbot = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/is-bot"); const _renderresult = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./render-result")); const _removetrailingslash = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash"); const _denormalizepagepath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path"); const _log = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("../build/output/log")); const _escapepathdelimiters = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../shared/lib/router/utils/escape-path-delimiters")); const _serverutils = require("./server-utils"); const _iserror = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("../lib/is-error")); const _requestmeta = require("./request-meta"); const _removepathprefix = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-path-prefix"); const _apppaths = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths"); const _gethostname = require("../shared/lib/get-hostname"); const _parseurl = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-url"); const _getnextpathnameinfo = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info"); const _approuterheaders = require("../client/components/app-router-headers"); const _localeroutenormalizer = require("./future/normalizers/locale-route-normalizer"); const _defaultroutematchermanager = require("./future/route-matcher-managers/default-route-matcher-manager"); const _apppageroutematcherprovider = require("./future/route-matcher-providers/app-page-route-matcher-provider"); const _approuteroutematcherprovider = require("./future/route-matcher-providers/app-route-route-matcher-provider"); const _pagesapiroutematcherprovider = require("./future/route-matcher-providers/pages-api-route-matcher-provider"); const _pagesroutematcherprovider = require("./future/route-matcher-providers/pages-route-matcher-provider"); const _servermanifestloader = require("./future/route-matcher-providers/helpers/manifest-loaders/server-manifest-loader"); const _tracer = require("./lib/trace/tracer"); const _constants1 = require("./lib/trace/constants"); const _i18nprovider = require("./future/helpers/i18n-provider"); const _sendresponse = require("./send-response"); const _routekind = require("./future/route-kind"); const _responsehandlers = require("./future/route-modules/helpers/response-handlers"); const _utils3 = require("./web/utils"); const _constants2 = require("../lib/constants"); const _normalizelocalepath = require("../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path"); const _nextrequest = require("./web/spec-extension/adapters/next-request"); const _matchnextdatapathname = require("./lib/match-next-data-pathname"); const _getroutefromassetpath = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../shared/lib/router/utils/get-route-from-asset-path")); const _internalutils = require("./internal-utils"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interop_require_wildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for(var key in obj){ if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } class NoFallbackError extends Error { } class WrappedBuildError extends Error { constructor(innerError){ super(); this.innerError = innerError; } } class Server { constructor(options){ var _this_nextConfig_i18n, _this_nextConfig_experimental_amp, _this_nextConfig_i18n1; this.prepared = false; this.preparedPromise = null; this.customErrorNo404Warn = (0, _utils.execOnce)(()=>{ _log.warn(`You have added a custom /_error page without a custom /404 page. This prevents the 404 page from being auto statically optimized.\nSee here for info: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/custom-error-no-custom-404`); }); const { dir = ".", quiet = false, conf, dev = false, minimalMode = false, customServer = true, hostname, port } = options; this.serverOptions = options; this.dir = process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" ? dir : require("path").resolve(dir); this.quiet = quiet; this.loadEnvConfig({ dev }); // TODO: should conf be normalized to prevent missing // values from causing issues as this can be user provided this.nextConfig = conf; this.hostname = hostname; if (this.hostname) { // we format the hostname so that it can be fetched this.fetchHostname = (0, _formathostname.formatHostname)(this.hostname); } this.port = port; this.distDir = process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" ? this.nextConfig.distDir : require("path").join(this.dir, this.nextConfig.distDir); this.publicDir = this.getPublicDir(); this.hasStaticDir = !minimalMode && this.getHasStaticDir(); this.i18nProvider = ((_this_nextConfig_i18n = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n.locales) ? new _i18nprovider.I18NProvider(this.nextConfig.i18n) : undefined; // Configure the locale normalizer, it's used for routes inside `pages/`. this.localeNormalizer = this.i18nProvider ? new _localeroutenormalizer.LocaleRouteNormalizer(this.i18nProvider) : undefined; // Only serverRuntimeConfig needs the default // publicRuntimeConfig gets it's default in client/index.js const { serverRuntimeConfig = {}, publicRuntimeConfig, assetPrefix, generateEtags } = this.nextConfig; this.buildId = this.getBuildId(); // this is a hack to avoid Webpack knowing this is equal to this.minimalMode // because we replace this.minimalMode to true in production bundles. const minimalModeKey = "minimalMode"; this[minimalModeKey] = minimalMode || !!process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_MINIMAL_MODE; this.hasAppDir = this.getHasAppDir(dev); const serverComponents = this.hasAppDir; this.nextFontManifest = this.getNextFontManifest(); if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { if (this.nextConfig.experimental.deploymentId) { process.env.NEXT_DEPLOYMENT_ID = this.nextConfig.experimental.deploymentId; } } this.renderOpts = { deploymentId: this.nextConfig.experimental.deploymentId, strictNextHead: !!this.nextConfig.experimental.strictNextHead, poweredByHeader: this.nextConfig.poweredByHeader, canonicalBase: this.nextConfig.amp.canonicalBase || "", buildId: this.buildId, generateEtags, previewProps: this.getPrerenderManifest().preview, customServer: customServer === true ? true : undefined, ampOptimizerConfig: (_this_nextConfig_experimental_amp = this.nextConfig.experimental.amp) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_experimental_amp.optimizer, basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, images: this.nextConfig.images, optimizeFonts: this.nextConfig.optimizeFonts, fontManifest: this.nextConfig.optimizeFonts && !dev ? this.getFontManifest() : undefined, optimizeCss: this.nextConfig.experimental.optimizeCss, nextConfigOutput: this.nextConfig.output, nextScriptWorkers: this.nextConfig.experimental.nextScriptWorkers, disableOptimizedLoading: this.nextConfig.experimental.disableOptimizedLoading, domainLocales: (_this_nextConfig_i18n1 = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n1.domains, distDir: this.distDir, serverComponents, crossOrigin: this.nextConfig.crossOrigin ? this.nextConfig.crossOrigin : undefined, largePageDataBytes: this.nextConfig.experimental.largePageDataBytes, // Only the `publicRuntimeConfig` key is exposed to the client side // It'll be rendered as part of __NEXT_DATA__ on the client side runtimeConfig: Object.keys(publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0 ? publicRuntimeConfig : undefined, // @ts-expect-error internal field not publicly exposed isExperimentalCompile: this.nextConfig.experimental.isExperimentalCompile }; // Initialize next/config with the environment configuration (0, _runtimeconfigexternal.setConfig)({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig }); this.pagesManifest = this.getPagesManifest(); this.appPathsManifest = this.getAppPathsManifest(); this.appPathRoutes = this.getAppPathRoutes(); // Configure the routes. this.matchers = this.getRouteMatchers(); // Start route compilation. We don't wait for the routes to finish loading // because we use the `waitTillReady` promise below in `handleRequest` to // wait. Also we can't `await` in the constructor. void this.matchers.reload(); this.setAssetPrefix(assetPrefix); this.responseCache = this.getResponseCache({ dev }); } reloadMatchers() { return this.matchers.reload(); } async handleNextDataRequest(req, res, parsedUrl) { const middleware = this.getMiddleware(); const params = (0, _matchnextdatapathname.matchNextDataPathname)(parsedUrl.pathname); // ignore for non-next data URLs if (!params || !params.path) { return { finished: false }; } if (params.path[0] !== this.buildId) { // Ignore if its a middleware request when we aren't on edge. if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && req.headers["x-middleware-invoke"]) { return { finished: false }; } // Make sure to 404 if the buildId isn't correct await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl); return { finished: true }; } // remove buildId from URL params.path.shift(); const lastParam = params.path[params.path.length - 1]; // show 404 if it doesn't end with .json if (typeof lastParam !== "string" || !lastParam.endsWith(".json")) { await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl); return { finished: true }; } // re-create page's pathname let pathname = `/${params.path.join("/")}`; pathname = (0, _getroutefromassetpath.default)(pathname, ".json"); // ensure trailing slash is normalized per config if (middleware) { if (this.nextConfig.trailingSlash && !pathname.endsWith("/")) { pathname += "/"; } if (!this.nextConfig.trailingSlash && pathname.length > 1 && pathname.endsWith("/")) { pathname = pathname.substring(0, pathname.length - 1); } } if (this.i18nProvider) { var _req_headers_host; // Remove the port from the hostname if present. const hostname = req == null ? void 0 : (_req_headers_host = req.headers.host) == null ? void 0 : _req_headers_host.split(":")[0].toLowerCase(); const domainLocale = this.i18nProvider.detectDomainLocale(hostname); const defaultLocale = (domainLocale == null ? void 0 : domainLocale.defaultLocale) ?? this.i18nProvider.config.defaultLocale; const localePathResult = this.i18nProvider.analyze(pathname); // If the locale is detected from the path, we need to remove it // from the pathname. if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { pathname = localePathResult.pathname; } // Update the query with the detected locale and default locale. parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale; parsedUrl.query.__nextDefaultLocale = defaultLocale; // If the locale is not detected from the path, we need to mark that // it was not inferred from default. if (!localePathResult.detectedLocale) { delete parsedUrl.query.__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault; } // If no locale was detected and we don't have middleware, we need // to render a 404 page. if (!localePathResult.detectedLocale && !middleware) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = defaultLocale; await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl); return { finished: true }; } } parsedUrl.pathname = pathname; parsedUrl.query.__nextDataReq = "1"; return { finished: false }; } async handleNextImageRequest(_req, _res, _parsedUrl) { return { finished: false }; } async handleCatchallRenderRequest(_req, _res, _parsedUrl) { return { finished: false }; } async handleCatchallMiddlewareRequest(_req, _res, _parsedUrl) { return { finished: false }; } getRouteMatchers() { // Create a new manifest loader that get's the manifests from the server. const manifestLoader = new _servermanifestloader.ServerManifestLoader((name)=>{ switch(name){ case _constants.PAGES_MANIFEST: return this.getPagesManifest() ?? null; case _constants.APP_PATHS_MANIFEST: return this.getAppPathsManifest() ?? null; default: return null; } }); // Configure the matchers and handlers. const matchers = new _defaultroutematchermanager.DefaultRouteMatcherManager(); // Match pages under `pages/`. matchers.push(new _pagesroutematcherprovider.PagesRouteMatcherProvider(this.distDir, manifestLoader, this.i18nProvider)); // Match api routes under `pages/api/`. matchers.push(new _pagesapiroutematcherprovider.PagesAPIRouteMatcherProvider(this.distDir, manifestLoader, this.i18nProvider)); // If the app directory is enabled, then add the app matchers and handlers. if (this.hasAppDir) { // Match app pages under `app/`. matchers.push(new _apppageroutematcherprovider.AppPageRouteMatcherProvider(this.distDir, manifestLoader)); matchers.push(new _approuteroutematcherprovider.AppRouteRouteMatcherProvider(this.distDir, manifestLoader)); } return matchers; } logError(err) { if (this.quiet) return; console.error(err); } async handleRequest(req, res, parsedUrl) { await this.prepare(); const method = req.method.toUpperCase(); return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.handleRequest, { spanName: `${method} ${req.url}`, kind: _tracer.SpanKind.SERVER, attributes: { "http.method": method, "http.target": req.url } }, async (span)=>this.handleRequestImpl(req, res, parsedUrl).finally(()=>{ if (!span) return; span.setAttributes({ "http.status_code": res.statusCode }); const rootSpanAttributes = (0, _tracer.getTracer)().getRootSpanAttributes(); // We were unable to get attributes, probably OTEL is not enabled if (!rootSpanAttributes) return; if (rootSpanAttributes.get("next.span_type") !== _constants1.BaseServerSpan.handleRequest) { console.warn(`Unexpected root span type '${rootSpanAttributes.get("next.span_type")}'. Please report this Next.js issue https://github.com/vercel/next.js`); return; } const route = rootSpanAttributes.get("next.route"); if (route) { const newName = `${method} ${route}`; span.setAttributes({ "next.route": route, "http.route": route, "next.span_name": newName }); span.updateName(newName); } })); } async handleRequestImpl(req, res, parsedUrl) { try { var _this_i18nProvider, _this_nextConfig_i18n; // Wait for the matchers to be ready. await this.matchers.waitTillReady(); // ensure cookies set in middleware are merged and // not overridden by API routes/getServerSideProps const _res = res.originalResponse || res; const origSetHeader = _res.setHeader.bind(_res); _res.setHeader = (name, val)=>{ // When renders /_error after page is failed, // it could attempt to set headers after headers if (_res.headersSent) { return; } if (name.toLowerCase() === "set-cookie") { const middlewareValue = (0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(req, "_nextMiddlewareCookie"); if (!middlewareValue || !Array.isArray(val) || !val.every((item, idx)=>item === middlewareValue[idx])) { val = [ // TODO: (wyattjoh) find out why this is called multiple times resulting in duplicate cookies being added ...new Set([ ...middlewareValue || [], ...typeof val === "string" ? [ val ] : Array.isArray(val) ? val : [] ]) ]; } } return origSetHeader(name, val); }; const urlParts = (req.url || "").split("?"); const urlNoQuery = urlParts[0]; // this normalizes repeated slashes in the path e.g. hello//world -> // hello/world or backslashes to forward slashes, this does not // handle trailing slash as that is handled the same as a next.config.js // redirect if (urlNoQuery == null ? void 0 : urlNoQuery.match(/(\\|\/\/)/)) { const cleanUrl = (0, _utils.normalizeRepeatedSlashes)(req.url); res.redirect(cleanUrl, 308).body(cleanUrl).send(); return; } // Parse url if parsedUrl not provided if (!parsedUrl || typeof parsedUrl !== "object") { parsedUrl = (0, _url.parse)(req.url, true); } // Parse the querystring ourselves if the user doesn't handle querystring parsing if (typeof parsedUrl.query === "string") { parsedUrl.query = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(parsedUrl.query)); } // in minimal mode we detect RSC revalidate if the .rsc // path is requested if (this.minimalMode) { if (req.url.endsWith(".rsc")) { parsedUrl.query.__nextDataReq = "1"; } else if (req.headers["x-now-route-matches"]) { for (const param of _approuterheaders.FLIGHT_PARAMETERS){ delete req.headers[param.toString().toLowerCase()]; } } } req.url = (0, _apppaths.normalizeRscPath)(req.url, this.hasAppDir); parsedUrl.pathname = (0, _apppaths.normalizeRscPath)(parsedUrl.pathname || "", this.hasAppDir); this.attachRequestMeta(req, parsedUrl); const domainLocale = (_this_i18nProvider = this.i18nProvider) == null ? void 0 : _this_i18nProvider.detectDomainLocale((0, _gethostname.getHostname)(parsedUrl, req.headers)); const defaultLocale = (domainLocale == null ? void 0 : domainLocale.defaultLocale) || ((_this_nextConfig_i18n = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n.defaultLocale); parsedUrl.query.__nextDefaultLocale = defaultLocale; const url = (0, _parseurl.parseUrl)(req.url.replace(/^\/+/, "/")); const pathnameInfo = (0, _getnextpathnameinfo.getNextPathnameInfo)(url.pathname, { nextConfig: this.nextConfig, i18nProvider: this.i18nProvider }); url.pathname = pathnameInfo.pathname; if (pathnameInfo.basePath) { req.url = (0, _removepathprefix.removePathPrefix)(req.url, this.nextConfig.basePath); (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextHadBasePath", true); } const useMatchedPathHeader = this.minimalMode && typeof req.headers["x-matched-path"] === "string"; // TODO: merge handling with x-invoke-path if (useMatchedPathHeader) { try { var _this_i18nProvider1, _this_getRoutesManifest; if (this.hasAppDir) { // ensure /index path is normalized for prerender // in minimal mode if (req.url.match(/^\/index($|\?)/)) { req.url = req.url.replace(/^\/index/, "/"); } parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname === "/index" ? "/" : parsedUrl.pathname; } // x-matched-path is the source of truth, it tells what page // should be rendered because we don't process rewrites in minimalMode let matchedPath = (0, _apppaths.normalizeRscPath)(new URL(req.headers["x-matched-path"], "http://localhost").pathname, this.hasAppDir); let urlPathname = new URL(req.url, "http://localhost").pathname; // For ISR the URL is normalized to the prerenderPath so if // it's a data request the URL path will be the data URL, // basePath is already stripped by this point if (urlPathname.startsWith(`/_next/data/`)) { parsedUrl.query.__nextDataReq = "1"; } const normalizedUrlPath = this.stripNextDataPath(urlPathname); matchedPath = this.stripNextDataPath(matchedPath, false); // Perform locale detection and normalization. const localeAnalysisResult = (_this_i18nProvider1 = this.i18nProvider) == null ? void 0 : _this_i18nProvider1.analyze(matchedPath, { defaultLocale }); // The locale result will be defined even if the locale was not // detected for the request because it will be inferred from the // default locale. if (localeAnalysisResult) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = localeAnalysisResult.detectedLocale; // If the detected locale was inferred from the default locale, we // need to modify the metadata on the request to indicate that. if (localeAnalysisResult.inferredFromDefault) { parsedUrl.query.__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault = "1"; } else { delete parsedUrl.query.__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault; } } // TODO: check if this is needed any more? matchedPath = (0, _denormalizepagepath.denormalizePagePath)(matchedPath); let srcPathname = matchedPath; const match = await this.matchers.match(matchedPath, { i18n: localeAnalysisResult }); // Update the source pathname to the matched page's pathname. if (match) srcPathname = match.definition.pathname; // The page is dynamic if the params are defined. const pageIsDynamic = typeof (match == null ? void 0 : match.params) !== "undefined"; // The rest of this function can't handle i18n properly, so ensure we // restore the pathname with the locale information stripped from it // now that we're done matching if we're using i18n. if (localeAnalysisResult) { matchedPath = localeAnalysisResult.pathname; } const utils = (0, _serverutils.getUtils)({ pageIsDynamic, page: srcPathname, i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n, basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, rewrites: ((_this_getRoutesManifest = this.getRoutesManifest()) == null ? void 0 : _this_getRoutesManifest.rewrites) || { beforeFiles: [], afterFiles: [], fallback: [] }, caseSensitive: !!this.nextConfig.experimental.caseSensitiveRoutes }); // Ensure parsedUrl.pathname includes locale before processing // rewrites or they won't match correctly. if (defaultLocale && !pathnameInfo.locale) { parsedUrl.pathname = `/${defaultLocale}${parsedUrl.pathname}`; } const pathnameBeforeRewrite = parsedUrl.pathname; const rewriteParams = utils.handleRewrites(req, parsedUrl); const rewriteParamKeys = Object.keys(rewriteParams); const didRewrite = pathnameBeforeRewrite !== parsedUrl.pathname; if (didRewrite) { (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextRewroteUrl", parsedUrl.pathname); (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextDidRewrite", true); } const routeParamKeys = new Set(); for (const key of Object.keys(parsedUrl.query)){ const value = parsedUrl.query[key]; if (key !== _constants2.NEXT_QUERY_PARAM_PREFIX && key.startsWith(_constants2.NEXT_QUERY_PARAM_PREFIX)) { const normalizedKey = key.substring(_constants2.NEXT_QUERY_PARAM_PREFIX.length); parsedUrl.query[normalizedKey] = value; routeParamKeys.add(normalizedKey); delete parsedUrl.query[key]; } } // interpolate dynamic params and normalize URL if needed if (pageIsDynamic) { let params = {}; let paramsResult = utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams(parsedUrl.query); // for prerendered ISR paths we attempt parsing the route // params from the URL directly as route-matches may not // contain the correct values due to the filesystem path // matching before the dynamic route has been matched if (!paramsResult.hasValidParams && pageIsDynamic && !(0, _utils1.isDynamicRoute)(normalizedUrlPath)) { let matcherParams = utils.dynamicRouteMatcher == null ? void 0 : utils.dynamicRouteMatcher.call(utils, normalizedUrlPath); if (matcherParams) { utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams(matcherParams); Object.assign(paramsResult.params, matcherParams); paramsResult.hasValidParams = true; } } if (paramsResult.hasValidParams) { params = paramsResult.params; } if (req.headers["x-now-route-matches"] && (0, _utils1.isDynamicRoute)(matchedPath) && !paramsResult.hasValidParams) { const opts = {}; const routeParams = utils.getParamsFromRouteMatches(req, opts, parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale || ""); // If this returns a locale, it means that the locale was detected // from the pathname. if (opts.locale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = opts.locale; // As the locale was parsed from the pathname, we should mark // that the locale was not inferred as the default. delete parsedUrl.query.__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault; } paramsResult = utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams(routeParams, true); if (paramsResult.hasValidParams) { params = paramsResult.params; } } // handle the actual dynamic route name being requested if (pageIsDynamic && utils.defaultRouteMatches && normalizedUrlPath === srcPathname && !paramsResult.hasValidParams && !utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams({ ...params }, true).hasValidParams) { params = utils.defaultRouteMatches; } if (params) { matchedPath = utils.interpolateDynamicPath(srcPathname, params); req.url = utils.interpolateDynamicPath(req.url, params); } } if (pageIsDynamic || didRewrite) { var _utils_defaultRouteRegex; utils.normalizeVercelUrl(req, true, [ ...rewriteParamKeys, ...Object.keys(((_utils_defaultRouteRegex = utils.defaultRouteRegex) == null ? void 0 : _utils_defaultRouteRegex.groups) || {}) ]); } for (const key of routeParamKeys){ delete parsedUrl.query[key]; } parsedUrl.pathname = matchedPath; url.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname; const normalizeResult = await this.handleNextDataRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); if (normalizeResult.finished) { return; } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof _utils.DecodeError || err instanceof _utils.NormalizeError) { res.statusCode = 400; return this.renderError(null, req, res, "/_error", {}); } throw err; } } if (// Edge runtime always has minimal mode enabled. process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && !this.minimalMode && defaultLocale) { const { getLocaleRedirect } = require("../shared/lib/i18n/get-locale-redirect"); const redirect = getLocaleRedirect({ defaultLocale, domainLocale, headers: req.headers, nextConfig: this.nextConfig, pathLocale: pathnameInfo.locale, urlParsed: { ...url, pathname: pathnameInfo.locale ? `/${pathnameInfo.locale}${url.pathname}` : url.pathname } }); if (redirect) { return res.redirect(redirect, _constants.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS).body(redirect).send(); } } (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "__nextIsLocaleDomain", Boolean(domainLocale)); if (pathnameInfo.locale) { req.url = (0, _url.format)(url); (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "__nextStrippedLocale", true); } // If we aren't in minimal mode or there is no locale in the query // string, add the locale to the query string. if (!this.minimalMode || !parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale) { // If the locale is in the pathname, add it to the query string. if (pathnameInfo.locale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = pathnameInfo.locale; } else if (defaultLocale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = defaultLocale; parsedUrl.query.__nextInferredLocaleFromDefault = "1"; } } // set incremental cache to request meta so it can // be passed down for edge functions and the fetch disk // cache can be leveraged locally if (!this.serverOptions.webServerConfig && !(0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(req, "_nextIncrementalCache")) { let protocol = "https:"; try { const parsedFullUrl = new URL((0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(req, "__NEXT_INIT_URL") || "/", "http://n"); protocol = parsedFullUrl.protocol; } catch {} const incrementalCache = this.getIncrementalCache({ requestHeaders: Object.assign({}, req.headers), requestProtocol: protocol.substring(0, protocol.length - 1) }); (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextIncrementalCache", incrementalCache); globalThis.__incrementalCache = incrementalCache; } // when x-invoke-path is specified we can short short circuit resolving // we only honor this header if we are inside of a render worker to // prevent external users coercing the routing path const invokePath = req.headers["x-invoke-path"]; const useInvokePath = !useMatchedPathHeader && process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && invokePath; if (useInvokePath) { var _this_nextConfig_i18n1; if (req.headers["x-invoke-status"]) { const invokeQuery = req.headers["x-invoke-query"]; if (typeof invokeQuery === "string") { Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(invokeQuery))); } res.statusCode = Number(req.headers["x-invoke-status"]); let err = null; if (typeof req.headers["x-invoke-error"] === "string") { const invokeError = JSON.parse(req.headers["x-invoke-error"] || "{}"); err = new Error(invokeError.message); } return this.renderError(err, req, res, "/_error", parsedUrl.query); } const parsedMatchedPath = new URL(invokePath || "/", "http://n"); const invokePathnameInfo = (0, _getnextpathnameinfo.getNextPathnameInfo)(parsedMatchedPath.pathname, { nextConfig: this.nextConfig, parseData: false }); if (invokePathnameInfo.locale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = invokePathnameInfo.locale; } if (parsedUrl.pathname !== parsedMatchedPath.pathname) { parsedUrl.pathname = parsedMatchedPath.pathname; (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextRewroteUrl", invokePathnameInfo.pathname); (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "_nextDidRewrite", true); } const normalizeResult = (0, _normalizelocalepath.normalizeLocalePath)((0, _removepathprefix.removePathPrefix)(parsedUrl.pathname, this.nextConfig.basePath || ""), ((_this_nextConfig_i18n1 = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n1.locales) || []); if (normalizeResult.detectedLocale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = normalizeResult.detectedLocale; } parsedUrl.pathname = normalizeResult.pathname; for (const key of Object.keys(parsedUrl.query)){ if (!key.startsWith("__next") && !key.startsWith("_next")) { delete parsedUrl.query[key]; } } const invokeQuery = req.headers["x-invoke-query"]; if (typeof invokeQuery === "string") { Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(invokeQuery))); } if (parsedUrl.pathname.startsWith("/_next/image")) { const imageResult = await this.handleNextImageRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); if (imageResult.finished) { return; } } const nextDataResult = await this.handleNextDataRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); if (nextDataResult.finished) { return; } await this.handleCatchallRenderRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); return; } if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && req.headers["x-middleware-invoke"]) { const nextDataResult = await this.handleNextDataRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); if (nextDataResult.finished) { return; } const result = await this.handleCatchallMiddlewareRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); if (result.finished) { return; } else { const err = new Error(); err.result = { response: new Response(null, { headers: { "x-middleware-next": "1" } }) }; err.bubble = true; throw err; } } // ensure we strip the basePath when not using an invoke header if (!(useMatchedPathHeader || useInvokePath) && pathnameInfo.basePath) { parsedUrl.pathname = (0, _removepathprefix.removePathPrefix)(parsedUrl.pathname, pathnameInfo.basePath); } res.statusCode = 200; return await this.run(req, res, parsedUrl); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof NoFallbackError) { throw err; } if (err && typeof err === "object" && err.code === "ERR_INVALID_URL" || err instanceof _utils.DecodeError || err instanceof _utils.NormalizeError) { res.statusCode = 400; return this.renderError(null, req, res, "/_error", {}); } if (this.minimalMode || this.renderOpts.dev || err.bubble) { throw err; } this.logError((0, _iserror.getProperError)(err)); res.statusCode = 500; res.body("Internal Server Error").send(); } } getRequestHandler() { return this.handleRequest.bind(this); } setAssetPrefix(prefix) { this.renderOpts.assetPrefix = prefix ? prefix.replace(/\/$/, "") : ""; } /** * Runs async initialization of server. * It is idempotent, won't fire underlying initialization more than once. */ async prepare() { if (this.prepared) return; if (this.preparedPromise === null) { this.preparedPromise = this.prepareImpl().then(()=>{ this.prepared = true; this.preparedPromise = null; }); } return this.preparedPromise; } async prepareImpl() {} // Backwards compatibility async close() {} getAppPathRoutes() { const appPathRoutes = {}; Object.keys(this.appPathsManifest || {}).forEach((entry)=>{ const normalizedPath = (0, _apppaths.normalizeAppPath)(entry); if (!appPathRoutes[normalizedPath]) { appPathRoutes[normalizedPath] = []; } appPathRoutes[normalizedPath].push(entry); }); return appPathRoutes; } async run(req, res, parsedUrl) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.run, async ()=>this.runImpl(req, res, parsedUrl)); } async runImpl(req, res, parsedUrl) { await this.handleCatchallRenderRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); } async pipe(fn, partialContext) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.pipe, async ()=>this.pipeImpl(fn, partialContext)); } async pipeImpl(fn, partialContext) { const isBotRequest = (0, _isbot.isBot)(partialContext.req.headers["user-agent"] || ""); const ctx = { ...partialContext, renderOpts: { ...this.renderOpts, supportsDynamicHTML: !isBotRequest, isBot: !!isBotRequest } }; const payload = await fn(ctx); if (payload === null) { return; } const { req, res } = ctx; const { body, type, revalidateOptions } = payload; if (!res.sent) { const { generateEtags, poweredByHeader, dev } = this.renderOpts; if (dev) { // In dev, we should not cache pages for any reason. res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, must-revalidate"); } return this.sendRenderResult(req, res, { result: body, type, generateEtags, poweredByHeader, options: revalidateOptions }); } } async getStaticHTML(fn, partialContext) { const ctx = { ...partialContext, renderOpts: { ...this.renderOpts, supportsDynamicHTML: false } }; const payload = await fn(ctx); if (payload === null) { return null; } return payload.body.toUnchunkedString(); } async render(req, res, pathname, query = {}, parsedUrl, internalRender = false) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.render, async ()=>this.renderImpl(req, res, pathname, query, parsedUrl, internalRender)); } async renderImpl(req, res, pathname, query = {}, parsedUrl, internalRender = false) { var _req_url; if (!pathname.startsWith("/")) { console.warn(`Cannot render page with path "${pathname}", did you mean "/${pathname}"?. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/render-no-starting-slash`); } if (this.renderOpts.customServer && pathname === "/index" && !await this.hasPage("/index")) { // maintain backwards compatibility for custom server // (see custom-server integration tests) pathname = "/"; } // we allow custom servers to call render for all URLs // so check if we need to serve a static _next file or not. // we don't modify the URL for _next/data request but still // call render so we special case this to prevent an infinite loop if (!internalRender && !this.minimalMode && !query.__nextDataReq && (((_req_url = req.url) == null ? void 0 : _req_url.match(/^\/_next\//)) || this.hasStaticDir && req.url.match(/^\/static\//))) { return this.handleRequest(req, res, parsedUrl); } if ((0, _utils2.isBlockedPage)(pathname)) { return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl); } return this.pipe((ctx)=>this.renderToResponse(ctx), { req, res, pathname, query }); } async getStaticPaths({ pathname }) { var _this_getPrerenderManifest_dynamicRoutes_pathname; // Read whether or not fallback should exist from the manifest. const fallbackField = (_this_getPrerenderManifest_dynamicRoutes_pathname = this.getPrerenderManifest().dynamicRoutes[pathname]) == null ? void 0 : _this_getPrerenderManifest_dynamicRoutes_pathname.fallback; return { // `staticPaths` is intentionally set to `undefined` as it should've // been caught when checking disk data. staticPaths: undefined, fallbackMode: typeof fallbackField === "string" ? "static" : fallbackField === null ? "blocking" : fallbackField }; } async renderToResponseWithComponents(requestContext, findComponentsResult) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.renderToResponseWithComponents, async ()=>this.renderToResponseWithComponentsImpl(requestContext, findComponentsResult)); } stripInternalHeaders(req) { // Skip stripping internal headers in test mode while the header stripping // has been explicitly disabled. This allows tests to verify internal // routing behavior. if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE && process.env.__NEXT_NO_STRIP_INTERNAL_HEADERS === "1") { return; } // Strip the internal headers from both the request and the original // request. (0, _internalutils.stripInternalHeaders)(req.headers); if ("originalRequest" in req && "headers" in req.originalRequest) { (0, _internalutils.stripInternalHeaders)(req.originalRequest.headers); } } async renderToResponseWithComponentsImpl({ req, res, pathname, renderOpts: opts }, { components, query }) { var _components_Component, _this_nextConfig_i18n, _this_nextConfig_i18n1; const is404Page = // For edge runtime 404 page, /_not-found needs to be treated as 404 page process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" && pathname === "/_not-found" || pathname === "/404"; // Strip the internal headers. this.stripInternalHeaders(req); const is500Page = pathname === "/500"; const isAppPath = components.isAppPath === true; const hasServerProps = !!components.getServerSideProps; let hasStaticPaths = !!components.getStaticPaths; const actionId = req.headers[_approuterheaders.ACTION.toLowerCase()]; const contentType = req.headers["content-type"]; const isMultipartAction = req.method === "POST" && (contentType == null ? void 0 : contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data")); const isFetchAction = actionId !== undefined && typeof actionId === "string" && req.method === "POST"; const isServerAction = isFetchAction || isMultipartAction; const hasGetInitialProps = !!((_components_Component = components.Component) == null ? void 0 : _components_Component.getInitialProps); let isSSG = !!components.getStaticProps; // Compute the iSSG cache key. We use the rewroteUrl since // pages with fallback: false are allowed to be rewritten to // and we need to look up the path by the rewritten path let urlPathname = (0, _url.parse)(req.url || "").pathname || "/"; let resolvedUrlPathname = (0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(req, "_nextRewroteUrl") || urlPathname; let staticPaths; let fallbackMode; let hasFallback = false; const isDynamic = (0, _utils1.isDynamicRoute)(components.page); const prerenderManifest = this.getPrerenderManifest(); if (isAppPath && isDynamic) { const pathsResult = await this.getStaticPaths({ pathname, page: components.page, isAppPath, requestHeaders: req.headers }); staticPaths = pathsResult.staticPaths; fallbackMode = pathsResult.fallbackMode; hasFallback = typeof fallbackMode !== "undefined"; if (this.nextConfig.output === "export") { const page = components.page; if (fallbackMode !== "static") { throw new Error(`Page "${page}" is missing exported function "generateStaticParams()", which is required with "output: export" config.`); } const resolvedWithoutSlash = (0, _removetrailingslash.removeTrailingSlash)(resolvedUrlPathname); if (!(staticPaths == null ? void 0 : staticPaths.includes(resolvedWithoutSlash))) { throw new Error(`Page "${page}" is missing param "${resolvedWithoutSlash}" in "generateStaticParams()", which is required with "output: export" config.`); } } if (hasFallback) { hasStaticPaths = true; } } if (hasFallback || (staticPaths == null ? void 0 : staticPaths.includes(resolvedUrlPathname)) || // this signals revalidation in deploy environments // TODO: make this more generic req.headers["x-now-route-matches"]) { isSSG = true; } else if (!this.renderOpts.dev) { isSSG ||= !!prerenderManifest.routes[pathname === "/index" ? "/" : pathname]; } // Toggle whether or not this is a Data request let isDataReq = !!(query.__nextDataReq || req.headers["x-nextjs-data"] && this.serverOptions.webServerConfig) && (isSSG || hasServerProps); // when we are handling a middleware prefetch and it doesn't // resolve to a static data route we bail early to avoid // unexpected SSR invocations if (!isSSG && req.headers["x-middleware-prefetch"] && !(is404Page || pathname === "/_error")) { res.setHeader("x-middleware-skip", "1"); res.setHeader("cache-control", "private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"); res.body("{}").send(); return null; } delete query.__nextDataReq; // normalize req.url for SSG paths as it is not exposed // to getStaticProps and the asPath should not expose /_next/data if (isSSG && this.minimalMode && req.headers["x-matched-path"] && req.url.startsWith("/_next/data")) { req.url = this.stripNextDataPath(req.url); } if (!!req.headers["x-nextjs-data"] && (!res.statusCode || res.statusCode === 200)) { res.setHeader("x-nextjs-matched-path", `${query.__nextLocale ? `/${query.__nextLocale}` : ""}${pathname}`); } // Don't delete headers[RSC] yet, it still needs to be used in renderToHTML later const isFlightRequest = Boolean(req.headers[_approuterheaders.RSC.toLowerCase()]); // For pages we need to ensure the correct Vary header is set too, to avoid // caching issues when navigating between pages and app if (!isAppPath && isFlightRequest) { res.setHeader("vary", _approuterheaders.RSC_VARY_HEADER); } // we need to ensure the status code if /404 is visited directly if (is404Page && !isDataReq && !isFlightRequest) { res.statusCode = 404; } // ensure correct status is set when visiting a status page // directly e.g. /500 if (_constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(pathname)) { res.statusCode = parseInt(pathname.slice(1), 10); } // static pages can only respond to GET/HEAD // requests so ensure we respond with 405 for // invalid requests if (!isServerAction && !is404Page && !is500Page && pathname !== "/_error" && req.method !== "HEAD" && req.method !== "GET" && (typeof components.Component === "string" || isSSG)) { res.statusCode = 405; res.setHeader("Allow", [ "GET", "HEAD" ]); await this.renderError(null, req, res, pathname); return null; } // handle static page if (typeof components.Component === "string") { return { type: "html", // TODO: Static pages should be serialized as RenderResult body: _renderresult.default.fromStatic(components.Component) }; } if (!query.amp) { delete query.amp; } if (opts.supportsDynamicHTML === true) { var _components_Document; const isBotRequest = (0, _isbot.isBot)(req.headers["user-agent"] || ""); const isSupportedDocument = typeof ((_components_Document = components.Document) == null ? void 0 : _components_Document.getInitialProps) !== "function" || // The built-in `Document` component also supports dynamic HTML for concurrent mode. _constants.NEXT_BUILTIN_DOCUMENT in components.Document; // Disable dynamic HTML in cases that we know it won't be generated, // so that we can continue generating a cache key when possible. // TODO-APP: should the first render for a dynamic app path // be static so we can collect revalidate and populate the // cache if there are no dynamic data requirements opts.supportsDynamicHTML = !isSSG && !isBotRequest && !query.amp && isSupportedDocument; opts.isBot = isBotRequest; } // In development, we always want to generate dynamic HTML. if (!isDataReq && isAppPath && opts.dev && opts.supportsDynamicHTML === false) { opts.supportsDynamicHTML = true; } const defaultLocale = isSSG ? (_this_nextConfig_i18n = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n.defaultLocale : query.__nextDefaultLocale; const locale = query.__nextLocale; const locales = (_this_nextConfig_i18n1 = this.nextConfig.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_i18n1.locales; let previewData; let isPreviewMode = false; if (hasServerProps || isSSG) { // For the edge runtime, we don't support preview mode in SSG. if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { const { tryGetPreviewData } = require("./api-utils/node/try-get-preview-data"); previewData = tryGetPreviewData(req, res, this.renderOpts.previewProps); isPreviewMode = previewData !== false; } } if (isAppPath) { res.setHeader("vary", _approuterheaders.RSC_VARY_HEADER); // We don't clear RSC headers in development since SSG doesn't apply // These headers are cleared for SSG as we need to always generate the // full RSC response for ISR if (!this.renderOpts.dev && !isPreviewMode && isSSG && req.headers[_approuterheaders.RSC.toLowerCase()]) { if (!this.minimalMode) { isDataReq = true; } // strip header so we generate HTML still if (!(0, _isedgeruntime.isEdgeRuntime)(opts.runtime) || this.serverOptions.webServerConfig) { for (const param of _approuterheaders.FLIGHT_PARAMETERS){ delete req.headers[param.toString().toLowerCase()]; } } } } let isOnDemandRevalidate = false; let revalidateOnlyGenerated = false; if (isSSG) { ({ isOnDemandRevalidate, revalidateOnlyGenerated } = (0, _apiutils.checkIsOnDemandRevalidate)(req, this.renderOpts.previewProps)); } if (isSSG && this.minimalMode && req.headers["x-matched-path"]) { // the url value is already correct when the matched-path header is set resolvedUrlPathname = urlPathname; } urlPathname = (0, _removetrailingslash.removeTrailingSlash)(urlPathname); resolvedUrlPathname = (0, _removetrailingslash.removeTrailingSlash)(resolvedUrlPathname); if (this.localeNormalizer) { resolvedUrlPathname = this.localeNormalizer.normalize(resolvedUrlPathname); } const handleRedirect = (pageData)=>{ const redirect = { destination: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT, statusCode: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT_STATUS, basePath: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH }; const statusCode = (0, _redirectstatus.getRedirectStatus)(redirect); const { basePath } = this.nextConfig; if (basePath && redirect.basePath !== false && redirect.destination.startsWith("/")) { redirect.destination = `${basePath}${redirect.destination}`; } if (redirect.destination.startsWith("/")) { redirect.destination = (0, _utils.normalizeRepeatedSlashes)(redirect.destination); } res.redirect(redirect.destination, statusCode).body(redirect.destination).send(); }; // remove /_next/data prefix from urlPathname so it matches // for direct page visit and /_next/data visit if (isDataReq) { resolvedUrlPathname = this.stripNextDataPath(resolvedUrlPathname); urlPathname = this.stripNextDataPath(urlPathname); } let ssgCacheKey = isPreviewMode || !isSSG || opts.supportsDynamicHTML || isServerAction ? null // Preview mode, on-demand revalidate, server actions, flight request can bypass the cache : `${locale ? `/${locale}` : ""}${(pathname === "/" || resolvedUrlPathname === "/") && locale ? "" : resolvedUrlPathname}${query.amp ? ".amp" : ""}`; if ((is404Page || is500Page) && isSSG) { ssgCacheKey = `${locale ? `/${locale}` : ""}${pathname}${query.amp ? ".amp" : ""}`; } if (ssgCacheKey) { // we only encode path delimiters for path segments from // getStaticPaths so we need to attempt decoding the URL // to match against and only escape the path delimiters // this allows non-ascii values to be handled e.g. Japanese characters // TODO: investigate adding this handling for non-SSG pages so // non-ascii names work there also ssgCacheKey = ssgCacheKey.split("/").map((seg)=>{ try { seg = (0, _escapepathdelimiters.default)(decodeURIComponent(seg), true); } catch (_) { // An improperly encoded URL was provided throw new _utils.DecodeError("failed to decode param"); } return seg; }).join("/"); // ensure /index and / is normalized to one key ssgCacheKey = ssgCacheKey === "/index" && pathname === "/" ? "/" : ssgCacheKey; } let protocol = "https:"; try { const parsedFullUrl = new URL((0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(req, "__NEXT_INIT_URL") || "/", "http://n"); protocol = parsedFullUrl.protocol; } catch {} // use existing incrementalCache instance if available const incrementalCache = globalThis.__incrementalCache || this.getIncrementalCache({ requestHeaders: Object.assign({}, req.headers), requestProtocol: protocol.substring(0, protocol.length - 1) }); const doRender = async ()=>{ var _components_routeModule, _components_routeModule1, _components_routeModule2; // In development, we always want to generate dynamic HTML. const supportsDynamicHTML = !isDataReq && opts.dev || !(isSSG || hasStaticPaths); let headers; const origQuery = (0, _url.parse)(req.url || "", true).query; // clear any dynamic route params so they aren't in // the resolvedUrl if (opts.params) { Object.keys(opts.params).forEach((key)=>{ delete origQuery[key]; }); } const hadTrailingSlash = urlPathname !== "/" && this.nextConfig.trailingSlash; const resolvedUrl = (0, _url.format)({ pathname: `${resolvedUrlPathname}${hadTrailingSlash ? "/" : ""}`, // make sure to only add query values from original URL query: origQuery }); const renderOpts = { ...components, ...opts, ...isAppPath ? { incrementalCache, isRevalidate: isSSG, originalPathname: components.ComponentMod.originalPathname, serverActionsBodySizeLimit: this.nextConfig.experimental.serverActionsBodySizeLimit } : {}, isDataReq, resolvedUrl, locale, locales, defaultLocale, // For getServerSideProps and getInitialProps we need to ensure we use the original URL // and not the resolved URL to prevent a hydration mismatch on // asPath resolvedAsPath: hasServerProps || hasGetInitialProps ? (0, _url.format)({ // we use the original URL pathname less the _next/data prefix if // present pathname: `${urlPathname}${hadTrailingSlash ? "/" : ""}`, query: origQuery }) : resolvedUrl, supportsDynamicHTML, isOnDemandRevalidate, isDraftMode: isPreviewMode, isServerAction }; // Legacy render methods will return a render result that needs to be // served by the server. let result; if (((_components_routeModule = components.routeModule) == null ? void 0 : _components_routeModule.definition.kind) === _routekind.RouteKind.APP_ROUTE) { const routeModule = components.routeModule; const context = { params: opts.params, prerenderManifest, renderOpts: { originalPathname: components.ComponentMod.originalPathname, supportsDynamicHTML, incrementalCache, isRevalidate: isSSG } }; try { const request = _nextrequest.NextRequestAdapter.fromBaseNextRequest(req, (0, _nextrequest.signalFromNodeResponse)(res.originalResponse)); const response = await routeModule.handle(request, context); req.fetchMetrics = context.renderOpts.fetchMetrics; const cacheTags = context.renderOpts.fetchTags; // If the request is for a static response, we can cache it so long // as it's not edge. if (isSSG && process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { var _context_renderOpts_store; const blob = await response.blob(); // Copy the headers from the response. headers = (0, _utils3.toNodeOutgoingHttpHeaders)(response.headers); if (cacheTags) { headers[_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER] = cacheTags; } if (!headers["content-type"] && blob.type) { headers["content-type"] = blob.type; } const revalidate = ((_context_renderOpts_store = context.renderOpts.store) == null ? void 0 : _context_renderOpts_store.revalidate) ?? false; // Create the cache entry for the response. const cacheEntry = { value: { kind: "ROUTE", status: response.status, body: Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer()), headers }, revalidate }; return cacheEntry; } // Send the response now that we have copied it into the cache. await (0, _sendresponse.sendResponse)(req, res, response, context.renderOpts.waitUntil); return null; } catch (err) { // If this is during static generation, throw the error again. if (isSSG) throw err; _log.error(err); // Otherwise, send a 500 response. await (0, _sendresponse.sendResponse)(req, res, (0, _responsehandlers.handleInternalServerErrorResponse)()); return null; } } else if (((_components_routeModule1 = components.routeModule) == null ? void 0 : _components_routeModule1.definition.kind) === _routekind.RouteKind.PAGES) { const module1 = components.routeModule; // Due to the way we pass data by mutating `renderOpts`, we can't extend // the object here but only updating its `clientReferenceManifest` and // `nextFontManifest` properties. // https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/df7cbd904c3bd85f399d1ce90680c0ecf92d2752/packages/next/server/render.tsx#L947-L952 renderOpts.nextFontManifest = this.nextFontManifest; renderOpts.clientReferenceManifest = components.clientReferenceManifest; // Call the built-in render method on the module. result = await module1.render(req.originalRequest ?? req, res.originalResponse ?? res, { page: pathname, params: opts.params, query, renderOpts }); } else if (((_components_routeModule2 = components.routeModule) == null ? void 0 : _components_routeModule2.definition.kind) === _routekind.RouteKind.APP_PAGE) { const isAppPrefetch = req.headers[_approuterheaders.NEXT_ROUTER_PREFETCH.toLowerCase()]; if (isAppPrefetch && process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { try { const prefetchRsc = await this.getPrefetchRsc(resolvedUrlPathname); if (prefetchRsc) { res.setHeader("cache-control", "private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"); res.setHeader("content-type", _approuterheaders.RSC_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER); res.body(prefetchRsc).send(); return null; } } catch (_) { // we fallback to invoking the function if prefetch // data is not available } } const module1 = components.routeModule; // Due to the way we pass data by mutating `renderOpts`, we can't extend the // object here but only updating its `nextFontManifest` field. // https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/df7cbd904c3bd85f399d1ce90680c0ecf92d2752/packages/next/server/render.tsx#L947-L952 renderOpts.nextFontManifest = this.nextFontManifest; // Call the built-in render method on the module. result = await module1.render(req.originalRequest ?? req, res.originalResponse ?? res, { page: is404Page ? "/404" : pathname, params: opts.params, query, renderOpts }); } else { // If we didn't match a page, we should fallback to using the legacy // render method. result = await this.renderHTML(req, res, pathname, query, renderOpts); } const { metadata } = result; // Add any fetch tags that were on the page to the response headers. const cacheTags = metadata.fetchTags; if (cacheTags) { headers = { [_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER]: cacheTags }; } req.fetchMetrics = metadata.fetchMetrics; // we don't throw static to dynamic errors in dev as isSSG // is a best guess in dev since we don't have the prerender pass // to know whether the path is actually static or not if (isAppPath && isSSG && metadata.revalidate === 0 && !this.renderOpts.dev) { const staticBailoutInfo = metadata.staticBailoutInfo || {}; const err = new Error(`Page changed from static to dynamic at runtime ${urlPathname}${staticBailoutInfo.description ? `, reason: ${staticBailoutInfo.description}` : ``}` + `\nsee more here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/app-static-to-dynamic-error`); if (staticBailoutInfo.stack) { const stack = staticBailoutInfo.stack; err.stack = err.message + stack.substring(stack.indexOf("\n")); } throw err; } // Based on the metadata, we can determine what kind of cache result we // should return. // Handle `isNotFound`. if (metadata.isNotFound) { return { value: null, revalidate: metadata.revalidate }; } // Handle `isRedirect`. if (metadata.isRedirect) { return { value: { kind: "REDIRECT", props: metadata.pageData }, revalidate: metadata.revalidate }; } // Handle `isNull`. if (result.isNull) { return null; } // We now have a valid HTML result that we can return to the user. return { value: { kind: "PAGE", html: result, pageData: metadata.pageData, headers, status: isAppPath ? res.statusCode : undefined }, revalidate: metadata.revalidate }; }; const cacheEntry = await this.responseCache.get(ssgCacheKey, async (hasResolved, hadCache)=>{ const isProduction = !this.renderOpts.dev; const didRespond = hasResolved || res.sent; if (!staticPaths) { ({ staticPaths, fallbackMode } = hasStaticPaths ? await this.getStaticPaths({ pathname, requestHeaders: req.headers, isAppPath, page: components.page }) : { staticPaths: undefined, fallbackMode: false }); } if (fallbackMode === "static" && (0, _isbot.isBot)(req.headers["user-agent"] || "")) { fallbackMode = "blocking"; } // skip on-demand revalidate if cache is not present and // revalidate-if-generated is set if (isOnDemandRevalidate && revalidateOnlyGenerated && !hadCache && !this.minimalMode) { await this.render404(req, res); return null; } if ((hadCache == null ? void 0 : hadCache.isStale) === -1) { isOnDemandRevalidate = true; } // only allow on-demand revalidate for fallback: true/blocking // or for prerendered fallback: false paths if (isOnDemandRevalidate && (fallbackMode !== false || hadCache)) { fallbackMode = "blocking"; } // We use `ssgCacheKey` here as it is normalized to match the encoding // from getStaticPaths along with including the locale. // // We use the `resolvedUrlPathname` for the development case when this // is an app path since it doesn't include locale information. let staticPathKey = ssgCacheKey ?? (opts.dev && isAppPath ? resolvedUrlPathname : null); if (staticPathKey && query.amp) { staticPathKey = staticPathKey.replace(/\.amp$/, ""); } const isPageIncludedInStaticPaths = staticPathKey && (staticPaths == null ? void 0 : staticPaths.includes(staticPathKey)); if (this.nextConfig.experimental.isExperimentalCompile) { fallbackMode = "blocking"; } // When we did not respond from cache, we need to choose to block on // rendering or return a skeleton. // // - Data requests always block. // - Blocking mode fallback always blocks. // - Preview mode toggles all pages to be resolved in a blocking manner. // - Non-dynamic pages should block (though this is an impossible // case in production). // - Dynamic pages should return their skeleton if not defined in // getStaticPaths, then finish the data request on the client-side. // if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && !this.minimalMode && fallbackMode !== "blocking" && staticPathKey && !didRespond && !isPreviewMode && isDynamic && (isProduction || !staticPaths || !isPageIncludedInStaticPaths)) { if (// In development, fall through to render to handle missing // getStaticPaths. (isProduction || staticPaths && (staticPaths == null ? void 0 : staticPaths.length) > 0) && // When fallback isn't present, abort this render so we 404 fallbackMode !== "static") { throw new NoFallbackError(); } if (!isDataReq) { // Production already emitted the fallback as static HTML. if (isProduction) { const html = await this.getFallback(locale ? `/${locale}${pathname}` : pathname); return { value: { kind: "PAGE", html: _renderresult.default.fromStatic(html), pageData: {} } }; } else { query.__nextFallback = "true"; const result = await doRender(); if (!result) { return null; } // Prevent caching this result delete result.revalidate; return result; } } } const result = await doRender(); if (!result) { return null; } return { ...result, revalidate: result.revalidate !== undefined ? result.revalidate : /* default to minimum revalidate (this should be an invariant) */ 1 }; }, { incrementalCache, isOnDemandRevalidate: isOnDemandRevalidate, isPrefetch: req.headers.purpose === "prefetch" }); if (!cacheEntry) { if (ssgCacheKey && !(isOnDemandRevalidate && revalidateOnlyGenerated)) { // A cache entry might not be generated if a response is written // in `getInitialProps` or `getServerSideProps`, but those shouldn't // have a cache key. If we do have a cache key but we don't end up // with a cache entry, then either Next.js or the application has a // bug that needs fixing. throw new Error("invariant: cache entry required but not generated"); } return null; } if (isSSG && !this.minimalMode) { // set x-nextjs-cache header to match the header // we set for the image-optimizer res.setHeader("x-nextjs-cache", isOnDemandRevalidate ? "REVALIDATED" : cacheEntry.isMiss ? "MISS" : cacheEntry.isStale ? "STALE" : "HIT"); } const { revalidate, value: cachedData } = cacheEntry; const revalidateOptions = typeof revalidate !== "undefined" && (!this.renderOpts.dev || hasServerProps && !isDataReq) ? { // When the page is 404 cache-control should not be added unless // we are rendering the 404 page for notFound: true which should // cache according to revalidate correctly private: isPreviewMode || is404Page && cachedData, stateful: !isSSG, revalidate } : undefined; if (!cachedData) { if (revalidateOptions) { (0, _revalidateheaders.setRevalidateHeaders)(res, revalidateOptions); } if (isDataReq) { res.statusCode = 404; res.body('{"notFound":true}').send(); return null; } else { if (this.renderOpts.dev) { query.__nextNotFoundSrcPage = pathname; } await this.render404(req, res, { pathname, query }, false); return null; } } else if (cachedData.kind === "REDIRECT") { if (revalidateOptions) { (0, _revalidateheaders.setRevalidateHeaders)(res, revalidateOptions); } if (isDataReq) { return { type: "json", body: _renderresult.default.fromStatic(// @TODO: Handle flight data. JSON.stringify(cachedData.props)), revalidateOptions }; } else { await handleRedirect(cachedData.props); return null; } } else if (cachedData.kind === "IMAGE") { throw new Error("invariant SSG should not return an image cache value"); } else if (cachedData.kind === "ROUTE") { const headers = { ...cachedData.headers }; if (!(this.minimalMode && isSSG)) { delete headers[_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER]; } await (0, _sendresponse.sendResponse)(req, res, new Response(cachedData.body, { headers: (0, _utils3.fromNodeOutgoingHttpHeaders)(headers), status: cachedData.status || 200 })); return null; } else { if (isAppPath) { var _cachedData_headers; if (this.minimalMode && isSSG && ((_cachedData_headers = cachedData.headers) == null ? void 0 : _cachedData_headers[_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER])) { res.setHeader(_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER, cachedData.headers[_constants2.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER]); } if (isDataReq && typeof cachedData.pageData !== "string") { throw new Error("invariant: Expected pageData to be a string for app data request but received " + typeof cachedData.pageData + ". This is a bug in Next.js."); } if (cachedData.status) { res.statusCode = cachedData.status; } return { type: isDataReq ? "rsc" : "html", body: isDataReq ? _renderresult.default.fromStatic(cachedData.pageData) : cachedData.html, revalidateOptions }; } return { type: isDataReq ? "json" : "html", body: isDataReq ? _renderresult.default.fromStatic(JSON.stringify(cachedData.pageData)) : cachedData.html, revalidateOptions }; } } stripNextDataPath(path, stripLocale = true) { if (path.includes(this.buildId)) { const splitPath = path.substring(path.indexOf(this.buildId) + this.buildId.length); path = (0, _denormalizepagepath.denormalizePagePath)(splitPath.replace(/\.json$/, "")); } if (this.localeNormalizer && stripLocale) { return this.localeNormalizer.normalize(path); } return path; } // map the route to the actual bundle name getOriginalAppPaths(route) { if (this.hasAppDir) { var _this_appPathRoutes; const originalAppPath = (_this_appPathRoutes = this.appPathRoutes) == null ? void 0 : _this_appPathRoutes[route]; if (!originalAppPath) { return null; } return originalAppPath; } return null; } async renderPageComponent(ctx, bubbleNoFallback) { var _this_nextConfig_experimental_sri; const { query, pathname } = ctx; const appPaths = this.getOriginalAppPaths(pathname); const isAppPath = Array.isArray(appPaths); let page = pathname; if (isAppPath) { // the last item in the array is the root page, if there are parallel routes page = appPaths[appPaths.length - 1]; } const result = await this.findPageComponents({ page, query, params: ctx.renderOpts.params || {}, isAppPath, sriEnabled: !!((_this_nextConfig_experimental_sri = this.nextConfig.experimental.sri) == null ? void 0 : _this_nextConfig_experimental_sri.algorithm), appPaths, // Ensuring for loading page component routes is done via the matcher. shouldEnsure: false }); if (result) { try { return await this.renderToResponseWithComponents(ctx, result); } catch (err) { const isNoFallbackError = err instanceof NoFallbackError; if (!isNoFallbackError || isNoFallbackError && bubbleNoFallback) { throw err; } } } return false; } async renderToResponse(ctx) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.renderToResponse, { spanName: `rendering page`, attributes: { "next.route": ctx.pathname } }, async ()=>{ return this.renderToResponseImpl(ctx); }); } async renderToResponseImpl(ctx) { var _this_i18nProvider; const { res, query, pathname } = ctx; let page = pathname; const bubbleNoFallback = !!query._nextBubbleNoFallback; delete query[_approuterheaders.NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY]; delete query._nextBubbleNoFallback; const options = { i18n: (_this_i18nProvider = this.i18nProvider) == null ? void 0 : _this_i18nProvider.fromQuery(pathname, query) }; try { for await (const match of this.matchers.matchAll(pathname, options)){ // when a specific invoke-output is meant to be matched // ensure a prior dynamic route/page doesn't take priority const invokeOutput = ctx.req.headers["x-invoke-output"]; if (!this.minimalMode && typeof invokeOutput === "string" && (0, _utils1.isDynamicRoute)(invokeOutput || "") && invokeOutput !== match.definition.pathname) { continue; } const result = await this.renderPageComponent({ ...ctx, pathname: match.definition.pathname, renderOpts: { ...ctx.renderOpts, params: match.params } }, bubbleNoFallback); if (result !== false) return result; } // currently edge functions aren't receiving the x-matched-path // header so we need to fallback to matching the current page // when we weren't able to match via dynamic route to handle // the rewrite case // @ts-expect-error extended in child class web-server if (this.serverOptions.webServerConfig) { // @ts-expect-error extended in child class web-server ctx.pathname = this.serverOptions.webServerConfig.page; const result = await this.renderPageComponent(ctx, bubbleNoFallback); if (result !== false) return result; } } catch (error) { const err = (0, _iserror.getProperError)(error); if (error instanceof _utils.MissingStaticPage) { console.error("Invariant: failed to load static page", JSON.stringify({ page, url: ctx.req.url, matchedPath: ctx.req.headers["x-matched-path"], initUrl: (0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "__NEXT_INIT_URL"), didRewrite: (0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "_nextDidRewrite"), rewroteUrl: (0, _requestmeta.getRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "_nextRewroteUrl") }, null, 2)); throw err; } if (err instanceof NoFallbackError && bubbleNoFallback) { throw err; } if (err instanceof _utils.DecodeError || err instanceof _utils.NormalizeError) { res.statusCode = 400; return await this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, err); } res.statusCode = 500; // if pages/500 is present we still need to trigger // /_error `getInitialProps` to allow reporting error if (await this.hasPage("/500")) { ctx.query.__nextCustomErrorRender = "1"; await this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, err); delete ctx.query.__nextCustomErrorRender; } const isWrappedError = err instanceof WrappedBuildError; if (!isWrappedError) { if (this.minimalMode && process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" || this.renderOpts.dev) { if ((0, _iserror.default)(err)) err.page = page; throw err; } this.logError((0, _iserror.getProperError)(err)); } const response = await this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, isWrappedError ? err.innerError : err); return response; } if (this.getMiddleware() && !!ctx.req.headers["x-nextjs-data"] && (!res.statusCode || res.statusCode === 200 || res.statusCode === 404)) { res.setHeader("x-nextjs-matched-path", `${query.__nextLocale ? `/${query.__nextLocale}` : ""}${pathname}`); res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader("content-type", "application/json"); res.body("{}"); res.send(); return null; } res.statusCode = 404; return this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, null); } async renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query = {}) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.renderToHTML, async ()=>{ return this.renderToHTMLImpl(req, res, pathname, query); }); } async renderToHTMLImpl(req, res, pathname, query = {}) { return this.getStaticHTML((ctx)=>this.renderToResponse(ctx), { req, res, pathname, query }); } async renderError(err, req, res, pathname, query = {}, setHeaders = true) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.renderError, async ()=>{ return this.renderErrorImpl(err, req, res, pathname, query, setHeaders); }); } async renderErrorImpl(err, req, res, pathname, query = {}, setHeaders = true) { if (setHeaders) { res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"); } return this.pipe(async (ctx)=>{ const response = await this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, err); if (this.minimalMode && res.statusCode === 500) { throw err; } return response; }, { req, res, pathname, query }); } async renderErrorToResponse(ctx, err) { return (0, _tracer.getTracer)().trace(_constants1.BaseServerSpan.renderErrorToResponse, async ()=>{ return this.renderErrorToResponseImpl(ctx, err); }); } async renderErrorToResponseImpl(ctx, err) { // Short-circuit favicon.ico in development to avoid compiling 404 page when the app has no favicon.ico. // Since favicon.ico is automatically requested by the browser. if (this.renderOpts.dev && ctx.pathname === "/favicon.ico") { return { type: "html", body: new _renderresult.default("") }; } const { res, query } = ctx; try { let result = null; const is404 = res.statusCode === 404; let using404Page = false; if (is404) { if (this.hasAppDir) { // Use the not-found entry in app directory result = await this.findPageComponents({ page: this.renderOpts.dev ? "/not-found" : "/_not-found", query, params: {}, isAppPath: true, shouldEnsure: true }); using404Page = result !== null; } if (!result && await this.hasPage("/404")) { result = await this.findPageComponents({ page: "/404", query, params: {}, isAppPath: false, // Ensuring can't be done here because you never "match" a 404 route. shouldEnsure: true }); using404Page = result !== null; } } let statusPage = `/${res.statusCode}`; if (!ctx.query.__nextCustomErrorRender && !result && _constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(statusPage)) { // skip ensuring /500 in dev mode as it isn't used and the // dev overlay is used instead if (statusPage !== "/500" || !this.renderOpts.dev) { result = await this.findPageComponents({ page: statusPage, query, params: {}, isAppPath: false, // Ensuring can't be done here because you never "match" a 500 // route. shouldEnsure: true }); } } if (!result) { result = await this.findPageComponents({ page: "/_error", query, params: {}, isAppPath: false, // Ensuring can't be done here because you never "match" an error // route. shouldEnsure: true }); statusPage = "/_error"; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !using404Page && await this.hasPage("/_error") && !await this.hasPage("/404")) { this.customErrorNo404Warn(); } if (!result) { // this can occur when a project directory has been moved/deleted // which is handled in the parent process in development if (this.renderOpts.dev) { return { type: "html", // wait for dev-server to restart before refreshing body: _renderresult.default.fromStatic(`
missing required error components, refreshing...`) }; } throw new WrappedBuildError(new Error("missing required error components")); } // If the page has a route module, use it for the new match. If it doesn't // have a route module, remove the match. if (result.components.routeModule) { (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "_nextMatch", { definition: result.components.routeModule.definition, params: undefined }); } else { (0, _requestmeta.removeRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "_nextMatch"); } try { return await this.renderToResponseWithComponents({ ...ctx, pathname: statusPage, renderOpts: { ...ctx.renderOpts, err } }, result); } catch (maybeFallbackError) { if (maybeFallbackError instanceof NoFallbackError) { throw new Error("invariant: failed to render error page"); } throw maybeFallbackError; } } catch (error) { const renderToHtmlError = (0, _iserror.getProperError)(error); const isWrappedError = renderToHtmlError instanceof WrappedBuildError; if (!isWrappedError) { this.logError(renderToHtmlError); } res.statusCode = 500; const fallbackComponents = await this.getFallbackErrorComponents(); if (fallbackComponents) { // There was an error, so use it's definition from the route module // to add the match to the request. (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(ctx.req, "_nextMatch", { definition: fallbackComponents.routeModule.definition, params: undefined }); return this.renderToResponseWithComponents({ ...ctx, pathname: "/_error", renderOpts: { ...ctx.renderOpts, // We render `renderToHtmlError` here because `err` is // already captured in the stacktrace. err: isWrappedError ? renderToHtmlError.innerError : renderToHtmlError } }, { query, components: fallbackComponents }); } return { type: "html", body: _renderresult.default.fromStatic("Internal Server Error") }; } } async renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query = {}) { return this.getStaticHTML((ctx)=>this.renderErrorToResponse(ctx, err), { req, res, pathname, query }); } async render404(req, res, parsedUrl, setHeaders = true) { const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl ? parsedUrl : (0, _url.parse)(req.url, true); if (this.nextConfig.i18n) { query.__nextLocale ||= this.nextConfig.i18n.defaultLocale; query.__nextDefaultLocale ||= this.nextConfig.i18n.defaultLocale; } res.statusCode = 404; return this.renderError(null, req, res, pathname, query, setHeaders); } } //# sourceMappingURL=base-server.js.map