"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); 0 && (module.exports = { sendStatusCode: null, redirect: null, checkIsOnDemandRevalidate: null, COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS: null, COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA: null, RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT: null, SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA: null, SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES: null, clearPreviewData: null, ApiError: null, sendError: null, setLazyProp: null }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { sendStatusCode: function() { return sendStatusCode; }, redirect: function() { return redirect; }, checkIsOnDemandRevalidate: function() { return checkIsOnDemandRevalidate; }, COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS: function() { return COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS; }, COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA: function() { return COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA; }, RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT: function() { return RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT; }, SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA: function() { return SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA; }, SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES: function() { return SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES; }, clearPreviewData: function() { return clearPreviewData; }, ApiError: function() { return ApiError; }, sendError: function() { return sendError; }, setLazyProp: function() { return setLazyProp; } }); const _headers = require("../web/spec-extension/adapters/headers"); const _constants = require("../../lib/constants"); function sendStatusCode(res, statusCode) { res.statusCode = statusCode; return res; } function redirect(res, statusOrUrl, url) { if (typeof statusOrUrl === "string") { url = statusOrUrl; statusOrUrl = 307; } if (typeof statusOrUrl !== "number" || typeof url !== "string") { throw new Error(`Invalid redirect arguments. Please use a single argument URL, e.g. res.redirect('/destination') or use a status code and URL, e.g. res.redirect(307, '/destination').`); } res.writeHead(statusOrUrl, { Location: url }); res.write(url); res.end(); return res; } function checkIsOnDemandRevalidate(req, previewProps) { const headers = _headers.HeadersAdapter.from(req.headers); const previewModeId = headers.get(_constants.PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_HEADER); const isOnDemandRevalidate = previewModeId === previewProps.previewModeId; const revalidateOnlyGenerated = headers.has(_constants.PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_ONLY_GENERATED_HEADER); return { isOnDemandRevalidate, revalidateOnlyGenerated }; } const COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS = `__prerender_bypass`; const COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA = `__next_preview_data`; const RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 4 * 1024 * 1024; const SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA = Symbol(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA); const SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES = Symbol(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS); function clearPreviewData(res, options = {}) { if (SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES in res) { return res; } const { serialize } = require("next/dist/compiled/cookie"); const previous = res.getHeader("Set-Cookie"); res.setHeader(`Set-Cookie`, [ ...typeof previous === "string" ? [ previous ] : Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : [], serialize(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS, "", { // To delete a cookie, set `expires` to a date in the past: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-4.1.1 // `Max-Age: 0` is not valid, thus ignored, and the cookie is persisted. expires: new Date(0), httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development" ? "none" : "lax", secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development", path: "/", ...options.path !== undefined ? { path: options.path } : undefined }), serialize(COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA, "", { // To delete a cookie, set `expires` to a date in the past: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-4.1.1 // `Max-Age: 0` is not valid, thus ignored, and the cookie is persisted. expires: new Date(0), httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development" ? "none" : "lax", secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development", path: "/", ...options.path !== undefined ? { path: options.path } : undefined }) ]); Object.defineProperty(res, SYMBOL_CLEARED_COOKIES, { value: true, enumerable: false }); return res; } class ApiError extends Error { constructor(statusCode, message){ super(message); this.statusCode = statusCode; } } function sendError(res, statusCode, message) { res.statusCode = statusCode; res.statusMessage = message; res.end(message); } function setLazyProp({ req }, prop, getter) { const opts = { configurable: true, enumerable: true }; const optsReset = { ...opts, writable: true }; Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...opts, get: ()=>{ const value = getter(); // we set the property on the object to avoid recalculating it Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...optsReset, value }); return value; }, set: (value)=>{ Object.defineProperty(req, prop, { ...optsReset, value }); } }); } //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map