"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return exportPage; } }); require("../server/node-polyfill-fetch"); require("../server/node-polyfill-web-streams"); require("../server/node-environment"); require("../lib/polyfill-promise-with-resolvers"); const _path = require("path"); const _promises = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("fs/promises")); const _loadcomponents = require("../server/load-components"); const _isdynamic = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic"); const _normalizepagepath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path"); const _require = require("../server/require"); const _normalizelocalepath = require("../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path"); const _trace = require("../trace"); const _setuphttpagentenv = require("../server/setup-http-agent-env"); const _iserror = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../lib/is-error")); const _requestmeta = require("../server/request-meta"); const _apppaths = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths"); const _mockrequest = require("../server/lib/mock-request"); const _isapprouteroute = require("../lib/is-app-route-route"); const _ciinfo = require("../telemetry/ci-info"); const _approute = require("./routes/app-route"); const _apppage = require("./routes/app-page"); const _pages = require("./routes/pages"); const _getparams = require("./helpers/get-params"); const _createincrementalcache = require("./helpers/create-incremental-cache"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } process.env.NEXT_IS_EXPORT_WORKER = "true"; const envConfig = require("../shared/lib/runtime-config.external"); globalThis.__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true }; async function exportPageImpl(input, fileWriter) { const { path, pathMap, distDir, pagesDataDir, buildExport = false, serverRuntimeConfig, subFolders = false, optimizeFonts, optimizeCss, disableOptimizedLoading, debugOutput = false, isrMemoryCacheSize, fetchCache, fetchCacheKeyPrefix, incrementalCacheHandlerPath, enableExperimentalReact, ampValidatorPath, trailingSlash } = input; if (input.renderOpts.deploymentId) { process.env.NEXT_DEPLOYMENT_ID = input.renderOpts.deploymentId; } if (enableExperimentalReact) { process.env.__NEXT_EXPERIMENTAL_REACT = "true"; } const { page, // Check if this is an `app/` page. _isAppDir: isAppDir = false, // Check if this is an `app/` prefix request. _isAppPrefetch: isAppPrefetch = false, // Check if this should error when dynamic usage is detected. _isDynamicError: isDynamicError = false, // Pull the original query out. query: originalQuery = {} } = pathMap; try { var _req_url; let query = { ...originalQuery }; const pathname = (0, _apppaths.normalizeAppPath)(page); const isDynamic = (0, _isdynamic.isDynamicRoute)(page); const outDir = isAppDir ? (0, _path.join)(distDir, "server/app") : input.outDir; let params; const filePath = (0, _normalizepagepath.normalizePagePath)(path); const ampPath = `${filePath}.amp`; let renderAmpPath = ampPath; let updatedPath = query.__nextSsgPath || path; delete query.__nextSsgPath; let locale = query.__nextLocale || input.renderOpts.locale; delete query.__nextLocale; if (input.renderOpts.locale) { const localePathResult = (0, _normalizelocalepath.normalizeLocalePath)(path, input.renderOpts.locales); if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { updatedPath = localePathResult.pathname; locale = localePathResult.detectedLocale; if (locale === input.renderOpts.defaultLocale) { renderAmpPath = `${(0, _normalizepagepath.normalizePagePath)(updatedPath)}.amp`; } } } // We need to show a warning if they try to provide query values // for an auto-exported page since they won't be available const hasOrigQueryValues = Object.keys(originalQuery).length > 0; // Check if the page is a specified dynamic route const { pathname: nonLocalizedPath } = (0, _normalizelocalepath.normalizeLocalePath)(path, input.renderOpts.locales); if (isDynamic && page !== nonLocalizedPath) { const normalizedPage = isAppDir ? (0, _apppaths.normalizeAppPath)(page) : page; params = (0, _getparams.getParams)(normalizedPage, updatedPath); if (params) { query = { ...query, ...params }; } } const { req, res } = (0, _mockrequest.createRequestResponseMocks)({ url: updatedPath }); // If this is a status code page, then set the response code. for (const statusCode of [ 404, 500 ]){ if ([ `/${statusCode}`, `/${statusCode}.html`, `/${statusCode}/index.html` ].some((p)=>p === updatedPath || `/${locale}${p}` === updatedPath)) { res.statusCode = statusCode; } } // Ensure that the URL has a trailing slash if it's configured. if (trailingSlash && !((_req_url = req.url) == null ? void 0 : _req_url.endsWith("/"))) { req.url += "/"; } if (locale && buildExport && input.renderOpts.domainLocales && input.renderOpts.domainLocales.some((dl)=>{ var _dl_locales; return dl.defaultLocale === locale || ((_dl_locales = dl.locales) == null ? void 0 : _dl_locales.includes(locale || "")); })) { (0, _requestmeta.addRequestMeta)(req, "__nextIsLocaleDomain", true); } envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig: input.renderOpts.runtimeConfig }); const getHtmlFilename = (p)=>subFolders ? `${p}${_path.sep}index.html` : `${p}.html`; let htmlFilename = getHtmlFilename(filePath); // dynamic routes can provide invalid extensions e.g. /blog/[...slug] returns an // extension of `.slug]` const pageExt = isDynamic || isAppDir ? "" : (0, _path.extname)(page); const pathExt = isDynamic || isAppDir ? "" : (0, _path.extname)(path); // force output 404.html for backwards compat if (path === "/404.html") { htmlFilename = path; } else if (pageExt !== pathExt && pathExt !== "") { const isBuiltinPaths = [ "/500", "/404" ].some((p)=>p === path || p === path + ".html"); // If the ssg path has .html extension, and it's not builtin paths, use it directly // Otherwise, use that as the filename instead const isHtmlExtPath = !isBuiltinPaths && path.endsWith(".html"); htmlFilename = isHtmlExtPath ? getHtmlFilename(path) : path; } else if (path === "/") { // If the path is the root, just use index.html htmlFilename = "index.html"; } const baseDir = (0, _path.join)(outDir, (0, _path.dirname)(htmlFilename)); let htmlFilepath = (0, _path.join)(outDir, htmlFilename); await _promises.default.mkdir(baseDir, { recursive: true }); // If the fetch cache was enabled, we need to create an incremental // cache instance for this page. const incrementalCache = isAppDir && fetchCache ? (0, _createincrementalcache.createIncrementalCache)(incrementalCacheHandlerPath, isrMemoryCacheSize, fetchCacheKeyPrefix, distDir) : undefined; // Handle App Routes. if (isAppDir && (0, _isapprouteroute.isAppRouteRoute)(page)) { return await (0, _approute.exportAppRoute)(req, res, params, page, incrementalCache, distDir, htmlFilepath, fileWriter); } const components = await (0, _loadcomponents.loadComponents)({ distDir, page, isAppPath: isAppDir }); const renderOpts = { ...components, ...input.renderOpts, ampPath: renderAmpPath, params, optimizeFonts, optimizeCss, disableOptimizedLoading, fontManifest: optimizeFonts ? (0, _require.requireFontManifest)(distDir) : null, locale, supportsDynamicHTML: false, originalPathname: page }; if (_ciinfo.hasNextSupport) { renderOpts.isRevalidate = true; } // Handle App Pages if (isAppDir) { // Set the incremental cache on the renderOpts, that's how app page's // consume it. renderOpts.incrementalCache = incrementalCache; return await (0, _apppage.exportAppPage)(req, res, page, path, pathname, query, renderOpts, htmlFilepath, debugOutput, isDynamicError, isAppPrefetch, fileWriter); } return await (0, _pages.exportPages)(req, res, path, page, query, htmlFilepath, htmlFilename, ampPath, subFolders, outDir, ampValidatorPath, pagesDataDir, buildExport, isDynamic, hasOrigQueryValues, renderOpts, components, fileWriter); } catch (err) { console.error(`\nError occurred prerendering page "${path}". Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/prerender-error\n` + ((0, _iserror.default)(err) && err.stack ? err.stack : err)); return { error: true }; } } async function exportPage(input) { // Configure the http agent. (0, _setuphttpagentenv.setHttpClientAndAgentOptions)({ httpAgentOptions: input.httpAgentOptions }); const files = []; const baseFileWriter = async (type, path, content, encodingOptions = "utf-8")=>{ await _promises.default.mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(path), { recursive: true }); await _promises.default.writeFile(path, content, encodingOptions); files.push({ type, path }); }; const exportPageSpan = (0, _trace.trace)("export-page-worker", input.parentSpanId); const start = Date.now(); // Export the page. const result = await exportPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ return await exportPageImpl(input, baseFileWriter); }); // If there was no result, then we can exit early. if (!result) return; // If there was an error, then we can exit early. if ("error" in result) { return { error: result.error, duration: Date.now() - start, files: [] }; } // Otherwise we can return the result. return { duration: Date.now() - start, files, ampValidations: result.ampValidations, revalidate: result.revalidate, metadata: result.metadata, ssgNotFound: result.ssgNotFound }; } //# sourceMappingURL=worker.js.map