"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); 0 && (module.exports = { ExportError: null, exportAppImpl: null, default: null }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { ExportError: function() { return ExportError; }, exportAppImpl: function() { return exportAppImpl; }, default: function() { return exportApp; } }); const _picocolors = require("../lib/picocolors"); const _findup = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("next/dist/compiled/find-up")); const _fs = require("fs"); require("../server/require-hook"); const _worker = require("../lib/worker"); const _path = require("path"); const _index = require("../build/output/index"); const _log = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("../build/output/log")); const _spinner = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../build/spinner")); const _constants = require("../lib/constants"); const _recursivecopy = require("../lib/recursive-copy"); const _constants1 = require("../shared/lib/constants"); const _config = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../server/config")); const _events = require("../telemetry/events"); const _ciinfo = require("../telemetry/ci-info"); const _storage = require("../telemetry/storage"); const _normalizepagepath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path"); const _denormalizepagepath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path"); const _env = require("@next/env"); const _isapiroute = require("../lib/is-api-route"); const _require = require("../server/require"); const _isapprouteroute = require("../lib/is-app-route-route"); const _isapppageroute = require("../lib/is-app-page-route"); const _iserror = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../lib/is-error")); const _needsexperimentalreact = require("../lib/needs-experimental-react"); const _formatmanifest = require("../build/manifests/formatter/format-manifest"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interop_require_wildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for(var key in obj){ if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function divideSegments(number, segments) { const result = []; while(number > 0 && segments > 0){ const dividedNumber = number < segments ? number : Math.floor(number / segments); number -= dividedNumber; segments--; result.push(dividedNumber); } return result; } const createProgress = (total, label)=>{ const segments = divideSegments(total, 4); if (total === 0) { throw new Error("invariant: progress total can not be zero"); } let currentSegmentTotal = segments.shift(); let currentSegmentCount = 0; let lastProgressOutput = Date.now(); let curProgress = 0; let progressSpinner = (0, _spinner.default)(`${label} (${curProgress}/${total})`, { spinner: { frames: [ "[ ]", "[= ]", "[== ]", "[=== ]", "[ ===]", "[ ==]", "[ =]", "[ ]", "[ =]", "[ ==]", "[ ===]", "[====]", "[=== ]", "[== ]", "[= ]" ], interval: 200 } }); return ()=>{ curProgress++; // Make sure we only log once // - per fully generated segment, or // - per minute // when not showing the spinner if (!progressSpinner) { currentSegmentCount++; if (currentSegmentCount === currentSegmentTotal) { currentSegmentTotal = segments.shift(); currentSegmentCount = 0; } else if (lastProgressOutput + 60000 > Date.now()) { return; } lastProgressOutput = Date.now(); } const isFinished = curProgress === total; // Use \r to reset current line with spinner. // If it's 100% progressed, then we don't need to break a new line to avoid logging from routes while building. const newText = `\r ${isFinished ? _log.prefixes.event : _log.prefixes.info} ${label} (${curProgress}/${total}) ${isFinished ? "" : process.stdout.isTTY ? "\n" : "\r"}`; if (progressSpinner) { progressSpinner.text = newText; } else { console.log(newText); } if (isFinished && progressSpinner) { progressSpinner.stop(); console.log(newText); } }; }; class ExportError extends Error { constructor(...args){ super(...args); this.code = "NEXT_EXPORT_ERROR"; } } function setupWorkers(options, nextConfig) { if (options.exportPageWorker) { return { pages: options.exportPageWorker, app: options.exportAppPageWorker, end: options.endWorker || (()=>Promise.resolve()) }; } const threads = options.threads || nextConfig.experimental.cpus; if (!options.silent && !options.buildExport) { _log.info(`Launching ${threads} workers`); } const timeout = (nextConfig == null ? void 0 : nextConfig.staticPageGenerationTimeout) || 0; let infoPrinted = false; const worker = new _worker.Worker(require.resolve("./worker"), { timeout: timeout * 1000, onRestart: (_method, [{ path }], attempts)=>{ if (attempts >= 3) { throw new ExportError(`Static page generation for ${path} is still timing out after 3 attempts. See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/static-page-generation-timeout`); } _log.warn(`Restarted static page generation for ${path} because it took more than ${timeout} seconds`); if (!infoPrinted) { _log.warn("See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/static-page-generation-timeout"); infoPrinted = true; } }, maxRetries: 0, numWorkers: threads, enableWorkerThreads: nextConfig.experimental.workerThreads, exposedMethods: [ "default" ] }); return { pages: worker.default, end: async ()=>{ await worker.end(); } }; } async function exportAppImpl(dir, options, span) { var _nextConfig_amp, _nextConfig_experimental_amp, _nextConfig_experimental_amp1; dir = (0, _path.resolve)(dir); // attempt to load global env values so they are available in next.config.js span.traceChild("load-dotenv").traceFn(()=>(0, _env.loadEnvConfig)(dir, false, _log)); const nextConfig = options.nextConfig || await span.traceChild("load-next-config").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _config.default)(_constants1.PHASE_EXPORT, dir)); const distDir = (0, _path.join)(dir, nextConfig.distDir); const isExportOutput = nextConfig.output === "export"; // Running 'next export' if (options.isInvokedFromCli) { if (isExportOutput) { if (options.hasOutdirFromCli) { throw new ExportError('"next export -o " cannot be used when "output: export" is configured in next.config.js. Instead add "distDir" in next.config.js https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export'); } _log.warn('"next export" is no longer needed when "output: export" is configured in next.config.js https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export'); return null; } if ((0, _fs.existsSync)((0, _path.join)(distDir, "server", "app"))) { throw new ExportError('"next export" does not work with App Router. Please use "output: export" in next.config.js https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export'); } _log.warn('"next export" is deprecated in favor of "output: export" in next.config.js https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export'); } // Running 'next export' or output is set to 'export' if (options.isInvokedFromCli || isExportOutput) { if (nextConfig.experimental.serverActions) { throw new ExportError(`Server Actions are not supported with static export.`); } } const telemetry = options.buildExport ? null : new _storage.Telemetry({ distDir }); if (telemetry) { telemetry.record((0, _events.eventCliSession)(distDir, nextConfig, { webpackVersion: null, cliCommand: "export", isSrcDir: null, hasNowJson: !!await (0, _findup.default)("now.json", { cwd: dir }), isCustomServer: null, turboFlag: false, pagesDir: null, appDir: null })); } const subFolders = nextConfig.trailingSlash && !options.buildExport; if (!options.silent && !options.buildExport) { _log.info(`using build directory: ${distDir}`); } const buildIdFile = (0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.BUILD_ID_FILE); if (!(0, _fs.existsSync)(buildIdFile)) { throw new ExportError(`Could not find a production build in the '${distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the static export. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/next-export-no-build-id`); } const customRoutes = [ "rewrites", "redirects", "headers" ].filter((config)=>typeof nextConfig[config] === "function"); if (!_ciinfo.hasNextSupport && !options.buildExport && customRoutes.length > 0) { _log.warn(`rewrites, redirects, and headers are not applied when exporting your application, detected (${customRoutes.join(", ")}). See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/export-no-custom-routes`); } const buildId = await _fs.promises.readFile(buildIdFile, "utf8"); const pagesManifest = !options.pages && require((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.PAGES_MANIFEST)); let prerenderManifest; try { prerenderManifest = require((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.PRERENDER_MANIFEST)); } catch {} let appRoutePathManifest; try { appRoutePathManifest = require((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.APP_PATH_ROUTES_MANIFEST)); } catch (err) { if ((0, _iserror.default)(err) && (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "MODULE_NOT_FOUND")) { // the manifest doesn't exist which will happen when using // "pages" dir instead of "app" dir. appRoutePathManifest = undefined; } else { // the manifest is malformed (invalid json) throw err; } } const excludedPrerenderRoutes = new Set(); const pages = options.pages || Object.keys(pagesManifest); const defaultPathMap = {}; let hasApiRoutes = false; for (const page of pages){ // _document and _app are not real pages // _error is exported as 404.html later on // API Routes are Node.js functions if ((0, _isapiroute.isAPIRoute)(page)) { hasApiRoutes = true; continue; } if (page === "/_document" || page === "/_app" || page === "/_error") { continue; } // iSSG pages that are dynamic should not export templated version by // default. In most cases, this would never work. There is no server that // could run `getStaticProps`. If users make their page work lazily, they // can manually add it to the `exportPathMap`. if (prerenderManifest == null ? void 0 : prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes[page]) { excludedPrerenderRoutes.add(page); continue; } defaultPathMap[page] = { page }; } const mapAppRouteToPage = new Map(); if (!options.buildExport && appRoutePathManifest) { for (const [pageName, routePath] of Object.entries(appRoutePathManifest)){ mapAppRouteToPage.set(routePath, pageName); if ((0, _isapppageroute.isAppPageRoute)(pageName) && !(prerenderManifest == null ? void 0 : prerenderManifest.routes[routePath]) && !(prerenderManifest == null ? void 0 : prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes[routePath])) { defaultPathMap[routePath] = { page: pageName, _isAppDir: true }; } } } // Initialize the output directory const outDir = options.outdir; if (outDir === (0, _path.join)(dir, "public")) { throw new ExportError(`The 'public' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be used as the export out directory. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/can-not-output-to-public`); } if (outDir === (0, _path.join)(dir, "static")) { throw new ExportError(`The 'static' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be used as the export out directory. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/can-not-output-to-static`); } await _fs.promises.rm(outDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path.join)(outDir, "_next", buildId), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.writeFile((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.EXPORT_DETAIL), (0, _formatmanifest.formatManifest)({ version: 1, outDirectory: outDir, success: false }), "utf8"); // Copy static directory if (!options.buildExport && (0, _fs.existsSync)((0, _path.join)(dir, "static"))) { if (!options.silent) { _log.info('Copying "static" directory'); } await span.traceChild("copy-static-directory").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _recursivecopy.recursiveCopy)((0, _path.join)(dir, "static"), (0, _path.join)(outDir, "static"))); } // Copy .next/static directory if (!options.buildExport && (0, _fs.existsSync)((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH))) { if (!options.silent) { _log.info('Copying "static build" directory'); } await span.traceChild("copy-next-static-directory").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _recursivecopy.recursiveCopy)((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH), (0, _path.join)(outDir, "_next", _constants1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH))); } // Get the exportPathMap from the config file if (typeof nextConfig.exportPathMap !== "function") { nextConfig.exportPathMap = async (defaultMap)=>{ return defaultMap; }; } const { i18n, images: { loader = "default", unoptimized } } = nextConfig; if (i18n && !options.buildExport) { throw new ExportError(`i18n support is not compatible with next export. See here for more info on deploying: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/export-no-custom-routes`); } if (!options.buildExport) { const { isNextImageImported } = await span.traceChild("is-next-image-imported").traceAsyncFn(()=>_fs.promises.readFile((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.EXPORT_MARKER), "utf8").then((text)=>JSON.parse(text)).catch(()=>({}))); if (isNextImageImported && loader === "default" && !unoptimized && !_ciinfo.hasNextSupport) { throw new ExportError(`Image Optimization using the default loader is not compatible with export. Possible solutions: - Use \`next start\` to run a server, which includes the Image Optimization API. - Configure \`images.unoptimized = true\` in \`next.config.js\` to disable the Image Optimization API. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/export-image-api`); } } // Start the rendering process const renderOpts = { previewProps: prerenderManifest == null ? void 0 : prerenderManifest.preview, buildId, nextExport: true, assetPrefix: nextConfig.assetPrefix.replace(/\/$/, ""), distDir, dev: false, basePath: nextConfig.basePath, canonicalBase: ((_nextConfig_amp = nextConfig.amp) == null ? void 0 : _nextConfig_amp.canonicalBase) || "", ampSkipValidation: ((_nextConfig_experimental_amp = nextConfig.experimental.amp) == null ? void 0 : _nextConfig_experimental_amp.skipValidation) || false, ampOptimizerConfig: ((_nextConfig_experimental_amp1 = nextConfig.experimental.amp) == null ? void 0 : _nextConfig_experimental_amp1.optimizer) || undefined, locales: i18n == null ? void 0 : i18n.locales, locale: i18n == null ? void 0 : i18n.defaultLocale, defaultLocale: i18n == null ? void 0 : i18n.defaultLocale, domainLocales: i18n == null ? void 0 : i18n.domains, disableOptimizedLoading: nextConfig.experimental.disableOptimizedLoading, // Exported pages do not currently support dynamic HTML. supportsDynamicHTML: false, crossOrigin: nextConfig.crossOrigin || "", optimizeCss: nextConfig.experimental.optimizeCss, nextConfigOutput: nextConfig.output, nextScriptWorkers: nextConfig.experimental.nextScriptWorkers, optimizeFonts: nextConfig.optimizeFonts, largePageDataBytes: nextConfig.experimental.largePageDataBytes, serverComponents: options.hasAppDir, serverActionsBodySizeLimit: nextConfig.experimental.serverActionsBodySizeLimit, nextFontManifest: require((0, _path.join)(distDir, "server", `${_constants1.NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.json`)), images: nextConfig.images, ...options.hasAppDir ? { serverActionsManifest: require((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.SERVER_REFERENCE_MANIFEST + ".json")) } : {}, strictNextHead: !!nextConfig.experimental.strictNextHead, deploymentId: nextConfig.experimental.deploymentId }; const { serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig } = nextConfig; if (Object.keys(publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0) { renderOpts.runtimeConfig = publicRuntimeConfig; } globalThis.__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true }; const exportPathMap = await span.traceChild("run-export-path-map").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const exportMap = await nextConfig.exportPathMap(defaultPathMap, { dev: false, dir, outDir, distDir, buildId }); return exportMap; }); // only add missing 404 page when `buildExport` is false if (!options.buildExport) { // only add missing /404 if not specified in `exportPathMap` if (!exportPathMap["/404"]) { exportPathMap["/404"] = { page: "/_error" }; } /** * exports 404.html for backwards compat * E.g. GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, Cloudflare Pages, Netlify */ if (!exportPathMap["/404.html"]) { // alias /404.html to /404 to be compatible with custom 404 / _error page exportPathMap["/404.html"] = exportPathMap["/404"]; } } // make sure to prevent duplicates const exportPaths = [ ...new Set(Object.keys(exportPathMap).map((path)=>(0, _denormalizepagepath.denormalizePagePath)((0, _normalizepagepath.normalizePagePath)(path)))) ]; const filteredPaths = exportPaths.filter(// Remove API routes (route)=>exportPathMap[route]._isAppDir || !(0, _isapiroute.isAPIRoute)(exportPathMap[route].page)); if (filteredPaths.length !== exportPaths.length) { hasApiRoutes = true; } if (filteredPaths.length === 0) { return null; } if (prerenderManifest && !options.buildExport) { const fallbackEnabledPages = new Set(); for (const path of Object.keys(exportPathMap)){ const page = exportPathMap[path].page; const prerenderInfo = prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes[page]; if (prerenderInfo && prerenderInfo.fallback !== false) { fallbackEnabledPages.add(page); } } if (fallbackEnabledPages.size > 0) { throw new ExportError(`Found pages with \`fallback\` enabled:\n${[ ...fallbackEnabledPages ].join("\n")}\n${_constants.SSG_FALLBACK_EXPORT_ERROR}\n`); } } let hasMiddleware = false; if (!options.buildExport) { try { const middlewareManifest = require((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST)); hasMiddleware = Object.keys(middlewareManifest.middleware).length > 0; } catch {} // Warn if the user defines a path for an API page if (hasApiRoutes || hasMiddleware) { if (!options.silent) { _log.warn((0, _picocolors.yellow)(`Statically exporting a Next.js application via \`next export\` disables API routes and middleware.`) + `\n` + (0, _picocolors.yellow)(`This command is meant for static-only hosts, and is` + " " + (0, _picocolors.bold)(`not necessary to make your application static.`)) + `\n` + (0, _picocolors.yellow)(`Pages in your application without server-side data dependencies will be automatically statically exported by \`next build\`, including pages powered by \`getStaticProps\`.`) + `\n` + (0, _picocolors.yellow)(`Learn more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/api-routes-static-export`)); } } } const progress = !options.silent && createProgress(filteredPaths.length, `${options.statusMessage || "Exporting"}`); const pagesDataDir = options.buildExport ? outDir : (0, _path.join)(outDir, "_next/data", buildId); const ampValidations = {}; const publicDir = (0, _path.join)(dir, _constants1.CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH); // Copy public directory if (!options.buildExport && (0, _fs.existsSync)(publicDir)) { if (!options.silent) { _log.info('Copying "public" directory'); } await span.traceChild("copy-public-directory").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _recursivecopy.recursiveCopy)(publicDir, outDir, { filter (path) { // Exclude paths used by pages return !exportPathMap[path]; } })); } const workers = setupWorkers(options, nextConfig); const results = await Promise.all(filteredPaths.map(async (path)=>{ const pathMap = exportPathMap[path]; const exportPage = workers[pathMap._isAppDir ? "app" : "pages"]; if (!exportPage) { throw new Error("Invariant: Undefined export worker for app dir, this is a bug in Next.js."); } const pageExportSpan = span.traceChild("export-page"); pageExportSpan.setAttribute("path", path); const result = await pageExportSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var _nextConfig_experimental_amp; return await exportPage({ path, pathMap, distDir, outDir, pagesDataDir, renderOpts, ampValidatorPath: ((_nextConfig_experimental_amp = nextConfig.experimental.amp) == null ? void 0 : _nextConfig_experimental_amp.validator) || undefined, trailingSlash: nextConfig.trailingSlash, serverRuntimeConfig, subFolders, buildExport: options.buildExport, optimizeFonts: nextConfig.optimizeFonts, optimizeCss: nextConfig.experimental.optimizeCss, disableOptimizedLoading: nextConfig.experimental.disableOptimizedLoading, parentSpanId: pageExportSpan.id, httpAgentOptions: nextConfig.httpAgentOptions, debugOutput: options.debugOutput, isrMemoryCacheSize: nextConfig.experimental.isrMemoryCacheSize, fetchCache: true, fetchCacheKeyPrefix: nextConfig.experimental.fetchCacheKeyPrefix, incrementalCacheHandlerPath: nextConfig.experimental.incrementalCacheHandlerPath, enableExperimentalReact: (0, _needsexperimentalreact.needsExperimentalReact)(nextConfig) }); }); if (progress) progress(); return { result, path }; })); const errorPaths = []; let renderError = false; let hadValidationError = false; const collector = { byPath: new Map(), byPage: new Map(), ssgNotFoundPaths: new Set() }; for (const { result, path } of results){ if (!result) continue; const { page } = exportPathMap[path]; // Capture any render errors. if ("error" in result) { renderError = true; errorPaths.push(page !== path ? `${page}: ${path}` : path); continue; } // Capture any amp validations. if (result.ampValidations) { for (const validation of result.ampValidations){ ampValidations[validation.page] = validation.result; hadValidationError ||= validation.result.errors.length > 0; } } if (options.buildExport) { // Update path info by path. const info = collector.byPath.get(path) ?? {}; if (typeof result.revalidate !== "undefined") { info.revalidate = result.revalidate; } if (typeof result.metadata !== "undefined") { info.metadata = result.metadata; } collector.byPath.set(path, info); // Update not found. if (result.ssgNotFound === true) { collector.ssgNotFoundPaths.add(path); } // Update durations. const durations = collector.byPage.get(page) ?? { durationsByPath: new Map() }; durations.durationsByPath.set(path, result.duration); collector.byPage.set(page, durations); } } const endWorkerPromise = workers.end(); // copy prerendered routes to outDir if (!options.buildExport && prerenderManifest) { await Promise.all(Object.keys(prerenderManifest.routes).map(async (route)=>{ const { srcRoute } = prerenderManifest.routes[route]; const appPageName = mapAppRouteToPage.get(srcRoute || ""); const pageName = appPageName || srcRoute || route; const isAppPath = Boolean(appPageName); const isAppRouteHandler = appPageName && (0, _isapprouteroute.isAppRouteRoute)(appPageName); // returning notFound: true from getStaticProps will not // output html/json files during the build if (prerenderManifest.notFoundRoutes.includes(route)) { return; } route = (0, _normalizepagepath.normalizePagePath)(route); const pagePath = (0, _require.getPagePath)(pageName, distDir, undefined, isAppPath); const distPagesDir = (0, _path.join)(pagePath, // strip leading / and then recurse number of nested dirs // to place from base folder pageName.slice(1).split("/").map(()=>"..").join("/")); const orig = (0, _path.join)(distPagesDir, route); const handlerSrc = `${orig}.body`; const handlerDest = (0, _path.join)(outDir, route); if (isAppRouteHandler && (0, _fs.existsSync)(handlerSrc)) { await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(handlerDest), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.copyFile(handlerSrc, handlerDest); return; } const htmlDest = (0, _path.join)(outDir, `${route}${subFolders && route !== "/index" ? `${_path.sep}index` : ""}.html`); const ampHtmlDest = (0, _path.join)(outDir, `${route}.amp${subFolders ? `${_path.sep}index` : ""}.html`); const jsonDest = isAppPath ? (0, _path.join)(outDir, `${route}${subFolders && route !== "/index" ? `${_path.sep}index` : ""}.txt`) : (0, _path.join)(pagesDataDir, `${route}.json`); await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(htmlDest), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(jsonDest), { recursive: true }); const htmlSrc = `${orig}.html`; const jsonSrc = `${orig}${isAppPath ? ".rsc" : ".json"}`; await _fs.promises.copyFile(htmlSrc, htmlDest); await _fs.promises.copyFile(jsonSrc, jsonDest); if ((0, _fs.existsSync)(`${orig}.amp.html`)) { await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(ampHtmlDest), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.copyFile(`${orig}.amp.html`, ampHtmlDest); } })); } if (Object.keys(ampValidations).length) { console.log((0, _index.formatAmpMessages)(ampValidations)); } if (hadValidationError) { throw new ExportError(`AMP Validation caused the export to fail. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/amp-export-validation`); } if (renderError) { throw new ExportError(`Export encountered errors on following paths:\n\t${errorPaths.sort().join("\n ")}`); } await _fs.promises.writeFile((0, _path.join)(distDir, _constants1.EXPORT_DETAIL), (0, _formatmanifest.formatManifest)({ version: 1, outDirectory: outDir, success: true }), "utf8"); if (telemetry) { await telemetry.flush(); } await endWorkerPromise; return collector; } async function exportApp(dir, options, span) { const nextExportSpan = span.traceChild("next-export"); return nextExportSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ return await exportAppImpl(dir, options, nextExportSpan); }); } //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map