# minimisted v2.0.1 ![CI](https://github.com/kt3k/minimisted/workflows/CI/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/kt3k/minimisted/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/kt3k/minimisted) [![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](http://standardjs.com/) > A handy wrapper of `minimist` # Install npm install minimisted # Usage You can write your cli like the following: ```js // Your cli's entry point const main = (argv) => { } require('minimisted')(main) ``` where `argv` is the command line options parsed by `minimist` i.e. `minimist(process.argv.slice(2))`. Using object destructuring syntax, you can write it like the following: ```js /** * @param {boolean} help Shows help message if true * @param {boolean} version Shows the version if true * ... * @param {string[]} _ The parameters */ const main = ({ help, version, _ }) => { } require('minimisted')(main) ``` # API ```js const minimisted = require('minimisted') ``` ## minimisted(main[, opts[, argv]]) - @param {Function} main The main function - @param {Object} opts The option which is passed to minimist's 2rd arguments - @param {string} argv The command line arguments. Default is `process.argv.slice(2)`. This calls `main` with command line options parsed by the minimist with the given options. # License MIT