import { invariant } from '../../utils/errors.mjs'; import { PanSession } from '../pan/PanSession.mjs'; import { getGlobalLock } from './utils/lock.mjs'; import { isRefObject } from '../../utils/is-ref-object.mjs'; import { addPointerEvent } from '../../events/add-pointer-event.mjs'; import { applyConstraints, calcRelativeConstraints, resolveDragElastic, calcViewportConstraints, defaultElastic, rebaseAxisConstraints, calcOrigin } from './utils/constraints.mjs'; import { createBox } from '../../projection/geometry/models.mjs'; import { eachAxis } from '../../projection/utils/each-axis.mjs'; import { measurePageBox } from '../../projection/utils/measure.mjs'; import { extractEventInfo } from '../../events/event-info.mjs'; import { convertBoxToBoundingBox, convertBoundingBoxToBox } from '../../projection/geometry/conversion.mjs'; import { addDomEvent } from '../../events/add-dom-event.mjs'; import { calcLength } from '../../projection/geometry/delta-calc.mjs'; import { mix } from '../../utils/mix.mjs'; import { percent } from '../../value/types/numbers/units.mjs'; import { animateMotionValue } from '../../animation/interfaces/motion-value.mjs'; import { getContextWindow } from '../../utils/get-context-window.mjs'; import { frame } from '../../frameloop/frame.mjs'; const elementDragControls = new WeakMap(); /** * */ // let latestPointerEvent: PointerEvent class VisualElementDragControls { constructor(visualElement) { // This is a reference to the global drag gesture lock, ensuring only one component // can "capture" the drag of one or both axes. // TODO: Look into moving this into pansession? this.openGlobalLock = null; this.isDragging = false; this.currentDirection = null; this.originPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; /** * The permitted boundaries of travel, in pixels. */ this.constraints = false; this.hasMutatedConstraints = false; /** * The per-axis resolved elastic values. */ this.elastic = createBox(); this.visualElement = visualElement; } start(originEvent, { snapToCursor = false } = {}) { /** * Don't start dragging if this component is exiting */ const { presenceContext } = this.visualElement; if (presenceContext && presenceContext.isPresent === false) return; const onSessionStart = (event) => { const { dragSnapToOrigin } = this.getProps(); // Stop or pause any animations on both axis values immediately. This allows the user to throw and catch // the component. dragSnapToOrigin ? this.pauseAnimation() : this.stopAnimation(); if (snapToCursor) { this.snapToCursor(extractEventInfo(event, "page").point); } }; const onStart = (event, info) => { // Attempt to grab the global drag gesture lock - maybe make this part of PanSession const { drag, dragPropagation, onDragStart } = this.getProps(); if (drag && !dragPropagation) { if (this.openGlobalLock) this.openGlobalLock(); this.openGlobalLock = getGlobalLock(drag); // If we don 't have the lock, don't start dragging if (!this.openGlobalLock) return; } this.isDragging = true; this.currentDirection = null; this.resolveConstraints(); if (this.visualElement.projection) { this.visualElement.projection.isAnimationBlocked = true; = undefined; } /** * Record gesture origin */ eachAxis((axis) => { let current = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).get() || 0; /** * If the MotionValue is a percentage value convert to px */ if (percent.test(current)) { const { projection } = this.visualElement; if (projection && projection.layout) { const measuredAxis = projection.layout.layoutBox[axis]; if (measuredAxis) { const length = calcLength(measuredAxis); current = length * (parseFloat(current) / 100); } } } this.originPoint[axis] = current; }); // Fire onDragStart event if (onDragStart) { frame.update(() => onDragStart(event, info), false, true); } const { animationState } = this.visualElement; animationState && animationState.setActive("whileDrag", true); }; const onMove = (event, info) => { // latestPointerEvent = event const { dragPropagation, dragDirectionLock, onDirectionLock, onDrag, } = this.getProps(); // If we didn't successfully receive the gesture lock, early return. if (!dragPropagation && !this.openGlobalLock) return; const { offset } = info; // Attempt to detect drag direction if directionLock is true if (dragDirectionLock && this.currentDirection === null) { this.currentDirection = getCurrentDirection(offset); // If we've successfully set a direction, notify listener if (this.currentDirection !== null) { onDirectionLock && onDirectionLock(this.currentDirection); } return; } // Update each point with the latest position this.updateAxis("x", info.point, offset); this.updateAxis("y", info.point, offset); /** * Ideally we would leave the renderer to fire naturally at the end of * this frame but if the element is about to change layout as the result * of a re-render we want to ensure the browser can read the latest * bounding box to ensure the pointer and element don't fall out of sync. */ this.visualElement.render(); /** * This must fire after the render call as it might trigger a state * change which itself might trigger a layout update. */ onDrag && onDrag(event, info); }; const onSessionEnd = (event, info) => this.stop(event, info); const resumeAnimation = () => eachAxis((axis) => { var _a; return this.getAnimationState(axis) === "paused" && ((_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; }); const { dragSnapToOrigin } = this.getProps(); this.panSession = new PanSession(originEvent, { onSessionStart, onStart, onMove, onSessionEnd, resumeAnimation, }, { transformPagePoint: this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint(), dragSnapToOrigin, contextWindow: getContextWindow(this.visualElement), }); } stop(event, info) { const isDragging = this.isDragging; this.cancel(); if (!isDragging) return; const { velocity } = info; this.startAnimation(velocity); const { onDragEnd } = this.getProps(); if (onDragEnd) { frame.update(() => onDragEnd(event, info)); } } cancel() { this.isDragging = false; const { projection, animationState } = this.visualElement; if (projection) { projection.isAnimationBlocked = false; } this.panSession && this.panSession.end(); this.panSession = undefined; const { dragPropagation } = this.getProps(); if (!dragPropagation && this.openGlobalLock) { this.openGlobalLock(); this.openGlobalLock = null; } animationState && animationState.setActive("whileDrag", false); } updateAxis(axis, _point, offset) { const { drag } = this.getProps(); // If we're not dragging this axis, do an early return. if (!offset || !shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) return; const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); let next = this.originPoint[axis] + offset[axis]; // Apply constraints if (this.constraints && this.constraints[axis]) { next = applyConstraints(next, this.constraints[axis], this.elastic[axis]); } axisValue.set(next); } resolveConstraints() { var _a; const { dragConstraints, dragElastic } = this.getProps(); const layout = this.visualElement.projection && !this.visualElement.projection.layout ? this.visualElement.projection.measure(false) : (_a = this.visualElement.projection) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.layout; const prevConstraints = this.constraints; if (dragConstraints && isRefObject(dragConstraints)) { if (!this.constraints) { this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints(); } } else { if (dragConstraints && layout) { this.constraints = calcRelativeConstraints(layout.layoutBox, dragConstraints); } else { this.constraints = false; } } this.elastic = resolveDragElastic(dragElastic); /** * If we're outputting to external MotionValues, we want to rebase the measured constraints * from viewport-relative to component-relative. */ if (prevConstraints !== this.constraints && layout && this.constraints && !this.hasMutatedConstraints) { eachAxis((axis) => { if (this.getAxisMotionValue(axis)) { this.constraints[axis] = rebaseAxisConstraints(layout.layoutBox[axis], this.constraints[axis]); } }); } } resolveRefConstraints() { const { dragConstraints: constraints, onMeasureDragConstraints } = this.getProps(); if (!constraints || !isRefObject(constraints)) return false; const constraintsElement = constraints.current; invariant(constraintsElement !== null, "If `dragConstraints` is set as a React ref, that ref must be passed to another component's `ref` prop."); const { projection } = this.visualElement; // TODO if (!projection || !projection.layout) return false; const constraintsBox = measurePageBox(constraintsElement, projection.root, this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint()); let measuredConstraints = calcViewportConstraints(projection.layout.layoutBox, constraintsBox); /** * If there's an onMeasureDragConstraints listener we call it and * if different constraints are returned, set constraints to that */ if (onMeasureDragConstraints) { const userConstraints = onMeasureDragConstraints(convertBoxToBoundingBox(measuredConstraints)); this.hasMutatedConstraints = !!userConstraints; if (userConstraints) { measuredConstraints = convertBoundingBoxToBox(userConstraints); } } return measuredConstraints; } startAnimation(velocity) { const { drag, dragMomentum, dragElastic, dragTransition, dragSnapToOrigin, onDragTransitionEnd, } = this.getProps(); const constraints = this.constraints || {}; const momentumAnimations = eachAxis((axis) => { if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) { return; } let transition = (constraints && constraints[axis]) || {}; if (dragSnapToOrigin) transition = { min: 0, max: 0 }; /** * Overdamp the boundary spring if `dragElastic` is disabled. There's still a frame * of spring animations so we should look into adding a disable spring option to `inertia`. * We could do something here where we affect the `bounceStiffness` and `bounceDamping` * using the value of `dragElastic`. */ const bounceStiffness = dragElastic ? 200 : 1000000; const bounceDamping = dragElastic ? 40 : 10000000; const inertia = { type: "inertia", velocity: dragMomentum ? velocity[axis] : 0, bounceStiffness, bounceDamping, timeConstant: 750, restDelta: 1, restSpeed: 10, ...dragTransition, ...transition, }; // If we're not animating on an externally-provided `MotionValue` we can use the // component's animation controls which will handle interactions with whileHover (etc), // otherwise we just have to animate the `MotionValue` itself. return this.startAxisValueAnimation(axis, inertia); }); // Run all animations and then resolve the new drag constraints. return Promise.all(momentumAnimations).then(onDragTransitionEnd); } startAxisValueAnimation(axis, transition) { const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); return axisValue.start(animateMotionValue(axis, axisValue, 0, transition)); } stopAnimation() { eachAxis((axis) => this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).stop()); } pauseAnimation() { eachAxis((axis) => { var _a; return (_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pause(); }); } getAnimationState(axis) { var _a; return (_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.state; } /** * Drag works differently depending on which props are provided. * * - If _dragX and _dragY are provided, we output the gesture delta directly to those motion values. * - Otherwise, we apply the delta to the x/y motion values. */ getAxisMotionValue(axis) { const dragKey = "_drag" + axis.toUpperCase(); const props = this.visualElement.getProps(); const externalMotionValue = props[dragKey]; return externalMotionValue ? externalMotionValue : this.visualElement.getValue(axis, (props.initial ? props.initial[axis] : undefined) || 0); } snapToCursor(point) { eachAxis((axis) => { const { drag } = this.getProps(); // If we're not dragging this axis, do an early return. if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) return; const { projection } = this.visualElement; const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (projection && projection.layout) { const { min, max } = projection.layout.layoutBox[axis]; axisValue.set(point[axis] - mix(min, max, 0.5)); } }); } /** * When the viewport resizes we want to check if the measured constraints * have changed and, if so, reposition the element within those new constraints * relative to where it was before the resize. */ scalePositionWithinConstraints() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; const { drag, dragConstraints } = this.getProps(); const { projection } = this.visualElement; if (!isRefObject(dragConstraints) || !projection || !this.constraints) return; /** * Stop current animations as there can be visual glitching if we try to do * this mid-animation */ this.stopAnimation(); /** * Record the relative position of the dragged element relative to the * constraints box and save as a progress value. */ const boxProgress = { x: 0, y: 0 }; eachAxis((axis) => { const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (axisValue) { const latest = axisValue.get(); boxProgress[axis] = calcOrigin({ min: latest, max: latest }, this.constraints[axis]); } }); /** * Update the layout of this element and resolve the latest drag constraints */ const { transformTemplate } = this.visualElement.getProps(); = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate({}, "") : "none"; projection.root && projection.root.updateScroll(); projection.updateLayout(); this.resolveConstraints(); /** * For each axis, calculate the current progress of the layout axis * within the new constraints. */ eachAxis((axis) => { if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, null)) return; /** * Calculate a new transform based on the previous box progress */ const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); const { min, max } = this.constraints[axis]; axisValue.set(mix(min, max, boxProgress[axis])); }); } addListeners() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; elementDragControls.set(this.visualElement, this); const element = this.visualElement.current; /** * Attach a pointerdown event listener on this DOM element to initiate drag tracking. */ const stopPointerListener = addPointerEvent(element, "pointerdown", (event) => { const { drag, dragListener = true } = this.getProps(); drag && dragListener && this.start(event); }); const measureDragConstraints = () => { const { dragConstraints } = this.getProps(); if (isRefObject(dragConstraints)) { this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints(); } }; const { projection } = this.visualElement; const stopMeasureLayoutListener = projection.addEventListener("measure", measureDragConstraints); if (projection && !projection.layout) { projection.root && projection.root.updateScroll(); projection.updateLayout(); } measureDragConstraints(); /** * Attach a window resize listener to scale the draggable target within its defined * constraints as the window resizes. */ const stopResizeListener = addDomEvent(window, "resize", () => this.scalePositionWithinConstraints()); /** * If the element's layout changes, calculate the delta and apply that to * the drag gesture's origin point. */ const stopLayoutUpdateListener = projection.addEventListener("didUpdate", (({ delta, hasLayoutChanged }) => { if (this.isDragging && hasLayoutChanged) { eachAxis((axis) => { const motionValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (!motionValue) return; this.originPoint[axis] += delta[axis].translate; motionValue.set(motionValue.get() + delta[axis].translate); }); this.visualElement.render(); } })); return () => { stopResizeListener(); stopPointerListener(); stopMeasureLayoutListener(); stopLayoutUpdateListener && stopLayoutUpdateListener(); }; } getProps() { const props = this.visualElement.getProps(); const { drag = false, dragDirectionLock = false, dragPropagation = false, dragConstraints = false, dragElastic = defaultElastic, dragMomentum = true, } = props; return { ...props, drag, dragDirectionLock, dragPropagation, dragConstraints, dragElastic, dragMomentum, }; } } function shouldDrag(direction, drag, currentDirection) { return ((drag === true || drag === direction) && (currentDirection === null || currentDirection === direction)); } /** * Based on an x/y offset determine the current drag direction. If both axis' offsets are lower * than the provided threshold, return `null`. * * @param offset - The x/y offset from origin. * @param lockThreshold - (Optional) - the minimum absolute offset before we can determine a drag direction. */ function getCurrentDirection(offset, lockThreshold = 10) { let direction = null; if (Math.abs(offset.y) > lockThreshold) { direction = "y"; } else if (Math.abs(offset.x) > lockThreshold) { direction = "x"; } return direction; } export { VisualElementDragControls, elementDragControls };