declare type EasingFunction = (v: number) => number; declare type EasingModifier = (easing: EasingFunction) => EasingFunction; declare type BezierDefinition = [number, number, number, number]; declare type EasingDefinition = BezierDefinition | "linear" | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate"; /** * The easing function to use. Set as one of: * * - The name of an in-built easing function. * - An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve. * - An easing function, that accepts and returns a progress value between `0` and `1`. * * @public */ declare type Easing = EasingDefinition | EasingFunction; interface Point { x: number; y: number; } declare type Process = (data: FrameData) => void; declare type Schedule = (process: Process, keepAlive?: boolean, immediate?: boolean) => Process; interface Step { schedule: Schedule; cancel: (process: Process) => void; process: (data: FrameData) => void; } declare type StepId = "prepare" | "read" | "update" | "preRender" | "render" | "postRender"; declare type Batcher = { [key in StepId]: Schedule; }; declare type Steps = { [key in StepId]: Step; }; interface FrameData { delta: number; timestamp: number; isProcessing: boolean; } /** * @public */ interface SVGPathProperties { pathLength?: number; pathOffset?: number; pathSpacing?: number; } declare type GenericKeyframesTarget = [null, ...V[]] | V[]; /** * An update function. It accepts a timestamp used to advance the animation. */ declare type Update = (timestamp: number) => void; /** * Drivers accept a update function and call it at an interval. This interval * could be a synchronous loop, a setInterval, or tied to the device's framerate. */ interface DriverControls { start: () => void; stop: () => void; now: () => number; } declare type Driver = (update: Update) => DriverControls; interface SVGAttributes { accentHeight?: number | string | undefined; accumulate?: "none" | "sum" | undefined; additive?: "replace" | "sum" | undefined; alignmentBaseline?: "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "middle" | "central" | "after-edge" | "text-after-edge" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "hanging" | "mathematical" | "inherit" | undefined; allowReorder?: "no" | "yes" | undefined; alphabetic?: number | string | undefined; amplitude?: number | string | undefined; arabicForm?: "initial" | "medial" | "terminal" | "isolated" | undefined; ascent?: number | string | undefined; attributeName?: string | undefined; attributeType?: string | undefined; autoReverse?: boolean | undefined; azimuth?: number | string | undefined; baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined; baselineShift?: number | string | undefined; baseProfile?: number | string | undefined; bbox?: number | string | undefined; begin?: number | string | undefined; bias?: number | string | undefined; by?: number | string | undefined; calcMode?: number | string | undefined; capHeight?: number | string | undefined; clip?: number | string | undefined; clipPath?: string | undefined; clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined; clipRule?: number | string | undefined; colorInterpolation?: number | string | undefined; colorInterpolationFilters?: "auto" | "sRGB" | "linearRGB" | "inherit" | undefined; colorProfile?: number | string | undefined; colorRendering?: number | string | undefined; contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined; contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined; cursor?: number | string | undefined; cx?: number | string | undefined; cy?: number | string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; decelerate?: number | string | undefined; descent?: number | string | undefined; diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined; direction?: number | string | undefined; display?: number | string | undefined; divisor?: number | string | undefined; dominantBaseline?: number | string | undefined; dur?: number | string | undefined; dx?: number | string | undefined; dy?: number | string | undefined; edgeMode?: number | string | undefined; elevation?: number | string | undefined; enableBackground?: number | string | undefined; end?: number | string | undefined; exponent?: number | string | undefined; externalResourcesRequired?: boolean | undefined; fill?: string | undefined; fillOpacity?: number | string | undefined; fillRule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit" | undefined; filter?: string | undefined; filterRes?: number | string | undefined; filterUnits?: number | string | undefined; floodColor?: number | string | undefined; floodOpacity?: number | string | undefined; focusable?: boolean | "auto" | undefined; fontFamily?: string | undefined; fontSize?: number | string | undefined; fontSizeAdjust?: number | string | undefined; fontStretch?: number | string | undefined; fontStyle?: number | string | undefined; fontVariant?: number | string | undefined; fontWeight?: number | string | undefined; format?: number | string | undefined; fr?: number | string | undefined; from?: number | string | undefined; fx?: number | string | undefined; fy?: number | string | undefined; g1?: number | string | undefined; g2?: number | string | undefined; glyphName?: number | string | undefined; glyphOrientationHorizontal?: number | string | undefined; glyphOrientationVertical?: number | string | undefined; glyphRef?: number | string | undefined; gradientTransform?: string | undefined; gradientUnits?: string | undefined; hanging?: number | string | undefined; horizAdvX?: number | string | undefined; horizOriginX?: number | string | undefined; href?: string | undefined; ideographic?: number | string | undefined; imageRendering?: number | string | undefined; in2?: number | string | undefined; in?: string | undefined; intercept?: number | string | undefined; k1?: number | string | undefined; k2?: number | string | undefined; k3?: number | string | undefined; k4?: number | string | undefined; k?: number | string | undefined; kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined; kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined; kerning?: number | string | undefined; keyPoints?: number | string | undefined; keySplines?: number | string | undefined; keyTimes?: number | string | undefined; lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined; letterSpacing?: number | string | undefined; lightingColor?: number | string | undefined; limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined; local?: number | string | undefined; markerEnd?: string | undefined; markerHeight?: number | string | undefined; markerMid?: string | undefined; markerStart?: string | undefined; markerUnits?: number | string | undefined; markerWidth?: number | string | undefined; mask?: string | undefined; maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined; maskUnits?: number | string | undefined; mathematical?: number | string | undefined; mode?: number | string | undefined; numOctaves?: number | string | undefined; offset?: number | string | undefined; opacity?: number | string | undefined; operator?: number | string | undefined; order?: number | string | undefined; orient?: number | string | undefined; orientation?: number | string | undefined; origin?: number | string | undefined; overflow?: number | string | undefined; overlinePosition?: number | string | undefined; overlineThickness?: number | string | undefined; paintOrder?: number | string | undefined; panose1?: number | string | undefined; path?: string | undefined; pathLength?: number | string | undefined; patternContentUnits?: string | undefined; patternTransform?: number | string | undefined; patternUnits?: string | undefined; pointerEvents?: number | string | undefined; points?: string | undefined; pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined; pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined; pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined; preserveAlpha?: boolean | undefined; preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined; primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined; r?: number | string | undefined; radius?: number | string | undefined; refX?: number | string | undefined; refY?: number | string | undefined; renderingIntent?: number | string | undefined; repeatCount?: number | string | undefined; repeatDur?: number | string | undefined; requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined; requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined; restart?: number | string | undefined; result?: string | undefined; rotate?: number | string | undefined; rx?: number | string | undefined; ry?: number | string | undefined; scale?: number | string | undefined; seed?: number | string | undefined; shapeRendering?: number | string | undefined; slope?: number | string | undefined; spacing?: number | string | undefined; specularConstant?: number | string | undefined; specularExponent?: number | string | undefined; speed?: number | string | undefined; spreadMethod?: string | undefined; startOffset?: number | string | undefined; stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined; stemh?: number | string | undefined; stemv?: number | string | undefined; stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined; stopColor?: string | undefined; stopOpacity?: number | string | undefined; strikethroughPosition?: number | string | undefined; strikethroughThickness?: number | string | undefined; string?: number | string | undefined; stroke?: string | undefined; strokeDasharray?: string | number | undefined; strokeDashoffset?: string | number | undefined; strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit" | undefined; strokeLinejoin?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit" | undefined; strokeMiterlimit?: number | string | undefined; strokeOpacity?: number | string | undefined; strokeWidth?: number | string | undefined; surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined; systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined; tableValues?: number | string | undefined; targetX?: number | string | undefined; targetY?: number | string | undefined; textAnchor?: string | undefined; textDecoration?: number | string | undefined; textLength?: number | string | undefined; textRendering?: number | string | undefined; to?: number | string | undefined; transform?: string | undefined; u1?: number | string | undefined; u2?: number | string | undefined; underlinePosition?: number | string | undefined; underlineThickness?: number | string | undefined; unicode?: number | string | undefined; unicodeBidi?: number | string | undefined; unicodeRange?: number | string | undefined; unitsPerEm?: number | string | undefined; vAlphabetic?: number | string | undefined; values?: string | undefined; vectorEffect?: number | string | undefined; version?: string | undefined; vertAdvY?: number | string | undefined; vertOriginX?: number | string | undefined; vertOriginY?: number | string | undefined; vHanging?: number | string | undefined; vIdeographic?: number | string | undefined; viewBox?: string | undefined; viewTarget?: number | string | undefined; visibility?: number | string | undefined; vMathematical?: number | string | undefined; widths?: number | string | undefined; wordSpacing?: number | string | undefined; writingMode?: number | string | undefined; x1?: number | string | undefined; x2?: number | string | undefined; x?: number | string | undefined; xChannelSelector?: string | undefined; xHeight?: number | string | undefined; xlinkActuate?: string | undefined; xlinkArcrole?: string | undefined; xlinkHref?: string | undefined; xlinkRole?: string | undefined; xlinkShow?: string | undefined; xlinkTitle?: string | undefined; xlinkType?: string | undefined; xmlBase?: string | undefined; xmlLang?: string | undefined; xmlns?: string | undefined; xmlnsXlink?: string | undefined; xmlSpace?: string | undefined; y1?: number | string | undefined; y2?: number | string | undefined; y?: number | string | undefined; yChannelSelector?: string | undefined; z?: number | string | undefined; zoomAndPan?: string | undefined; } interface ProgressTimeline { currentTime: null | { value: number; }; cancel?: VoidFunction; } interface AnimationPlaybackLifecycles { onUpdate?: (latest: V) => void; onPlay?: () => void; onComplete?: () => void; onRepeat?: () => void; onStop?: () => void; } interface Transition extends AnimationPlaybackOptions, Omit, Omit, KeyframeOptions { delay?: number; elapsed?: number; driver?: Driver; type?: "decay" | "spring" | "keyframes" | "tween" | "inertia"; duration?: number; autoplay?: boolean; } interface ValueAnimationTransition extends Transition, AnimationPlaybackLifecycles { isHandoff?: boolean; } interface AnimationScope { readonly current: T; animations: AnimationPlaybackControls[]; } declare type StyleTransitions = { [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform]?: Transition; }; declare type SVGPathTransitions = { [K in keyof SVGPathProperties]: Transition; }; declare type SVGTransitions = { [K in keyof SVGAttributes]: Transition; }; declare type VariableTransitions = { [key: `--${string}`]: Transition; }; declare type AnimationOptionsWithValueOverrides = StyleTransitions & SVGPathTransitions & SVGTransitions & VariableTransitions & ValueAnimationTransition; interface DynamicAnimationOptions extends Omit { delay?: number | DynamicOption; } declare type ElementOrSelector = Element | Element[] | NodeListOf | string; /** * @public */ interface AnimationPlaybackControls { time: number; speed: number; state?: AnimationPlayState; duration: number; stop: () => void; play: () => void; pause: () => void; complete: () => void; cancel: () => void; then: (onResolve: VoidFunction, onReject?: VoidFunction) => Promise; attachTimeline?: (timeline: ProgressTimeline) => VoidFunction; } declare type DynamicOption = (i: number, total: number) => T; interface CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform extends Omit { x: number | string; y: number | string; z: number | string; rotateX: number | string; rotateY: number | string; rotateZ: number | string; scaleX: number; scaleY: number; scaleZ: number; skewX: number | string; skewY: number | string; } declare type ValueKeyframe = string | number; declare type UnresolvedValueKeyframe = ValueKeyframe | null; declare type ValueKeyframesDefinition = ValueKeyframe | ValueKeyframe[] | UnresolvedValueKeyframe[]; declare type StyleKeyframesDefinition = { [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition; }; declare type SVGKeyframesDefinition = { [K in keyof SVGAttributes]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition; }; declare type VariableKeyframesDefinition = { [key: `--${string}`]: ValueKeyframesDefinition; }; declare type SVGPathKeyframesDefinition = { [K in keyof SVGPathProperties]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition; }; declare type DOMKeyframesDefinition = StyleKeyframesDefinition & SVGKeyframesDefinition & SVGPathKeyframesDefinition & VariableKeyframesDefinition; interface VelocityOptions { velocity?: number; restSpeed?: number; restDelta?: number; } interface AnimationPlaybackOptions { repeat?: number; repeatType?: "loop" | "reverse" | "mirror"; repeatDelay?: number; } interface DurationSpringOptions { duration?: number; bounce?: number; } interface SpringOptions extends DurationSpringOptions, VelocityOptions { stiffness?: number; damping?: number; mass?: number; } interface DecayOptions extends VelocityOptions { keyframes?: number[]; power?: number; timeConstant?: number; modifyTarget?: (v: number) => number; } interface InertiaOptions extends DecayOptions { bounceStiffness?: number; bounceDamping?: number; min?: number; max?: number; } interface KeyframeOptions { ease?: Easing | Easing[]; times?: number[]; } /** * @public */ declare type Subscriber = (v: T) => void; /** * @public */ declare type PassiveEffect = (v: T, safeSetter: (v: T) => void) => void; interface MotionValueEventCallbacks { animationStart: () => void; animationComplete: () => void; animationCancel: () => void; change: (latestValue: V) => void; renderRequest: () => void; velocityChange: (latestVelocity: number) => void; } interface ResolvedValues { [key: string]: string | number; } interface Owner { current: HTMLElement | unknown; getProps: () => { onUpdate?: (latest: ResolvedValues) => void; }; } interface MotionValueOptions { owner?: Owner; } /** * `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values. * * @public */ declare class MotionValue { /** * This will be replaced by the build step with the latest version number. * When MotionValues are provided to motion components, warn if versions are mixed. */ version: string; /** * If a MotionValue has an owner, it was created internally within Framer Motion * and therefore has no external listeners. It is therefore safe to animate via WAAPI. */ owner?: Owner; private stopPassiveEffect?; /** * A reference to the currently-controlling Popmotion animation * * */ animation?: AnimationPlaybackControls; /** * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated. * * It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription. * * When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the * `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned * from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers.. * * ```jsx * export const MyComponent = () => { * const x = useMotionValue(0) * const y = useMotionValue(0) * const opacity = useMotionValue(1) * * useEffect(() => { * function updateOpacity() { * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get()) * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0]) * opacity.set(newOpacity) * } * * const unsubscribeX = x.on("change", updateOpacity) * const unsubscribeY = y.on("change", updateOpacity) * * return () => { * unsubscribeX() * unsubscribeY() * } * }, []) * * return * } * ``` * * @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value. * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription. * * @deprecated */ onChange(subscription: Subscriber): () => void; /** * An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event. */ private events; on>(eventName: EventName, callback: MotionValueEventCallbacks[EventName]): VoidFunction; clearListeners(): void; /** * Sets the state of the `MotionValue`. * * @remarks * * ```jsx * const x = useMotionValue(0) * x.set(10) * ``` * * @param latest - Latest value to set. * @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true` * * @public */ set(v: V, render?: boolean): void; setWithVelocity(prev: V, current: V, delta: number): void; /** * Set the state of the `MotionValue`, stopping any active animations, * effects, and resets velocity to `0`. */ jump(v: V): void; updateAndNotify: (v: V, render?: boolean) => void; /** * Returns the latest state of `MotionValue` * * @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue` * * @public */ get(): V; /** * @public */ getPrevious(): V; /** * Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue` * * @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical. * * @public */ getVelocity(): number; hasAnimated: boolean; /** * Stop the currently active animation. * * @public */ stop(): void; /** * Returns `true` if this value is currently animating. * * @public */ isAnimating(): boolean; private clearAnimation; /** * Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`. * * The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically * handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually * created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function. * * @public */ destroy(): void; } declare function motionValue(init: V, options?: MotionValueOptions): MotionValue; declare type SequenceTime = number | "<" | `+${number}` | `-${number}` | `${string}`; declare type SequenceLabel = string; interface SequenceLabelWithTime { name: SequenceLabel; at: SequenceTime; } interface At { at?: SequenceTime; } declare type MotionValueSegment = [ MotionValue, UnresolvedValueKeyframe | UnresolvedValueKeyframe[] ]; declare type MotionValueSegmentWithTransition = [ MotionValue, UnresolvedValueKeyframe | UnresolvedValueKeyframe[], Transition & At ]; declare type DOMSegment = [ElementOrSelector, DOMKeyframesDefinition]; declare type DOMSegmentWithTransition = [ ElementOrSelector, DOMKeyframesDefinition, DynamicAnimationOptions & At ]; declare type Segment = MotionValueSegment | MotionValueSegmentWithTransition | DOMSegment | DOMSegmentWithTransition | SequenceLabel | SequenceLabelWithTime; declare type AnimationSequence = Segment[]; interface SequenceOptions extends AnimationPlaybackOptions { delay?: number; duration?: number; defaultTransition?: Transition; } declare const createScopedAnimate: (scope?: AnimationScope) => { (from: V, to: V | GenericKeyframesTarget, options?: ValueAnimationTransition | undefined): AnimationPlaybackControls; (value: MotionValue, keyframes: V_1 | GenericKeyframesTarget, options?: ValueAnimationTransition | undefined): AnimationPlaybackControls; (value: ElementOrSelector, keyframes: DOMKeyframesDefinition, options?: DynamicAnimationOptions): AnimationPlaybackControls; (sequence: AnimationSequence, options?: SequenceOptions): AnimationPlaybackControls; }; declare const animate: { (from: V, to: V | GenericKeyframesTarget, options?: ValueAnimationTransition | undefined): AnimationPlaybackControls; (value: MotionValue, keyframes: V_1 | GenericKeyframesTarget, options?: ValueAnimationTransition | undefined): AnimationPlaybackControls; (value: ElementOrSelector, keyframes: DOMKeyframesDefinition, options?: DynamicAnimationOptions): AnimationPlaybackControls; (sequence: AnimationSequence, options?: SequenceOptions): AnimationPlaybackControls; }; interface ScrollOptions { source?: Element; axis?: "x" | "y"; } declare type OnScroll = (progress: number) => void; interface AxisScrollInfo { current: number; offset: number[]; progress: number; scrollLength: number; velocity: number; targetOffset: number; targetLength: number; containerLength: number; interpolatorOffsets?: number[]; interpolate?: EasingFunction; } interface ScrollInfo { time: number; x: AxisScrollInfo; y: AxisScrollInfo; } declare type OnScrollInfo = (info: ScrollInfo) => void; declare type SupportedEdgeUnit = "px" | "vw" | "vh" | "%"; declare type EdgeUnit = `${number}${SupportedEdgeUnit}`; declare type NamedEdges = "start" | "end" | "center"; declare type EdgeString = NamedEdges | EdgeUnit | `${number}`; declare type Edge = EdgeString | number; declare type ProgressIntersection = [number, number]; declare type Intersection = `${Edge} ${Edge}`; declare type ScrollOffset = Array; interface ScrollInfoOptions { container?: HTMLElement; target?: Element; axis?: "x" | "y"; offset?: ScrollOffset; smooth?: number; } declare class GroupPlaybackControls implements AnimationPlaybackControls { animations: AnimationPlaybackControls[]; constructor(animations: Array); then(onResolve: VoidFunction, onReject?: VoidFunction): Promise; /** * TODO: Filter out cancelled or stopped animations before returning */ private getAll; private setAll; attachTimeline(timeline: any): () => void; get time(): number; set time(time: number); get speed(): number; set speed(speed: number); get duration(): number; private runAll; play(): void; pause(): void; stop(): void; cancel(): void; complete(): void; } declare class ScrollTimeline implements ProgressTimeline { constructor(options: ScrollOptions); currentTime: null | { value: number; }; cancel?: VoidFunction; } declare global { interface Window { ScrollTimeline: ScrollTimeline; } } declare function scroll(onScroll: OnScroll | GroupPlaybackControls, options?: ScrollOptions): VoidFunction; declare function scrollInfo(onScroll: OnScrollInfo, { container, ...options }?: ScrollInfoOptions): () => void; declare type ViewChangeHandler = (entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void; interface InViewOptions { root?: Element | Document; margin?: string; amount?: "some" | "all" | number; } declare function inView(elementOrSelector: ElementOrSelector, onStart: (entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void | ViewChangeHandler, { root, margin: rootMargin, amount }?: InViewOptions): VoidFunction; declare const anticipate: (p: number) => number; declare const backOut: (t: number) => number; declare const backIn: EasingFunction; declare const backInOut: EasingFunction; declare const circIn: EasingFunction; declare const circOut: EasingFunction; declare const circInOut: EasingFunction; declare const easeIn: (t: number) => number; declare const easeOut: (t: number) => number; declare const easeInOut: (t: number) => number; declare function cubicBezier(mX1: number, mY1: number, mX2: number, mY2: number): (t: number) => number; declare const mirrorEasing: EasingModifier; declare const reverseEasing: EasingModifier; declare type StaggerOrigin = "first" | "last" | "center" | number; declare type StaggerOptions = { startDelay?: number; from?: StaggerOrigin; ease?: Easing; }; declare function stagger(duration?: number, { startDelay, from, ease }?: StaggerOptions): DynamicOption; /** * @public */ interface TransformOptions { /** * Clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true` * * @public */ clamp?: boolean; /** * Easing functions to use on the interpolations between each value in the input and output ranges. * * If provided as an array, the array must be one item shorter than the input and output ranges, as the easings apply to the transition **between** each. * * @public */ ease?: EasingFunction | EasingFunction[]; /** * Provide a function that can interpolate between any two values in the provided range. * * @public */ mixer?: (from: T, to: T) => (v: number) => any; } /** * Transforms numbers into other values by mapping them from an input range to an output range. * Returns the type of the input provided. * * @remarks * * Given an input range of `[0, 200]` and an output range of * `[0, 1]`, this function will return a value between `0` and `1`. * The input range must be a linear series of numbers. The output range * can be any supported value type, such as numbers, colors, shadows, arrays, objects and more. * Every value in the output range must be of the same type and in the same format. * * ```jsx * import * as React from "react" * import { transform } from "framer-motion" * * export function MyComponent() { * const inputRange = [0, 200] * const outputRange = [0, 1] * const output = transform(100, inputRange, outputRange) * * // Returns 0.5 * return
* } * ``` * * @param inputValue - A number to transform between the input and output ranges. * @param inputRange - A linear series of numbers (either all increasing or decreasing). * @param outputRange - A series of numbers, colors, strings, or arrays/objects of those. Must be the same length as `inputRange`. * @param options - Clamp: Clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`. * * @public */ declare function transform(inputValue: number, inputRange: number[], outputRange: T[], options?: TransformOptions): T; /** * * Transforms numbers into other values by mapping them from an input range to an output range. * * Given an input range of `[0, 200]` and an output range of * `[0, 1]`, this function will return a value between `0` and `1`. * The input range must be a linear series of numbers. The output range * can be any supported value type, such as numbers, colors, shadows, arrays, objects and more. * Every value in the output range must be of the same type and in the same format. * * ```jsx * import * as React from "react" * import { Frame, transform } from "framer" * * export function MyComponent() { * const inputRange = [-200, -100, 100, 200] * const outputRange = [0, 1, 1, 0] * const convertRange = transform(inputRange, outputRange) * const output = convertRange(-150) * * // Returns 0.5 * return
* } * * ``` * * @param inputRange - A linear series of numbers (either all increasing or decreasing). * @param outputRange - A series of numbers, colors or strings. Must be the same length as `inputRange`. * @param options - Clamp: clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`. * * @public */ declare function transform(inputRange: number[], outputRange: T[], options?: TransformOptions): (inputValue: number) => T; declare const clamp: (min: number, max: number, v: number) => number; declare type DelayedFunction = (overshoot: number) => void; /** * Timeout defined in ms */ declare function delay(callback: DelayedFunction, timeout: number): () => void; declare const distance: (a: number, b: number) => number; declare function distance2D(a: Point, b: Point): number; declare type DevMessage = (check: boolean, message: string) => void; declare let warning: DevMessage; declare let invariant: DevMessage; declare type Mix = (v: number) => T; declare type MixerFactory = (from: T, to: T) => Mix; interface InterpolateOptions { clamp?: boolean; ease?: EasingFunction | EasingFunction[]; mixer?: MixerFactory; } /** * Create a function that maps from a numerical input array to a generic output array. * * Accepts: * - Numbers * - Colors (hex, hsl, hsla, rgb, rgba) * - Complex (combinations of one or more numbers or strings) * * ```jsx * const mixColor = interpolate([0, 1], ['#fff', '#000']) * * mixColor(0.5) // 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)' * ``` * * TODO Revist this approach once we've moved to data models for values, * probably not needed to pregenerate mixer functions. * * @public */ declare function interpolate(input: number[], output: T[], { clamp: isClamp, ease, mixer }?: InterpolateOptions): (v: number) => T; declare const mix: (from: number, to: number, progress: number) => number; declare const pipe: (...transformers: Function[]) => Function; declare const progress: (from: number, to: number, value: number) => number; declare const wrap: (min: number, max: number, v: number) => number; declare const frame: Batcher; declare const cancelFrame: (process: Process) => void; declare const frameData: FrameData; declare const steps: Steps; /** * @deprecated * * Import as `frame` instead. */ declare const sync: Batcher; /** * @deprecated * * Use cancelFrame(callback) instead. */ declare const cancelSync: {}; export { DelayedFunction, DevMessage, InterpolateOptions, MixerFactory, MotionValue, PassiveEffect, Subscriber, animate, anticipate, backIn, backInOut, backOut, cancelFrame, cancelSync, circIn, circInOut, circOut, clamp, createScopedAnimate, cubicBezier, delay, distance, distance2D, easeIn, easeInOut, easeOut, frame, frameData, inView, interpolate, invariant, mirrorEasing, mix, motionValue, pipe, progress, reverseEasing, scroll, scrollInfo, stagger, steps, sync, transform, warning, wrap };