/** * @fileoverview Enforce the use of the 'onChange' or 'readonly' attribute when 'checked' is used' * @author Jaesoekjjang */ 'use strict'; const ASTUtils = require('jsx-ast-utils'); const flatMap = require('array.prototype.flatmap'); const isCreateElement = require('../util/isCreateElement'); const report = require('../util/report'); const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl'); const messages = { missingProperty: '`checked` should be used with either `onChange` or `readOnly`.', exclusiveCheckedAttribute: 'Use either `checked` or `defaultChecked`, but not both.', }; const targetPropSet = new Set(['checked', 'onChange', 'readOnly', 'defaultChecked']); const defaultOptions = { ignoreMissingProperties: false, ignoreExclusiveCheckedAttribute: false, }; /** * @param {string[]} properties * @param {string} keyName * @returns {Set} */ function extractTargetProps(properties, keyName) { return new Set( flatMap( properties, (prop) => ( prop[keyName] && targetPropSet.has(prop[keyName].name) ? [prop[keyName].name] : [] ) ) ); } module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: 'Enforce using `onChange` or `readonly` attribute when `checked` is used', category: 'Best Practices', recommended: false, url: docsUrl('checked-requires-onchange-or-readonly'), }, messages, schema: [{ additionalProperties: false, properties: { ignoreMissingProperties: { type: 'boolean', }, ignoreExclusiveCheckedAttribute: { type: 'boolean', }, }, }], }, create(context) { const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, context.options[0]); function reportMissingProperty(node) { report( context, messages.missingProperty, 'missingProperty', { node } ); } function reportExclusiveCheckedAttribute(node) { report( context, messages.exclusiveCheckedAttribute, 'exclusiveCheckedAttribute', { node } ); } /** * @param {ASTNode} node * @param {Set} propSet * @returns {void} */ const checkAttributesAndReport = (node, propSet) => { if (!propSet.has('checked')) { return; } if (!options.ignoreExclusiveCheckedAttribute && propSet.has('defaultChecked')) { reportExclusiveCheckedAttribute(node); } if ( !options.ignoreMissingProperties && !(propSet.has('onChange') || propSet.has('readOnly')) ) { reportMissingProperty(node); } }; return { JSXOpeningElement(node) { if (ASTUtils.elementType(node) !== 'input') { return; } const propSet = extractTargetProps(node.attributes, 'name'); checkAttributesAndReport(node, propSet); }, CallExpression(node) { if (!isCreateElement(node, context)) { return; } const firstArg = node.arguments[0]; const secondArg = node.arguments[1]; if ( !firstArg || firstArg.type !== 'Literal' || firstArg.value !== 'input' ) { return; } if (!secondArg || secondArg.type !== 'ObjectExpression') { return; } const propSet = extractTargetProps(secondArg.properties, 'key'); checkAttributesAndReport(node, propSet); }, }; }, };