import { colorAttributes, rgbAnsi } from "components/apps/Terminal/color"; import { commands as gitCommands } from "components/apps/Terminal/processGit"; import type { LocalEcho } from "components/apps/Terminal/types"; import processDirectory from "contexts/process/directory"; import { ONE_DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS } from "utils/constants"; export const help = ( localEcho: LocalEcho, commandList: Record, aliasList?: Record ): void => { Object.entries(commandList).forEach(([command, description]) => { localEcho?.println(`${command.padEnd(14)} ${description}`); }); if (aliasList) { localEcho?.println("\r\nAliases:\r\n"); Object.entries(aliasList).forEach(([baseCommand, aliasCommands]) => { aliasCommands.forEach((aliasCommand) => { localEcho?.println( `${aliasCommand.padEnd(14)} ${commandList[baseCommand]}` ); }); }); } }; export const commands: Record = { cd: "Changes the current directory.", clear: "Clears the screen.", color: "Specifies color attribute of console output.", copy: "Copies a file to another location.", date: "Displays the date.", del: "Deletes a file.", dir: "Displays list of entries in current directory.", echo: "Displays messages that are passed to it.", exit: "Quits the command interpreter.", ffmpeg: "Convert audio or video file to another format.", file: "Detects the MIME type of the file.", find: "Searches for a text string in a file or files.", git: "Read from git repositories.", help: "Provides Help information for commands.", history: "Displays command history list.", imagemagick: "Convert an image file to another format.", ipconfig: "Displays current IP.", license: "Displays license.", md: "Creates a directory.", mount: "Mounts a local file system directory.", move: "Moves file or directory.", neofetch: "Displays system information.", pwd: "Prints the working directory.", python: "Run code through Python interpreter.", rd: "Removes a directory.", ren: "Renames a file or directory.", rm: "Removes a file or directory.", sheep: "Spawn a new sheep", shutdown: "Allows proper local shutdown of machine.", taskkill: "Kill or stop a running process or application.", tasklist: "Displays all currently running processes.", time: "Displays the system time.", title: "Sets the window title for the command interpreter.", touch: "Create empty file.", type: "Displays the contents of a file.", uptime: "Display the current uptime of the local system.", ver: "Displays the system version.", wapm: "Run universal Wasm binaries.", weather: "Weather forecast service", whoami: "Displays user information.", xlsx: "Convert a spreadsheet file to another format.", }; export const aliases: Record = { cd: ["chdir"], clear: ["cls"], copy: ["cp"], del: ["erase"], dir: ["ls"], exit: ["quit"], find: ["search"], git: ["isogit"], ipconfig: ["ifconfig", "whatsmyip"], md: ["mkdir"], move: ["mv"], neofetch: ["systeminfo"], python: ["py"], rd: ["rmdir"], ren: ["rename"], sheep: ["esheep"], shutdown: ["logout", "restart"], taskkill: ["kill"], tasklist: ["ps"], type: ["cat"], ver: ["version"], wapm: ["wax"], weather: ["wttr"], }; const directoryCommands = new Set([ "cat", "cd", "chdir", "copy", "cp", "del", "dir", "erase", "ffmpeg", "file", "imagemagick", "ls", "md", "mkdir", "move", "mv", "rd", "ren", "rename", "rm", "rmdir", "touch", "type", "vim", "xlsx", ]); export const unknownCommand = (baseCommand: string): string => `'${baseCommand}' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`; export const autoComplete = ( directory: string[], localEcho: LocalEcho ): void => { const { _autocompleteHandlers: handlers } = localEcho; handlers.forEach(({ fn }) => localEcho.removeAutocompleteHandler(fn)); localEcho.addAutocompleteHandler((index: number, [command]): string[] => { if (index === 0) { return [...Object.keys(commands),]; } if (index === 1) { const lowerCommand = command.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCommand === "git") return Object.keys(gitCommands); if (directoryCommands.has(lowerCommand)) return directory; const lowerProcesses = Object.keys(processDirectory).map((pid) => pid.toLowerCase() ); if (lowerProcesses.includes(lowerCommand)) return directory; } return []; }); }; export const parseCommand = (commandString: string): string[] => { let readingQuotedArg = false; let currentArg = ""; const addArg = (acc: string[]): void => { if (currentArg) acc.push(currentArg); currentArg = ""; }; const parsedCommand = [...commandString].reduce((acc, char) => { if (char === " " && !readingQuotedArg) addArg(acc); else if (char === '"') { readingQuotedArg = !readingQuotedArg; if (!readingQuotedArg) addArg(acc); } else { currentArg += char; } return acc; }, []); return currentArg ? [...parsedCommand, currentArg] : parsedCommand; }; export const printTable = ( headers: [string, number, boolean?, ((value: string) => string)?][], data: string[][], localEcho?: LocalEcho, hideHeader?: boolean, paddingCharacter = "=" ): void => { if (!hideHeader) { const header = headers .map(([key, padding]) => key.padEnd(padding, " ")) .join(" "); const divider = headers .map(([, padding]) => paddingCharacter.repeat(padding)) .join(" "); localEcho?.println(header); localEcho?.println(divider); } const content = => row .map((rowData, index) => { const [, padding, alignRight, modifier] = headers[index]; let trunctatedText = index === row.length - 1 ? rowData : rowData.slice(0, padding); if (modifier) trunctatedText = modifier(trunctatedText); return alignRight ? trunctatedText.padStart(padding, " ") : trunctatedText.padEnd(padding, " "); }) .join(" ") ); if (content.length > 0) content.forEach((entry) => localEcho?.println(entry)); }; export const getFreeSpace = async (): Promise => { const { quota = 0, usage = 0 } = (await || {}; if (quota === 0) return ""; return ` ${(quota - usage).toLocaleString()} bytes`; }; export const getUptime = (isShort = false): string => { if (window.performance) { const [{ duration }] = window.performance.getEntriesByType("navigation"); const bootTime = window.performance.timeOrigin + duration; const uptimeInMilliseconds = Math.ceil( - bootTime); const days = Math.floor(uptimeInMilliseconds / ONE_DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS); const uptime = new Date(uptimeInMilliseconds); const hours = uptime.getUTCHours(); const mins = uptime.getUTCMinutes(); const secs = uptime.getUTCSeconds(); return [ ...(days ? [`${days} day${days === 1 ? "" : "s"}`] : []), ...(hours ? [`${hours} hour${hours === 1 ? "" : "s"}`] : []), ...(mins ? [`${mins} ${isShort ? "min" : "minute"}${mins === 1 ? "" : "s"}`] : []), ...(secs ? [`${secs} ${isShort ? "sec" : "second"}${secs === 1 ? "" : "s"}`] : []), ].join(", "); } return "Unknown"; }; export const printColor = ( colorIndex: number | string, colorOutput?: string[] ): string => `${rgbAnsi(...colorAttributes[colorIndex].rgb, true)}${rgbAnsi( ...colorAttributes[colorIndex].rgb )}|||${ colorOutput?.join("") || `${rgbAnsi(...colorAttributes[0].rgb, true)}${rgbAnsi( ...colorAttributes[7].rgb )}` }`;