
3794 lines
132 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-09-06 15:32:35 +00:00
"use strict"
function bufferID_to_assetID( id )
if( id===0 ) return '4dXGR8';
if( id===1 ) return 'XsXGR8';
if( id===2 ) return '4sXGR8';
if( id===3 ) return 'XdfGR8';
return 'none';
function assetID_to_bufferID( id )
if( id==='4dXGR8' ) return 0;
if( id==='XsXGR8' ) return 1;
if( id==='4sXGR8' ) return 2;
if( id==='XdfGR8' ) return 3;
return -1;
function assetID_to_cubemapBuferID( id )
if( id==='4dX3Rr' ) return 0;
return -1;
function cubamepBufferID_to_assetID( id )
if( id===0 ) return '4dX3Rr';
return 'none';
function EffectPass( renderer, is20, isLowEnd, hasShaderTextureLOD, callback, obj, forceMuted, forcePaused, outputGainNode, copyProgram, id, effect )
this.mID = id;
this.mInputs = [null, null, null, null ];
this.mOutputs = [null, null, null, null ];
this.mSource = null;
this.mGainNode = outputGainNode;
this.mSoundShaderCompiled = false;
this.mEffect = effect;
this.mRenderer = renderer;
this.mProgramCopy = copyProgram;
this.mCompilationTime = 0;
this.mType = "none";
this.mName = "none";
this.mFrame = 0;
this.mShaderTextureLOD = hasShaderTextureLOD;
this.mIs20 = is20;
this.mIsLowEnd = isLowEnd;
this.mTextureCallbackFun = callback;
this.mTextureCallbackObj = obj;
this.mForceMuted = forceMuted;
this.mForcePaused = forcePaused;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Image = function()
let header = "";
header += "#define HW_PERFORMANCE " + ((this.mIsLowEnd===true)?"0":"1") + "\n";
header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" +
"uniform float iTime;\n" +
"uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" +
"uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" +
"uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform float iSampleRate;\n" +
"uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n" +
"uniform int iFrame;\n" +
"uniform float iTimeDelta;\n" +
"uniform float iFrameRate;\n";
for( let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
// old API
if( inp===null ) header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" ) header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" ) header += "uniform sampler3D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
// new API (see
header += "uniform struct {\n";
if( inp===null ) header += " sampler2D";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" ) header += " samplerCube";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" ) header += " sampler3D";
else header += " sampler2D";
header += " sampler;\n";
header += " vec3 size;\n";
header += " float time;\n";
header += " int loaded;\n";
header += "}iCh" + i + ";\n";
header += "void mainImage( out vec4 c, in vec2 f );\n";
header += "void st_assert( bool cond );\n";
header += "void st_assert( bool cond, int v );\n";
if( this.mIs20 )
header += "\nout vec4 shadertoy_out_color;\n" +
"void st_assert( bool cond, int v ) {if(!cond){if(v==0)shadertoy_out_color.x=-1.0;else if(v==1)shadertoy_out_color.y=-1.0;else if(v==2)shadertoy_out_color.z=-1.0;else shadertoy_out_color.w=-1.0;}}\n" +
"void st_assert( bool cond ) {if(!cond)shadertoy_out_color.x=-1.0;}\n" +
"void main( void )" +
"{" +
"shadertoy_out_color = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"mainImage( color, gl_FragCoord.xy );" +
"if(shadertoy_out_color.x<0.0) color=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"if(shadertoy_out_color.y<0.0) color=vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"if(shadertoy_out_color.z<0.0) color=vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);" +
"if(shadertoy_out_color.w<0.0) color=vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"shadertoy_out_color = vec4(,1.0);" +
header += "" +
"void st_assert( bool cond, int v ) {if(!cond){if(v==0)gl_FragColor.x=-1.0;else if(v==1)gl_FragColor.y=-1.0;else if(v==2)gl_FragColor.z=-1.0;else gl_FragColor.w=-1.0;}}\n" +
"void st_assert( bool cond ) {if(!cond)gl_FragColor.x=-1.0;}\n" +
"void main( void )" +
"{" +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"mainImage( color, gl_FragCoord.xy );" +
"color.w = 1.0;" +
"if(gl_FragColor.w<0.0) color=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"if(gl_FragColor.x<0.0) color=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"if(gl_FragColor.y<0.0) color=vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"if(gl_FragColor.z<0.0) color=vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);" +
"if(gl_FragColor.w<0.0) color=vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(,1.0);"+
header += "\n";
this.mImagePassFooterVR = "\n" +
"uniform vec4 unViewport;\n" +
"uniform vec3 unCorners[5];\n";
if( this.mIs20 )
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "\nout vec4 outColor;\n";
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "void main( void )" +
"{" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"vec3 ro = unCorners[4];" +
"vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - unViewport.xy)/;" +
"vec3 rd = normalize( mix( mix( unCorners[0], unCorners[1], uv.x )," +
"mix( unCorners[3], unCorners[2], uv.x ), uv.y ) - ro);" +
"mainVR( color, gl_FragCoord.xy-unViewport.xy, ro, rd );" +
"color.w = 1.0;"
if( this.mIs20 )
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "outColor = color;}";
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "gl_FragColor = color;}";
this.mHeader = header;
this.mHeaderLength = 0;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Buffer = function()
let header = "";
header += "#define HW_PERFORMANCE " + ((this.mIsLowEnd===true)?"0":"1") + "\n";
header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" +
"uniform float iTime;\n" +
"uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" +
"uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" +
"uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform float iSampleRate;\n" +
"uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n" +
"uniform int iFrame;\n" +
"uniform float iTimeDelta;\n" +
"uniform float iFrameRate;\n";
for (let i = 0; i < this.mInputs.length; i++)
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null ) header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" ) header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" ) header += "uniform sampler3D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
header += "void mainImage( out vec4 c, in vec2 f );\n"
if( this.mIs20 )
header += "\nout vec4 outColor;\n";
header += "\nvoid main( void )\n" +
"{" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"mainImage( color, gl_FragCoord.xy );";
if( this.mIs20 )
header +="outColor = color; }";
header +="gl_FragColor = color; }";
header += "\n";
this.mImagePassFooterVR = "\n" +
"uniform vec4 unViewport;\n" +
"uniform vec3 unCorners[5];\n";
if( this.mIs20 )
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "\nout vec4 outColor;\n";
this.mImagePassFooterVR += "\nvoid main( void )\n" +
"{" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"vec3 ro = unCorners[4];" +
"vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - unViewport.xy)/;" +
"vec3 rd = normalize( mix( mix( unCorners[0], unCorners[1], uv.x )," +
"mix( unCorners[3], unCorners[2], uv.x ), uv.y ) - ro);" +
"mainVR( color, gl_FragCoord.xy-unViewport.xy, ro, rd );";
if( this.mIs20 )
this.mImagePassFooterVR +="outColor = color; }";
this.mImagePassFooterVR +="gl_FragColor = color; }";
this.mHeader = header;
this.mHeaderLength = 0;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Cubemap = function()
let header = "";
header += "#define HW_PERFORMANCE " + ((this.mIsLowEnd===true)?"0":"1") + "\n";
header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" +
"uniform float iTime;\n" +
"uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" +
"uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" +
"uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform float iSampleRate;\n" +
"uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n" +
"uniform int iFrame;\n" +
"uniform float iTimeDelta;\n" +
"uniform float iFrameRate;\n";
for (let i = 0; i < this.mInputs.length; i++)
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null ) header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" ) header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" ) header += "uniform sampler3D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
else header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
header += "void mainCubemap( out vec4 c, in vec2 f, in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd );\n"
header += "\n" +
"uniform vec4 unViewport;\n" +
"uniform vec3 unCorners[5];\n";
if( this.mIs20 )
header += "\nout vec4 outColor;\n";
header += "\nvoid main( void )\n" +
"{" +
"vec4 color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);" +
"vec3 ro = unCorners[4];" +
"vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - unViewport.xy)/;" +
"vec3 rd = normalize( mix( mix( unCorners[0], unCorners[1], uv.x )," +
"mix( unCorners[3], unCorners[2], uv.x ), uv.y ) - ro);" +
"mainCubemap( color, gl_FragCoord.xy-unViewport.xy, ro, rd );";
if( this.mIs20 )
header +="outColor = color; }";
header +="gl_FragColor = color; }";
header += "\n";
this.mHeader = header;
this.mHeaderLength = 0;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Sound = function()
let header = "";
header += "#define HW_PERFORMANCE " + ((this.mIsLowEnd===true)?"0":"1") + "\n";
header += "uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" +
"uniform float iTimeOffset;\n" +
"uniform int iSampleOffset;\n" +
"uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform float iSampleRate;\n" +
"uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n";
for (let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp!==null && inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n";
header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
header += "\n";
header += "vec2 mainSound( in int samp, float time );\n";
if( this.mIs20 )
header += "out vec4 outColor; void main()" +
"{" +
"float t = iTimeOffset + ((gl_FragCoord.x-0.5) + (gl_FragCoord.y-0.5)*512.0)/iSampleRate;" +
"int s = iSampleOffset + int(gl_FragCoord.y-0.2)*512 + int(gl_FragCoord.x-0.2);" +
"vec2 y = mainSound( s, t );" +
"vec2 v = floor((0.5+0.5*y)*65536.0);" +
"vec2 vl = mod(v,256.0)/255.0;" +
"vec2 vh = floor(v/256.0)/255.0;" +
"outColor = vec4(vl.x,vh.x,vl.y,vh.y);" +
header += "void main()" +
"{" +
"float t = iTimeOffset + ((gl_FragCoord.x-0.5) + (gl_FragCoord.y-0.5)*512.0)/iSampleRate;" +
"vec2 y = mainSound( 0, t );" +
"vec2 v = floor((0.5+0.5*y)*65536.0);" +
"vec2 vl = mod(v,256.0)/255.0;" +
"vec2 vh = floor(v/256.0)/255.0;" +
"gl_FragColor = vec4(vl.x,vh.x,vl.y,vh.y);" +
header += "\n";
this.mHeader = header;
this.mHeaderLength = 0;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader_Common = function ()
let header = "";
let headerlength = 0;
header += "uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform float iSampleRate;\n";
headerlength += 2;
if (this.mIs20)
header += "out vec4 outColor;\n";
headerlength += 1;
header += "void main( void )\n";
headerlength += 1;
if (this.mIs20)
header += "{ outColor = vec4(0.0); }";
header += "{ gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0); }";
headerlength += 1;
header += "\n";
headerlength += 1;
this.mHeader = header;
this.mHeaderLength = headerlength;
EffectPass.prototype.MakeHeader = function()
if( this.mType==="image" ) this.MakeHeader_Image();
else if( this.mType==="sound" ) this.MakeHeader_Sound();
else if( this.mType==="buffer") this.MakeHeader_Buffer();
else if( this.mType==="common") this.MakeHeader_Common();
else if( this.mType==="cubemap") this.MakeHeader_Cubemap();
else console.log("ERROR 4");
EffectPass.prototype.Create_Image = function( wa )
this.mSampleRate = 44100;
this.mSupportsVR = false;
this.mProgram = null;
this.mError = false;
this.mErrorStr = "";
this.mTranslatedSource = null;
//this.mProgramVR = null;
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy_Image = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.Create_Buffer = function( wa )
this.mSampleRate = 44100;
this.mSupportsVR = false;
this.mProgram = null;
this.mError = false;
this.mErrorStr = "";
this.mTranslatedSource = null;
//this.mProgramVR = null;
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy_Buffer = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.Create_Cubemap = function( wa )
this.mSampleRate = 44100;
this.mProgram = null;
this.mError = false;
this.mErrorStr = "";
this.mTranslatedSource = null;
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy_Cubemap = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.Create_Common = function( wa )
this.mProgram = null;
this.mError = false;
this.mErrorStr = "";
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy_Common = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.Create_Sound = function (wa)
this.mProgram = null;
this.mError = false;
this.mErrorStr = "";
this.mTranslatedSource = null;
this.mSampleRate = 44100;
this.mPlayTime = 60*3;
this.mPlaySamples = this.mPlayTime*this.mSampleRate;
this.mBuffer = wa.createBuffer( 2, this.mPlaySamples, this.mSampleRate );
this.mTextureDimensions = 512;
this.mRenderTexture = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture(this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.T2D,
this.mTextureDimensions, this.mTextureDimensions,
this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP, null);
this.mRenderFBO = this.mRenderer.CreateRenderTarget(this.mRenderTexture, null, null, null, null, false);
// ArrayBufferView pixels;
this.mTmpBufferSamples = this.mTextureDimensions*this.mTextureDimensions;
this.mData = new Uint8Array( this.mTmpBufferSamples*4 );
this.mPlaying = false;
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy_Sound = function( wa )
if( this.mPlayNode!==null ) this.mPlayNode.stop();
this.mPlayNode = null;
this.mBuffer = null;
this.mData = null;
EffectPass.prototype.Create = function( passType, wa )
this.mType = passType;
this.mSource = null;
if( passType==="image" ) this.Create_Image( wa );
else if( passType==="sound" ) this.Create_Sound( wa );
else if( passType==="buffer") this.Create_Buffer( wa );
else if( passType==="common") this.Create_Common( wa );
else if( passType==="cubemap") this.Create_Cubemap( wa );
else alert("ERROR 1");
EffectPass.prototype.SetName = function (passName)
this.mName = passName;
EffectPass.prototype.SetCode = function (src)
this.mSource = src;
EffectPass.prototype.Destroy = function( wa )
this.mSource = null;
if( this.mType==="image" ) this.Destroy_Image( wa );
else if( this.mType==="sound" ) this.Destroy_Sound( wa );
else if( this.mType==="buffer") this.Destroy_Buffer( wa );
else if( this.mType==="common") this.Destroy_Common( wa );
else if( this.mType==="cubemap") this.Destroy_Cubemap( wa );
else alert("ERROR 2");
EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Sound = function( shaderCode, commonShaderCodes)
let vsSource = null;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSource = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
let fsSource = this.mHeader;
for( let i=0; i<commonShaderCodes.length; i++ )
fsSource += commonShaderCodes[i]+'\n';
this.mHeaderLength = fsSource.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length;
fsSource += shaderCode;
this.mSoundShaderCompiled = false;
return [vsSource, fsSource];
EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Image = function ( shaderCode, commonShaderCodes )
this.mSupportsVR = false;
let vsSource = null;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSource = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
let fsSource = this.mHeader;
for (let i = 0; i < commonShaderCodes.length; i++)
fsSource += commonShaderCodes[i]+'\n';
this.mHeaderLength = fsSource.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length;
fsSource += shaderCode;
return [vsSource, fsSource];
let n1 = shaderCode.indexOf("mainVR(");
let n2 = shaderCode.indexOf("mainVR (");
let n3 = shaderCode.indexOf("mainVR (");
if( n1>0 || n2>0 || n3>0 )
let vsSourceVR;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSourceVR = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
vsSourceVR = "attribute in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
let fsSourceVR = this.mHeader;
for (let i = 0; i < commonShaderCodes.length; i++) {
fsSourceVR += commonShaderCodes[i];
fsSourceVR += shaderCode;
fsSourceVR += this.mImagePassFooterVR;
let res = this.mRenderer.CreateShader(vsSource, fsSourceVR, preventCache);
if( res.mResult == false )
return res.mInfo;
if( this.mProgramVR != null )
this.mRenderer.DestroyShader( this.mProgramVR );
this.mSupportsVR = true;
this.mProgramVR = res;
EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Cubemap = function( shaderCode, commonShaderCodes )
let vsSource = null;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSource = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
let fsSource = this.mHeader;
for (let i = 0; i < commonShaderCodes.length; i++)
fsSource += commonShaderCodes[i]+'\n';
this.mHeaderLength = fsSource.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length;
fsSource += shaderCode;
return [vsSource, fsSource];
EffectPass.prototype.NewShader_Common = function (shaderCode )
let vsSource = null;
if (this.mIs20)
vsSource = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
vsSource = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
let fsSource = this.mHeader + shaderCode;
return [vsSource, fsSource];
EffectPass.prototype.NewShader = function ( commonSourceCodes, preventCache, onResolve)
if( this.mRenderer===null ) return;
let vs_fs = null;
if( this.mType==="sound" ) vs_fs = this.NewShader_Sound( this.mSource, commonSourceCodes );
else if( this.mType==="image" ) vs_fs = this.NewShader_Image( this.mSource, commonSourceCodes );
else if( this.mType==="buffer" ) vs_fs = this.NewShader_Image( this.mSource, commonSourceCodes );
else if( this.mType==="common" ) vs_fs = this.NewShader_Common( this.mSource, );
else if( this.mType==="cubemap") vs_fs = this.NewShader_Cubemap( this.mSource, commonSourceCodes );
else { console.log("ERROR 3: \"" + this.mType + "\""); return; }
let me = this;
this.mRenderer.CreateShader(vs_fs[0], vs_fs[1], preventCache, false,
function (worked, info)
if (worked === true)
if (me.mType === "sound")
me.mSoundShaderCompiled = true;
me.mCompilationTime = info.mTime;
me.mError = false;
me.mErrorStr = "No Errors";
if (me.mProgram !== null)
me.mTranslatedSource = me.mRenderer.GetTranslatedShaderSource(info);
me.mProgram = info;
me.mError = true;
me.mErrorStr = info.mErrorStr;
EffectPass.prototype.DestroyInput = function( id )
if( this.mInputs[id]===null ) return;
if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="texture" )
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="volume" )
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="webcam" )
this.mInputs[id].video.src = "";
if( this.mInputs[id].video.srcObject!==null )
let tracks = this.mInputs[id].video.srcObject.getVideoTracks();
if( tracks ) tracks[0].stop();
this.mInputs[id].video = null;
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="video" )
this.mInputs[id].video = null;
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="music" || this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
this.mInputs[id].audio.mSound.mFreqData = null;
this.mInputs[id].audio.mSound.mWaveData = null;
this.mInputs[id].audio = null;
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
//if( this.mInputs[id].globject != null )
// this.mRenderer.DestroyTexture(this.mInputs[id].globject);
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType==="mic" )
this.mInputs[id].mic = null;
if( this.mInputs[id].globject !== null )
this.mInputs[id] = null;
EffectPass.prototype.TooglePauseInput = function( wa, id )
var me = this;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( )
{; = false;
{; = true;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
if( )
if( inp.loaded )
} = false;
{; = true;
return null;
EffectPass.prototype.StopInput = function( id )
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( === false )
{; = true;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( === false )
{; = true;
return null;
EffectPass.prototype.ResumeInput = function( id )
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( )
{; = false;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( )
{; = false;
return null;
EffectPass.prototype.RewindInput = function( wa, id )
var me = this;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp==null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( inp.loaded )
{ = 0;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
if( inp.loaded )
{ = 0;
EffectPass.prototype.MuteInput = function( wa, id )
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null ) return;
if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
{ = true; = true;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
if (wa !== null) = 0.0; = true;
EffectPass.prototype.UnMuteInput = function( wa, id )
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null ) return;
if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
{ = false; = false;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
if (wa !== null) = 1.0; = false;
EffectPass.prototype.ToggleMuteInput = function( wa, id )
var me = this;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null ) return null;
if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( ) this.UnMuteInput(wa,id);
else this.MuteInput(wa,id);
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream")
if( ) this.UnMuteInput(wa,id);
else this.MuteInput(wa,id);
return null;
EffectPass.prototype.UpdateInputs = function( wa, forceUpdate, keyboard )
for (let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null )
if( forceUpdate )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, null, false, 0, 0, -1.0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
if( inp.loaded && forceUpdate )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.image, true, 1, 1, -1.0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
if( inp.loaded && forceUpdate )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.mPreview, true, 1, 1, -1.0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
if( inp.loaded && forceUpdate )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
let img = (assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(inp.mInfo.mID)===-1) ? inp.image[0] : inp.mImage;
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, img, true, 2, 1, -1.0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {mImage:keyboard.mIcon,mData:keyboard.mData}, false, 6, 0, -1.0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( === )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i,, false, 3, 1, -1, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( inp.loaded && === false && === false )
if( wa !== null )
{ ); );
if (this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null)
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "music") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave:(wa==null)?}, false, 4, 1,, this.mID);
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "musicstream") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave:(wa==null)?, info:}, false, 8, 1,, this.mID);
else if( inp.loaded===false )
if (this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null)
this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave:null}, false, 4, 0, -1.0, this.mID);
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="mic" )
if( inp.loaded && inp.mForceMuted === false )
if( wa !== null )
inp.mAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData( inp.mFreqData );
inp.mAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData( inp.mWaveData );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave: ((wa==null)?null:inp.mFreqData) }, false, 5, 1, 0, this.mID );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="buffer" )
if( inp.loaded && forceUpdate )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {texture:inp.image, data:null}, true, 9, 1, -1.0, this.mID );
EffectPass.prototype.Sampler2Renderer = function (sampler)
let filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (sampler.filter === "linear") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
if (sampler.filter === "mipmap") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
let wrap = this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.REPEAT;
if (sampler.wrap === "clamp") wrap = this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP;
let vflip = false;
if (sampler.vflip === "true") vflip = true;
return { mFilter: filter, mWrap: wrap, mVFlip: vflip };
EffectPass.prototype.GetSamplerVFlip = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
return inp.mInfo.mSampler.vflip;
EffectPass.prototype.GetTranslatedShaderSource = function ()
return this.mTranslatedSource;
EffectPass.prototype.SetSamplerVFlip = function (id, str)
var me = this;
var renderer = this.mRenderer;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
let filter = false;
if (str === "true") filter = true;
if (inp === null)
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerVFlip(inp.globject, filter, inp.image);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.vflip = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume")
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerVFlip(inp.globject, filter, inp.image);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.vflip = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerVFlip(inp.globject, filter, inp.image);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.vflip = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerVFlip(inp.globject, filter, null);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.vflip = str;
EffectPass.prototype.GetAcceptsVFlip = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if (inp === null) return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "music") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "musicstream") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "mic") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "keyboard") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer") return false;
return true;
EffectPass.prototype.GetSamplerFilter = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp===null) return;
return inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter;
EffectPass.prototype.SetSamplerFilter = function (id, str, buffers, cubeBuffers)
var me = this;
var renderer = this.mRenderer;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
let filter = renderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (str === "linear") filter = renderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
if (str === "mipmap") filter = renderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
if (inp === null)
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(inp.globject, filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(inp.globject, filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(inp.globject, filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap")
if (inp.loaded)
if( assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(inp.mInfo.mID)===0)
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(cubeBuffers[0].mTexture[0], filter, true);
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(cubeBuffers[0].mTexture[1], filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(inp.globject, filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(inp.globject, filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer")
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(buffers[].mTexture[0], filter, true);
renderer.SetSamplerFilter(buffers[].mTexture[1], filter, true);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "keyboard")
inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter = str;
EffectPass.prototype.GetAcceptsMipmapping = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if (inp === null) return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video") return this.mIs20;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam") return this.mIs20;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "music") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "musicstream") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "mic") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "keyboard") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer") return this.mIs20;
return false;
EffectPass.prototype.GetAcceptsLinear = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if (inp === null) return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "music") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "musicstream") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "mic") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "keyboard") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer") return true;
return false;
EffectPass.prototype.GetAcceptsWrapRepeat = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
if (inp === null) return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume") return true;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video") return this.mIs20;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam") return this.mIs20;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "music") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "musicstream") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "mic") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "keyboard") return false;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer") return this.mIs20;
return false;
EffectPass.prototype.GetSamplerWrap = function (id)
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
return inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap;
EffectPass.prototype.SetSamplerWrap = function (id, str, buffers)
var me = this;
var renderer = this.mRenderer;
let inp = this.mInputs[id];
let restr = renderer.TEXWRP.REPEAT;
if (str === "clamp") restr = renderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP;
if (inp === null)
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(inp.globject, restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "volume")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(inp.globject, restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "video")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(inp.globject, restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(inp.globject, restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "webcam")
if (inp.loaded)
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(inp.globject, restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
else if (inp.mInfo.mType === "buffer")
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(buffers[].mTexture[0], restr);
renderer.SetSamplerWrap(buffers[].mTexture[1], restr);
inp.mInfo.mSampler.wrap = str;
EffectPass.prototype.GetTexture = function( slot )
let inp = this.mInputs[slot];
if( inp===null ) return null;
return inp.mInfo;
EffectPass.prototype.SetOutputs = function( slot, id )
this.mOutputs[slot] = id;
EffectPass.prototype.SetOutputsByBufferID = function( slot, id )
if( this.mType==="buffer" )
this.mOutputs[slot] = bufferID_to_assetID( id );
this.mEffect.ResizeBuffer( id, this.mEffect.mXres, this.mEffect.mYres, false );
else if( this.mType==="cubemap" )
this.mOutputs[slot] = cubamepBufferID_to_assetID( id );
this.mEffect.ResizeCubemapBuffer(id, 1024, 1024 );
EffectPass.prototype.NewTexture = function( wa, slot, url, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard )
var me = this;
var renderer = this.mRenderer;
if( renderer===null ) return;
let texture = null;
if( url===null || url.mType===null )
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, null, true, 0, 0, -1.0, me.mID );
me.DestroyInput( slot );
me.mInputs[slot] = null;
return { mFailed:false, mNeedsShaderCompile:false };
else if( url.mType==="texture" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.image = new Image();
texture.image.crossOrigin = '';
texture.image.onload = function()
let rti = me.Sampler2Renderer(url.mSampler);
let channels = renderer.TEXFMT.C4I8;
if (url.mID === "Xdf3zn" || url.mID === "4sf3Rn" || url.mID === "4dXGzn" || url.mID === "4sf3Rr")
channels = renderer.TEXFMT.C1I8;
texture.globject = renderer.CreateTextureFromImage(renderer.TEXTYPE.T2D, texture.image, channels, rti.mFilter, rti.mWrap, rti.mVFlip);
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.image, true, 1, 1, -1.0, me.mID );
texture.image.src = url.mSrc;
let returnValue = { mFailed:false, mNeedsShaderCompile: (this.mInputs[slot]===null ) || (
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="texture") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="webcam") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="mic") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="music") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="musicstream") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="keyboard") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!=="video")) };
this.DestroyInput( slot );
this.mInputs[slot] = texture;
return returnValue;
else if( url.mType==="volume" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.mImage = { mData:null, mXres:1, mYres:0, mZres:0 };
texture.mPreview = new Image();
texture.mPreview.crossOrigin = '';
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if( xmlHttp===null ) return { mFailed:true };'GET', url.mSrc, true);
xmlHttp.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xmlHttp.onerror = function()
console.log( "Error 1 loading Volume" );
xmlHttp.onload = function()
let data = xmlHttp.response;
if (!data ) { console.log( "Error 2 loading Volume" ); return; }
let file = piFile(data);
let signature = file.ReadUInt32();
texture.mImage.mXres = file.ReadUInt32();
texture.mImage.mYres = file.ReadUInt32();
texture.mImage.mZres = file.ReadUInt32();
let binNumChannels = file.ReadUInt8();
let binLayout = file.ReadUInt8();
let binFormat = file.ReadUInt16();
let format = renderer.TEXFMT.C1I8;
if( binNumChannels===1 && binFormat===0 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C1I8;
else if( binNumChannels===2 && binFormat===0 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C2I8;
else if( binNumChannels===3 && binFormat===0 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C3I8;
else if( binNumChannels===4 && binFormat===0 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C4I8;
else if( binNumChannels===1 && binFormat===10 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C1F32;
else if( binNumChannels===2 && binFormat===10 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C2F32;
else if( binNumChannels===3 && binFormat===10 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C3F32;
else if( binNumChannels===4 && binFormat===10 ) format = renderer.TEXFMT.C4F32;
else return;
let buffer = new Uint8Array(data, 20); // skip 16 bytes (header of .bin)
let rti = me.Sampler2Renderer(url.mSampler);
texture.globject = renderer.CreateTexture(renderer.TEXTYPE.T3D, texture.mImage.mXres, texture.mImage.mYres, format, rti.mFilter, rti.mWrap, buffer);
if( texture.globject===null )
console.log( "Error 4: loading Volume" );
return { mFailed:true };
if (me.mTextureCallbackFun !== null)
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.mPreview, true, 1, 1, -1.0, me.mID );
texture.loaded = true;
// load icon for it
texture.mPreview.onload = function()
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.mPreview, true, 1, 1, -1.0, me.mID );
texture.mPreview.src = url.mPreviewSrc;
let returnValue = { mFailed:false, mNeedsShaderCompile: (this.mInputs[slot]==null ) || (
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="volume")) };
this.DestroyInput( slot );
this.mInputs[slot] = texture;
return returnValue;
else if( url.mType==="cubemap" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
let rti = me.Sampler2Renderer(url.mSampler);
if( assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(url.mID)!==-1 )
texture.mImage = new Image();
texture.mImage.onload = function()
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.mImage, true, 2, 1, -1.0, me.mID );
texture.mImage.src = "/media/previz/cubemap00.png";
this.mEffect.ResizeCubemapBuffer(0, 1024, 1024 );
texture.image = [ new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image() ];
let numLoaded = 0;
for (var i=0; i<6; i++ )
texture.image[i].mId = i;
texture.image[i].crossOrigin = '';
texture.image[i].onload = function()
var id = this.mId;
if( numLoaded===6 )
texture.globject = renderer.CreateTextureFromImage(renderer.TEXTYPE.CUBEMAP, texture.image, renderer.TEXFMT.C4I8, rti.mFilter, rti.mWrap, rti.mVFlip);
texture.loaded = true;
if (me.mTextureCallbackFun !== null)
me.mTextureCallbackFun(me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.image[0], true, 2, 1, -1.0, me.mID);
if( i === 0)
texture.image[i].src = url.mSrc;
let n = url.mSrc.lastIndexOf(".");
texture.image[i].src = url.mSrc.substring(0, n) + "_" + i + url.mSrc.substring(n, url.mSrc.length);
let returnValue = { mFailed:false, mNeedsShaderCompile: (this.mInputs[slot]==null ) || (
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="cubemap")) };
this.DestroyInput( slot );
this.mInputs[slot] = texture;
return returnValue;
else if( url.mType==="buffer" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.image = new Image();
texture.image.onload = function()
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, {texture: texture.image, data:null}, true, 9, 1, -1.0, me.mID );
texture.image.src = url.mSrc; = assetID_to_bufferID( url.mID );
texture.loaded = true;
let returnValue = { mFailed:false, mNeedsShaderCompile: (this.mInputs[slot]===null ) || (
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="texture") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="webcam") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="mic") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="music") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="musicstream") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="keyboard") &&
(this.mInputs[slot].mInfo.mType!="video")) };
this.DestroyInput( slot );
this.mInputs[slot] = texture;
this.mEffect.ResizeBuffer(, this.mEffect.mXres, this.mEffect.mYres, false );
this.SetSamplerFilter(slot, url.mSampler.filter, buffers, cubeBuffers, true);
this.SetSamplerVFlip(slot, url.mSampler.vflip);
this.SetSamplerWrap(slot, url.mSampler.wrap, buffers);
return returnValue;
alert( "input type error" );
return { mFailed: true };
EffectPass.prototype.Paint_Image = function( vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard )
let times = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
let dates = [ d.getFullYear(), // the year (four digits)
d.getMonth(), // the month (from 0-11)
d.getDate(), // the day of the month (from 1-31)
d.getHours()*60.0*60 + d.getMinutes()*60 + d.getSeconds() + d.getMilliseconds()/1000.0 ];
let mouse = [ mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOriX, mouseOriY ];
let resos = [ 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0 ];
let texIsLoaded = [0, 0, 0, 0 ];
let texID = [ null, null, null, null];
for (let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.image.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.image.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.mImage.mXres;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.mImage.mYres;
resos[3*i+2] = inp.mImage.mZres;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
texID[i] = keyboard.mTexture;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
resos[3*i+0] = 256;
resos[3*i+1] = 3;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
if (inp.loaded === true)
let id = assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(inp.mInfo.mID);
if( id!==-1 )
texID[i] = cubeBuffers[id].mTexture[ cubeBuffers[id].mLastRenderDone ];
resos[3*i+0] = cubeBuffers[id].mResolution[0];
resos[3*i+1] = cubeBuffers[id].mResolution[1];
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
// hack. in webgl2.0 we have samplers, so we don't need this crap here
let filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "linear") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
else if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
this.mRenderer.SetSamplerFilter( texID[i], filter, false);
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="webcam" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
if( inp.mImage !== null )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.mImage, false, 7, 1, -1, this.mID );
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.mImage.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.mImage.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( === )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i,, false, 7, 1, -1, this.mID );
texID[i] = inp.globject;
if( inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap" )
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
texID[i] = null;
texIsLoaded[i] = 0;
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( === false )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i,, false, 3, 1,, this.mID );
if( inp.loaded===true )
times[i] =;
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
if( === false )
if( inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap" )
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( === false && === false && inp.loaded===true )
if( wa !== null )
{ ); );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (wa === null) ? null : { wave : }, false, 4, 1,, this.mID);
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (wa === null) ? null : { wave :, info :}, false, 8, 1,, this.mID);
if( inp.loaded===true )
times[i] =;
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
if( === true )
times[i] = 10.0 + time;
let num =;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let x = j / num;
let f = (0.75 + 0.25*Math.sin( 10.0*j + 13.0*time )) * Math.exp( -3.0*x );
if( j<3 )
f = Math.pow( 0.50 + 0.5*Math.sin( 6.2831*time ), 4.0 ) * (1.0-j/3.0);[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
//let num =;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let f = 0.5 + 0.15*Math.sin( 17.0*time + 10.0*6.2831*j/num ) * Math.sin( 23.0*time + 1.9*j/num );[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
if( === false )
let waveLen = Math.min(, 512);
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 0, 512, 1,;
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 1, 512, 1,;
resos[3*i+0] = 512;
resos[3*i+1] = 2;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="mic" )
if( inp.loaded===false || inp.mForceMuted || wa === null || inp.mAnalyser == null )
times[i] = 10.0 + time;
let num = inp.mFreqData.length;
for( let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let x = j / num;
let f = (0.75 + 0.25*Math.sin( 10.0*j + 13.0*time )) * Math.exp( -3.0*x );
if( j<3 )
f = Math.pow( 0.50 + 0.5*Math.sin( 6.2831*time ), 4.0 ) * (1.0-j/3.0);
inp.mFreqData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
//var num = inp.mFreqData.length;
for( let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let f = 0.5 + 0.15*Math.sin( 17.0*time + 10.0*6.2831*j/num ) * Math.sin( 23.0*time + 1.9*j/num );
inp.mWaveData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
inp.mAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData( inp.mFreqData );
inp.mAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData( inp.mWaveData );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave:inp.mFreqData}, false, 5, 1, -1, this.mID );
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
let waveLen = Math.min( inp.mWaveData.length, 512 );
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 0, 512, 1, inp.mFreqData);
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 1, waveLen, 1, inp.mWaveData);
resos[3*i+0] = 512;
resos[3*i+1] = 2;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="buffer" )
let id =;
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = buffers[id].mTexture[ buffers[id].mLastRenderDone ];
texIsLoaded[i] = 1;
resos[3*i+0] = xres;
resos[3*i+1] = yres;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
// hack. in webgl2.0 we have samplers, so we don't need this crap here
let filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "linear") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
else if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
this.mRenderer.SetSamplerFilter( texID[i], filter, false);
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {texture:inp.image, data:buffers[id].mThumbnailBuffer}, false, 9, 1, -1, this.mID );
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures( 4, texID[0], texID[1], texID[2], texID[3] );
let prog = this.mProgram;
//if( vrData!=null && this.mSupportsVR ) prog = this.mProgramVR;
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iTime", time);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iResolution", xres, yres, 1.0);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV( "iMouse", mouse);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1FV( "iChannelTime", times ); // OBSOLETE
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV( "iDate", dates );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3FV( "iChannelResolution", resos ); // OBSOLETE
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iSampleRate", this.mSampleRate);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel0", 0 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel1", 1 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel2", 2 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel3", 3 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iFrame", this.mFrame );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iTimeDelta", dtime);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iFrameRate", fps );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iCh0.time", times[0] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iCh1.time", times[1] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iCh2.time", times[2] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iCh3.time", times[3] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iCh0.size", resos[0], resos[ 1], resos[ 2] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iCh1.size", resos[3], resos[ 4], resos[ 5] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iCh2.size", resos[6], resos[ 7], resos[ 8] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iCh3.size", resos[9], resos[10], resos[11] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iCh0.loaded", texIsLoaded[0] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iCh1.loaded", texIsLoaded[1] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iCh2.loaded", texIsLoaded[2] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iCh3.loaded", texIsLoaded[3] );
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(this.mProgram, "pos");
if( (vrData !== null) && this.mSupportsVR )
for (let i=0; i<2; i++ )
let ei = (i===0) ? vrData.mLeftEye : vrData.mRightEye;
let vp = [i * xres / 2, 0, xres / 2, yres];
let fov = ei.mProjection;
let corA = [ -fov[2], -fov[1], -1.0 ];
let corB = [ fov[3], -fov[1], -1.0 ];
let corC = [ fov[3], fov[0], -1.0 ];
let corD = [ -fov[2], fov[0], -1.0 ];
let apex = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
let ma = invertFast( ei.mCamera );
corA = matMulpoint( ma, corA );
corB = matMulpoint( ma, corB );
corC = matMulpoint( ma, corC );
corD = matMulpoint( ma, corD );
apex = matMulpoint( ma, apex );
let corners = [ corA[0], corA[1], corA[2],
corB[0], corB[1], corB[2],
corC[0], corC[1], corC[2],
corD[0], corD[1], corD[2],
apex[0], apex[1], apex[2]];
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3FV("unCorners", corners);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV("unViewport", vp);
this.mRenderer.SetViewport([0, 0, xres, yres]);
this.mRenderer.DrawFullScreenTriangle_XY( l1 );
EffectPass.prototype.iRenderSound = function(d, callback )
let dates = [ d.getFullYear(), // the year (four digits)
d.getMonth(), // the month (from 0-11)
d.getDate(), // the day of the month (from 1-31)
d.getHours()*60.0*60 + d.getMinutes()*60 + d.getSeconds() ];
let resos = [ 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0 ];
this.mRenderer.SetViewport([0, 0, this.mTextureDimensions, this.mTextureDimensions]);
this.mRenderer.SetBlend( false );
let texID = [null, null, null, null];
for (let i = 0; i < this.mInputs.length; i++)
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.image.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.image.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.mImage.mXres;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.mImage.mYres;
resos[3*i+2] = inp.mImage.mZres;
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures(4, texID[0], texID[1], texID[2], texID[3]);
let l2 = this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstantLocation(this.mProgram, "iTimeOffset");
let l3 = this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstantLocation(this.mProgram, "iSampleOffset");
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV("iDate", dates);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3FV("iChannelResolution", resos);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F("iSampleRate", this.mSampleRate);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit("iChannel0", 0);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit("iChannel1", 1);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit("iChannel2", 2);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit("iChannel3", 3);
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(this.mProgram, "pos");
let numSamples = this.mTmpBufferSamples;
let numBlocks = this.mPlaySamples / numSamples;
for (let j=0; j<numBlocks; j++ )
let off = j*numSamples;
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F_Pos(l2, off / this.mSampleRate);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I_Pos(l3, off );
this.mRenderer.GetPixelData(this.mData, 0, this.mTextureDimensions, this.mTextureDimensions);
callback( off, this.mData, numSamples );
EffectPass.prototype.Paint_Sound = function( wa, d )
let bufL = this.mBuffer.getChannelData(0); // Float32Array
let bufR = this.mBuffer.getChannelData(1); // Float32Array
this.iRenderSound( d, function(off, data, numSamples)
for( let i=0; i<numSamples; i++ )
bufL[off+i] = -1.0 + 2.0*(data[4*i+0]+256.0*data[4*i+1])/65535.0;
bufR[off+i] = -1.0 + 2.0*(data[4*i+2]+256.0*data[4*i+3])/65535.0;
EffectPass.prototype.SetUniforms = function(vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard )
let times = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
let dates = [ d.getFullYear(), // the year (four digits)
d.getMonth(), // the month (from 0-11)
d.getDate(), // the day of the month (from 1-31)
d.getHours()*60.0*60 + d.getMinutes()*60 + d.getSeconds() + d.getMilliseconds()/1000.0 ];
let mouse = [ mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOriX, mouseOriY ];
let resos = [ 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0 ];
let texID = [ null, null, null, null];
for( let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.image.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.image.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.mImage.mXres;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.mImage.mYres;
resos[3*i+2] = inp.mImage.mZres;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
texID[i] = keyboard.mTexture;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="cubemap" )
if (inp.loaded === true)
let id = assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(inp.mInfo.mID);
if( id!==-1 )
texID[i] = cubeBuffers[id].mTexture[ cubeBuffers[id].mLastRenderDone ];
resos[3*i+0] = cubeBuffers[id].mResolution[0];
resos[3*i+1] = cubeBuffers[id].mResolution[1];
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
// hack. in webgl2.0 we have samplers, so we don't need this crap here
let filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "linear") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
else if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
this.mRenderer.SetSamplerFilter( texID[i], filter, false);
texID[i] = inp.globject;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="webcam" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
if( inp.mImage !== null )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.mImage.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.mImage.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( === )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
texID[i] = null;
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
times[i] =;
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] =;
resos[3*i+1] =;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
times[i] =;
texID[i] = inp.globject;
if( === true )
times[i] = 10.0 + time;
resos[3*i+0] = 512;
resos[3*i+1] = 2;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="mic" )
if( inp.loaded===false || inp.mForceMuted || wa === null || inp.mAnalyser == null )
times[i] = 10.0 + time;
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = inp.globject;
resos[3*i+0] = 512;
resos[3*i+1] = 2;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="buffer" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
texID[i] = buffers[].mTexture[ buffers[].mLastRenderDone ];
resos[3*i+0] = buffers[].mResolution[0];
resos[3*i+1] = buffers[].mResolution[1];
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures( 4, texID[0], texID[1], texID[2], texID[3] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iTime", time);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iResolution", xres, yres, 1.0);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV( "iMouse", mouse);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1FV( "iChannelTime", times ); // OBSOLETE
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV( "iDate", dates );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3FV( "iChannelResolution", resos ); // OBSOLETE
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iSampleRate", this.mSampleRate);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel0", 0 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel1", 1 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel2", 2 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderTextureUnit( "iChannel3", 3 );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1I( "iFrame", this.mFrame );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iTimeDelta", dtime);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iFrameRate", fps );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iChannel[0].time", times[0] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iChannel[1].time", times[1] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iChannel[2].time", times[2] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant1F( "iChannel[3].time", times[3] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iChannel[0].resolution", resos[0], resos[ 1], resos[ 2] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iChannel[1].resolution", resos[3], resos[ 4], resos[ 5] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iChannel[2].resolution", resos[6], resos[ 7], resos[ 8] );
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3F( "iChannel[3].resolution", resos[9], resos[10], resos[11] );
EffectPass.prototype.ProcessInputs = function(vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard )
for (let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp===null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="volume" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="webcam" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
if( inp.mImage !== null )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.mImage, false, 7, 1, -1, this.mID );
else if( === )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i,, false, 7, 1, -1, this.mID );
if( inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="video" )
if( === false )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i,, false, 3, 1,, this.mID );
if( inp.loaded===true )
if( === false )
if( inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music" || inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream" )
if( === false && === false && inp.loaded===true )
if( wa !== null )
{ ); );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
if( inp.mInfo.mType==="music") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (wa == null) ? null : { wave : }, false, 4, 1,, this.mID);
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="musicstream") this.mTextureCallbackFun(this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (wa == null) ? null : { wave :, info :}, false, 8, 1,, this.mID);
if( inp.loaded===true )
if( === true )
let num =;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let x = j / num;
let f = (0.75 + 0.25*Math.sin( 10.0*j + 13.0*time )) * Math.exp( -3.0*x );
if( j<3 )
f = Math.pow( 0.50 + 0.5*Math.sin( 6.2831*time ), 4.0 ) * (1.0-j/3.0);[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
//let num =;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let f = 0.5 + 0.15*Math.sin( 17.0*time + 10.0*6.2831*j/num ) * Math.sin( 23.0*time + 1.9*j/num );[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
if( === false )
let waveLen = Math.min(, 512);
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 0, 512, 1,;
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 1, 512, 1,;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="mic" )
if( inp.loaded===false || inp.mForceMuted || wa === null || inp.mAnalyser == null )
let num = inp.mFreqData.length;
for( let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let x = j / num;
let f = (0.75 + 0.25*Math.sin( 10.0*j + 13.0*time )) * Math.exp( -3.0*x );
if( j<3 )
f = Math.pow( 0.50 + 0.5*Math.sin( 6.2831*time ), 4.0 ) * (1.0-j/3.0);
inp.mFreqData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
for( let j=0; j<num; j++ )
let f = 0.5 + 0.15*Math.sin( 17.0*time + 10.0*6.2831*j/num ) * Math.sin( 23.0*time + 1.9*j/num );
inp.mWaveData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
inp.mAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData( inp.mFreqData );
inp.mAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData( inp.mWaveData );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {wave:inp.mFreqData}, false, 5, 1, -1, this.mID );
if( inp.loaded===true )
let waveLen = Math.min( inp.mWaveData.length, 512 );
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 0, 512, 1, inp.mFreqData);
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture(inp.globject, 0, 1, waveLen, 1, inp.mWaveData);
else if( inp.mInfo.mType==="buffer" )
if( inp.loaded===true )
let id =;
let texID = buffers[id].mTexture[ buffers[id].mLastRenderDone ];
// hack. in webgl2.0 we have samplers, so we don't need this crap here
let filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE;
if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "linear") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.LINEAR;
else if (inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap") filter = this.mRenderer.FILTER.MIPMAP;
this.mRenderer.SetSamplerFilter( texID, filter, false);
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
let id =;
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {texture:inp.image, data:buffers[id].mThumbnailBuffer}, false, 9, 1, -1, this.mID );
EffectPass.prototype.Paint_Cubemap = function( vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard, face )
this.ProcessInputs(vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard, face );
this.SetUniforms(vrData, wa, d, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard );
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(this.mProgram, "pos");
let vp = [0, 0, xres, yres];
let corA = [ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
let corB = [ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
let corC = [ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
let corD = [ -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
let apex = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
if( face===0 )
corA = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
corB = [ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corC = [ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
corD = [ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
else if( face===1 ) // -X
corA = [ -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corB = [ -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
corC = [ -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
corD = [ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
else if( face===2 ) // +Y
corA = [ -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corB = [ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corC = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
corD = [ -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
else if( face===3 ) // -Y
corA = [ -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
corB = [ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
corC = [ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
corD = [ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
else if( face===4 ) // +Z
corA = [ -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
corB = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
corC = [ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
corD = [ -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ];
else //if( face===5 ) // -Z
corA = [ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corB = [ -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 ];
corC = [ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
corD = [ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ];
let corners = [ corA[0], corA[1], corA[2],
corB[0], corB[1], corB[2],
corC[0], corC[1], corC[2],
corD[0], corD[1], corD[2],
apex[0], apex[1], apex[2]];
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant3FV("unCorners", corners);
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV("unViewport", vp);
EffectPass.prototype.Paint = function( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused, bufferID, bufferNeedsMimaps, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard, effect )
if( this.mType==="sound" )
if (this.mSoundShaderCompiled === true)
// make sure all textures are loaded
for (let i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mInputs[i];
if (inp === null) continue;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "texture" && !inp.loaded) return;
if (inp.mInfo.mType === "cubemap" && !inp.loaded) return;
this.Paint_Sound(wa, da);
this.mSoundShaderCompiled = false;
if (this.mFrame === 0)
if (this.mPlaying===true)
this.mPlayNode = null;
this.mPlaying = true;
this.mPlayNode = wa.createBufferSource();
this.mPlayNode.buffer = this.mBuffer;
else if( this.mType==="image" )
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( null );
this.Paint_Image( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard );
else if( this.mType==="common" )
//console.log("rendering common");
else if( this.mType==="buffer" )
this.mEffect.ResizeBuffer(bufferID, this.mEffect.mXres, this.mEffect.mYres, false );
let buffer = buffers[bufferID];
let dstID = 1 - buffer.mLastRenderDone;
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( buffer.mTarget[dstID] );
this.Paint_Image( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard );
// compute mipmaps if needd
if( bufferNeedsMimaps )
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( buffer.mTexture[dstID]);
// make thumbnail
//if( this.mTextureCallbackFun != null )
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( buffer.mThumbnailRenderTarget );
let v = [0, 0, buffer.mThumbnailRes[0], buffer.mThumbnailRes[1]];
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(this.mProgramCopy, "pos");
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV("v", v);
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures(1, buffer.mTexture[dstID], null, null, null);
this.mRenderer.GetPixelData( new Uint8Array(, buffer.mThumbnailRes[0], buffer.mThumbnailRes[1] );
buffers[bufferID].mLastRenderDone = 1 - buffers[bufferID].mLastRenderDone;
else if( this.mType==="cubemap" )
this.mEffect.ResizeCubemapBuffer(bufferID, 1024, 1024, false );
let buffer = cubeBuffers[bufferID];
xres = buffer.mResolution[0];
yres = buffer.mResolution[1];
let dstID = 1 - buffer.mLastRenderDone;
for( let face=0; face<6; face++ )
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTargetCubeMap( buffer.mTarget[dstID], face );
this.Paint_Cubemap( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, buffers, cubeBuffers, keyboard, face );
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTargetCubeMap( null, 0 );
// compute mipmaps if needd
if( bufferNeedsMimaps )
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( buffer.mTexture[dstID]);
cubeBuffers[bufferID].mLastRenderDone = 1 - cubeBuffers[bufferID].mLastRenderDone;
EffectPass.prototype.StopOutput_Sound = function( wa )
if( this.mPlayNode===null ) return;
EffectPass.prototype.ResumeOutput_Sound = function( wa )
if( this.mPlayNode===null ) return;
this.mPlayNode.connect( this.mGainNode );
EffectPass.prototype.StopOutput_Image = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.ResumeOutput_Image = function( wa )
EffectPass.prototype.StopOutput = function( wa )
for (let j=0; j<this.mInputs.length; j++ )
if( this.mType==="sound" )
this.StopOutput_Sound( wa );
this.StopOutput_Image( wa );
EffectPass.prototype.ResumeOutput = function( wa )
for (let j=0; j<this.mInputs.length; j++ )
if( this.mType==="sound" )
this.ResumeOutput_Sound( wa );
this.ResumeOutput_Image( wa );
EffectPass.prototype.GetCompilationTime = function()
return this.mCompilationTime;
function Screenshots()
// private
let mTexture = null;
let mTarget = null;
let mXres = 0;
let mYres = 0;
let mCubemapToEquirectProgram;
let mRenderer = null;
// public
var me = {};
me.Initialize = function(renderer)
mRenderer = renderer;
let caps = mRenderer.GetCaps();
let is20 = caps.mIsGL20;
let vsSourceC, fsSourceC;
if( is20 )
vsSourceC = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceC = "uniform samplerCube t; out vec4 outColor; void main() { vec2 px = gl_FragCoord.xy/vec2(4096.0,2048.0); vec2 an = 3.1415926535898 * (px*vec2(2.0, 1.0) - vec2(0.0,0.5)); vec3 rd = vec3(-cos(an.y) * sin(an.x), sin(an.y), cos(an.y) * cos(an.x)); outColor = texture(t, rd); }";
vsSourceC = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceC = "uniform samplerCube t; void main() { vec2 px = gl_FragCoord.xy/vec2(4096.0,2048.0); vec2 an = 3.1415926535898 * (px*vec2(2.0, 1.0) - vec2(0.0,0.5)); vec3 rd = vec3(-cos(an.y) * sin(an.x), sin(an.y), cos(an.y) * cos(an.x)); gl_FragColor = texture(t, rd); }";
let compileShader = function (worked, info)
if (worked === false)
console.log("Failed to compile cubemap resample shader (" + errorType + "): " + log);
mCubemapToEquirectProgram = info;
mRenderer.CreateShader(vsSourceC, fsSourceC, false, true, compileShader);
return true;
me.Allocate = function( xres, yres )
if( xres>mXres || yres>mYres )
let texture = mRenderer.CreateTexture(mRenderer.TEXTYPE.T2D, xres, yres, mRenderer.TEXFMT.C4F32, mRenderer.FILTER.NONE, mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP, null);
let target = mRenderer.CreateRenderTarget( texture, null, null, null, null, false);
if( mXres!==0 )
mTexture = texture;
mTarget = target;
mXres = xres;
mYres = yres;
me.GetProgram = function()
return mCubemapToEquirectProgram;
me.GetTarget = function()
return mTarget;
return me;
function Effect(vr, ac, canvas, callback, obj, forceMuted, forcePaused, resizeCallback, crashCallback )
let xres = canvas.width;
let yres = canvas.height;
let me = this;
this.mCanvas = canvas;
this.mCreated = false;
this.mRenderer = null;
this.mAudioContext = ac;
this.mGLContext = null;
this.mWebVR = vr;
this.mRenderingStereo = false;
this.mXres = xres;
this.mYres = yres;
this.mForceMuted = forceMuted;
if( ac===null ) this.mForceMuted = true;
this.mForcePaused = forcePaused;
this.mGainNode = null;
this.mPasses = [];
this.mFrame = 0;
this.mTextureCallbackFun = callback;
this.mTextureCallbackObj = obj;
this.mMaxBuffers = 4;
this.mMaxCubeBuffers = 1;
this.mMaxPasses = this.mMaxBuffers + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1; // some day decouple passes from buffers (4 buffers + common + Imagen + sound + cubemap)
this.mBuffers = [];
this.mCubeBuffers = [];
this.mScreenshotSytem = null;
this.mCompilationTime = 0;
this.mIsLowEnd = piIsMobile();
this.mGLContext = piCreateGlContext(canvas, false, false, true, false); // need preserve-buffe to true in order to capture screenshots
if (this.mGLContext === null)
canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", function (event)
}, false);
this.mRenderer = piRenderer();
if (!this.mRenderer.Initialize(this.mGLContext))
this.mScreenshotSytem = Screenshots();
if (!this.mScreenshotSytem.Initialize(this.mRenderer))
var caps = this.mRenderer.GetCaps();
this.mIs20 = caps.mIsGL20;
this.mShaderTextureLOD = caps.mShaderTextureLOD;
if( ac!==null )
this.mGainNode = ac.createGain();
if( !forceMuted )
this.mGainNode.connect( ac.destination);
if (this.mForceMuted )
this.mGainNode.gain.value = 0.0;
this.mGainNode.gain.value = 1.0;
let vsSourceC, fsSourceC;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSourceC = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceC = "uniform vec4 v; uniform sampler2D t; out vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = textureLod(t, gl_FragCoord.xy /, 0.0); }";
vsSourceC = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceC = "uniform vec4 v; uniform sampler2D t; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(t, gl_FragCoord.xy /, -100.0); }";
this.mRenderer.CreateShader(vsSourceC, fsSourceC, false, true, function(worked, info)
if (worked === false) console.log("Failed to compile shader to copy buffers : " + info.mErrorStr);
else me.mProgramCopy = info;
let vsSourceD, fsSourceD;
if( this.mIs20 )
vsSourceD = "layout(location = 0) in vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceD = "uniform vec4 v; uniform sampler2D t; out vec4 outColor; void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy /; outColor = texture(t, vec2(uv.x,1.0-uv.y)); }";
vsSourceD = "attribute vec2 pos; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(pos.xy,0.0,1.0); }";
fsSourceD = "uniform vec4 v; uniform sampler2D t; void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy /; gl_FragColor = texture2D(t, vec2(uv.x,1.0-uv.y)); }";
this.mRenderer.CreateShader(vsSourceD, fsSourceD, false, true, function (worked, info)
if (worked === false) console.log("Failed to compile shader to downscale buffers : " + info.mErrorStr);
else me.mProgramDownscale = info;
// set all buffers and cubemaps to null
for( let i=0; i<this.mMaxBuffers; i++ )
this.mBuffers[i] = { mTexture: [null, null],
mTarget: [null, null],
mResolution: [0, 0],
mLastRenderDone: 0,
mThumbnailRenderTarget: null,
mThumbnailTexture: null,
mThumbnailBuffer: null,
mThumbnailRes: [0, 0] };
for( let i=0; i<this.mMaxCubeBuffers; i++ )
this.mCubeBuffers[i] = { mTexture: [null, null],
mTarget: [null, null],
mResolution: [0, 0],
mLastRenderDone: 0,
mThumbnailRenderTarget: null,
mThumbnailTexture: null,
mThumbnailBuffer: null,
mThumbnailRes: [0, 0] };
let keyboardData = new Uint8Array( 256*3 );
for (let j=0; j<(256*3); j++ ) { keyboardData[j] = 0; }
let kayboardTexture = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture( this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.T2D, 256, 3, this.mRenderer.TEXFMT.C1I8, this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE, this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP, null);
this.mKeyboard = { mData: keyboardData, mTexture: kayboardTexture };
let iResize = function( xres, yres )
me.mCanvas.width = xres;
me.mCanvas.height = yres;
me.mXres = xres;
me.mYres = yres;
me.ResizeBuffers(xres, yres);
resizeCallback(xres, yres);
let bestAttemptFallback = function()
let devicePixelRatio = globalThis.devicePixelRatio || 1;
let xres = Math.round(globalThis.demoCanvasRect?.width || me.mCanvas.offsetWidth || me.mCanvas.width * devicePixelRatio) | 0;
let yres = Math.round(globalThis.demoCanvasRect?.height || me.mCanvas.offsetHeight || me.mCanvas.height * devicePixelRatio) | 0;
iResize(xres, yres);
// TODO: Handle resizing with worker
globalThis.updateLandscapeSize = bestAttemptFallback;
this.mCreated = true;
Effect.prototype.ResizeCubemapBuffer = function(i, xres, yres )
let oldXres = this.mCubeBuffers[i].mResolution[0];
let oldYres = this.mCubeBuffers[i].mResolution[1];
if( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTexture[0]===null || oldXres !== xres || oldYres !== yres )
let texture1 = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture(this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.CUBEMAP,
xres, yres,
let target1 = this.mRenderer.CreateRenderTargetCubeMap( texture1, null, false);
let texture2 = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture(this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.CUBEMAP,
xres, yres,
let target2 = this.mRenderer.CreateRenderTargetCubeMap( texture2, null, false);
// Store new buffers
this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTexture = [texture1,texture2],
this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTarget = [target1, target2 ],
this.mCubeBuffers[i].mLastRenderDone = 0;
this.mCubeBuffers[i].mResolution[0] = xres;
this.mCubeBuffers[i].mResolution[1] = yres;
Effect.prototype.ResizeBuffer = function( i, xres, yres, skipIfNotExists )
if( skipIfNotExists && this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0]===null ) return;
let oldXres = this.mBuffers[i].mResolution[0];
let oldYres = this.mBuffers[i].mResolution[1];
if( oldXres !== xres || oldYres !== yres )
let needCopy = (this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0]!==null);
let texture1 = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture(this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.T2D,
xres, yres,
(needCopy) ? this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0].mFilter : this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE,
(needCopy) ? this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0].mWrap : this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP,
let texture2 = this.mRenderer.CreateTexture(this.mRenderer.TEXTYPE.T2D,
xres, yres,
(needCopy) ? this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[1].mFilter : this.mRenderer.FILTER.NONE,
(needCopy) ? this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[1].mWrap : this.mRenderer.TEXWRP.CLAMP,
let target1 = this.mRenderer.CreateRenderTarget( texture1, null, null, null, null, false);
let target2 = this.mRenderer.CreateRenderTarget( texture2, null, null, null, null, false);
if( needCopy )
let v = [0, 0, Math.min(xres, oldXres), Math.min(yres, oldYres)];
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(this.mProgramCopy, "pos");
let vOld = [0, 0, oldXres, oldYres];
this.mRenderer.SetShaderConstant4FV("v", vOld);
// Copy old buffers 1 to new buffer
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures(1, this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0], null, null, null);
// Copy old buffers 2 to new buffer
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures(1, this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[1], null, null, null);
// Deallocate old memory
// Store new buffers
this.mBuffers[i].mTexture = [texture1,texture2],
this.mBuffers[i].mTarget = [target1, target2 ],
this.mBuffers[i].mLastRenderDone = 0;
this.mBuffers[i].mResolution[0] = xres;
this.mBuffers[i].mResolution[1] = yres;
Effect.prototype.saveScreenshot = function(passid)
let pass = this.mPasses[passid];
if( pass.mType === "buffer" )
let bufferID = assetID_to_bufferID( this.mPasses[passid].mOutputs[0] );
let texture = this.mBuffers[bufferID].mTarget[ this.mBuffers[bufferID].mLastRenderDone ];
let numComponents = 3;
let width = texture.mTex0.mXres;
let height = texture.mTex0.mYres;
let type = "Float"; // Other options Float, Half, Uint
let bytes = new Float32Array(width * height * 4 );//numComponents);
this.mRenderer.GetPixelDataRenderTarget( texture, bytes, width, height );
let blob = piExportToEXR(width, height, numComponents, type, bytes);
// Offer download automatically to the user
piTriggerDownload("image.exr", blob);
else if( pass.mType === "cubemap" )
let xres = 4096;
let yres = 2048;
this.mScreenshotSytem.Allocate( xres, yres );
let cubeBuffer = this.mCubeBuffers[0];
let target = this.mScreenshotSytem.GetTarget();
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( target );
let program = this.mScreenshotSytem.GetProgram();
let l1 = this.mRenderer.GetAttribLocation(program, "pos");
this.mRenderer.SetViewport( [0, 0, xres, yres] );
this.mRenderer.AttachTextures(1, cubeBuffer.mTexture[ cubeBuffer.mLastRenderDone ], null, null, null);
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( null );
let data = new Float32Array(xres*yres*4);
this.mRenderer.GetPixelDataRenderTarget( target, data, xres, yres );
let blob = piExportToEXR(xres, yres, 3, "Float", data );
piTriggerDownload("image.exr", blob);
else if( pass.mType === "sound" )
let offset = 0;
const bits = 16;
const numChannels = 2;
let words = new Int16Array(60*pass.mSampleRate*numChannels );
pass.iRenderSound( new Date(), function(off, data, numSamples)
for( let i=0; i<numSamples; i++ )
words[offset++] = (data[4*i+0]+256.0*data[4*i+1]) - 32767;
words[offset++] = (data[4*i+2]+256.0*data[4*i+3]) - 32767;
let blob = piExportToWAV( 60*pass.mSampleRate, pass.mSampleRate, bits, numChannels, words);
piTriggerDownload("sound.wav", blob);
Effect.prototype.ResizeBuffers = function(xres, yres)
for (let i=0; i<this.mMaxBuffers; i++ )
this.ResizeBuffer(i, xres, yres, true);
Effect.prototype.IsEnabledVR = function ()
if (this.mRenderingStereo) return true;
return false;
Effect.prototype.EnableVR = function()
if( !this.mWebVR.IsSupported() ) return;
if( this.mRenderingStereo ) return;
this.mRenderingStereo = true;
Effect.prototype.DisableVR = function()
if( !this.mWebVR.IsSupported() ) return;
if( !this.mRenderingStereo ) return;
this.mRenderingStereo = false;
Effect.prototype.GetTexture = function( passid, slot )
return this.mPasses[passid].GetTexture( slot );
Effect.prototype.NewTexture = function( passid, slot, url )
return this.mPasses[passid].NewTexture( this.mAudioContext, slot, url, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard );
Effect.prototype.SetOutputs = function( passid, slot, url )
this.mPasses[passid].SetOutputs( slot, url );
Effect.prototype.SetOutputsByBufferID = function( passid, slot, id )
this.mPasses[passid].SetOutputsByBufferID( slot, id );
Effect.prototype.GetAcceptsLinear = function (passid, slot)
return this.mPasses[passid].GetAcceptsLinear(slot);
Effect.prototype.GetAcceptsMipmapping = function (passid, slot)
return this.mPasses[passid].GetAcceptsMipmapping(slot);
Effect.prototype.GetAcceptsWrapRepeat = function (passid, slot)
return this.mPasses[passid].GetAcceptsWrapRepeat(slot);
Effect.prototype.GetAcceptsVFlip = function (passid, slot)
return this.mPasses[passid].GetAcceptsVFlip(slot);
Effect.prototype.SetSamplerFilter = function (passid, slot, str)
this.mPasses[passid].SetSamplerFilter(slot, str, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers);
Effect.prototype.GetTranslatedShaderSource = function (passid)
return this.mPasses[passid].GetTranslatedShaderSource();
Effect.prototype.GetSamplerFilter = function (passid, slot) {
return this.mPasses[passid].GetSamplerFilter(slot);
Effect.prototype.SetSamplerWrap = function (passid, slot, str) {
this.mPasses[passid].SetSamplerWrap(slot, str, this.mBuffers);
Effect.prototype.GetSamplerWrap = function (passid, slot) {
return this.mPasses[passid].GetSamplerWrap(slot);
Effect.prototype.SetSamplerVFlip = function (passid, slot, str) {
this.mPasses[passid].SetSamplerVFlip(slot, str);
Effect.prototype.GetSamplerVFlip = function (passid, slot) {
return this.mPasses[passid].GetSamplerVFlip(slot);
Effect.prototype.GetHeaderSize = function (passid)
return this.mPasses[passid].mHeaderLength +
Effect.prototype.ToggleVolume = function()
this.mForceMuted = !this.mForceMuted;
// outp
if (this.mForceMuted)
this.mGainNode.gain.value = 0.0;
this.mGainNode.gain.value = 1.0;
// inp
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for( let j=0; j<num; j++ )
for( let i=0; i<this.mPasses[j].mInputs.length; i++ )
if( this.mForceMuted )
this.mPasses[j].MuteInput( this.mAudioContext, i );
this.mPasses[j].UnMuteInput( this.mAudioContext, i );
return this.mForceMuted;
Effect.prototype.SetKeyDown = function( passid, k )
if( this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 0*256 ] == 255 ) return;
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 0*256 ] = 255;
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 1*256 ] = 255;
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 2*256 ] = 255 - this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 2*256 ];
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture( this.mKeyboard.mTexture, 0, 0, 256, 3, this.mKeyboard.mData );
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
for (let i=0; i<this.mPasses[j].mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i];
if( inp!==null && inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {mImage:this.mKeyboard.mIcon, mData: this.mKeyboard.mData}, false, 6, 1, -1.0, this.mPasses[j].mID );
Effect.prototype.SetKeyUp = function( passid, k )
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 0*256 ] = 0;
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 1*256 ] = 0;
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture( this.mKeyboard.mTexture, 0, 0, 256, 3, this.mKeyboard.mData );
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
for (let i=0; i<this.mPasses[j].mInputs.length; i++ )
let inp = this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i];
if( inp!==null && inp.mInfo.mType==="keyboard" )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!==null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {mImage:this.mKeyboard.mIcon, mData: this.mKeyboard.mData}, false, 6, 1, -1.0, this.mPasses[j].mID );
Effect.prototype.StopOutputs = function()
let wa = this.mAudioContext;
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for (let i=0; i<num; i++ )
this.mPasses[i].StopOutput( wa );
Effect.prototype.ResumeOutputs = function()
let wa = this.mAudioContext;
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for (let i=0; i<num; i++ )
this.mPasses[i].ResumeOutput( wa );
Effect.prototype.PauseInput = function( passid, id )
return this.mPasses[passid].TooglePauseInput( this.mAudioContext, id );
Effect.prototype.ToggleMuteInput = function( passid, id )
return this.mPasses[passid].ToggleMuteInput( this.mAudioContext, id );
Effect.prototype.RewindInput = function( passid, id )
this.mPasses[passid].RewindInput( this.mAudioContext, id );
Effect.prototype.UpdateInputs = function( passid, forceUpdate )
this.mPasses[passid].UpdateInputs( this.mAudioContext, forceUpdate, this.mKeyboard );
Effect.prototype.ResetTime = function()
this.mFrame = 0;
let num = this.mPasses.length;
for( let i=0; i<num; i++ )
this.mPasses[i].mFrame = 0;
for( let j=0; j<this.mPasses[i].mInputs.length; j++ )
this.mPasses[i].RewindInput(this.mAudioContext, j)
Effect.prototype.RequestAnimationFrame = function (id)
if (this.mRenderingStereo && this.mWebVR.IsPresenting())
Effect.prototype.Paint = function(time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, isPaused)
let wa = this.mAudioContext;
let da = new Date();
let vrData = null; if (this.mRenderingStereo) vrData = this.mWebVR.GetData();
let xres = this.mXres / 1;
let yres = this.mYres / 1;
if( this.mFrame===0 )
for( let i=0; i<this.mMaxBuffers; i++ )
if( this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0]!==null )
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( this.mBuffers[i].mTarget[0] );
this.mRenderer.Clear( this.mRenderer.CLEAR.Color, [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 1.0, 0 );
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTarget( this.mBuffers[i].mTarget[1] );
this.mRenderer.Clear( this.mRenderer.CLEAR.Color, [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 1.0, 0 );
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[0] );
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( this.mBuffers[i].mTexture[1] );
for( let i=0; i<this.mMaxCubeBuffers; i++ )
if( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTexture[0]!==null )
for( let face=0; face<6; face++ )
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTargetCubeMap( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTarget[0], face );
this.mRenderer.Clear( this.mRenderer.CLEAR.Color, [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 1.0, 0 );
this.mRenderer.SetRenderTargetCubeMap( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTarget[1], face );
this.mRenderer.Clear( this.mRenderer.CLEAR.Color, [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 1.0, 0 );
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTexture[0] );
this.mRenderer.CreateMipmaps( this.mCubeBuffers[i].mTexture[1] );
let num = this.mPasses.length;
// render sound first
for( let i=0; i<num; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[i].mType !== "sound" ) continue;
if( this.mPasses[i].mProgram===null ) continue;
this.mPasses[i].Paint( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused, null, false, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard, this );
// render buffers second
for( let i=0; i<num; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[i].mType !== "buffer" ) continue;
if( this.mPasses[i].mProgram===null ) continue;
let bufferID = assetID_to_bufferID( this.mPasses[i].mOutputs[0] );
// check if any downstream pass needs mipmaps when reading from this buffer
let needMipMaps = false;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
for (let k=0; k<this.mPasses[j].mInputs.length; k++ )
let inp = this.mPasses[j].mInputs[k];
if( inp!==null && inp.mInfo.mType==="buffer" && === bufferID && inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap")
needMipMaps = true;
this.mPasses[i].Paint( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused, bufferID, needMipMaps, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard, this );
// render cubemap buffers second
for( let i=0; i<num; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[i].mType !== "cubemap" ) continue;
if( this.mPasses[i].mProgram===null ) continue;
let bufferID = 0;//assetID_to_bufferID( this.mPasses[i].mOutputs[0] );
// check if any downstream pass needs mipmaps when reading from this buffer
let needMipMaps = false;
for (let j=0; j<num; j++ )
for (let k=0; k<this.mPasses[j].mInputs.length; k++ )
let inp = this.mPasses[j].mInputs[k];
if( inp!==null && inp.mInfo.mType==="cubemap" )
if( assetID_to_cubemapBuferID(inp.mInfo.mID)===0 && inp.mInfo.mSampler.filter === "mipmap" )
needMipMaps = true;
this.mPasses[i].Paint( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused, bufferID, needMipMaps, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard, this );
// render image last
for( let i=0; i<num; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[i].mType !== "image" ) continue;
if( this.mPasses[i].mProgram===null ) continue;
this.mPasses[i].Paint( vrData, wa, da, time, dtime, fps, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY, xres, yres, isPaused, null, false, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard, this );
// erase keypresses
for (let k=0; k<256; k++ )
this.mKeyboard.mData[ k + 1*256 ] = 0;
this.mRenderer.UpdateTexture( this.mKeyboard.mTexture, 0, 0, 256, 3, this.mKeyboard.mData );
if( this.mRenderingStereo ) this.mWebVR.Finish();
Effect.prototype.NewShader = function( passid, preventCache, onResolve )
let commonSourceCodes = [];
for (let i=0; i<this.mPasses.length; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[i].mType==="common")
this.mPasses[passid].NewShader(commonSourceCodes, preventCache, onResolve );
Effect.prototype.GetNumPasses = function()
return this.mPasses.length;
Effect.prototype.GetNumOfType = function(passtype)
let id = 0;
for (let j=0; j<this.mPasses.length; j++ )
if( this.mPasses[j].mType===passtype )
return id;
Effect.prototype.GetPassType = function( id )
return this.mPasses[id].mType;
Effect.prototype.GetPassName = function( id )
return this.mPasses[id].mName;
Effect.prototype.GetCode = function( id )
return this.mPasses[id].mSource;
Effect.prototype.SetCode = function( id, source )
Effect.prototype.GetError = function (id)
return this.mPasses[id].mError;
Effect.prototype.GetErrorStr = function (id)
return this.mPasses[id].mErrorStr;
Effect.prototype.GetErrorGlobal = function()
for (let i = 0; i < this.mPasses.length; i++)
if (this.mPasses[i].mError)
return true;
return false;
Effect.prototype.Load = function (jobj )
if (jobj.ver !== "0.1")
console.log("Wrong Format");
return false;
let numPasses = jobj.renderpass.length;
if( numPasses<1 || numPasses>this.mMaxPasses )
console.log("Corrupted Shader - " + numPasses);
return false;
this.mPasses = [];
for (let j = 0; j < numPasses; j++)
let rpass = jobj.renderpass[j];
// skip sound passes if in thumbnail mode
if( this.mForceMuted && rpass.type === "sound" ) continue;
let wpass = new EffectPass(this.mRenderer, this.mIs20, this.mIsLowEnd, this.mShaderTextureLOD,
this.mTextureCallbackFun, this.mTextureCallbackObj, this.mForceMuted, this.mForcePaused, this.mGainNode,
this.mProgramDownscale, j, this);
wpass.Create(rpass.type, this.mAudioContext);
let numInputs = rpass.inputs.length;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wpass.NewTexture(this.mAudioContext, i, null, null, null);
for (let i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
let lid = rpass.inputs[i].channel;
let styp = rpass.inputs[i].type;
let sid = rpass.inputs[i].id;
let ssrc = rpass.inputs[i].filepath;
let psrc = rpass.inputs[i].previewfilepath;
let samp = rpass.inputs[i].sampler;
wpass.NewTexture(this.mAudioContext, lid, { mType: styp, mID: sid, mSrc: ssrc, mSampler: samp, mPreviewSrc: psrc }, this.mBuffers, this.mCubeBuffers, this.mKeyboard);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++)
wpass.SetOutputs(i, null);
let numOutputs = rpass.outputs.length;
for (let i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++)
let outputID = rpass.outputs[i].id;
let outputCH = rpass.outputs[i].channel;
wpass.SetOutputs(outputCH, outputID);
// create some hardcoded names. This should come from the DB
let rpassName = "";
if (rpass.type === "common" ) rpassName = "Common";
if (rpass.type === "sound" ) rpassName = "Sound";
if (rpass.type === "image" ) rpassName = "Image";
if (rpass.type === "buffer") rpassName = "Buffer " + String.fromCharCode(65 + assetID_to_bufferID(wpass.mOutputs[0]));
if (rpass.type === "cubemap") rpassName = "Cube A";// " + String.fromCharCode(65 + assetID_to_bufferID(this.mPasses[j].mOutputs[0]));
return true;
Effect.prototype.CompileSome = function ( passes, preventCache, onResolve )
let me = this;
let to = (new Date()).getTime();
let allPromisses = [];
for (let j = 0; j < passes.length; j++)
allPromisses.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject)
me.NewShader(passes[j], preventCache, function () { resolve(1); });
// aggregated callback when all passes have been compiled
Promise.all(allPromisses).then(function (values)
let totalError = false;
for (let j = 0; j < me.mPasses.length; j++)
if (me.mPasses[j].mError)
totalError = true;
me.mCompilationTime = (new Date()).getTime() - to;
Effect.prototype.Compile = function (preventCache, onResolve )
let me = this;
let to = (new Date()).getTime();
let allPromisses = [];
let numPasses = this.mPasses.length;
for (let j = 0; j < numPasses; j++)
allPromisses.push(new Promise(function (resolve, reject)
me.NewShader(j, preventCache, function () { resolve(1); });
// aggregated callback when all passes have been compiled
Promise.all(allPromisses).then(function (values)
let totalError = false;
for (let j = 0; j < numPasses; j++)
if (me.mPasses[j].mError)
totalError = true;
me.mCompilationTime = (new Date()).getTime() - to;
Effect.prototype.GetCompilationTime = function( id )
return this.mPasses[id].GetCompilationTime()/1000.0;
Effect.prototype.GetTotalCompilationTime = function()
return this.mCompilationTime/1000.0;
Effect.prototype.DestroyPass = function( id )
this.mPasses[id].Destroy( this.mAudioContext );
this.mPasses.splice(id, 1);
Effect.prototype.AddPass = function( passType, passName, onResolve )
let shaderStr = null;
if( passType==="sound" ) shaderStr = "vec2 mainSound( int samp, float time )\n{\n // A 440 Hz wave that attenuates quickly overt time\n return vec2( sin(6.2831*440.0*time)*exp(-3.0*time) );\n}";
if( passType==="buffer" ) shaderStr = "void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )\n{\n fragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);\n}";
if( passType==="common" ) shaderStr = "vec4 someFunction( vec4 a, float b )\n{\n return a+b;\n}";
if( passType==="cubemap" ) shaderStr = "void mainCubemap( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, in vec3 rayOri, in vec3 rayDir )\n{\n // Ray direction as color\n vec3 col = 0.5 + 0.5*rayDir;\n\n // Output to cubemap\n fragColor = vec4(col,1.0);\n}";
let id = this.GetNumPasses();
this.mPasses[id] = new EffectPass( this.mRenderer, this.mIs20, this.mIsLowEnd, this.mShaderTextureLOD,
this.mTextureCallbackFun, this.mTextureCallbackObj, this.mForceMuted, this.mForcePaused, this.mGainNode,
this.mProgramDownscale, id, this );
this.mPasses[id].Create( passType, this.mAudioContext );
this.mPasses[id].SetName( passName );
this.mPasses[id].SetCode( shaderStr );
this.NewShader(id, false, function ()
return { mId : id, mShader : shaderStr };
// this should be removed once we have MultiPass 2.0 and passes render to arbitrary buffers
Effect.prototype.IsBufferPassUsed = function( bufferID )
for (let j=0; j<this.mPasses.length; j++ )
if( this.mPasses[j].mType !== "buffer" ) continue;
if( this.mPasses[j].mOutputs[0] === bufferID_to_assetID(bufferID) ) return true;
return false;
Effect.prototype.Save = function()
var result = {};
result.ver = "0.1";
result.renderpass = [];
let numPasses = this.mPasses.length;
for (let j=0; j<numPasses; j++ )
result.renderpass[j] = {};
result.renderpass[j].outputs = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i<4; i++ )
let outputID = this.mPasses[j].mOutputs[i];
if( outputID===null ) continue;
result.renderpass[j].outputs.push( { channel: i, id: outputID } );
result.renderpass[j].inputs = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i<4; i++ )
if( this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i]===null ) continue;
result.renderpass[j].inputs.push( {channel: i,
type : this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i].mInfo.mType,
id : this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i].mInfo.mID,
filepath: this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i].mInfo.mSrc,
sampler : this.mPasses[j].mInputs[i].mInfo.mSampler });
result.renderpass[j].code = this.mPasses[j].mSource;
result.renderpass[j].name = this.mPasses[j].mName
result.renderpass[j].description = "";
result.renderpass[j].type = this.mPasses[j].mType;
result.flags = this.calcFlags();
return result;
Effect.prototype.calcFlags = function ()
let flagVR = false;
let flagWebcam = false;
let flagSoundInput = false;
let flagSoundOutput = false;
let flagKeyboard = false;
let flagMultipass = false;
let flagMusicStream = false;
let numPasses = this.mPasses.length;
for (let j = 0; j < numPasses; j++)
let pass = this.mPasses[j];
if (pass.mType === "sound") flagSoundOutput = true;
if (pass.mType === "buffer") flagMultipass = true;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (pass.mInputs[i] === null) continue;
if (pass.mInputs[i].mInfo.mType === "webcam") flagWebcam = true;
else if (pass.mInputs[i].mInfo.mType === "keyboard") flagKeyboard = true;
else if (pass.mInputs[i].mInfo.mType === "mic") flagSoundInput = true;
else if (pass.mInputs[i].mInfo.mType === "musicstream") flagMusicStream = true;
let n1 = pass.mSource.indexOf("mainVR(");
let n2 = pass.mSource.indexOf("mainVR (");
if (n1 > 0 || n2 > 0) flagVR = true;
return {
mFlagVR: flagVR,
mFlagWebcam: flagWebcam,
mFlagSoundInput: flagSoundInput,
mFlagSoundOutput: flagSoundOutput,
mFlagKeyboard: flagKeyboard,
mFlagMultipass: flagMultipass,
mFlagMusicStream: flagMusicStream