
289 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-09-06 15:32:35 +00:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return FileSystemCache;
const _lrucache = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("next/dist/compiled/lru-cache"));
const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../../../shared/lib/isomorphic/path"));
const _constants = require("../../../lib/constants");
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
let memoryCache;
let tagsManifest;
class FileSystemCache {
this.fs = ctx.fs;
this.flushToDisk = ctx.flushToDisk;
this.serverDistDir = ctx.serverDistDir;
this.appDir = !!ctx._appDir;
this.revalidatedTags = ctx.revalidatedTags;
if (ctx.maxMemoryCacheSize && !memoryCache) {
memoryCache = new _lrucache.default({
max: ctx.maxMemoryCacheSize,
length ({ value }) {
var _JSON_stringify;
if (!value) {
return 25;
} else if (value.kind === "REDIRECT") {
return JSON.stringify(value.props).length;
} else if (value.kind === "IMAGE") {
throw new Error("invariant image should not be incremental-cache");
} else if (value.kind === "FETCH") {
return JSON.stringify( || "").length;
} else if (value.kind === "ROUTE") {
return value.body.length;
// rough estimate of size of cache value
return value.html.length + (((_JSON_stringify = JSON.stringify(value.pageData)) == null ? void 0 : _JSON_stringify.length) || 0);
if (this.serverDistDir && this.fs) {
this.tagsManifestPath = _path.default.join(this.serverDistDir, "..", "cache", "fetch-cache", "tags-manifest.json");
loadTagsManifest() {
if (!this.tagsManifestPath || !this.fs || tagsManifest) return;
try {
tagsManifest = JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(this.tagsManifestPath, "utf8"));
} catch (err) {
tagsManifest = {
version: 1,
items: {}
async revalidateTag(tag) {
// we need to ensure the tagsManifest is refreshed
// since separate workers can be updating it at the same
// time and we can't flush out of sync data
if (!tagsManifest || !this.tagsManifestPath) {
const data = tagsManifest.items[tag] || {};
data.revalidatedAt =;
tagsManifest.items[tag] = data;
try {
await this.fs.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(this.tagsManifestPath));
await this.fs.writeFile(this.tagsManifestPath, JSON.stringify(tagsManifest || {}));
} catch (err) {
console.warn("Failed to update tags manifest.", err);
async get(key, { tags, softTags, fetchCache } = {}) {
var _data_value, _data_value1;
let data = memoryCache == null ? void 0 : memoryCache.get(key);
// let's check the disk for seed data
if (!data && process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") {
try {
const { filePath } = await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.body`,
appDir: true
const fileData = await this.fs.readFile(filePath);
const { mtime } = await this.fs.stat(filePath);
const meta = JSON.parse(await this.fs.readFile(filePath.replace(/\.body$/, ".meta"), "utf8"));
const cacheEntry = {
lastModified: mtime.getTime(),
value: {
kind: "ROUTE",
body: fileData,
headers: meta.headers,
status: meta.status
return cacheEntry;
} catch (_) {
// no .meta data for the related key
try {
const { filePath, isAppPath } = await this.getFsPath({
pathname: fetchCache ? key : `${key}.html`,
const fileData = await this.fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8");
const { mtime } = await this.fs.stat(filePath);
if (fetchCache) {
var _data_value2;
const lastModified = mtime.getTime();
const parsedData = JSON.parse(fileData);
data = {
value: parsedData
if (((_data_value2 = data.value) == null ? void 0 : _data_value2.kind) === "FETCH") {
var _data_value_data, _data_value3;
const storedTags = (_data_value3 = data.value) == null ? void 0 : (_data_value_data = == null ? void 0 : _data_value_data.tags;
// update stored tags if a new one is being added
// TODO: remove this when we can send the tags
// via header on GET same as SET
if (!(tags == null ? void 0 : tags.every((tag)=>storedTags == null ? void 0 : storedTags.includes(tag)))) {
await this.set(key, data.value, {
} else {
const pageData = isAppPath ? await this.fs.readFile((await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.rsc`,
appDir: true
})).filePath, "utf8") : JSON.parse(await this.fs.readFile((await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.json`,
appDir: false
})).filePath, "utf8"));
let meta = {};
if (isAppPath) {
try {
meta = JSON.parse(await this.fs.readFile(filePath.replace(/\.html$/, ".meta"), "utf8"));
} catch {}
data = {
lastModified: mtime.getTime(),
value: {
kind: "PAGE",
html: fileData,
headers: meta.headers,
status: meta.status
if (data) {
memoryCache == null ? void 0 : memoryCache.set(key, data);
} catch (_) {
// unable to get data from disk
if ((data == null ? void 0 : (_data_value = data.value) == null ? void 0 : _data_value.kind) === "PAGE") {
var _data_value_headers;
let cacheTags;
const tagsHeader = (_data_value_headers = data.value.headers) == null ? void 0 : _data_value_headers[_constants.NEXT_CACHE_TAGS_HEADER];
if (typeof tagsHeader === "string") {
cacheTags = tagsHeader.split(",");
if (cacheTags == null ? void 0 : cacheTags.length) {
const isStale = cacheTags.some((tag)=>{
var _tagsManifest_items_tag;
return (tagsManifest == null ? void 0 : (_tagsManifest_items_tag = tagsManifest.items[tag]) == null ? void 0 : _tagsManifest_items_tag.revalidatedAt) && (tagsManifest == null ? void 0 : tagsManifest.items[tag].revalidatedAt) >= ((data == null ? void 0 : data.lastModified) ||;
// we trigger a blocking validation if an ISR page
// had a tag revalidated, if we want to be a background
// revalidation instead we return data.lastModified = -1
if (isStale) {
data = undefined;
if (data && (data == null ? void 0 : (_data_value1 = data.value) == null ? void 0 : _data_value1.kind) === "FETCH") {
const combinedTags = [
...tags || [],
...softTags || []
const wasRevalidated = combinedTags.some((tag)=>{
var _tagsManifest_items_tag;
if (this.revalidatedTags.includes(tag)) {
return true;
return (tagsManifest == null ? void 0 : (_tagsManifest_items_tag = tagsManifest.items[tag]) == null ? void 0 : _tagsManifest_items_tag.revalidatedAt) && (tagsManifest == null ? void 0 : tagsManifest.items[tag].revalidatedAt) >= ((data == null ? void 0 : data.lastModified) ||;
// When revalidate tag is called we don't return
// stale data so it's updated right away
if (wasRevalidated) {
data = undefined;
return data || null;
async set(key, data, ctx) {
memoryCache == null ? void 0 : memoryCache.set(key, {
value: data,
if (!this.flushToDisk) return;
if ((data == null ? void 0 : data.kind) === "ROUTE") {
const { filePath } = await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.body`,
appDir: true
await this.fs.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(filePath));
await this.fs.writeFile(filePath, data.body);
await this.fs.writeFile(filePath.replace(/\.body$/, ".meta"), JSON.stringify({
headers: data.headers,
status: data.status
if ((data == null ? void 0 : data.kind) === "PAGE") {
const isAppPath = typeof data.pageData === "string";
const { filePath: htmlPath } = await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.html`,
appDir: isAppPath
await this.fs.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(htmlPath));
await this.fs.writeFile(htmlPath, data.html);
await this.fs.writeFile((await this.getFsPath({
pathname: `${key}.${isAppPath ? "rsc" : "json"}`,
appDir: isAppPath
})).filePath, isAppPath ? data.pageData : JSON.stringify(data.pageData));
if (data.headers || data.status) {
await this.fs.writeFile(htmlPath.replace(/\.html$/, ".meta"), JSON.stringify({
headers: data.headers,
status: data.status
} else if ((data == null ? void 0 : data.kind) === "FETCH") {
const { filePath } = await this.getFsPath({
pathname: key,
fetchCache: true
await this.fs.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(filePath));
await this.fs.writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify({,
tags: ctx.tags
async getFsPath({ pathname, appDir, fetchCache }) {
if (fetchCache) {
// we store in .next/cache/fetch-cache so it can be persisted
// across deploys
return {
filePath: _path.default.join(this.serverDistDir, "..", "cache", "fetch-cache", pathname),
isAppPath: false
let isAppPath = false;
let filePath = _path.default.join(this.serverDistDir, "pages", pathname);
if (!this.appDir || appDir === false) return {
try {
await this.fs.readFile(filePath);
return {
} catch (err) {
return {
filePath: _path.default.join(this.serverDistDir, "app", pathname),
isAppPath: true