229 lines
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229 lines
12 KiB
// This takes advantage of `Promise.withResolvers` which is polyfilled in
// this imported module.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, "DefaultRouteMatcherManager", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return DefaultRouteMatcherManager;
const _utils = require("../../../shared/lib/router/utils");
const _localeroutematcher = require("../route-matchers/locale-route-matcher");
const _ensureleadingslash = require("../../../shared/lib/page-path/ensure-leading-slash");
class DefaultRouteMatcherManager {
* When this value changes, it indicates that a change has been introduced
* that requires recompilation.
*/ get compilationID() {
return this.providers.length;
async waitTillReady() {
if (this.waitTillReadyPromise) {
await this.waitTillReadyPromise;
delete this.waitTillReadyPromise;
async reload() {
const { promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers();
this.waitTillReadyPromise = promise;
// Grab the compilation ID for this run, we'll verify it at the end to
// ensure that if any routes were added before reloading is finished that
// we error out.
const compilationID = this.compilationID;
try {
// Collect all the matchers from each provider.
const matchers = [];
// Get all the providers matchers.
const providersMatchers = await Promise.all(this.providers.map((provider)=>provider.matchers()));
// Use this to detect duplicate pathnames.
const all = new Map();
const duplicates = {};
for (const providerMatchers of providersMatchers){
for (const matcher of providerMatchers){
// Reset duplicated matches when reloading from pages conflicting state.
if (matcher.duplicated) delete matcher.duplicated;
// Test to see if the matcher being added is a duplicate.
const duplicate = all.get(matcher.definition.pathname);
if (duplicate) {
// This looks a little weird, but essentially if the pathname
// already exists in the duplicates map, then we got that array
// reference. Otherwise, we create a new array with the original
// duplicate first. Then we push the new matcher into the duplicate
// array, and reset it to the duplicates object (which may be a
// no-op if the pathname already existed in the duplicates object).
// Then we set the array of duplicates on both the original
// duplicate object and the new one, so we can keep them in sync.
// If a new duplicate is found, and it matches an existing pathname,
// the retrieval of the `other` will actually return the array
// reference used by all other duplicates. This is why ReadonlyArray
// is so important! Array's are always references!
const others = duplicates[matcher.definition.pathname] ?? [
duplicates[matcher.definition.pathname] = others;
// Add duplicated details to each route.
duplicate.duplicated = others;
matcher.duplicated = others;
// TODO: see if we should error for duplicates in production?
// Add the matcher's pathname to the set.
all.set(matcher.definition.pathname, matcher);
// Update the duplicate matchers. This is used in the development manager
// to warn about duplicates.
this.matchers.duplicates = duplicates;
// If the cache is the same as what we just parsed, we can exit now. We
// can tell by using the `===` which compares object identity, which for
// the manifest matchers, will return the same matcher each time.
if (this.previousMatchers.length === matchers.length && this.previousMatchers.every((cachedMatcher, index)=>cachedMatcher === matchers[index])) {
this.previousMatchers = matchers;
// For matchers that are for static routes, filter them now.
this.matchers.static = matchers.filter((matcher)=>!matcher.isDynamic);
// For matchers that are for dynamic routes, filter them and sort them now.
const dynamic = matchers.filter((matcher)=>matcher.isDynamic);
// As `getSortedRoutes` only takes an array of strings, we need to create
// a map of the pathnames (used for sorting) and the matchers. When we
// have locales, there may be multiple matches for the same pathname. To
// handle this, we keep a map of all the indexes (in `reference`) and
// merge them in later.
const reference = new Map();
const pathnames = new Array();
for(let index = 0; index < dynamic.length; index++){
// Grab the pathname from the definition.
const pathname = dynamic[index].definition.pathname;
// Grab the index in the dynamic array, push it into the reference.
const indexes = reference.get(pathname) ?? [];
// If this is the first one set it. If it isn't, we don't need to
// because pushing above on the array will mutate the array already
// stored there because array's are always a reference!
if (indexes.length === 1) reference.set(pathname, indexes);
else continue;
// Sort the array of pathnames.
const sorted = (0, _utils.getSortedRoutes)(pathnames);
// For each of the sorted pathnames, iterate over them, grabbing the list
// of indexes and merging them back into the new `sortedDynamicMatchers`
// array. The order of the same matching pathname doesn't matter because
// they will have other matching characteristics (like the locale) that
// is considered.
const sortedDynamicMatchers = [];
for (const pathname of sorted){
const indexes = reference.get(pathname);
if (!Array.isArray(indexes)) {
throw new Error("Invariant: expected to find identity in indexes map");
const dynamicMatches = indexes.map((index)=>dynamic[index]);
this.matchers.dynamic = sortedDynamicMatchers;
// This means that there was a new matcher pushed while we were waiting
if (this.compilationID !== compilationID) {
throw new Error("Invariant: expected compilation to finish before new matchers were added, possible missing await");
} catch (err) {
} finally{
// The compilation ID matched, so mark the complication as finished.
this.lastCompilationID = compilationID;
push(provider) {
async test(pathname, options) {
// See if there's a match for the pathname...
const match = await this.match(pathname, options);
// This default implementation only needs to check to see if there _was_ a
// match. The development matcher actually changes it's behavior by not
// recompiling the routes.
return match !== null;
async match(pathname, options) {
// "Iterate" over the match options. Once we found a single match, exit with
// it, otherwise return null below. If no match is found, the inner block
// won't be called.
for await (const match of this.matchAll(pathname, options)){
return match;
return null;
* This is a point for other managers to override to inject other checking
* behavior like duplicate route checking on a per-request basis.
* @param pathname the pathname to validate against
* @param matcher the matcher to validate/test with
* @returns the match if found
*/ validate(pathname, matcher, options) {
var _options_i18n;
if (matcher instanceof _localeroutematcher.LocaleRouteMatcher) {
return matcher.match(pathname, options);
// If the locale was inferred from the default locale, then it will have
// already added a locale to the pathname. We need to remove it before
// matching because this matcher is not locale aware.
if ((_options_i18n = options.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _options_i18n.inferredFromDefault) {
return matcher.match(options.i18n.pathname);
return matcher.match(pathname);
async *matchAll(pathname, options) {
// Guard against the matcher manager from being run before it needs to be
// recompiled. This was preferred to re-running the compilation here because
// it should be re-ran only when it changes. If a match is attempted before
// this is done, it indicates that there is a case where a provider is added
// before it was recompiled (an error). We also don't want to affect request
// times.
if (this.lastCompilationID !== this.compilationID) {
throw new Error("Invariant: expected routes to have been loaded before match");
// Ensure that path matching is done with a leading slash.
pathname = (0, _ensureleadingslash.ensureLeadingSlash)(pathname);
// If this pathname doesn't look like a dynamic route, and this pathname is
// listed in the normalized list of routes, then return it. This ensures
// that when a route like `/user/[id]` is encountered, it doesn't just match
// with the list of normalized routes.
if (!(0, _utils.isDynamicRoute)(pathname)) {
for (const matcher of this.matchers.static){
const match = this.validate(pathname, matcher, options);
if (!match) continue;
yield match;
// If we should skip handling dynamic routes, exit now.
if (options == null ? void 0 : options.skipDynamic) return null;
// Loop over the dynamic matchers, yielding each match.
for (const matcher of this.matchers.dynamic){
const match = this.validate(pathname, matcher, options);
if (!match) continue;
yield match;
// We tried direct matching against the pathname and against all the dynamic
// paths, so there was no match.
return null;
this.providers = [];
this.matchers = {
static: [],
dynamic: [],
duplicates: {}
this.lastCompilationID = this.compilationID;
this.previousMatchers = [];
//# sourceMappingURL=default-route-matcher-manager.js.map