161 lines
6.9 KiB
161 lines
6.9 KiB
import { OPTIMIZED_FONT_PROVIDERS } from "../shared/lib/constants";
import { nonNullable } from "../lib/non-nullable";
const middlewareRegistry = [];
function registerPostProcessor(name, middleware, condition) {
condition: condition || null
async function processHTML(html, data, options) {
// Don't parse unless there's at least one processor middleware
if (!middlewareRegistry[0]) {
return html;
const { parse } = require("next/dist/compiled/node-html-parser");
const root = parse(html);
let document = html;
// Calls the middleware, with some instrumentation and logging
async function callMiddleWare(middleware) {
// let timer = Date.now()
const inspectData = middleware.inspect(root, data);
document = await middleware.mutate(document, inspectData, data);
// timer = Date.now() - timer
// if (timer > MIDDLEWARE_TIME_BUDGET) {
// TODO: Identify a correct upper limit for the postprocess step
// and add a warning to disable the optimization
// }
for(let i = 0; i < middlewareRegistry.length; i++){
let middleware = middlewareRegistry[i];
if (!middleware.condition || middleware.condition(options)) {
await callMiddleWare(middlewareRegistry[i].middleware);
return document;
class FontOptimizerMiddleware {
inspect(originalDom, options) {
if (!options.getFontDefinition) {
const fontDefinitions = [];
// collecting all the requested font definitions
originalDom.querySelectorAll("link").filter((tag)=>tag.getAttribute("rel") === "stylesheet" && tag.hasAttribute("data-href") && OPTIMIZED_FONT_PROVIDERS.some(({ url })=>{
const dataHref = tag.getAttribute("data-href");
return dataHref ? dataHref.startsWith(url) : false;
const url = element.getAttribute("data-href");
const nonce = element.getAttribute("nonce");
if (url) {
return fontDefinitions;
this.mutate = async (markup, fontDefinitions, options)=>{
let result = markup;
let preconnectUrls = new Set();
if (!options.getFontDefinition) {
return markup;
const [url, nonce] = fontDef;
const fallBackLinkTag = `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${url}"/>`;
if (result.indexOf(`<style data-href="${url}">`) > -1 || result.indexOf(fallBackLinkTag) > -1) {
// The font is already optimized and probably the response is cached
const fontContent = options.getFontDefinition ? options.getFontDefinition(url) : null;
if (!fontContent) {
* In case of unreachable font definitions, fallback to default link tag.
*/ result = result.replace("</head>", `${fallBackLinkTag}</head>`);
} else {
const nonceStr = nonce ? ` nonce="${nonce}"` : "";
let dataAttr = "";
if (fontContent.includes("ascent-override")) {
dataAttr = ' data-size-adjust="true"';
result = result.replace("</head>", `<style data-href="${url}"${nonceStr}${dataAttr}>${fontContent}</style></head>`);
// Remove inert font tag
const escapedUrl = url.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
const fontRegex = new RegExp(`<link[^>]*data-href="${escapedUrl}"[^>]*/>`);
result = result.replace(fontRegex, "");
const provider = OPTIMIZED_FONT_PROVIDERS.find((p)=>url.startsWith(p.url));
if (provider) {
let preconnectTag = "";
preconnectTag += `<link rel="preconnect" href="${url}" crossorigin />`;
result = result.replace('<meta name="next-font-preconnect"/>', preconnectTag);
return result;
async function postProcessHTML(pathname, content, renderOpts, { inAmpMode, hybridAmp }) {
const postProcessors = [
process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && inAmpMode ? async (html)=>{
const optimizeAmp = require("./optimize-amp").default;
html = await optimizeAmp(html, renderOpts.ampOptimizerConfig);
if (!renderOpts.ampSkipValidation && renderOpts.ampValidator) {
await renderOpts.ampValidator(html, pathname);
return html;
} : null,
process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && renderOpts.optimizeFonts ? async (html)=>{
const getFontDefinition = (url)=>{
if (renderOpts.fontManifest) {
const { getFontDefinitionFromManifest } = require("./font-utils");
return getFontDefinitionFromManifest(url, renderOpts.fontManifest);
return "";
return await processHTML(html, {
}, {
optimizeFonts: renderOpts.optimizeFonts
} : null,
process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && renderOpts.optimizeCss ? async (html)=>{
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
const Critters = require("critters");
const cssOptimizer = new Critters({
ssrMode: true,
reduceInlineStyles: false,
path: renderOpts.distDir,
publicPath: `${renderOpts.assetPrefix}/_next/`,
preload: "media",
fonts: false,
return await cssOptimizer.process(html);
} : null,
inAmpMode || hybridAmp ? (html)=>{
return html.replace(/&amp=1/g, "&=1");
} : null
for (const postProcessor of postProcessors){
if (postProcessor) {
content = await postProcessor(content);
return content;
// Initialization
registerPostProcessor("Inline-Fonts", new FontOptimizerMiddleware(), // Using process.env because passing Experimental flag through loader is not possible.
// @ts-ignore
(options)=>options.optimizeFonts || process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS);
export { postProcessHTML };
//# sourceMappingURL=post-process.js.map