
233 lines
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2024-09-06 15:32:35 +00:00
import path from "path";
import loadConfig from "../server/config";
import { PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } from "../shared/lib/constants";
const supportedTurbopackNextConfigOptions = [
// Options that affect compilation
// Options that are ignored as they don't affect Turbopack
// Experimental options that affect compilation
// Experimental options that don't affect compilation
// Left to be implemented (priority)
// 'experimental.ppr', // Checked in `needs-experimental-react.ts`
// clientRouterFilter is `true` by default currently in config-shared.ts,
// might be removed as an option altogether.
// 'compiler.emotion',
// 'compiler.reactRemoveProperties',
// 'compiler.relay',
// 'compiler.removeConsole',
// 'compiler.styledComponents',
// 'experimental.fetchCacheKeyPrefix',
// 'experimental.instrumentationHook',
// Left to be implemented
// 'experimental.clientRouterFilterAllowedRate',
// The following will need to be supported by `next build --turbo`
const prodSpecificTurboNextConfigOptions = [
// check for babelrc, swc plugins
export async function validateTurboNextConfig({ dir, isDev }) {
const { getPkgManager } = require("../lib/helpers/get-pkg-manager");
const { getBabelConfigFile } = require("../build/get-babel-config-file");
const { defaultConfig } = require("../server/config-shared");
const { bold, cyan, dim, red, underline, yellow } = require("../lib/picocolors");
const { interopDefault } = require("../lib/interop-default");
// To regenerate the TURBOPACK gradient require('gradient-string')('blue', 'red')('>>> TURBOPACK')
const isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY;
const turbopackGradient = `${bold(isTTY ? "\x1b[38;2;0;0;255m>\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;23;0;232m>\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;46;0;209m>\x1b[39m \x1b[38;2;70;0;185mT\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;93;0;162mU\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;116;0;139mR\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;139;0;116mB\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;162;0;93mO\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;185;0;70mP\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;209;0;46mA\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;232;0;23mC\x1b[39m\x1b[38;2;255;0;0mK\x1b[39m" : ">>> TURBOPACK")} ${dim("(beta)")}\n\n`;
let thankYouMessage = [
"Thank you for trying Next.js v13 with Turbopack! As a reminder",
"Turbopack is currently in beta and not yet ready for production.",
"We appreciate your ongoing support as we work to make it ready",
"for everyone."
].join("\n") + "\n\n";
let unsupportedParts = "";
let babelrc = await getBabelConfigFile(dir);
if (babelrc) babelrc = path.basename(babelrc);
let hasWebpack = false;
let hasTurbo = false;
let unsupportedConfig = [];
let rawNextConfig = {};
try {
rawNextConfig = interopDefault(await loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, dir, {
rawConfig: true
if (typeof rawNextConfig === "function") {
rawNextConfig = rawNextConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, {
const flattenKeys = (obj, prefix = "")=>{
let keys = [];
for(const key in obj){
if (typeof (obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key]) === "undefined") {
const pre = prefix.length ? `${prefix}.` : "";
if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && !Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key] !== null) {
keys = keys.concat(flattenKeys(obj[key], pre + key));
} else {
keys.push(pre + key);
return keys;
const getDeepValue = (obj, keys)=>{
if (typeof keys === "string") {
keys = keys.split(".");
if (keys.length === 1) {
return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[keys == null ? void 0 : keys[0]];
return getDeepValue(obj == null ? void 0 : obj[keys == null ? void 0 : keys[0]], keys.slice(1));
const customKeys = flattenKeys(rawNextConfig);
let supportedKeys = isDev ? [
] : supportedTurbopackNextConfigOptions;
for (const key of customKeys){
if (key.startsWith("webpack")) {
hasWebpack = true;
if (key.startsWith("experimental.turbo")) {
hasTurbo = true;
let isSupported = supportedKeys.some((supportedKey)=>key.startsWith(supportedKey)) || getDeepValue(rawNextConfig, key) === getDeepValue(defaultConfig, key);
if (!isSupported) {
} catch (e) {
console.error("Unexpected error occurred while checking config", e);
const hasWarningOrError = babelrc || unsupportedConfig.length;
if (!hasWarningOrError) {
thankYouMessage = dim(thankYouMessage);
console.log(turbopackGradient + thankYouMessage);
let feedbackMessage = `Learn more about Next.js v13 and Turbopack: ${underline("")}\n`;
if (hasWebpack && !hasTurbo) {
console.warn(`\n${yellow("Warning:")} Webpack is configured while Turbopack is not, which may cause problems.\n
${`See instructions if you need to configure Turbopack:\n\n`}`);
if (babelrc) {
unsupportedParts += `\n- Babel detected (${cyan(babelrc)})\n Babel is not yet supported. To use Turbopack at the moment,\n you'll need to remove your usage of Babel.`;
if (unsupportedConfig.length === 1 && unsupportedConfig[0] === "experimental.optimizePackageImports") {
console.warn(`\n${yellow("Warning:")} ${cyan("experimental.optimizePackageImports")} is not yet supported by Turbopack and will be ignored.`);
} else if (unsupportedConfig.length) {
unsupportedParts += `\n\n- Unsupported Next.js configuration option(s) (${cyan("next.config.js")})\n To use Turbopack, remove the following configuration options:\n${>` - ${red(name)}\n`).join("")}`;
if (unsupportedParts) {
const pkgManager = getPkgManager(dir);
console.error(`Error: You are using configuration and/or tools that are not yet\nsupported by Next.js v13 with Turbopack:\n${unsupportedParts}\n
If you cannot make the changes above, but still want to try out\nNext.js v13 with Turbopack, create the Next.js v13 playground app\nby running the following commands:
${bold(cyan(`${pkgManager === "npm" ? "npx create-next-app" : `${pkgManager} create next-app`} --example with-turbopack with-turbopack-app`))}\n cd with-turbopack-app\n ${pkgManager} run dev
return rawNextConfig;