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!function(e,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=n():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("md1",[],n):"object"==typeof exports?exports.md1=n():e.md1=n()}(self,(function(){return(()=>{"use strict";var e={8506:(e,n,a)=>{a.r(n),a.d(n,{default:()=>i});var s={};s["Aderrasi - Agitator"]=a(6075),s["Aderrasi - Airhandler (Last Breath - Calm)"]=a(4001),s["Aderrasi - Contortion (Escher′s Tunnel Mix)"]=a(2339),s["Aderrasi - Contortion (Wide Twist Mix)"]=a(275),s["Aderrasi - Curse of the Mirror Emu"]=a(7059),s["Aderrasi - Halls Of Centrifuge"]=a(6724),s["Aderrasi - Potion of Spirits"]=a(1330),s["Aderrasi - Songflower (Moss Posy)"]=a(4386),s["amandio c - feeling well 3"]=a(3540),s["amandio c - flashy thing"]=a(985),s["amandio c - salty beats - spiral"]=a(4543),s["baked - Chinese Fingerbang (cao ni ma =]) - PieturP colors - Bitcore speed tweak"]=a(1644),s["baked - mushroom rainbows[acid Storm]"]=a(6767),s["baked - River of Illusion Dillusion [Bubble]"]=a(4338),s["bdrv + al shifter - feathers (angel wings)_phat_remix4 bdrv et AL rmxmix bdrv et.AL5"]=a(1123),s["bdrv - ultramix2 #43"]=a(7584),s["beta106i - Potion of Ink"]=a(1846),s["Eo.S. + Phat - cubetrace - v2"]=a(9645),s["Eo.S. + Phat - Emergent factors"]=a(4167),s["Eo.S. + Zylot - skylight (Stained Glass Majesty mix)"]=a(2159),s["Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 03 music"]=a(9570),s["Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 05 and proton lights (+Krash′s beat code) _Phat_remix02b"]=a(7287),s["Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 05 and proton lights (+Krash′s beat code) _Phat_remix07 recursive demons"]=a(7804),s["Eo.S. - multisphere 01 B_Phat_Ra_mix"]=a(2821),s["Eo.S. - spark C_Phat_Jester_Mix_v2"]=a(3128),s["fiShbRaiN - a quiet death"]=a(5484),s["fiShbRaiN - breakfast cruiser"]=a(9024),s["fiShbRaiN - the adventures of prismo jenkins"]=a(6753),s["fiShbRaiN - toffee cream and icing sugar"]=a(7455),s["fiShbRaiN - witchcraft (necromancer remix)_phat_edit_v3"]=a(4542),s["Geiss + Rovastar - Notions Of Tonality 2"]=a(6411),s["Geiss - Eggs"]=a(4228),s["Geiss - El Cubismo"]=a(2655),s["Geiss - Feedback 2"]=a(9864),s["Geiss - Hurricane"]=a(3682),s["Geiss - Planet 1"]=a(7986),s["GreatWho - Lasershow"]=a(3498),s["Idiot - Marphets Surreal Dream (Hypnotic Spiral Mix)"]=a(8264),s["Idiot - Star Of Annon"]=a(6095),s["iMuS and Rovastar - The Shroomery (psilobellum)"]=a(7834),s["Ishan - Anuera"]=a(1723),s["Krash & Rovastar - A Million Miles from Earth (Ripple Mix)"]=a(8465),s["Krash + Illusion - Spiral Movement"]=a(2155),s["Krash - War Machine (Shifting Complexity Mix)"]=a(9309),s["ORB - Blue Emotion"]=a(3261),s["ORB - Fire and Fumes 2"]=a(5072),s["ORB - Solar Radiation"]=a(3571),s["phat + Eo.S. - Bass_responce_Red_Movements_Disorienting nebula3"]=a(863),s["Phat + Zylot + Eo.S. - work with lines"]=a(262),s["Phat+fiShbRaiN+Eo.S_Mandala_Chasers_remix"]=a(3476),s["Phat_Zylot_Eo.S. spiral_Movements_Beatle"]=a(5254),s["Phat_Zylot_Eo.S. square_faces_v2_alt_colours"]=a(3167),s["PieturP - triptrap_(getting_concrete_visions_through_a_diafragma_version)"]=a(5618),s["PieturP - triptrap_(ultimate-trip-mix)"]=a(6311),s["Redi Jedi - i dont think those were portabello mushrooms"]=a(2393),s["Rovastar & Idiot24-7 - Balk Acid"]=a(3259),s["Rovastar & Loadus + Zylot - FractalDrop (Spark Machine v2.0)"]=a(284),s["Rovastar + Che - Asylum Animations"]=a(209),s["Rovastar + Fvese - Mosaic Waves"]=a(2458),s["Rovastar + Geiss - Hurricane Nightmare"]=a(3353),s["Rovastar + Telek - Altars of Madness (Rolling Oceans Mix)"]=a(6577),s["Rovastar - A Million Miles From Earth (Wormhole Mix)"]=a(7294),s["Rovastar - Explosive Minds"]=a(3687),s["Rovastar - Hyperspace"]=a(2423),s["Rovastar - Oozing Resistance"]=a(4254),s["Rovastar - Torrid Tales"]=a(358),s["Rovastar-altarsofmadness(forgottenrea"]=a(2768),s["Rozzor & Shreyas - Deeper Aesthetics"]=a(4467),s["shifter - escape the worm - Eo.S. + Phat - Before_It_Eats_Your_Brain_Mix_v2"]=a(8861),s["shifter - feathers (angel wings)"]=a(1668),s["shifter - fractal grinder"]=a(9693),s["stahlregen - old school, baby (spiral ornament)"]=a(8954),s["Studio Music and Unchained - Rapid Alteration"]=a(8